
LL Col. Lttdwlok Ursaki, who is condustiag a sstles of meetings thla at the Salvatiaa Amy Citadsl, took for his subject at Mn. Wwla A. jW iiw, the initial service .last evening, ‘ tr 8t w «l hav* «a thalr "Te Ars My Witnesses.’* The mest- AVWM ygMllnWS w»asn«n»»* ' •orutn* The Herald will not pub* tng was well attended. Another with temporary help during the •ad M n. lish tomorrow, Thanksgiv- mseting will be held at 7:30 this summer. William Blskey, a Joan; in g Dsy> svsnlng. Tomorrow the only eer- niamhar of the State Development Ihdr aaa, Robert J. Palmar who vice at tha citadel will be at 3:30 Oommlaeion who conducts the «M nt IS 4nontha/at tha front in A..|n. MaJ. John Pickiip, command* A discussion « f topography sub* seminars, said few communities l& m with tW Marlnaa and ta mg officer of the local corps, wilt soil oonditkws, and sxlstlng uas o f outslds Isrgs cities have s wtll* a W at tha Feinitaton, Waahlnfton; Thraa raaldenta of, Manch^a* open the meeting, which will oon- land took pines bafore shout 40 orgsnissdi information on existing alao WiUiaar Dtcklnaon o f Provi* tar are enrolled in Syracuse tlnue not more than three quart* planning and aonlag officials from land uSa as Manchester. B A N T L Y Tokyo G irl denca. / , vanity for th^fall semester, ars o f SB hour, with OoL Ursaki Msnchsster and surroundihg towns Haxelton,^" bringing the message. 'Tonight at last night in th« V ^ton MelmoHal :k Hund wilf addraaa Mf: and Mrs. Richard 7, weather permitting, David Addy Auditorium at tbs second of stven O IL C O , o f tha Ooamopolitan m s Thlland Tpka.; will conduct an open air service. seminars sponsmed by tha Con* Strangling ^ ’ A — — . I' on a timely topic "Whither Lynn, son of Mr. andMrs. Charles nectieut insderattoa H Planning COIN POLDERS in . MI.«.4W t I Zoning Agenciss. T“ at the meeting Friday tomn, S3 Foley SL; /SOss Carol M. King David Lodge of Odd Fel­ fR U exm APPRAI8 a , I M - M S M afternoon at the Ctaiter Congrega- Rottner, d au gh ter^ My. and Mrs. lows will meet Fridey at 7:30 p.m. Milo Wilcox, a msmbsr of the B y Jen n er Is S o lv e d nfmi Church. He haa earned aev- John Rottner, 48S 'E. Center St in Odd Fellows bsU. A full turnout Now Havsn Planning Commission eral degreea, Including a PhD A ll a n fraCIUMt at Syracuse snd of the members is hoped for as the snd secretary of the South Central MOMY SHOPPE RANGE AND FUEL from tha Vnlveraity of Lyons, an graduat^of Manchester High proposed changes in the bylaws Car. Center and Orleweld Wfishlngton, Nov. 27 (• > — Tokyo, Saturday, Nov. 28 France, baa taught for 15 years SchooL Hasalton and Lynn are en^ will come up for final action. The • L DISTRIBUTORS ! JoBner (R*Ind) todgy married U. S. serfeant in Chinese universities and haa rolled in /ths College of Fine Arts, Past Grande Assn, will meet at 7 haa confessed he killed Susan the advertising design p. m. and all are requested to at­ ' * questioning written six textbooks on geogra* lib explained the necessity of a I Rothschild, pretty 9-year-oId Of French' Assembly lant, and Lynn is majoring tend. ^ 333 MaM’ Straat Igor Gouzenko up to CumdiAn |>hy, his specialty. He came to this knowledge of the community’s country in IMI as a lecturer, spon- t^ u n . Mias Rottner is in « d U. 8. diplonMuTniS daughter of a colonel, Nihe College of liberal Arts. Miss Susanne Robb, daughter of pography la determining such Army announced today. N Bore^^hy the Deparinjent of SUte. iings as street grades and proper prci^ forwnrd on .other Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood mbb, jSO Martin Luther (NIall MacGinhis) the fiery 10th eeqtury monk H A L E 'S .fronts in his Commuaitts-in- < An Army announcement identi- The annual meeting o f tha Man­ Adelaide Rd., a aenlor at Connecti­ drslnsgs. Subsoil conditions help ^ him as Master figt. Maurice L. who split Church and State through hie demand for religious reform, dstsrmlas questions of capacity for * 2 8 te ■ government probe. ^*Spaceman' Hovers Over Earthmen chester Raglstend Nurses Assn, cut college in New London, recent* is brought before Charles V of tlw Holy Roman Ehnpire at the his* Schick, 33, who lived with bis wife U. S. Labels will be held In the hospital dining ly received an individual award for septic tanka snd sMIlty to support Headquarters ■tee Is ■— *«-fitd sad two adopted Japanese dsugh- Will Attend tortc Diet of Augsburg; in this scene from “Martin Luther,’’ dramatic large structursa, Wilcox pointed 3 sUUmant which tore in the same sprawling U. g. room Tuesday, Dec. 1, at 7:45 p.na tennis at n meeting of the Athletic feature film produced on location in western Germany by Louis de ou t FOR * 8 0 0 SIGNS The association’s Christmas party Association. > seid tte t a t i^ Becarity subeem- Army Housing area as his victim. ALL KINDS / will be held Wednesday, Dec. 9, at Rochemont Associates. The picture opens at the Stats Theater on A map showing uas of land will f # l y . l U r d i a w4isa m ltM which he heede has nine Schick broke down teat ni|ht af­ Soviet Note 7:30 p. m. at the Manchester Coun­ Wednesday, Dec. 3. show trends in development and Tenner government employee. In- ter prolonged questioning and ad­ W est Three E D 'S S IG N JCO, AuxiUaiy police wlU meet at po* guide officials la determtnlag tone try Club. Reservations may be lice headquarters tomorrow morn­ f # ^M^..0vcr4at UUs * Alger Hiss, “new under mitted it was he who strangle ths made by contacting Mrs. Michael Wilcox told the’ group trhere •peciaT scrutiny.’’ girt snd left her body in a drainage MltelMfl^^S268 ing at 10 o’clock for assignment to maps showing topogrs^y and Te Meet Imergency As Retreat Wllk by Dec. 3. duty at tha- Thankegivlng Day *Tnie eubcemmlttee is trying te ffitch te the gegsmihara Army Conference road race sponeored by the Tall Mency needs.. temlne who was respoostble for Houring area M mUca souUi of ®®«Unued employmenti Tokyo, the Army said. Cedars. They will also meet Sun­ ddiitist, hespitel. i Washington, Nov. 27 (/P)— Paris, Nov, 27 (/P)—Premier day aftenioon at 1 o’clock for whl^, in meet ceacs, Involvad pro- ffimeulato MoUve The United States to ^ y aimthrblllt. ,moti<^, increased authority, con- aeeee Ida te elMw ene and , White ths child had not been Joseph Lsniet won a vote of traffic control duty at the CD test Thursday. Nov. 33 tkaL. branded Russia’ s latest note SPECIAL viiich starts at 3 o’clock. OhariM W. Lailirap accoeo to -gevomment l^ ia ter feed n nOtlia b efen bearding a plaae at BMtea. rmMd, Army investigators have confidence in the National D0N*S QRINDERS Midalght-3 a. m. ................ Vehniteera Naeded eecrete, and Ineraaets In pay,” Um -ueenuaper bag nperted tbet SaltoMtett was te lealga ble riud thte appeared to bs ths moUve on a Big Four meeting aa an lUSINESSMEN'S FOR AR*awit ensswe* MemMyi$••$••$$ !•$ Assembly today. The vote was 3 a. m.*4 a. m. .,.. Floyd Chapman •IIOAH 12 MO. Ift MMO. ■tatemeat said last night. ,saa* haaauae et pow beaUb. T lw Beuater said tbe repert behind the nrOlal attack and her obvious effort to slow pro­ ISO SPRUCE STREET Warrstt Matthews, student as- 4 a. m.*<r m........ ............ ... Velaateera Needed ° LIABIUTY INSURANCE waa a let or " balf m y." (NBA Telepbeto). 276-244. He announced im­ LUNCHEON slstsnt, will preach on "Suparmsr- a. AND REAL ESTATE IM s ft.il It waa^thiik apparent Jenner sttecker may hqvs bean frM t- gress on the development of \ 6 a. m.*3 a. m........ ....... Vehniteers Needed let IGift la w a n plena no further tmUl th m •ned sway. mediately that he go to keta snd the Hidden God’’ at the 0 a. m.*Noon .... ...........Mr. and Mrs. Willard SmaU 133 East OHriar SL, lO-t-iiaA see tP.Sf ta n tf.M “greater European unity and $voo worship service in the sanctuary of see n S raet is a fresh exchange of views he- Schick is the chief ward master the Bermuda Confer^ira Rs Noon*3 p. m.......... ................ Rhoda K. Bockus, Ruth Boglieeh tween^Secretary of SUte DuUei of the U.8. Army boepiUl at Camp strength.’’ planned. SERVED DAILT the Center Congregational Church p. m.-S p. ra. IVMScliaiMas •! HmMs dlMofoa. W ill Be Closed Plan to have yonr Xmas 8 ....... ..... Mrs. Hsrold Lord, Olive Chartler yrnfowadtaa Foreign. Minister Zama. It was reported he was be­ A- eteteptent releaeed at the Lanlel snd Foreign Minister at 8:30 tomorrow morning. The 5 p. m.-3 p. m. ....... • Ann Maieon ^ Leetee B. Pearson. ■ ing held by mUltery suthoriUee State Department also dcecrtbed party here. Call Os now Pilgrim Choir will eing the anthem .............. Harold Glean, Michael Glean Three Die in State there. the lurte ea "a tactical retreat” by 0«>rges Bidault wiU Sy on Dor> X aa-g-oios. 8 p. ip.'IO P- in- ■. Washacc aad A l TW H O N I • WRITS • er VISIT Jonner’s subcommittee* has alk- to Bermuda for the meeting wRD All Day Tkarsday, "P ra yer of-Thankaglvlng’’ . by to p. m.*Midnlght ...........Mr. and Mrs.
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