ARIZONA-SONORA BORDER 2020 MASTER ACTION PLAN - Final Closeout Report 2013-2014 Goal 1- Reduce Air Pollution Collaborating Sources of Lead Points of Description of Action Cost 2014 Target Output and Results Status Organizations Funding Contact Objective 1: By 2020, in accordance with the NAFTA, promote the reduction of the number of vehicles operating in the border region that do not comply with the respective vehicle emissio ns standards, and reduce vehicle emissions at ports-of-entry through anti-idling and other feasible reduction measures. Initiate a Vehicle Emissions Comisión de Ecología y Staff time CEDES Flora Leticia Soto Camacho Metrics: Establish a regulatory framework for Cancelled. Verification Program in Sonora. Desarrollo Sustentable del [email protected] Vehicle Emissions. Estado de Sonora (CEDES), Results: Verification Program in the state of Sonora. Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (SEMARNAT) Initiate a PM and NOx emissions Arizona State University $136,000 EPA/BECC Joaquin Marruffo- BECC Metrics: Begin field work and emissions modeling to Ongoing. This action will assessment for northbound ([email protected]) identify PM and NOx emissions at the Mariposa port- be included in the 2015- passenger and freight vehicles at of-entry. Results: Field work and emission modeling 2016 Action Plan. the Mariposa Point of Entry. began in Spring of 2014. Objective 2: By 2020, reduce pollutant emissions in order to approach attainment of respective national ambient air quality standards in the following airsheds: Ambos Nogales (PM 2.5 and PM 10), San Diego/Tijuana, Imperial County/Mexicali, Paso del Norte (El Paso/Juarez/Sunland Park) Complete and apply a PM-10 State Arizona Department of Staff time ADEQ and Local Edna A. Mendoza- ADEQ Metrics: Complete PM-10 Plan. Results: PM-10 Complete. Implementation Plan (SIP) for Environmental Quality Partners ([email protected]) State Implementation Plan for Nogales, Arizona was Nogales, AZ. (ADEQ) and Local Partners approved by EPA in August 2012. Complete and apply a PM2.5 SIP ADEQ and Local Partners Staff time ADEQ and Local Edna A. Mendoza- ADEQ Metrics: Complete PM-2.5 Plan. Results: The State Ongoing. This action will be for Nogales, AZ (based on Partners ([email protected]) of Arizona submitted a State Implementation Plan in included in the 2015-2016 applicable data findings). September 2013. EPA’s response on the submittal is Action Plan. pending and is expected in early 2015. Develop outreach, (e.g., binational EPA, ADEQ $50,000 EPA, ADEQ Edna A. Mendoza- ADEQ Metrics: Develop annual web-based Air Quality Complete. clean air calendar) transition and ([email protected]) Calendar. Results: Offices in Arizona and Sonora expand outreach through social provided outreach support by contacting schools on media tools. both sides of the border. Approximately 3000 students participated. A binational panel of judges of the AZ-Mexico Commission made the final selection of the 13 drawings that were featured in the 2014 Arizona-Sonora Border Clean Air Calendar. The posting of the calendar is on ADEQ’s website: http://www.azdeq.gov/obep/download/2014_calendar .pdf Partner with Arizona State ADEQ, Arizona State $49,729 ADEQ Edna A. Mendoza- ADEQ Metrics: Compile and electronically post border air Complete. University to compile border air University ([email protected]) quality studies to serve as a repository. Results: quality studies that have been (ASU) Researchers and other academicians gathered border- completed and published for related air quality studies information from a myriad posting on an electronic library of sources, including ADEQ, EPA, and SCERP. The website result was a website that serves as a repository for research, technical reports and presentations focusing on air quality, pollution, particulate matter, economic and health-related issues spanning the entire U.S.- Mexican border region. Repository can be seen at: rhttps://borderairquality.asu.edu/ Develop and implement Air CEDES, SEMARNAT, City TBD SEMARNAT SEMARNAT Metrics: Develop a strategy to reduce air emissions Ongoing. This action will Quality Improvement Management of Nogales Flora Leticia Soto Camacho in Nogales, Sonora by 2014. Results: SEMARNAT be included in the 2015- Programs (ProAire) in Nogales, [email protected] is developing Pro-Aire for Sonora and other Mexican 2016 Action Plan. Sonora. The programs will states. See next action item. address strategies and measures to effectively reduce air emissions. Develop Management Program to CEDES, SEMARNAT, City Approximately SEMARNAT SEMARNAT, CEDES Metrics: In late 2014, develop a preliminary draft Ongoing. This action will improve the air quality of the State of Nogales $150,000 (FY14) ProAire for Sonora and preliminary measures to be included in the 2015- of Sonora (strategies and measures reduce emissions in the study area of Nogales. 2016 Action Plan. to reduce air emissions in the Results: The project contractor will be selected airsheds, including Nogales, through BECC and the ProAire is expected to be Sonora). published in 2015 followed by it's implementation. Initiate an Emissions Inventory for Calidad de Vida $54,000 EPA/BECC Joaquin Marruffo- BECC Metrics: Complete Field Work and Data Collection Ongoing. This action will Criteria Pollutants for Nogales, ([email protected]) for the air emissions inventory. Results: Field Work be included in the 2015- Sonora and Data Collection is complete. 2016 Action Plan. Objective 3: By 2018, maintain effective air monitoring networks and provide real-time access to air quality data in: Arizona/Sonora, California/Baja California, Paso del Norte, and any additional binational airshed that is designated as non-attainment for U.S. or Mexican air quality standards prior to 2015 Develop and implement a strategy CEDES, ADEQ, EPA, $90,000 and US EPA, Idalia Perez- US EPA Metrics: Complete strategy for enhanced Complete. for enhanced coordination of air SEMARNAT Staff time SEMARNAT, [email protected] coordination of air monitoring and related activities monitoring and related activities in CEDES, ADEQ Flora Leticia Soto Camacho in Agua Prieta and Nogales, Sonora by December Sonora/Arizona border [email protected] 2013. Results: Strategy completed. Highest priority communities. Edna A. Mendoza- ADEQ is to begin operation of PM10 air quality monitor in ([email protected]) Nogales, Sonora Upgrade four air quality monitors ADEQ, US EPA $60,000 US EPA, ADEQ Edna A. Mendoza- ADEQ Metrics: Upgrade air quality monitors (one each in Complete. currently used in the Arizona ([email protected]) Nogales and Yuma; two in Douglas). Results: border region Monitors in Douglas, Yuma, and Nogales have been upgraded. Objective 4: By 2015, support completion of climate action plans in each of the six northern Mexican Border States (as appropriate), and build the necessary capacity to guarantee sustaine d implementation. Complete Phase II of the Climate CEDES, SEMARNAT, $600,000 CEDES, Flora Soto- CEDES Metrics: Hold an open hearing on the proposed Ongoing. This action will State Action Plan (PEACC) Ciudad de Nogales (Mexican) staff SEMARNAT [email protected] priority public policies after an analysis of the be included in the 2015- time and support mitigation measures is completed. The analysis is in 2016 Action Plan. of other accordance with the Greenhouse Gas Emissions institutions Inventory. Then complete a final report. Results: Meetings of the advisory group have begun. BECC has been approached for possible funding of Phase II. Objective 5: By 2020, reduce emissions and associated impacts through energy efficiency and/or alternative/renewable energy projects. Promote and disseminate manuals CEDES, SEMARNAT Staff time costs CEDES, Flora Soto- CEDES Metrics: Promote program along the Sonoran border. Cancelled. and guidelines for sustainable of manual SEMARNAT [email protected] Results: Project cancelled. development of housing, dissemination rehabilitation of school buildings and hospital infrastructure Construction of a 16 megawatt Davis-Monthan Air Force $35,000,000 NADB, BECC Juan Antonio Flores- BECC Metrics: Construct a 16 megawatt (DC) solar park at Complete. (DC) solar park at Davis-Monthan Base (DMAFB), North ([email protected]) Davis- Monthan Air Force Base near Tucson, Air Force Base (DMAFB) American Development Bank Arizona. Results: Project was certified in September (NADB), BECC, SunEdison 2012 by the BECC. Construction was completed in LLC February 2014. See following link for more information: http://nadb.org/pdfs/state_projects/FS%20DMAFB% 20Solar%20Energy.pdf ARIZONA-SONORA BORDER 2020 MASTER ACTION PLAN - Final Closeout Report 2013-2014 Goal 2- Improve Access to Clean and Safe Water Collaborating Sources of Lead Points of Description of Action Cost 2014 Target Output and Results Final Status Organizations Funding Contact Objective 1: Promote the increase in the number of homes connected to safe drinking water and adequate wastewater treatment. Sub-objective 1a: By 2015, promote access to safe drinking water to at least 5,000 households. Revise targets every two years. Sub-objective 1b: By 2015, promote access to adequate wastewater sanitation to 42,000 households. Revise targets every two years. Nogales, Sonora wastewater Comisión Nacional del Agua $12,000,000 PDAP Thomas Konner, EPA Metrics: BECC certification of wastewater collection Ongoing. This activity project for Southwest zone of (CONAGUA), EPA, Border total ([email protected])
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