THE BUCK PANTHER iTITUUT Black Community News Service GESC: :SL:NIS ;. ' I VOL. IV NO. 21 SATURDAY, APRIL 25, 1970 PUBLISHED WEEKLY THE BLACK PANTHER PARTY =gS RANDY WILLIAMS WAS A MEMBER OF THE 101st. AIRBORNE FOR 3 YEARS. THERE IS A CLEAR THREAT TO THE FASCIST PIGS WHEN BLACK CANNON FODDER BECOMES BLACK LIBERATION FIGHTERS. RANDY WILLIAM'S CASE CAN BE CITED AS A CLASSIC EXAMPLE OF HOW THE PIGS PLACE AN EXTRA BOUNTY ON THOSE PflTHERS WITH MILITARYWXPERIENCE. THE BLACK PANTHER, SATURDAY, APRIL 25, 1970 PAGE 2 RANDY THE MOST CRUCIAL QUESTION WILLIAMS: FACING BLACK PEOPLE TODAY REVOLUTIONARY IS TO BE OR NOT TO BE In Watts, in 1965, a man, Leonard Dead- murder. Murder usually carries the death wyler, was driving his pregnant wife, who was penalty. in labor, to the hospital. He was naturally In December of 1969, Deputy Chairman of the anxious to see her deliver their childwith as Illinois Chapter of the Black Panther Party, much ease and care as possible. Leon­ F red Hampton, while asleep in his bed was ard Deadwyler drove with all speed to violently murdered by gangsters who later see that his wife got to a hospital where she claimed to be police officers. Fred Hampton's could be cared for. Leonard Deadwyler was death was declared by those in power to have killed for having felt and acted upon the been a justifiable homicide. natural urgency of any human being to care The history of Black people is a history of for another, especially those close to him. blood, death, slavery and dehumanization. A He was shot down by Los Angeles fascist history of hangings, beatings, burnings, pigs because he disobeyed some traffic laws. rapes and shootings. A history of oppression He was shot down by racist dogs because he perpatrated upon us by a racist structure of was a Black man. The pig who shot him was greedy men. We say that we know that. But said to have committed justifiable homicide. how long can we repeat, "how long?" In the 19 50's 15 year old Emmett Till was When will we overcome abstractly saying, going to the store in Mississippi to purchase "we shall overcome some day?" There is something. He had come to Mississippi from nothing left to us. There is no number of Illinois to visit his family. And he was glad to pigs' lives that will ever justify the horrors be there with them. He was responding in a of our experiences in Babylon. There is no natural way to those feelings. Possibly he number of lives of the racist oppressor walked to the store idly wistling. A White that will remove the mark our history has Arrested: Friday. April 17.. 1970 woman claimed that he wistled at her. Emmett made upon us. So it shouldn't be necessary Frame-up charges: Till was killed becaused a White woman said to rhetorize on the oppressive, dehuman­ Assault with intent to commit murder that. Emmett was lynched, burned, shot, izing horror that has been the history of Assault with a deadly weapon on seven pigs tied to chains and dropped into a river. Black people: Millions of our people murdered Possession of grenades Possession of explosives on a public street Emmett Till was murdered by mad, vicious in a nightmare that was real, while being Possession of stolen property racists because he was just another nigger. transported, by unknown people to an unknown (a sub-machine gun) No one ever paid the price for Emmett place to labor forever for free; thousands Possession of a machine gun Use of explosives Till's life. murdered during chattle slavery; thousands Use of a machine gun In the 1930's nine young Black men in more dying of starvation; indecent living Possession of a stolen car conditions; murders by the enforcers of the Total—24 charges Alabama were accused of raping a White woman—the Scottsboro case. Eight of them law with or without a sanction of the law; Pigs allege that Randy and two other per­ were lynched before this woman admitted deaths in jails and prison farms for the crime sons ambushed four gestapo pigs Friday they had done nothing to her. Everyone of being a nigger in a land that never really night (April 17th.) in East Oakland and that as a result a high speed chase took place agreed it was a terrible mistake. No one allowed for our existence; or just dying be­ that left four gestapo pigs wounded. even went to trial for the deaths of those cause there was nothing left to do or be. Although Randy was arrested on Friday n.s wife was not allowed to see him until eight young brothers. But that is history. The insult is that it is Tuesday afternoon. An attorney who In 1968, a young brother, a member of not. It is today: Black children dying of mal­ attempted to see Randy was finally succ­ the Black Panther Party, 17 year old Bobby essful after a lengthy run-around. During nutrition, starvation and od easily cured the run-around the attorney was told by pig Hutton, was on his way to help prepare food diseases; Black women scrubbing floors in Sgt. Mast that, "If I had been down there for a bar-be-que for the people. He was riding big plantation-like houses for less than enough you wouldn't have a client to represent." Sgt. Mast was eventually unable to prevent in a car with Eldridge Cleaver, the car to exist on; brothers being sent to do long the attorney from seeing Randy and dis­ stopped and suddenly they were surrounded terms in prisons for the crime of having covering that: Randy had a badly swollen by fascist Oakland pigs. After a battle that never understood how to take what they face, both eyes puffed and unable to focus, lacerations of the scalp, a sadly gashed lip, lasted over an hour, Bobby and Eldridge needed; Black people being an irr el event a numb and swollen right arm and a broken came out of the house they had ran into for body of human beings to be laughed at, shot and lacerated nose that the Pig Dept.'s protection from this attack. They came out Interna1! Affairs Unit claimed to be inves­ at by fools who masquerade as our protec­ tigating. It was also learned that Randy hands in the air, without weapons. Bobby tors, and finally to be ignored when we simp­ had been denied pencil and paper, medical Hutton was blasted by pig shotguns over 17 ly say - stop. treatment, visits from a non-jail doctor times and his hands still in the air when the and had been kept in a near nude state in So we say that Black Panthers are what a cold cell for three days, The pigs prob­ first blast hit. It didn't take much time to kill history demands. Black men and women in ably hoped he would catch pneumonia and LU' Bobby. But the dogs who committed die after they failed to beat him to death. the streets with guns is what history demands After a Black pig judge (Brousa.-l; refused this murder did it with vigor and commitment. and requires. Our history in Babylon dic­ a court order that would permit Doctor Acoroner's jury declared the murder of Bobby tates that we should come to no other point Fink (a leading research nero-surgeon) Hutton justifiable homicide. t'o see Randy, a pig doctor made a quick in this time and place (It is only amazing visit to Randy's cell on Monday and pre­ In 1968 a sniper's bullet killed non-violence that this point was not reached sooner). scribed penicillin every six hours and in the form of Martin Luther King. Martin It is necessary for our very survival to kill some eye ointment. Randy received no medicine until Tuesday., As u final attempt Luther King was killed because he was a policemen - those with whom we are in most to add insult to injury the pigs approached Black man. Martin Luther King never even immediate contact and who attempt to deter­ Randy's attorney and requested permiss­ ion to interview Randy about the origin suggested that we use violent means against mine our destinies on a day-to-day level; of his "mysterious" broken nose, \s the those who have been most violent in their it is necessary that we kill mayors and gov­ attorney was not the kind of man to hire oppression of Black people. Yet, he was ernors and senators and judges and cabinet burglars as bank guards or child-mo- lesters as baby-sitters the request was violently, viciously murdered by a racist members and vice-presidents and presidents refused. The pigs attempted to interview dog on orders from the insane government and big businessmen—all those who have Randy anyway. power structure of Babylon. A scapegoat was really brought us to this point and who COUNTER-ATTACK sentenced to life imprisonment for that never knew in their madness and greed that CONTINUED ON PAGE 3 THE BLACK PANTHER, SATURDAY, APRIL 25, 1970 PAGE 3 CONTINUED FROM PAGE 2 THE MOST CRUCIAL QUESTION FACING BLACK PEOPLE TODAY IS TO BE OR NOT TO BE we would have come to this point. Sowesayrightontothe broghtrs and sisters who have picked up guns to lie in wait for those who've murdered and maimed us for centuries; right on to Black men and women who snipe at marauding gestapo pig cars; right on to Black people - any people - who are bombing courthouses and banks and jails or any strongholds of the oppressor; right on to Black families who are arming to protect their homes against vicious attacks by for­ eign occupation troops.
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