i DQCONENT RESUME ED 169 4- CS 204 759 AUTHOR Cruchley,.H.' Diana, Ed. TITLE English 8. INSTITUTION British Columbia Dept. of Education,victoria. PUB DATE 77= NOTE 119P.; For related-documents, see CS 204 759-761; Language B.C. Checklist may not =reproduce well due to small and light type; Model in Introddction may not reproduce well due to small type -. EDRS PRICE =MP01/PC05 Plus Postage. --DTSCRIPTORS Educational*Objectives; *Englishinstruc_on; Grade_ 8:; Language Arts; *Learxing Activities; *Literature Appreciation; Reading Instructipn: Resource Guides; Secondary Education; *Teaching Techniques. ABSTRACT Organized. according to prescribed goals and learning outcomes determined fOr the province of British Colimbia, the teaching ,techniques and .learning activities presented ,in this resOurceiguideeare designed to be used 'in conjunction with specific. eightfrgradetextboOks. The suggested teaChing methods develop the four areas of language -arts through a- number- of classroom actiyities that include small grotip discussions; sentence, paragraph, ,and story writing; listening activities; crossword puzzles; speech and drama assignments; and reading activities. The guide also lists the -',- textbockS otiwhich the:activities are based, discusses related administrative Concerns such as time allotment, defines thepurpo of the resource section, And presents techniquesfor student evaluation. 1HAI) ** ** *** **** **** ****** 4n****** ** ** ** eproductions supplied by EDRS are the best can be made from` the original document. ******************************* ************** U.S. ONFARTME NT Of WEALTH, EDUCATION WELFARE NATIONAL; INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION TKIS DOCUMENT NAS@TEN REPRO- zJUCCO EXACTLY A5 EECEIVEOFROM rkE PERSON ORORGANizATIoN ORIGIN. A TINE IT. POINTS OFVIEW DR OPINIONS STATED 00 NOT NECESSARILYREPRE- SENT OFFICIAL NATIONALINSTITUTEOF EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY OF COLUM I I T ('OF 'EDUCATION DIVISION EDUCATIONAL .PROGRAMS7SC 00 S CURRICULUM 9EVELOPMENT BRANCH, ENGL1SH-8. "nsmissIoN it). REPRODUCE THIS MATERIAL HAS BEEN ORANTED$Y ,-,Victoria, B.C. Ministry of Ed., Pro- 1977 winceof B.C., Canada TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION. CENTER lepuci AND USERS OF THE ERIC SYSTEM?' ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The Ministil, of Education acknowledges the se r :of Diona Cruder is general edito: and .!...ant in thr cnncenTr- and greparztion of4his quid book_ The following earlier, n the English S rc irurce book c:-ittee In preparir first draft of rnaterials:' 6-ran Edixer = Theresa (Srirret LynGlaz:erftrancetapeo DaVid SginSc,fmr, Csminam Darlene Morkforn 1R ichmondr Their assistance is gratefully acknoteledged, as is the speal contru len et ollowing teache-s w'flo rovidefstensive ,2Ind advic.f:" _ Sieo'Boileu (Burnal:fi) A nit. el fLoquitivni ..''c Clem z, fc,k1.luar,1) -Alex Hiqri,= Joik LTudl1e5 (Surrey) fehn McVrca, Assis:1-,?%'in the final draft Anne Cie (Connitiam.;- ,t1a7surer Xre r (Lan, ut rrr ,t 1N-l. (4 \rr: 'an, ruPe r George Hav,keszoorth (New li v'n t antsSatterthrvelte iFichnumd) Contributionfrom the following feachar.s acknowledged: Atkinson (Quon ,Fleather van Holdetheke (Prince George) Bailey (Qtialieion Beach) 'Ida Heod (Surrey) Sarr(Victoria) Conhor Hunt (Surrey) garee Ba3tick (Coquitlam) Rob twig (Richmand) Brown (Prince Geoge) Larry Kleparchuk (Surrey) .$ycl Butler (UDC) Jim Latham(Abbotsford) Larry Cross (54(ani,,q) Kathleen Lavin (Vancouver) Sue Dodson (k;zhniond) Ken Lorenz (Richmond) Glenn Fidler (k.o.micvps) Ed May (Coquillam) Gtorr Fraser (Vernon) Ruth McConnell ((IBC) Judy Giles (C601tiairt) John Mercer (Burnaby) Mike Green (Ri!r.!irnond) Roy Morris ( Vancouver) Annette Croleau (Surrey) _ david Phillips (Terrace) Wendy Hrerert (Kaniloops) Mary Symons (Richmond!) Maria Hettinger (Vancouver) David Thompson (Abbotsford) Barry Hodgson (Surrey) Mary White (Prince George) Issued by the- Fu4her copies, available Authority of. the Minister FiBlkcation Services Branch Ministry of Education Ministry ofEducation. British Columbia Parliament Buildings 77 Victoria', B,C. VI3V Ce) Ministrof Editcmtion. Provinte of- British Columbia, Canada. No\part of this publication-may be.reprOduced in any form withoul permission in writing from the publisher: 1. - TALE OF C NTO4ri S I ntrcdu 5 English Pr bed Texts A English 8 Presdribed Te'xts, Teachers' Edition ...... Related AdminiAr4tive Conrris . Resource' Sectioi, Index_. .. 10 G9AL ONE Help Students en Effectively p0AL TWO Hei StudentsTOSpeak Effectively .... ...... 23 -GOAL THREE an Interest in Readi'n 35 1 GOAL FOUR D'evelop in Students a Range F.eading 9nd Study Skills 41 GOAL-FIVE Help to Develop Appropriate Skills for Writing Sentences Paragraphs and Essays 57 GOAL SIX Prov,ide Students with Opportunities for. Writiing Various Types of Prose 69 GOAL SEVEN Help.47'.tridents to Develop Wide Speaking; Listening, Reading and Writing Vocabularies .. ..... 79 GOAL EIGHT Encourage a Critical Examination of the Mass Media j...... ...... 87 GOAL NINE, Encourage Students to Read and Enjoy Liter&ture, Panand Present 95 , GOAL`TEN ExtendStudents" Knowledge. of Sell and Society Through Literature ....... .... 109 GOAL ELEVEN Increase Students' Knowledge of Literature, Pas-t and Present GOAL TW VE increase Students' Ability to Read Literary Works in Depth 119 GOAL THIRTEEN De' eiodStudents' Under nding of Canadian Literature 125 GOAL FOURTEEN .encourage,Students to Express The -Ives in a Variety of Genres 139 luau . 147 INTRODUCTION! The Cui'ricti.lum e..v prnent Branch uses the foticrind model in eeve!ooin iprtgrarns: lotmg,fotr th= Sat tr, -.4171 ITROvH2T4At NECO3 A.INgfign -n,kT CA TEPCMING IIIATEC.35 akE paaractial atawia.45 ma-tas Using tis'rnoclel. two .iypP,s of documents for secondary En have been produced! The first, and most important, is the English 8-12 guide. The second is this English 8 Guide-Resource which_con-falins a list, derawr from the English 18-t2 guide, of experiences: knowledge" skills,, and attitudes appropriate to English 8. as welt as useful ideas for teaching and eialuating` student performance. These two docuents and an expanded version of the model are' obtaineible by ,English teachers from: Publication Servi6es Branch Ministry, of Education Parliament Buildings Victoria British Columbia V8V 1X4 ENG!. 11 S PRESCRIBED TEXTS_ TS LANGUAGE 41 ActionEngltsh Plattor. Gage, Aergon English 2. Lawrence. Gage The' Dynamics ofang. uage 1,Glattri'om, et al h. The- Gage Can art Dictionary(Senior Edition . Gage. The Language of Man 1.Littell and attell. BoOk'Society. Word Play,Nurnberg. bell. NOVELS Boss of the Narriko rie.St.Pierre. Ryerson. Copper Sunrise.Buchan. 1-fazie Space Suit-Wdl Travel'.Heinlein. Signet. I Heard the Owl Callt My Name. 'Craven.Clarke rrwin. Bennett. Bantam. Light a_5ingle Candle.Butler. Simon and Schuster. .14dunfleet. Falkner. Macrrtillan. - The Light in the Forest_Rioter. Bantam. Ti,,, Outsiders. ,Hinton. X.7 ie Red. Pony.Steinbeck. f3entaitn. TheSnow Goose.Gaflico. McCiefland & Ste 'HO LOGY Deeds of Gixis and Creighton., Macmillan. The Magnificent Myths of Man.Clifford. and Fay. k Society. SHORT STORIES AND NttN-FICTION .Arne Frank: The Diary of:a Young . Frank. Doubleday, Fix-ris..Bremner. Nelson., March' the Fictional Mork 1.Haupt. Book Society. Ventures 1.Winter..NCson. VentiJeS 2. Winter. Nelson. POETRY Man 'Fr e,Poetie 1. Zweiglar; 000kSbeiety. .6 Reflections onaGift of Watermelon Pickle. Durtnivg,et al. Gage. The-leaf Not the Tree T.Carnerati" and Plattor. Gage. The Second Century Anthologiesf Verse, Book 1.Charlesworth. Oxford University Press. DEVELOPMENTAL READING These' materials awe prescribed for use from 'grade-4 to grade 10. Advanced Skills in' Reading Book 1,11,andI (Canadian Edition). Gainiburg, et al. Collier Macmillan. Be a Better aAq IV(Second Canadian Edition). Smith, et al, Pren c -Hall.. Success inReading, Book 1, i 3,4, d 6. Shafer, et al. General Learning. Tcictics in RaitiqA and 9. Kneeet al- gage. .Tactics CardKit Iand Niles, Olive, at Gage. ENGLISH 8 PRESCRIBED TEXTS TEACHERS' EDITIONS -','Many of the prescribed texts have excellent teachers' editions presenting a multitude elf ideas for using the text in the classroom. Unless otherwise indicated, all teacherS' _editions are availaWe at cost from: Publication Services Branch Mipittry of Edu6ation Parliament Buildings Victoria, British colUmbia VSi 1X4 LANGUAGE 2 Action Engtish1, Teaching Notes.Platter. Gage. (A 59-page 6goklet) Action English .2,- Teachi=ng (Metes.Lawrence. Gage. (A 59-page tripoklet). Tice Dynamics of Language 1, Teacliers' Edition.GAatthom, -et al. Heath. (An annotated version of the text With a 92-page intrpductory teachers' manual) z The Dynamics o :Language 1, Student Workbook.Glatthorn, at al. Heath. (Available only from D.C. Heath) .The Dynamics of Language ;Teachers' Edition of the Student Workbook.Glatt-horn, et, al. Heath. (Available only froth D.C.' Heath) The Dynamics of Language 1, Transparency Masters.Martin. Heath. (Available only from D.C. Heath) The Language of Man 1, Teachers' Manual.Neary: BookSc y. (A.:83page illustrated paperback) SHORT STORIES AND POETRY e4 A Teachers' Manual for the Second Century Anthologies of Verse, Bo arlesworth. Ox- ford University Press. (A 111-page paperback booklet) , Olanin the.Fictional Mi2le 1, Man in the Poetic Mate 1, Teachers' Manual.Summerfield. Book Satiety. (A 204-Dape paperback sthat also- includes notes on Man In the Dramatic Mode 1 and !Walli n the Expository Mode 1. The notes for Men in the Dramatic Mode 1 can. be useful for handling the developMental drama recommended in The Language OkMan
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