www .thenewsenterprise.com EWS- KENTUCKY'S JENNIFER LAWRENCE STARS IN HUNGER GAMES' INSIDE TODAY ! UII DII MARCH 11, 2012 SERVING HHOIN CIlU NTY SINCE 19H • AU CH SUBSCRIBE R SERYICES AT (270) 5D5-1710 Onl dGIiH Another leadership change In• • n at Knox By BEN SH EROAN of the U.S. Anny Cadet look overJ an. 18 for Lt. Gen. for the U.S. Amly Accessions alignment and Closure initia· hth.roan@~n"_n"rpn...,(Om Command, is taking com­ Benjamin FreakJey, who re­ Command. tive. mand of the U.s. Anny Fires tiTed from the Anny. The Anlly fonllally deacti· A 1983 graduate of Ohio Maj. Gen. Mark McThJn­ Center of Excellence and Brig. Gen. Jeffrey A. Smith ""ted Accessions earlier this State University, Smith was ald, who be<:ame post com­ Fort Sill, Okla., the Depart­ will assume command re­ year. It had beeome the lead mander at Fort Knox in Jan­ commissioned in the infantry ment of the Amly annoullced sponsibilities for Cadet Com ­ command at Fort Knox after through Army ROTC. uary, received a new assign­ Friday. mand and Fort Knox. th e post was designated as the He also was one of two MCDONALD ment Friday thai transfers No effective date for the Smith, who has been se­ Human Resources Center of him to Fort Sill, OkJa. transfer has been announced, Ie<:ted by the Amly for pro­ Excdlence and the Annor leaders from the NATO II McDonald, who had been but it would be the se<:ond motion to major general, is at Center relocated to Fort Ben­ Training Mission - Mghan· istan, who met with leaders of • One Knox stin at Fort Knox since November change in command at Fort Fort Knox serving as director ning, Ga. The changes were lias role to play 2010 as commanding general Knox this year. McDonald of the inactivation task force part of the 2005 Base R.e- Tum II) COMMAND, AU OPINION, A7 E-warrant Teacher recognized system for devotion ready for to history rollout DAR honors County is last in the Carolyn Wimp commonwealth to participate By AMBER COULTER By SARAH BENNt.Tf [email protected] ......nt.Tpri ... oom .o..JU>Olt@thel>ew..,nttrpri ...(o)<I"O A local retired teacher is be­ If a law enforcement officer in ing honored at local and state Pike County conducted a routine levels of the Daughters of the traffic stop last week and pulled Ameri can r-----, over a driver wanted in Hardin Revolution for Coullty for felony assll.ult, that offi· her community cer may have issued the driver a service and ded­ warning and released him. He ication to pre­ could not have known the driver serving and pro­ was wanted in connection to a vi, moting local olent crime. history. Beginning Wednesday, Hardin Carolyn County launches its new e·warrant Wimp of Cecilia system, tfafisfonning from a pa· is not a member of DAR. per-based system to web-based. It ~ Maybe someday if I have allows aU law enforeement agen· timc,ft she said with a laugh. cies and judicial officials full-time END OF THE ROAD That didn't stop her from re­ access to wanants from agencies I;ciYing a local award for com· throughout the state. Jolin Hardin eheerteadilrs and the . tuden! .eetlon rellet to a free throw early In Friday'. pme agaln. t munity service from the organi· Scott County In the PN C/KHSAA Boy,,· Sweet Sid een at Rupp Arena in Le.lngtoo. John Hardin lost, zation Friday during a meeting. Representatives from the Ken· 61-40, In tile qusrle,flnals t o e nd the B.utldop' season. 5EE MOfIE IN !il'lJFmIi. PI'.6E Itl, Am FACI!JS ·Ibm to WARRANTS, Al5 • PlACES. P.llIiE tiL Turn to WIMP, A I!> Gun brandished in attempted robbery at RadcliffWalmart By SARAH BENNE1T Store video shows the pair man pulled a black semi­ many witnesses. sberutOlI@th"",.,...,nt.'l''''''.com taking a shopping cart 10 automatic pistol, cocked ii, uf\'s very bra:r.cn to pull the back of the store where and pointed the weapon at out a ~m with that many Radcliff police are ask· they picked up two nat· the Walmart employee. people around," he said. ing for help in identifying screen televisions. Shwnate quoted the man The woman who en· three suspecu in an at· Eight minutes later, the as saying, ~I'm not going tered the store has been tempted robbery Thursday two proceeded to the front anyv>'here with you." described as 5-feel-2 and They left the store with· night at Walmart. of the store, passed the 200 to 225 pounds. She An unidentified man ont the televisions and got has brown hair with cash registers and altempt· into a gold Uncoln Conti· and woman, both in their blonde highlights, Shu­ ed to leave with the 'IVs, nental where a ~econd mid-20s, entered the store Shwnate said. woman was waiting, he mate said. She was wearing at ofT North Dixie Bou· When a loss prevention said. a pink T-shirt, white plaid Radctiff police have asked for the publ ic's assistan-ce In levard and Wilson Road at ,m:rloyee stopped them Shumate said it is sur· shorts and dark·colored bow. ldenllfyln& tuspects In an attemtned robbery Tllursday at 9:59 p.m., police spokes­ an requested they follow prising that a robbery was Walmart. In till. plloto from l urvelllan-ce video, the male man Bryce Shumate said. him, Shumate said the attempted in front of so Tum to GUN, AI5 suspect, wellrtn& II grll~ T.. lIl rt, pu lls II gun. INSIDE WEATHER • TODAY'S OBITUARIES SINCE YOU ASKED Clarence "Bud" Brangers, 117 ABBY ................. 02 MOVtES •. ............ C9 Edwdl"d H. CUlllmin~Jr., 92 Results of Friday's 17Ie Nnw·Enta-· CAlENDAR ........ 04 NEIGHBORS ..... D2 Cova Van Meter Duncan, 87 prueonline poll, as of 7 p.m. Saturday: CLASSIFlEDS .... C1 OBITUARIES ...... A4 Edith Mae Graham, 75 QUESTION: Are suspensions and • COMICS .... .INSIDE OPINION ..........A6 Anette Cuttonruen, 75 fines punishment enough for NFL FACEStplACES .o1 PUZZlES ............ C9 CrJ.ce Louise Johnson, l:I9 players paid bonuses to injure their NEW ORLEANS HELOlSE ..... 04 RECORDS .......... D5 Ethel Lee (Stark) Lovell, 89 opponents? lOTTERIES ......... B2 SPORTS ............• B1 Harold Jennes I'riddy, i'9 17 percent 83 percent MONEY .....•........ AB TELEVISION ...•..• C9 Yes: No: PARTLY CLOUDY Wilma Rider, 86 \'emon \V"tlson, 93 rODArs QUESTION: Should Native UK, Murray and SCATTEJlED STORMS American tribes be allowed to hunt • O"JMPI.ETE OIJT\JARIES., U bald eagles fo r religious purposes? U of L action Follow 80/59 Fi1d rro pol ~ InIeo" the •opitiort. IOOI"I.t ill SPORTS, B3 • COMPUTE MPORT. A2 us: _.~.com A2 1lIE NEWS-ENTERPRISE SUND AY . MARCH la, 2012 LOCAL NEWS AND NOTES FROM AROUND KENTUGKIANA LOOKING BACK DAILY BRIEFING ON THIS DATE IN 1166, Bri­ Saunders Springs cabins HART ~O UNTY tain repealed the Stamp Act of 1765. Conservation group IN 1831, the 22nd and 24th acquires 115 acres president of the United open for public viewing The Nature Conservancy States, Grover Cleveland, was born in Caldwell, NJ. of Kenmcky recently sold IN 1931, some 300 people, 115.76 acres along the mostly children, were killed Volunteers on hand to discuss history behind structures Green River in Hart in a gas explosion at a County to Southern Con­ school in New London, By MARTY F1NLEY nesdays, Fridays and Saturdays churning, that were prevalent dur­ servation Corps. Texas. mlin!eyCIh<""w..-n'<'l'ri"".COtrI and volunteers will be on hand to ing the 1800s. Jeff Jones, executive di­ IN 1959, President Dwight share the history of the cabins with Duvall said he believes the rector of SCC, said the up­ The historic cabins a! the en­ D. Eisenhower si '1lcd the visitors, MayorJ). Duvall said. per Green River the organi­ b trance of Saunders Springs Nature community would enjoy the at­ Hawaii statehood bilL Ha­ Duvall said the history of the zation plans to complement Preserve will be open for public mosphere of the event. waii rn..>ame a state Aug. 2 1, viewing during the next two cabins, all of which were originally Limited parking is available land protection work under 1959. way in the Green River wa­ months for those looking to delve in Radcliff, will be explored and near the cabins, but additional tershed by The Nature IN HARDIN COUIfTY into local history. volunteers also will discuss general space is adjacent to the preserve Conservancy, Western Ken­ 30 YEARS AGo, North Har­ Radcliff has partnered with the history of log cabins and how they entrdllce at the North Side Binb'U din High School won the University of Louisville's Lea­ were used during the tim e. rucky University. Kenmcky Hall, according to the news re­ Wild Rivers program and B oy~ 5th Region Basketball dership and Human Relations Duvall said city officials decidr..>d lease. others. Tournament with a 59-42 Education Program at Fort Knox to open the cabins after giving the Those who visit the cabins also ''The work these organi­ win over Caverna. The 10 open tlle three vintage 1800s·era public a peek last fall, which he are encouraged to visit the rest of zations are doing will have tearn was ~Sweel 16 bound cabins for l!l dal~ through April said garnered a b'Teat response. Saunders Springs Nature Preserve, long-term benefits in this a!:,<ain." 13, al;cording to a flews relea!ie is­ He said the city is working on ecologically important wa­ 20 YEARS 'Go, .lim Rob­ sued by tlle city.
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