i WITNESS I JULY, 1971 IO* publication. and reuse for Editorial required Picking National Leaders Permission DFMS. Michael Hamilton / Church Articles Episcopal the of Do Women Belong in the Church? J. Brooke Mosley Archives 2020. How It Is George W. Wickersham II Copyright NEWS: — Churches Hit Sections of Welfare Measure. Syracuse Has Renewal for Action in Church Today. London Bishops Find New Vigor. Pentagon Papers Show U.S. in Wilderness SERVICES The Witness SERVICES la Leading Churches For Christ and His Ckureh la Leading Churches NEW YORK CTTY EDITORIAL BOARD ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH THB CATHEDRAL CHURCH Tenth Street, above Chestnut OF ST. JOHN THE DIVINE JOHN MCGIIX KSOMM, Chairman PHUJAD&LPHIA, PBTOVA. Sunday: Holy Communion 8, 9, 10, Momina Piayei, Holy Communion and Sermon. 11| W. B. SPOFFOBB Sii., Managing Editor The Rev. Alfred W. Price, D.D., ReaMr Qr|u Recital, 3:30; Evensong, 4. EBWIKD J. MOBH, Editorial Assistant The Rev. Roger Pickering Minister to the Deaf publication. doming Piayei and Holy Communion 7il5 O. SIDNEY BABB; LEE A. BBLFOBD; ROSCOB (and 10 Wed.); Evening Prayer, 3:30. Sunday: 9 and 11 a.m. 3:30 pJn. Ms) and T. FODST; RICHABD E. GAUY; DAVID JOENSOM; 5:30 p.m. Weekdays: Tues., Wed., Thurs., Fri., 12iM - THE PARISH OF TRINITY CHURCH HABOLD R. LANDON; LESLIE J. A. LANG; 12:55 p.m. reuse Services of Spiritual Healing, Than. 13iM Rev. John V. Butler, Rector BENJAMIN MCNIFIE. and 5:30 p.m. for TREVITY Broadway ft Wall St. Rev. Donald R. Woodward, Vicar required Sun. MP 8:40, 10:30, HC 8, 9, 10, 11. EDITORIALS: - The Editorial Board holds CHRIST CHURCH Daily MP 7:45, HC 8, 12, Ser. 12:30 monthly meetings when current issues before Tun,, Wed. ft Thuri., EP 5:15 ex. 8M.| CAMBBTDOB, MASS. the Church are discussed. They aze dealt Sat. HC 8; C Fri. 4:30 4 by appt. with in subsequent numbers but do not The Rev. W. 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THE Wrnrau is published twice • month by The Rev. Donald D. Weaver, Con** Sat. 9; Tues. 8; Wed. 10; Than. 7. The Vert. Frederick McDonald, the Episcopal Church Publishing Co. o» Canon Chaplain Archives behalf of the Witness Adrisoiy Board. ST. LUKE'S CHAPEL 2020. 487 Hudson St. Rev. Paul C. Weed, Jr., Vicar Sun. HC 8, 9:15 ft 11; Daily HC 7 ft S. The subscription price is $4.00 a yen; in NBW YOBK Cm C Sat. 5-6, 8-9, by appt. bundles for sale in parishes the magazine Copyright sells for 10c a copy, we will bill quarterly •t 7c a copy. Entered as Second Class ST. BARTHOLOMEW'S CHURCH ST. AUGUSTINE'S CHAPEL Matter, August 5, 1948, tt the Pott Office Park Avenue and 51st Street 333 Madison St. at Tunkhannock, Pa., under the act of The Rev. John G. Murdoch, Vlem March 3, 1879. Rev. Terence /. Finlay, D.D. Sundays: 8, 9, II; Monday-Saturday 9:30 am. 8 and 9:30 a.m. Holy Communion. Wednesday 7:30; MP Monday Saturday 9:1J 11:00 a.m. Morning Prayer and Sermon. •x. Wednesday 7:15. Weekday Holy Carom. Tues. 12:10 »JS> Wed. 8 a.m. and 5:15 p.m.; Thurs. llilf THE GENERAL THEOLOGICAL SEMINAR! and Saints Days 8 a.m. Chapel of the Good Shepherd Church open daily 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. THE CHURCH OF THB BPIPHANT Chelsea Square — 9th Ave. ft 20th Street Evening prayer Tues ft Thurs. 5:15 pan. York Avenue at 74th Street HOLT COMMUNION - 7:00 a.m. MONDAY Near New York Memorial Hospitals through FRIDAY ST. THOMAS Hugh McCandless, Jeffrey Car; Clergy MORNING PRAYER ft HOLY COMMUNION - 7:30 a.m. SATURDAY ft HOLIDAYS 5th Ave. ft 53rd Street Charles Patterson, Lee Belford, MORNING PRAYER - 8:30 a.m. MONDAY Rev. Frederick M. Morris, D.D. fronds C. Huntington, Associate* through FRIDAY 8undays: 8 a.m. HC; 9:30 Family (HC 3rd HOLY COMMUNION - 12 noon - MON- Sunday: HC 8, 9:30, II (1st Son.) Ml Sun) II a.m. Morning Service (HC 1st DAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRI- 11; Daily ex. Sat. HC 8:15, HC TM. San) 12:15 p.m. HC (2. 3. 4. 5 8m) DAY 12:10, Wed., 5:30. VOL. 56, NO. 13 The WITNESS 1 JULY, 1971 FOR CHRIST .AND HIS CHURCH Editorial amd Publication Of fie*, Eaton Boad, Tmtkkammwk, 1% 18667 Storv of the Week publication. Jack Corbett, representing the Church Agencies Hit Sections board of Christian social conr and cerns of the United Methodist Church at the same press con- reuse Of Welfare Reform Measure ference, noted that title IV does for • An organization comprised fare reform bill that might come not require states to maintain 25 groups, 16 of them religious, out this year." their current benefit levels, en- required has announced its opposition to "Therefore," she continued, couraging states paying more a section of a House welfare re- "it's a matter of deep concern than $2,400 annually to needy form bill setting a $2,400 bene- and sorrow to me and many families to drop back to thai fit level for a family of four. church representatives that we level. Permission The campaign for adequate find the provisions of title IV of He was also critical of the welfare reform now, consisting the present welfare reform bill provision stipulating that moth- DFMS. also of nine child development, are thoroughly inadequate and ers in fatherless families of / black and social work groups, we are urging our friends in children under age 6 must take gave five major reasons for op- Congress to defeat title IV be- a job outside their homes to Church posing title IV, the family as- cause we think it will make the help with their support, leaving sistance plan, of the bill, known situation worse rather than their children without the super- as "H. R. 1," at a press confer- better." vision and training they need. Episcopal ence. The campaign's stand: A letter under Dr. Wedel's Bill Lunsford of the Friends the • The $2,400 benefit level for signature was mailed June 18 to committee on national legisla- of a family of four is too low. Congressmen who support title tion said the most distressing There is no provision requiring IV or whose position is unknown, aspect of title IV is that it has the states to supplement the urging them to support a mo- "built into it all kinds of dip- Archives $2,400 figure. There will be no tion to strike title IV from H. R. incentives for states to main- more food stamps. 1. tain whatever benefit levels they 2020. • The differences between "The purpose of reform of the currently have." the largely white adult cate- family welfare category," Dr. The campaign has one pur- gories and the mostly black Wedel wrote, "ought to be to pose, according to a spokesman: Copyright family categories of H. R. 1 sug- strengthen the family that is in "achievement this year of major gest that this is a racist bill. poverty. But instead of doing welfare reform to create a new • Mothers of school age chil- this, title IV would impose new system of income maintenance dren would be forced to work at burdens on the already fragile assistance to meet the basic low wages. Day care provisions structure of such a family. needs of all individuals and are inadequate. "Its level of benefits falls far families in the United States • The civil rights of re- short of the level needed to sus- who are unable to work, whos? cipients are not guaranteed. tain a family in decency. Its earnings are inadequate and for • There is insufficient fiscal work requirement, by failing to whom jobs are not available." relief to states. exempt mothers in families lack- Among members of the cam- Cynthia Wedel, president of ing a father, substitutes legisla- paign, besides the NCC, the the National Council of tive fiat for what should be a Quaker and Methodist groups Churches, one of the campaign personal decision of the mother represented at the press confer- member agencies, said churches made in light of her judgment ence, are such groups as the "had great hopes for the wel- of the needs of her family." national office of black Cath- I JULY, 3971 olics, the union of American ticipating include the child wel- at Syracuse University. An ad- Hebrew congregations, the Lu- fare league of America, the na- visory group of clergy and lay theran Church in America board tional association of social professionals assists, the com- of social ministries, and the workers, the national council of mittee.
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