Page 6, Dec. 6,1991 V.M.I. Theatre Presents "Dracula" "Who's Who" Selects 44 Cadets The VMI Theatre pro- Renfield, and Cadet Douglas A. childhood friends, adapted the The 1992 edition of Mazzei, Vienna; Charles R. V. duction of "Dracula," The Vam- Olson as Butterworth. the hospital novel for the English stage. The "Who's Who Among Students in O'Quinn, Marion; Keith A. Pelo- pire Play, by Hamilton Deane and attoidant. Washington and Lee play had its London premiere in American Univo-sities and Col- quin, Fairfax; William R. Sharp, John L. Balderston, is in rehearsal sbidents Melissa Wolf and Stefani February 1927, at the Little The- leges" will include 44 VMI cadets Jr., Hampton; David S. Soldow, in Scott Ship Hall Theatre with She{^erd will qjpear as Dracula's atre and ran for 391 performances. who have been selected as na- Reston; Mark C. Thackston, the play opening there at 8 p.m. victim, Lucy Seward, and her maid. Later, in 1939, it enjoyed a popu- tional outstanding leaders. South Boston; Thomas C. Tim- on Jan. 23 and running Jan. 25, Miss Wells. lar revival at the Winter Gardens A campus nominating mes, Edward S. Van Duren, and 29, 30. 31. and Feb. 1. Cadet staff and crew and Lyceum Theatres. committee and editors of the an- John H. Zackrison, Alexandria; Heading the cast, di- include J. Michael Morris, suge Whoi the play opened in nual directory have included the and James R. Vaughan, Dublin. rected by Theatre director Joellen manager; M. Sean Fisher, techni- New York in October 1927, it had names of the cadets based on their The remaining 19 are: Bland, are Cadets Travis C. Cox cal director; Brian E. McCarthy, acquired an American collabora- academic achievement, service to Mark K. Coon, Austin, Texas; as Jonathan Harker and Robert E. lighting designer; J. Robo-t tor, journalist John L. Balderston, the community, leadership in ex- Chia-Jung Fan, Taiwan, China; Howard as Dr. Seward, and Lex- Vaughan, business manager; Chris- and ran for 261 performances, tracurricular activities, and poten- Daniel W. Franzen, Westlake, ington resident Mark Daughtrey topher I. Hackett, publicity direc- followed by years of touring per- tial for continued success. They Ohio; Thomas A. Gregory, Be- as I^fessor Van Helsing, die three tor; Patrick J. O'Neil, Benjamin formances throughout the coun- join an elite group of students thesda, Md.; Matthew D. detemiined men who dare to matdi A. Lilly, and Harold A. Stills, set- try. Today it is considered for selected from more than 1,400 Humphrey, Henry, 111.; Andrew wits with Eh-acula, a satanic gen- builders and technical assistants. foundation or model for all vam- institutions of higher learning in J. Krug, Loretto, Pa.; Eric J. ius of a monster who is man, Costumer will be Barbara Rowe. pire plays and movies that have all 50 states, the District of Co- Larsen, Glendale Heights, 111.; werewolf, bat, vampire, all in one. "Dracula,"The Vampire followed since then. lumbia, and several foreign na- Mark E. McCary, Chanhassen, A Washington and Lee Play, was based on Bram Stoker's For further information, tions. Minn.; Lance D. Pamell, Geor- student will portray Count Drac- famous horror novel written in call the VMI Theatre at464-7389. Of this year's nominees, getown, Texas; Todd A. Pegg, ula, with Mark Cline of Natural 1897. Thirty years later, Hamil- 25 are from Virginia: William G. Hydes, Md.; Charies P. Petzold, Bridge as the half-mad patient, ton Deane, the son of one of Stoker's Berry, Fitzgerald E. Drummond, Dayton, Ohio; Benjamin A. Piper, Derrick W. Johnson, Christopher Hockessin, Del.; Matthew D. Religious Weekend To Be Held AT V.M.I. S. Keever, A. Marcellus Orgain, Robinson, Beaver Falls, Pa.; V, and William O. Woodward, Paniwat Submngmang, Bang- The eleventh annual VMI ances on "Old time Gospel Hour". other ways of serving the Lord. Richmond; James F. Blankoiship, kok, Thailand; M. Carney Tay- Religious Emphasis Weekend, Max McLean will pres- At 6:30p.m. there will be Roanoke; Anthony L. Brinkley lor, Jr., Washington, N.C.; Shan- featuring speakers and concerts, ent a solo performance of Mark's a buffet dinner in Cameron Hall, and Kenneth E. Johnson, Virginia non D.Terhune, Penfield, N.Y.; will be Jan. 31 through Feb. 2. Gospel at 9:30p.m. McLean pro- followed by a concert by "Glad". Beach; David F, Brugger, William T. Viar, Hagerstown, Activities will begin with a 7p.m. vides challenging, enjoyable the- "Glad" is currently perfomiing both Blacksburg; Richard L. Horn, Md.; Douglas G. Vincent, Pom- keynote address by Mrs. Mary atrics to inspire a deeper under- as a band and an "a capella" group. Raven; Robert B. Johnson, Fer- pano Beach, Fla.; C. Lance Doremus in Cameron Hall. Mrs. standing of the life and ministry of Their material covers a spectrum rum; William J. Leimkuhler and Yarborough, Rock Hill, S.C. Doremus is founder and presi- Jesus. Friday's events are free from uniquely musical and intri- Franco F. Neto, McLean; Erik D. dent of Challenge International, and open to the public. cate rock/pop arrangements to Marechal, Waynesboro; Daniel E. an organization established to be Saturday begins with a elaborate, layered vocal stylings actively involved in changing the breakfast in Crozet Hall's Subs with instruments. lives of persons with disabilities Mess, featuring devotional lime On Sunday morning, the through awareness, advocacy, and led by Mrs. Nancy Waliermire, wedcend evoits will culminate with Calendar of Events action. director of counselling for Minirth- the regular VMI Chapel Service 6 Dec Fri Review Parade (1615) At 8p.m. the sounds of Meier Clinics in the eastern United in Jackson Memorial Hall at 11a.m. 6 Dec Fri Faculty Club Christmas Dinner Liberty" from Liberty University States. At 1:30p.m. participants The public is invited to all events, 6 Dec Fri Wrestling - Wlliam and Mary will present a concert. Directed will have an opportunity for out- but those planning to attend Sat- 7 Dec Sat Basketball - Liberty University by David Randlett, the consists of reach with mission projects, which urday's dinner must make reser- twelve college students and is may include serving at the hos- vations by calling the office of the (1530) best known for weekly appear- pice, ministering to shut-ins, or chaplain. 703-464-7390. 8 Dec Sun Air Force Memorial Service 8 Dec Sim Children's Christmas Party (Moody) Jerry Garcia Band Plays Hampton 10 Dec Tue First semester examinations begin 17 Dec Tue Christmas furlough begins (1200) by Max Guggenheimer '90 TheJGB's normal line- because this concert marked the 13 Jan Mon Christmas furlough ends by 1800 up of Jerry Garcia on guitar and first time a member of the Dead The Jerry Garcia Band vocals, John Kahn on bass, David played Hamptom Coliseum, a 13 Jan Mon Registration for cadets not in played to a sold-out audience at Kemper on drums, Melvin Seals known favorite venue of the Dead residence during first semester the Hampton Coliseum in Hamp- on keyboards, and two back-up in the east, since the famed phan- 14 Jan Tue Registration and schedule adjustments ton, Va. on November 9,1991 at 8 vocalists was strengthened by the tom Warlocks shows in the Fall of 15 Jan Wed Classes begin o'clock. guest appearance of Bruce Homsby 1989. This show was the third on electric piano and keyboards. The excitement in the 16Jan Thu Basketball-WinthropCollege(1930) date on the east coast tour follow- Homsby is a conunon accompa- audience maintained its height- 18 Jan Sat Wrestling - Virginia Intercollegiate ing the release of the bands live nist to Garcia's main band, The ened level through-out the show, double album titled "Jerry Garcia Grateful Dead, but so far has only consisting of two sets and an en- Band" in September. The two sat-in with the JGB at the Hamp- core, only to be extinguished by from the coliseum parking lot, rocked the Hampton Coliseum, previous concerts that started the ton show. the hurricane-like weather hitting contrasting the usual wild ruckus leaving many highly critical fans tour in Landover, Md. at the Capi- The audience, dominated the crowd with gale-force winds that normally occurs at the con- contented for the ni^ and yearn- tal Centre proved to be wann-up by "Deadheads", the devoted fans and blowing rain once reaching clusion of a Dead show. ing for more Jerry-magic in the sesskms for the ^endid show that of The Grateful Dead, had high the outside grounds after the con- The Jerry Garcia Band future. was perfumed in Hamptcm. expectations before the show cert, resulting in a rushed exodus ,with special guest Bmce Homsby. .
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