English-Nepali Glossary of Federalism Terms 2014 The English-Nepali Glossary of Federalism Terms aims to provide clear, value-neutral and culturally sensitive federalism terms relevant in the context of Nepal’s federalization process. This revised edition of the Glossary has some additional terminologies not included in the fi rst edition. It is a joint effort of Nepalese and International subject matter experts with assistance from International IDEA, SPCBN/UNDP and the Forum of Federations. o; cu|]hL–g]kfnL zAbfjnLdf g]kfnsf] ;ª\3Ls/0f k|s[ofsf] ;Gbe{;Fu ;Da4 :ki6, d"No–lgikIf / ;f+:s[lts ;Dj]bgzLn ;ª\3Lotf;DaGwL zAbx? k|bfg ul/Psf] 5 . of] kl/dflh{t÷k"gM d'lb|t zAbfjlndf k|yd ;+:s/0fdf ;dfa]; gePsf s]lx yk zAbfjnLx? ;dfa]; ul/Psf 5g\ . of] zAbfjnL g]kfnL / cGt/f{li6«o ljifoj:t' lj1x?sf] ;+o'Qm k|oTg xf], h;nfO{ OG6/g];gn cfOl8of, P;kL;LaLPg÷o"Pg8LkL / kmf]/d ckm km]8]/];G;n] ;xof]u u/]sf ;ª\3Lotf;DaGwL cª\u| 5g\ . ] hL—g ] kfnL zAbfjnL @)&! English-Nepali Glossary of Federalism Terms 2014 ;ª\3Lotf;DaGwL cª\u|]hL—g]kfnL zAbfjnL @)&! English Nepali Glossary of Federalism Terms 2014 ;ª\3Lotf;DaGwL cª\u|]hL–g]kfnL zAbfjnL @)&! © International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance, Support to © OG6/g];gn cfOl8of, P;kL;LaLPg÷o"Pg8LkL / kmf]/d ckm km]8]/];G; Participatory Constitution Building in Nepal (SPCBN)/UNDP and the Forum of @)!$ Federations 2014. Th is revised edition of the glossary is a joint publication by International Institute for of] kl/dflh{t÷k"gM d'b|Lt zAbfjnL nf]stGq tyf lgjf{rg ;xof]usf Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA), Support to Participatory nflu cGt/f{li6«o ;+:yf -OG6/g];gn cfOl8of_, g]kfndf ;xeflutfd'ns Constitution Building in Nepal (SPCBN)/UNDP and Forum of Federations. Th is ;+ljwfg lgdf{0f ;xof]u kl/of]hgf -;+o'Qm /fi6« ljsf; sfo{s|d_ publication is independent of specifi c national or political interests. Views expressed -P;kL;LaLPg÷o"Pg8LkL_ / kmf]/d ckm km]8]/];G;åf/f ;+o'Qm ?kdf in the publication do not necessarily represent the views of international IDEA, k|sflzt ul/Psf] xf] . of] k|sfzg s'g} /fi6« jf /fhgLlts :jfy{af6 SPCBN/UNDP or the Forum of Federations or their respective board or Council k]|l/t 5}g . o; k|sfzgdf JoQm ljrf/n] OG6/g];gn cfOl8of, members. P;kL;LaLPg÷o"Pg8LkL jf kmf]/d ckm km]8]/];G; jf ltgsf ;~rfns ;ldlt jf kl/ifb\ ;b:ox?sf ljrf/sf] k|ltlglwTj ub{}g . Applications for permission to reproduce or translate all or any part of this publication should be made to: o; k|sfzgsf] k'gM d'b|0f jf ;Dk"0f{ of s'g} c+zsf] cg'jfbsf nflu cg'dlt lng ug{ lgDg 7]ufgfdf lgj]bg lbg'kg]{5 M International IDEA UNDP’s Support to Participatory Forum of Federations SE 103 34 Stockholm Constitution Building in Nepal 411-75 Albert Street International IDEA UNDP’s Support to Participatory Forum of Federations Ottawa, ON KIP 5E7 Sweden (SPCBN) SE 103 34 Stockholm Constitution Building in Nepal 411-75 Albert Street Tara House Canada Sweden (SPCBN) Ottawa, ON KIP 5E7 Sanepa, Lalitpur, Nepal Tara House Canada Sanepa, Lalitpur, Nepal International IDEA, SPCBN/UNDP and Forum of Federations encourage OG6/g];gn cfOl8of, P;kL;LaLPg÷o"Pg8LkL / kmf]/d ckm km]8]/];G; dissemination of their work and will promptly respond to requests for permission cfkm\gf sfo{sf] ;"rgf ;Dk|]if0fnfO{ k|f]T;fxg ub{5g\ / logsf to reproduce or translate their publications. k|sfzgx?nfO{ k'gM d'b|0f jf cg'jfbsf nflu cg'/f]w ul/Pdf t'?Gt hjfkm lbg]5g\ . Designed by: Subarna Humagai u|flkms l8hfOg ;'j0f{ x'dfufO{ ISBN : 978-91-87729-78-2 ISBN : 978-91-87729-78-2 Foreword Many people in Nepal see federalism as a way to those involved in drafting the Constitution and empower communities and regions marginalized by other laws should have a common understanding the centralization of power, and to acknowledge and of diff erent terms used in the elaboration of specifi c further promote the country’s religious, linguistic federal arrangements. Th ere should also be a com- and ethical diversity. mon understanding of the practical implications of choosing specifi c terms. Th e words and formulations Since a federal system is something new to Nepal, used in legal texts need to be chosen with care, with constitution makers face a number of challenges re- the understanding that they will be subject to review lated to, among other things, deciding on the num- and interpretation over time. Today, the drafting of a ber and boundaries of constituent units; the divi- constitution and supporting legislation also calls for sion of power between the central government and a special style of writing accessible to ordinary people the units; criteria for resource allocation; rights of and not only to a select group of judges and lawyers. minorities; and implementation of federal arrange- ments. Understanding federalism and discussing its Th e fi rst edition of this glossary was published in key issues and options are at the core of the current 2009, when the discourse of federalism was new in constitution making debate. Nepal. Since then, numerous discourses both inside and outside of the fi rst (2008-2012) and second While a federal system is generally seen as an appro- (2013-2017) Constituent Assemblies have taken priate framework for a country as diverse as Nepal, place in Nepal, resulting in some new federal termi- translating the concept into constitutional language nologies being developed to provide a better unders- requires signifi cant technical support. In order to re- tanding of federalism by both the law makers and fl ect the intention of citizen as ‘constitution makers’, the public. It is in this context that it was considered appropriate and timely to publish revised edition of and the Forum of Federations which resulted in the this glossary to help everyone better understand the fi rst edition. Th is edition is the product of previous key terms, used in federal arrangements. collaborators with the addition of United Nations Development Program—Support Program to Th is new edition of the Glossary contains defi nitions Constitution Building in Nepal (UNDP-SPCBN). for 316 federal terms in both English and Nepali. It is a testament to the commitment of all parties Th ese defi nitions were suggested by constitutional to provide technical support to the constitution ma- experts across Nepal and include sixteen more than king process of Nepal. the fi rst edition. Th e Glossary will be of use to all those involved in constitution making, including members of the Constituent Assembly, as well as to the general public. In addition to fostering a com- mon understanding of the key terms used in fede- ral arrangements, the Glossary will serve as a tool to explain federal concepts to individuals and groups as they engage in the process of responding to the pro- visions of the draft and fi nal constitution of Nepal. Yves Leterme Secretary-General Th is publication builds upon an International IDEA International IDEA A Glossary of Constitutional Terms published in 2008 September 2014 and on the remarkable teamwork undertaken by Ne- palese Constitutional experts, International IDEA k|fSsyg clwsf+z hgtfx¿ ;ª\||3LotfnfO{ zlQmsf] s]Gb|Ls/0fsf tyf cGo sfg'gx? d:of}bf ug]{ sfo{df ;+nUg /x]sf sf/0f ;LdfGts[t ;d'bfo tyf If]qx¿sf] ;zQmLs/0f ug]{ JolQmx¿df ;ª\|3Lotf ;DaGwL ljlzi6 Joj:yfx?sf] JofVof / b]zsf] wfld{s, eflifs tyf hftLo ljljwtfnfO{ :jLsf/ ug{ k|of]udf cfpg] ljleGg zAb zAbfjnLx?sf ] ;femf 1fg u/L cem k|jw{g ug{] pkfosf ¿kdf x]b{5g\ . x'g'k5{ . o;sf] ;fy} To:tf ljlzi6 zAb zAbfjnLsf] 5gf}6 ug{'sf kl5lNt/ /x]sf] Jofjxfl/s tfTko{sf] ;femf g]kfnsf ;Gbe{df ;ª||\3Lo k|0ffnL gofF ljifo ePsfn] ;dem klg x'g'k5{ . sfg'gL lnvtx?df k|of]u ul/g] zAb ;+ljwfg lgdf{tfx¿sf ;fd' cGo s'/fsf cltl/St ;ª\3Lo / ;"qx? 5gf}6 ubf{ ;dosf] s|ddf ltgsf] ;dLIff tyf PsfOx¿sf] ;ª\Vof / l;dfgf, s]Gb|Lo / PsfO ;/sf/x¿lar JofVof ul/g] s'/fsf] x]Ssf /fvL xf]l;ofl/k'j{s 5gf]6 ug{' zlQm ljefhg, cNk;ªVosx¿sf clwsf/x¿ tyf ;ª\3Lo h?/L 5 . cfh ;+ljwfg tyf ;dy{gsf/L sfg'gx?sf] k|aGwx?sf] sfof{Gjog;Fu ;DalGwt cg]sf} r'gf}tLx? d:of}bf ubf{ logdf GofofwLz / jlsn h:tf ljlzi6 /x]sf 5g\ . ;ª||\3LotfnfO{ a'‰g] / o;sf 7f]; d'2f tyf ;d"xsf] dfq kx'r geO{ ;j{;fwf/0f dflg;x?sf] ;d]t ljsNkx¿af/] 5nkmn ug]{ s'/f g} ;+ljwfg lgdf{0f ;DaGwL kx'Fr xf];\ eGgsf nflu ljz]if k|sf/sf] n]vg z}nLdf Wofg rfn' ax;sf] r'/f] s'/f xf] . lbg' klg h?/L 5 . g]kfn h:tf] ljljwtfo'Qm b]zsf nflu ;ª||\3Lo k|0fflnnfO{ g]kfndf ;ª\3Lotf ljifos 5nkmn e/v/} ;'? xF'bf ;g\ ;fdfGotof Pp6f pko'Qm zf;sLo 9fFrfsf] ¿kdf x]l/Psf] @))( lt/ o; zAbfjnLsf] klxnf] ;+:s/0f k|sflzt ePsf] xF'bf, o; wf/0ffnfO{ ;+j}wflgs efiffdf 9fNg pNn]Vo lyof] . To;j]nfb]lv g} ;ª\3Lotfaf/] ;j{;fwf/0f hgtf k|ljlws ;xof]u cfjZos x'g cfpF5 .
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