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Letters to the Editor The 'New' Israeli Historians? available secondary-source accounts' (p. 163) when I actually said precisely the In Fabricating opposite, namely that Shlaim both prefers Israeli History: old, second-hand partisan evidence to The 'New Histo- newly released official documents and rians' (Frank withholds critical primary source material Cass, 1997) I from his readers. Lustick also charges me took issue with of insinuating that the Palestinians 'did the excessive partisanship that has not deserve what they did not get [in plagued the study of Israeli history, and I 1948]' and that they fled largely in pointed out the many errors and distor- response to calls by their leadership (p. tions found in the work of the so-called 165). But I never made any such asser- 'New Historians'. To judge by Lustick's tions; rather, I showed that the collapse of hysterical reaction ('Israeli History: Who the Palestinian community in the 1948 war is Fabricating What?', Survival, Autumn was in no small measure due to its lack of 1997, pp. 156-66), my book has touched a national cohesiveness and to its deser- raw nerve indeed. Had his review been tion by its political elites before the going published in a specialised Middle Eastern got tough. Similarly, contrary to Lustick's journal, I would not have taken the trouble (mis)claim (p. 164), I did not censure to respond. Quite the reverse, coming as it Morris for failing to use Arab source does from a well-known critic of Israel, material (others correctly do so); ipso Lustick's invective provides the ultimate facto I could not have failed to suggest proof that I got my book right; I would how the non-use of these documents have been greatly alarmed had it left affected Morris's work. Instead I demon- Lustick unmoved. However, since Surviv- strated the systematic falsification of al's readership may not be so familiar with archival source material by Morris in an the excessive partisanship of Middle East- attempt to rewrite Israeli history in an ern studies, or for that matter with image of his own devising. Lustick's large axe to grind, I feel obliged Through careful examination of the to set the record straight. documentation used by the 'new histori- Since Lustick fails to refute a single ans', as well as a wealth of sources that factual assertion made in my book but they have either deliberately withheld Downloaded by [University of Pennsylvania] at 15:29 06 September 2011 rather engages in wholesale vilification, from their readers or failed to trace, Fabri- coupled with heaps of praise for his fellow cating Israeli History proves that they are 'new historians', I see no point in rebut- neither new nor true historians but parti- ting each of his malevolent distortions, sans seeking to provide academic respect- misrepresentations and misquotations. ability to long-standing misconceptions But consider, for example, that Lustick and prejudices on the Arab-Israeli con- charges me of regularly presenting flict. They are scarcely 'new' since most quotations which say 'the very opposite' of their 'factual discoveries' and interpre- of what I tell my readers they say (p. 163), tations have been articulated long before; yet brings not a single example to prove and they are anything but true historians this patently false claim. He accuses me of because, taking in vain the name of the 'attacking [Avi] Shlaim for going back to archives, they violate all tenets of bona primary sources instead of relying on fide research in their endeavour to invent 196 • Letters to the Editor an Israeli history in an image of their own would have a population of about one devising. This has ranged from the more million, 40% of which would be non-Jews. 'innocent' act of reading into documents "This fact must be viewed in all its clarity what is not there, to tendentious trunca- and sharpness. With such a [population] tion of documents in a way that distorts composition, there cannot even be com- their original meaning, to 'creative rewrit- plete certainty that the government will be ing' of original texts by putting words in held by a Jewish majority ... There can be people's mouths and/or giving inaccurate no stable and strong Jewish state so long descriptions of the contents of these as it has a Jewish majority of only 60%". documents. The Yishuv's situation and fate, he went Space allows just one glimpse into the on, compelled the adoption of "a new ap- dynamics of this partisanship. In his proach ... [new] habits of mind" to "suit study on the origins of the Palestinian our new future. We must think like a refugee problem, Israeli academic Benny state'" (ibid., p. 28). Morris claimed that the 'transfer solution' Morris leaves the impression here that - the expulsion of the Palestinians to the Ben-Gurion advocated population trans- neighbouring Arab states, had 'a basis in fer to solve the new state's demographic mainstream Jewish thinking, if not actual problems. What he withholds from his planning, from the late 1930s and 1940s' readers is that Ben-Gurion added: 'From (Morris, The Birth of the Palestinian here stems the first and principal conclu- Refugee Problem, Cambridge University sion ... In order to ensure not only the Press, 1987, p. 24). But Morris, who has establishment of the Jewish State but its made the greatest effort among the 'new existence and destiny as well - we must historians' to prove this thesis, not only bring a million-and-a-half Jews to the devotes a mere five pages to one of the country and root.them there. It is only thorniest issues in Israeli-Palestinian when there will be at least two million Jews relations, but he repeatedly distorts the in the country - that the state will be truly evidence on which he claims to rely. established' (David Ben-Gurion, Ba- Thus, for example, on 5 October 1937 ma'araha. Labour Party Publications, David Ben-Gurion wrote to his son: 'We 1959, pp. 258-59). In other words, not the do not wish and do not need to expel expulsion of the Arabs but rather mass Arabs and take their place'. In the original Jewish immigration was Ben-Gurion's so- English-language version of his book, lution. As for the position of the Arabs in Morris misrepresented this sentence as the Jewish state, Ben-Gurion could not be saying: 'We must expel Arabs and take clearer: 'We must think in terms of a state, their places' (Morris, ibid., p. 25). How- in terms of independence, in terms of full ever, in the Hebrew translation of his book responsibility for ourselves - and for oth- and a recent Hebrew article, Morris re- ers. In our state there will be non-Jews as Downloaded by [University of Pennsylvania] at 15:29 06 September 2011 verted to Ben-Gurion's correct words well - and all of them will be equal citizens; (Morris, 'A New Look on Central Zionist equal in everything without any excep- Documents', AIpayim, no. 13,1996). Was tion; that is: the state will be their state as this because the Israeli audience can well... The attitude of the Jewish State to check for itself the veracity of the original its Arab citizens will be an important fac- Hebrew letter? tor - though not the only one - in building Similarly, Morris claims to find a hint of good neighbourly relations with the Arab the transfer idea in a later speech by Ben- states. If the Arab citizen will feel at home Gurion summarised thus: 'Ben-Gurion in our state, and if his status will not be in starkly outlined the emergent Jewish the least different from that of the Jew, and State's main problem - its prospective perhaps better than the status of the Arab population of 520,000 Jews and 350,000 in an Arab state, and if the state will help Arabs. Including Jerusalem, the state him in a truthful and dedicated way to Letters to the Editor • 197 reach the economic, social, and cultural - let alone a 'new historian'.
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