Summary of Meeting Coordination and Outcomes Technical Advisory Committee Meeting #1 Honolulu Harbor 2050 Master Plan Honolulu, O‘ahu, Hawai‘i August 2018 PREPARED FOR: PREPARED BY: Department of Transportation R.M. Towill Corporation Harbors Division 2024 North King Street, Suite 200 79 South Nimitz Highway Honolulu, Hawai‘i 96819 Honolulu, Hawai‘i 96813 Project No. 1-22628-01 HONOLULU HARBOR 2050 MASTER PLAN TAC MEETING #1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Summary of Meeting Coordination and Outcomes………………………………...………..1 APPENDICES Appendix 1 Meeting Invitation #1, May 29 and June 4, 2018 Appendix 2 Meeting Invitation #2, June 29, 2018 Appendix 3 Meeting Invitation #3, July 10, 2018 Appendix 4 Meeting Invitation #4, July 16, 2018 Appendix 5 TAC #1 Sign-In / Invitation List Appendix 6 Meeting Handouts Appendix 7 Exhibits Appendix 8 TAC #1 Presentation Appendix 9 TAC #1 Presentation Outline Appendix 10 Sub-TAC Sign-Up and Issues/Ideas Appendix 11 MeetingSift Report Appendix 12 Summary of the Q & A Sessions TABLE OF CONTENTS Page i HONOLULU HARBOR 2050 MASTER PLAN TAC MEETING #1 SUMMARY OF MEETING COORDINATION AND OUTCOMES Technical Advisory Committee Meeting #1 Honolulu Harbor 2050 Master Plan Date, Time and Location x July 18, 2018; 8:00 to 11:00 AM x Homer Maxey Conference Center (521 Ala Moana Blvd.; Honolulu, HI 96813) Meeting Invitations x Four rounds of invitations for the Technical Advisory Committee Meeting #1 (TAC #1) were emailed to stakeholders and representatives for city, state and federal agencies. In total, 182 individuals received email invitations. o Meeting invitation #1, May 29 and June 4, 2018, included as Appendix 1. o Meeting invitation #2, June 29, 2018, included as Appendix 2. o Meeting invitation #3, July 10, 2018, included as Appendix 3. o Meeting invitation #4, July 16, 2018, included as Appendix 4. Attendance x Approximately 90 stakeholders and representatives for city, state and federal agencies attended the TAC #1. The TAC #1 sign-in sheet and invitation list are combined into one document included as Appendix 5. Handouts x Meeting handouts included the following: o Table of contents for handouts o Agenda o Project flyer o General overview of the Technical Advisory Sub-Committees (Sub-TACs) o Comment form o MeetingSift instructions o MeetingSift questions TAC #1 meeting handouts are included as Appendix 6. Exhibits x Exhibits were prepared to provide information on the Honolulu Harbor and recent DOT-H modernization projects including: o Map of Honolulu Harbor (1810) o Map of Honolulu Harbor (2017) o Kalaeloa Barbers Point Harbor Modernization o Hilo Harbor Modernization o Honolulu Harbor Modernization – .DSƗODPD&RQWDLQHU7HUPLQDO 3KDVH and 2) o Honolulu Harbor Modernization – Piers 12 and 15 SUMMARY OF MEETING COORDINATION AND OUTCOMES Page 1 HONOLULU HARBOR 2050 MASTER PLAN TAC MEETING #1 Exhibits are included as Appendix 7. Presentation x The purpose of the meeting was to provide an overview of the Honolulu Harbor 2050 Master Plan (HHMP), review preliminary analysis by the Project Team, and establish the Technical Advisory Sub-Committee (Sub-TAC) working groups. Key components of the presentation included the following: o DOT and Project Team Introductions by Darrell Young / Department of Transportation, Harbors Division (DOT-H) and David Tanoue / R. M. Towill Corporation (RMTC). o Overview of the Harbor Project Programming by David Tanoue. o HHMP Overview by David Tanoue and Jim Niermann / RMTC. o User Survey Initial Responses by Daniel Nahoopii / SMS Hawai‘i (SMS). o Cargo Capacity by Harold Westerman / Stantec Consulting Ltd. (SCL). o Sub-TAC Overviews by Jim Niermann and Linda Colburn / Where Talk Works (WTW). o Open House / Sub-TAC Sign-Up by the Project Team. o Q & A facilitated by Linda Colburn. The TAC #1 presentation slides and outline are included as Appendix 8 and 9. Sub-TAC Sign-Up x The purpose of the Sub-TAC sign-up stations was to encourage meeting attendees to sign-up for Sub-TAC working groups as well as identify and provide comments on preliminary Sub-TAC issues and ideas. There were eight Sub-TAC sign-up stations including: 1. Cargo Operations 2. Vessel Operations 3. Maritime Support 4. Adaptation and Resiliency 5. Cruise and Excursion Operations 6. Environment 7. Fishing Industry 8. Non-Maritime Opportunities The Sub-TAC sign-up and ideas/issues sheets are included as Appendix 10. Meeting Records x The TAC #1 presentation included six MeetingSift questions to provide all meeting attendees with the opportunity to ask questions, provide comments and receive responses from the DOT-H Administration and Project Team. MeetingSift is a web-based interactive collaboration tool. It was used to allow meeting attendees to submit anonymous questions and comments about the HHMP. The MeetingSift responses are included as Appendix 11. In addition to the MeetingSift questions, the facilitator, Linda Colburn, followed each MeetingSift question with a brief open Q & A session. At the end of the presentation, commonly themed questions submitted by MeetingSift were addressed by DOT- SUMMARY OF MEETING COORDINATION AND OUTCOMES Page 2 HONOLULU HARBOR 2050 MASTER PLAN TAC MEETING #1 H and the Project Team. A summary of the TAC #1’s Q & A sessions is included as Appendix 12. x MeetingSift Statistics: o Number of Comments Received: 41 o Participants: 94 SUMMARY OF MEETING COORDINATION AND OUTCOMES Page 3 Appendix 1 Meeting Invitation #1, May 29 and June 4, 2018 Emailed attachment(s): x Project Flyer, included as Appendix 6 SUMMARY OF MEETING COORDINATION AND OUTCOMES TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING #1 HONOLULU HARBOR 2050 MASTER PLAN James Niermann From: James Niermann Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2018 1:14 PM Subject: Honolulu Harbor Master Plan Update - Save the Date for Technical Advisory Meeting # 1 - July 18, 2018 Attachments: 180525_SAVE THE DATE_TAC #1 MEETING.pdf Aloha, OnbehalfoftheDepartmentofTransportation,HarborsDivision(DOTͲH),weinviteyoutoparticipateinthe firstTechnicalAdvisoryCommittee(TAC)meetingfortheHonoluluHarborMasterPlanUpdate(HHMP). Pleasesavethedate: Wednesday,July18,2018from8:00a.m.to11a.m. HomerMaxeyConferenceCenter,Pier2 Moreinformationforthcoming. WeencourageyourparticipationintheTACmeetingasitisanessentialcomponentoftheHHMPplanning process.ThefirstTACmeetingwillfocusonreviewingpreliminaryfindingsbytheProjectTeam,developinga charterandevaluationcriteriaforalternatives,andestablishingSubͲTAC(TechnicalAdvisorySubͲCommittee) workinggroups.TheSubͲTACswillprovidefocusedtechnicalinputonvariousaspectsofHonoluluHarbor, suchascargooperations,vesseloperations,maritimesupport,cruiseandexcursionoperations,fishing industry,nonͲmaritimeopportunities,adaptation/resiliency,andenvironmentalissues.Theinputprovided bytheSubͲTACswillbeusedtoformulatepreliminaryalternativesfortheHHMP. AnyquestionsregardingtheTACmeetingcanbeaddressedto: JimNiermann,ProjectManager R.M.TowillCorporation 2024NorthKingStreet,Suite200 Honolulu,Hawai॒i96819 Ph:(808)842Ͳ1133 [email protected] ShouldyouhaveanyquestionsorcommentsforDOTͲH,pleasecontact: DeanWatase,ProjectManager(NonͲMaritime) CeliaShen,ProjectManager(Maritime) DepartmentofTransportationHarborsDivision DepartmentofTransportationHarborsDivision 79S.NimitzHighway 79S.NimitzHighway Honolulu,Hawai॒i96813 Honolulu,Hawai॒i96813 Ph:(808)587Ͳ1883 Ph:(808)587Ͳ2013 [email protected] [email protected] Formoreinformationabouttheproject,pleasevisit:www.HonoluluHarborMP.com Mahaloforyourparticipation. 1 James Niermann, AICP, LEED AP BD+C mailto:[email protected] R. M. Towill Corporation 2024 North King Street Suite 200 Honolulu, Hawaii 96819 voice: 808 842 1133 fax: 808 842 1937 web: www.rmtowill.com 2 Appendix 2 Meeting Invitation #2, June 29, 2018 Emailed attachment(s): x General Overview of the Sub-TACs, included as Appendix 6 x Project Flyer, included as Appendix 6 SUMMARY OF MEETING COORDINATION AND OUTCOMES TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING #1 HONOLULU HARBOR 2050 MASTER PLAN James Niermann From: James Niermann Sent: Friday, June 29, 2018 10:31 AM Subject: Honolulu Harbor Master Plan Update - Technical Advisory Meeting #1 - July 18, 2018 Attachments: HHMP TAC #1 Meeting Notice #2_180629.pdf Aloha, OnbehalfoftheHawai॒iDepartmentofTransportaƟon(HDOT),HarborsDivision(DOTͲH),wehopetoseeyou atthefirstTechnicalAdvisoryCommittee(TAC)meetingfortheHonoluluHarborMasterPlanUpdate(HHMP) beingheld: Wednesday,July18,2018from8:00a.m.to11a.m. HomerMaxeyConferenceCenter,Pier2 Note:Registrationstartsat7:30a.m. TheHHMPwillupdatetheOahuCommercialHarbors2020MasterPlan,preparedin1997,andwillbeacritical toolthatguidesfuturedecisionͲmakingforHonoluluHarbor’suseanddevelopmenttobestservetheStateof Hawaii.WeencourageyourattendanceattheTACmeetingasitisanessentialcomponentoftheHHMP planningprocess.ThefirstTACmeetingwillfocusonprovidinganoverviewoftheHHMPprocess,reviewing preliminaryfindingsbytheProjectTeam,developingacharterandevaluationcriteriaforalternatives,and establishingTechnicalAdvisorySubͲCommittee(SubͲTAC)workinggroups. EightSubͲTACworkinggroups,comprisedofmaritimeandnonͲmaritimestakeholders,arebeingorganizedto providefocusedtechnicalinputonvariousaspectsofHonoluluHarbor,includingcargooperations,vessel operations,maritimesupport,cruiseandexcursionoperations,fishingindustry,nonͲmaritimeopportunities, adaptationandresiliency,andenvironmentalissues.TheinputprovidedbytheSubͲTACswillbeusedbythe ProjectTeamtoformulatepreliminaryalternativesfortheHHMP. SubͲTACmeetingswillbeheldSeptemberthroughNovember2018.AdditionalinformationabouttheSubͲTAC categories,keyissues,scheduledmeetingtimesandlocationsisattachedtohelpyouidentifySubͲTACsyou
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