SCHOOL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JOINT HIGHWAY RESEARCH PROJECT FHWA/IN/JHRP-95/15 Final Report ESTIMATING STATEWIDE TRIP TABLES FROM VEHICLE CLASSIFICATION COUNTS '<(i UNIVERSITY Final Report ESTIMATING STATEWIDE TRIP TABLES FROM VEHICLE CLASSIFICATION COUNTS FHWA/IN/JHRP-95/15 Prepared By James Yang Research Assistant and Jon D. Flicker Professor School of Civil Engineering Purdue University Joint Highway Research Project Project No. C-36-55W FUe No. 3-3-48 Prepared in Cooperation with the U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration The contents of this report reflect the views of the authors who are responsible for the facts and the accuracy of the data presented herein. The contents do not necessarily reflect the oflBdal views or policies of the Federal Highway Administration and the Indiana Department of Transportation. This report does not constitute a standard, specification, or regulation. Purdue University West Lafeyette, IN 47907 January, 1996 Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2011 witii funding from LYRASIS members and Sloan Foundation; Indiana Department of Transportation TECHNICALREPORT STANDARD TITLE PAGE 1. Report No. 2. Government Accession No. 3. Recipient's Catalog No. FHWA/IN/JHRP-95/15 4. Title and Subtitk 5. Report Date January, 1996 Estimating Statewide Trip Tables from Vehicle Classification Counts 6. Performing Organization Code 7. Aiithor(s) 8. Performing Organization Report No. FHWA/IN/JHRP-95/15 James Yang and Jon Fricker 9. Performing OrganizatioD Nmme and Address lO.WorlcUnitNo. Joint Highway Research Project 1284 Civil Engineering Building 11. Contract or Grant No. Purdue University HPR-2068 West Lafayette, Indiana 47907-1284 12. Sponsoring Agency Name and Address 13. Type of Report and Period Covered Indiana Department of Transportation Final Report State OfBce Building 1 00 North Senate Avenue 14. Sponsoring Agency Code Indianapolis, IN 46204 15. Supplementary Notes Prepared in cooperation with the Indiana Department of Transportation and Federal Highway Administration. 16. Abstract Although a statewide trip table is an important ingredient in the statewide planning process, such information is difiScult to obtain. The study described in this report investigated the appUcabihty to the state-level problem of existing software developed to estimate trip tables in urban areas (or smaller) from link counts. Criteria that would form the basis for determining the apphcabihty of any particular software package were developed. Packages such as The Highway Emulator (THE), PC- LINKOD, and Fast Matiix CaUbration (FMC) were tested using small and medium sized networks. Because FMC performed the best on these tests, it was applied to the state-level hip table estimation problem. However, FMC was designed to update an existing trip table, and Indiana had no such previous trip table. As a result, an "0-D Factoring" procedure was adopted to convert zone-by-zone origin and destination totals into an initial hip table that could be updated by FMC. By making some adjustments to the elasticities in FMC, a trip table was developed for the Indiana state highway network. 17. Keywords 18. Distribution Statement trip table estimation, state highway networks, origins, destinations. No restrictions. This document is available to the public through the National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA 22161 19. Security aassif. (of this report) 20. Security Classif. (of this page) 21. Na of Pages 22. Price 170 Form DOT F 1700.7 (8-69) m TABLE OF CONTENTS Page LIST OF TABLES vui LIST OF FIGURES xii CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Test Networks 2 1.2.1 Gur 730 Network 2 1.2.2 Village Network 7 1.2.3 Initial Trip Tables 7 1.2 Error Analysis 7 1.2.1 %RMSETest 7 1.2.2 Chi-Square Test 15 1.2.3 %Difference Comparison 16 1.3 Software Evaluation 16 1.4 Software Selection 16 1.5 Building the Indiana Network 17 1.6 Implementation of Chosen Package(s) 17 1.7 Results and Further Research 18 IV CHAPTER 2 THE HIGHWAY EMULATOR 19 2.1 Advantages 20 2.2 Shortcomings 20 2.3 Things to Watch Out for 21 2.4 How to Perform 0-D Table Calculations 22 2.4.1 Network Editing Program 23 2.4.2 Matrix Editing Menu 25 2.4.3 Calibration of a Trip Table Program 25 2.4.4 Assignment Program 25 2.4.5 Link/Roadway Segment Volume Output Program 25 2.5 Running THE 26 2.5.1 Test Networks 26 2.5.2 Findings 32 2.6 Sensitivity Analysis 34 2.6.1 Number of Iterations 35 2.6.2 Level Trip Table Sensitivity Analysis 37 2.6.3 Does THE Create or Destroy Trips? 37 2.7 Conclusion 38 CHAPTER 3 PC-LINKOD 39 3.1 Advantages 39 3.2 Shortcomings 40 3.3 Things to Watch Out for 41 3.4 How to Perform the 0-D Table Calculation 41 3.4.1 Network Data File 41 3.4.2 Initial Trip Table File 43 3.4.3 Volume/Capacity Function Parameter File 44 3.5 Running PC-LINKOD 46 3.5.1 Findings 47 V 3.6 Sensitivity Analysis 48 3.6.1 Number of Iterations 48 3.6.2 Level Trip Table Sensitivity Analysis 52 3.6.3 Does PC-LINKOD Create or Destroy Trips? 55 3.7 Conclusion 56 CHAPTER4 FAST MATRDC CALIBRATION 57 4.1 Advantages 57 4.2 Shortcomings 58 4.3 Things to Watch Out for 59 4.4 How To Perform 0-D Table Calculation 60 4.4.1 Highway Network Module 60 4.4.2 Trip Table Module 62 4.4.3 Load Highway Selected Links Module 62 4.4.4 Build Assignment Evaluation File 63 4.4.5 Optional Flag Matrix 64 4.4.6 FMC Control File 64 4.5 Running FMC 66 4.5.1 Findings 74 4.6 Sensitivity Analysis 76 4.6.1 Number of Iterations 76 4.6.2 Level Trip Table Sensitivity Analysis 80 4.6.3 Does FMC Create or Destroy Trips? 81 4.7 Conclusion 83 CHAPTER 5 SELECTION AND RECOMMENDATION 84 5.1 Reliability of Results 84 5.2 Capacity ofPackage 88 5.3 Ease of Implementation 89 5.4 Ease of Operation 89 5.5 Flexibility 91 5.6 Conclusion 91 CHAPTER 6 THE INDIANA NETWORK 93 6.1 Traffic Data 93 6.1.1 Capacity Issue 98 6.1.2 Zonal Trips 100 6.1.3 Data Conversion 100 6.2 TransCAD Data Structure 101 6.2.1 TransCAD to TranPlan Data Conversion 101 6.2.2 Conversion Programs 103 6.2.3 Node Number Convention 105 6.2.4 TranPlan Batch File 106 6.2.5 Statewide Network 106 6.3 Conclusion 108 CHAPTER 7 FMC APPLICATION 109 7.1 Preparing Initial Trip Table (APRIOR File) 109 7.2 Constructing Link File (ASSEVA File) Ill 7.3 Preparing Select Link History File 112 7.4 FMC Batch FUe 113 7.5 Output Reformat 118 7.6 Conclusion 122 CHAPTERS SHAPE PROGRAMS 123 8.1 Things to Watch Out For 124 8.2 Running FMC 124 8.3 Findings 125 8.4 Conclusions 134 CHAPTER 9 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 136 9.1 0-D Results with the Indiana Network 137 9.2 Recommended 0-D Tables 140 vu 9.3 Conclusions and Further Study 142 REFERENCES 145 IMPLEMENTATION SUGGESTIONS 148 APPENDIX 150 1 1 vm LIST OF TABLES Table Page LI Beagan's Equations 5 L2 Link Use Probabilities According to Beagan 5 L3 Solution I for Gur 730 Network 6 L4 Solution n for Gur 730 Network 6 L5 Beagan's Trip Table 6 L6 Village Observed 0-D Table 9 L7 Level Trip Table (Gur 730 Network) 11 1.8 OD Factored Trip Table (Gur 730 Network) 11 1.9 Level Trip Table for the Village Network 12 1.10 OD Factored Trip Table for the Village Network 13 2. 0-D Table for Original Gur 730 with Beagan Initial Matrix (THE) 26 2.2 0-D Table for Modified Gur 730 with Beagan Initial Matrix (THE) 27 2.3 0-D Table for Original Gur 730 with Level Initial Matrix (THE) 27 2.4 0-D Table for Modified Gur 730 with Level Initial Matrix (THE) 27 2.5 0-D Table for Original Gur 730 with OD Factored Initial Matrix (THE) 27 2.6 0-D Table for Modified Gur 730 with OD Factored Initial Table (THE) 28 2.7 0-D Table for the Village Network with Observed Initial Matrix (THE) 29 2.8 0-D Table for the Village Network with Level Initial Matrix (THE) 30 2.9 0-D Table for the Village Network with OD Factored Initial Matrix (THE) 3 2.10 Production and Attraction Comparisons (THE) 32 2.11 Link-To-Link Comparisons (THE) 32 2.12 Initial Trip Table Comparison (THE) 33 2.13 Gur 730 Network Final Trip Table Analysis (THE) 34 2.14 Village Network Final Trip Table Analysis (THE) 34 2.15 Total System Trips Comparison 38 1 K 3.1 PC-LINKOD Network File Format (Gur 730 Network) 42 3.2 Gur 730 Volume/Capacity File 45 3.3 0-D Table with Level Initial Matrix (PC-LINKOD) 46 3.4 0-D Table with Beagan Initial Matrix (PC-LINKOD) 46 3.5 0-D Table with OD Factored Initial Matrix (PC-LINKOD) 46 3.6 Production and Attraction Comparison (PC-LINKOD) 47 3.7 Link-To-Link Comparisons (PC-LINKOD) 47 3.8 Initial Trip Table Comparison (PC-LINKOD) 48 3.9 Gur 730 Network Final Trip Table Analysis (PC-LINKOD) 48 3.10 Gur 730 Network Total System Trips Comparison 55 4.1 Building Highway Network Batch File 61 4.2 Trip Table Building Batch File 62 4.3 SRVDATAFUe Format 62 4.4 Select History Batch File 60 4.5 ASSEVA File Format 64 4.6 FMC Batch FUe 65 4.7 0-D Table for Gur 730 with Beagan Initial Matrix (zOsl) 66 4.8 0-D Table for Gur 730 with Beagan Initial Matrix (zlsl) 66 4.9 0-D Table for Gur 730 with 910 Level Initial Matrix (zOsl) 67 4.10 0-D Table for Gur 730 with 910 Level Initial Matrix (zlsl) 67 4.1 0-D Table for Gur 730 with OD Factored Initial Matrix (zOsl) 67 4.12 0-D Table for Gur 730 with OD Factored Initial Matrix (zlsl) 67 4.13 0-D Table for the Village Network with Observed Initial Matrix (zOsl) 68 4.14 0-D Table for the Village Network with Observed Initial Matrix (zlsl) 69 4.15 0-D Table for the Village Network with Level Initial Matrix (zOsl) 70 4.16 0-D Table for the Village Network with Level Initial Matrix (zlsl) 71 4.
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