' º ' ' 094E 186 5 7 5 0 5 2 4 6365000 N º R R 5 º 1 1 º 8 6 00 6 6 094E 130 2 1 I 80 2 2 0 094E 096 1 127º05' 1600 V 1 V 1 E 16 R 00 L K ((94E963246 N E 1 1400 T O O 40 E O D O G G 0 94E965070 N (( 2 O 000 Geological Survey and Development Branch G ((94E963243 00 12 094E 218 1400 0 G OPEN FILE MAP 2004-4 140 00 94E961149 O 18 ((94E963237 D (( 1 160 6 (( 0 0 O (( (( 0 O (( 94E961062 1600 094E 001 O 1 T 1800 2 T 00 0 94E961137 (( 14 0 14 094E 206 00 1 00 6 14 GEOLOGY OF THE SAMUEL BLACK RANGE BETWEEN THE FINLAY RIVER AND THE 160 094E 205 0 x 0 0 1 1200 1 2 8 00 094E 212 0 ((94E963239 (( 0 94E961290(( ((94E963245 x (( 94E963236 (( TOODOGGONE RIVER, TOODOGGONE RIVER MAP AREA, NORTH-CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA PARTS OF NTS 94E/2,6 and 7 94E961383 H 94E963225 (( (( TM (( (( x MOUNT x GRAVES (( 94E963194 94E961382(( x (( 094E 207 Contribution to the Toodoggone Targeted Geoscience Initiative II - Mining Company Partnership 1200 x 94E963238(( BLm 094E 087 g x BL x x 1 x 800 x HTM 16 094E 208 00 094E 203 Geology by: Larry J. Diakow 1 0 BLg 1 4 0 P 20 00 6360000 N 14 0 Geochronology by: Richard Friedman, The University of British Columbia x x I L 094E 209 x x 140 0 094E 007 x x L H x 094E 089 TS 094E 214 1 A 60 x Z 0 Scale 1:50 000 00 in progress 6 1 R x 03 LDI 27-1 S 012 00 x 94E963224 14 0 00 (( 0 18 (( A 4 x 2000 1 94E963193 M x kilometres H x TS 180 U x HTM 0 0 x 0 E HT 18 ( L 0 ! LAYERED ROCKS 16 0 94E961048 x 6 94E963242 12 x 1 (( 0 (( x B (( 0 94E961049 x x ((94E961080 (( (( x L x A 094E 155 x 94E963206 C x Z ((94E963235 LOWER JURASSIC (( 094E 156 196.9 "1.0 K 1800 Ar 1 in progress HAZELTON GROUP 600 P i l N o r t h 094E 040 x R G r i z 2 x Toodoggone formation x 094E 201 A Ar in progress 1 0 Unmapped bedded volcanic and minor sedimentary rocks. 6 180 N 0 HT 1 0 094E 237 G r i z 1 8 H G 1 0 TM 6 0 094E 017 E 0 0 0 x HTM 2 0 BLm 0 4 0 1 Conglomerate, sandstone and siltstone; green to maroon, clasts in conglomerate resemble hornblende andesite flows of unit HTM; thin succession locally x 0 x 0 HTcTC 0 57º20' HTc unconformable on unit HTS. (( x 2 ((94E963208 x 1 1 80 ((94E963207 094E 086 x 0 094E 154 1 60 x 0 Basalt and basaltic andesite sill or flow(?); purple, dark green, crowded plagioclase porphyritic texture, locally contains augite megacrysts up to 1.3cm long. 094E 153 x ! 094E 202 HTbTb x x ((94E963226 0 1 x 00 BLm 8 94E963200 2 ! 14 0 ((94E963233 0 94E963195 (( (( Saunders member x x (( 6355000 N BLm 1 94E963234 ( 8 0 0 Dacite ash-flow tuff; grey-green, typically contains brohornblende and biotite, variably welded, distinctive flattened vitriclasts in more densely welded zones. 26 x HTS x 94E963199(( BLm x (( 16 Metsantan member 094E 083 0 x 14 0 00 094E 037 x x 094E 152 x x Andesite lava flows; grey-green to light purple, 15-25% plagioclase between 2 and 5mm long; chloritized hornblende prisms, trace quantities of biotite and x 0 ! HTM 0 0 0 quartz phenocrysts. 094E 216 6 8 HTM x 1 12 1 x 094E 029 x x x 1600 x Duncan member 18 x HTc 0 2000 00 x 0 2 x x x 2 0 x x 1 00 x Lapilli tuffs with volcaniclastic-epiclastic interbeds; greenish with oxidized reddish sections, pyroclasts commonly consist of reddish brown andesite porphyries 600 (( HTD x 1 1800 45 x 94E963232 0 mixed with plagioclase and up to 2% biotite and quartz crystal fragments; minor bedded sandstone, siltstone, maroon mudstone and rare conglomerate. BLm ! HTM x x ((94E963228 0 14 30 ! 1800 HTb 2000 BLm x 094E 217 S x BLg 0 Intraformational conglomerate locally marking the base of the Toodoggone formation; rounded pebbles to boulders dominated by "crowded" fine-grained 60 1 094E 063 A 1600 x 094E 213 HTc1 hornblende andesite porphyry, crudely layered thick beds with subordinate sandstone and siltstone interbeds. A solitary conglomerate locality contains HTM U 0 clasts of megacrystic basalt porphyry (unit Tv) and granitic rock. 0 2 8 THE H 0 1 TS N 0 x H ( 0 TS 0 1800 094E 151 0 PILLAR ( 6 94E963198 D 1 (( UPPER TRIASSIC ( x 0 0 E x 4 094E 042 1 TAKLA GROUP 1 2 0 R 094E 024 0 H ! 094E 215 x Tc 28 S 14 Basalt flows; dark green, characterized by augite and plagioclase phenocrysts, minor basaltic lapilli tuff; scarce megacrystic plagioclase porphyry basalt flows m 00 BL! T ( v 16 HTS 0 1 containing plagioclase laths up to 2 cm long (distinctive flow member found locally near the top to the volcanic succession). 28 0 6 0 094E 026 1 xx 0 800 T ! v 14 B a k e r M i n e ( 12 94E963219 00 (( 94E963231 Sandstone and siltstone; dark olive green, dominated by augite and plagioclase grains; minor bedded sections within the lava flows. HTb (( Ts HTS HTc 0 x 180 HTS ( T v 27 ! H K TS x ((94E963218 MID-PENNSYLVANIAN TO LOWER PERMIAN 6350000 N F ASITKA GROUP C 1800 A x ( 094E 211 T v x 1 Limestone; off white, light grey weathering, recrystallized, massive to thickly bedded; occur as isolated roof pendants resting on the Duncan pluton. 094E 027 60 U 1600 094E 210 18 0 O Ar Av 00 x in progress L 94E963216 T v x (( N u b W e s t ( J 400 x Dacitic lapilli tuff, grey-green, green to dark purple, aphanitic greyish white fragments, rare accretionary lapilli tuff, minor flows exhibit faint laminae; occur as T x Ar in progressx x C 1 1 As 094E 072 8 094E 107 R thermally altered pendants on and adjacent to the Duncan pluton. (( 94E963210 0 ( (( 0 03 LDI 26-01 E 2 F 000 (( E 94E963262 (( K 0 A (( ((94E963211 094E 200 140 1200 94E963209 U 094E 088 ((94E963215 INTRUSIVE ROCKS BLg ((94E963220 L 18 (( H 00 00 TS x 16 EARLY JURASSIC T Ar in progress 25 1 0 6 0 0 BLg 8 0 03 LDI 25-05 1 BLACK LAKE SUITE 094E 008 0 1 0 ! 8 14 18 ((94E963212 0 x 00 (( 0 0 x x ((94E963230 160 S h a s t a x x (( 16 x 0 x x x x 0 0 0 x 1 x x 0 0 Granodiorite, light pink, medium to coarse grained, inequigranular, subhedral plagioclase and intercrystalline potassium feldspar and quartz; 15-20% x H 4 x 6 4 TS ( 0 x x 1 1 BLg 0 combined mafics with modal hornblende exceeding biotite. Small to medium sized stocks. 00 094E 147 14 094E 050 x x x (( x Ar ((94E963196 x in progress B r e n d a x x x 94E963388(( x 56 30 (( ( D a w n E a s t x Monzonite, light to dark orange, medium to coarse-grained porphyritic texture, subhedral plagioclase and groundmass potassium feldspar, chloritized x (( 094E 148 (( x Ar BLm x x ! ! in progress 57º15' x x hornblende and biotite up to 15%, trace to 1% quartz phenocrysts. Typically as dikes up to 5 metres wide and less commonly as sills and small stocks. 94E963213 50 x x x x x 55 HTc1 094E 039 x HTM N.W B r e c c i a ! ! x 094E 142 x ! 68 x ! 50 T HTc1 094E 146 40 0 ! BL 0 x 94E963272 ! m 0 6 094E 145 55 68 0 1 (( 50 H 4 Tc1 1 Symbols x HTS x ! x x ! ( x Limit of mapping x x Geological contact (defined, approximate,inferred) T v H x x x x 094E 140 TS x x H 0 Tc1 x 0 x x ( 6 Unconformity (defined, inferred) . 1 x K x ! x Normal fault (ball on down dropped side; defined, inferred) L B a r i t e ( ( (( 6345000 N x 0 x 94E963387 ( 180 Reverse fault (defined, inferred) x BLm 10 V e i n s (( 0 x x x 0 Wrench fault (defined, inferred) T v 094E 106 8 0 HTD 1 0 x x 4 55 x Dike 1 K HTD H x T v TD 094E 133 15 x C x ! 40 x Field station location v ! A x x x ! x x Bedding L x HTc1 ! x x x x x x ! B x x x ! 094E 143 Regional Geochemistry Survey site ( RGS) 40 x (( 25 26 HTc1 x x 7 17 x BLg T v x x x MINFILE occurrence and reference number 094E 141 ! x ! ! H 094E 095 x TTM 0 x 094E 045 Age determination site 60 23 x 1 Ar/Ar Ar in progress x ! 20 x x T v x x x U/Pb HTc1 ! Z 201.3 ".5 Ma x 1 P i n e 6 x 94E963383 Landslide 0 A S 45 (( 0 094E 144 x (( S t u r d e e 1800 x 094E 016 Road (all weather, seasonal) ( x ! x V a l l e y x (( Flooded land A ((94E965049 A i r s t r i p S T v 32 94E963432 0 R 0 (( x 2 (( 94E963384 ! E 1 (( ( A V x x T v 94E963434 (( (( 094E 004 x A S V 94E963386 00 T v V 094E 003 x 12 II 1 4 43 0 00 0 94E965047 R 0 18 0 0 0 x 6 x 4 094E 057 ! 1 094E 005 x 1 A V x BLm (( S HTD x 1400 S x 094E 135 x T x DRYBROUGH PEAK 11 U 00 x 8 H x R ! 1 TS D A S E 094E 137 x HTS x 1 E 094E 149 600 x x 094E 134 x x 55 094E 125 18 18 ! 00 14 00 g T S 0 BL 6340000 N 0 R 094E 138 65 094E 104 1 ! 6 x x 0 II 0 094E 139 x x V x 1 094E 136 6 1 Ar 0 E 4 094E 058 E 0 ( 0 a 0 (( in progress 94E965027 Are R 94E963382 (( x (( ap E E l e c t r u m Y M O G A M N x A A 94E963431 094E 128 T v I R L (( 140 N (( x 0 1 K 6 0 E C N 0 A N L x C II B 1 x x 6 A 1 L 00 S A M U E 094E 129 F 4 A 0 S 1 x 0 6 x 0 DUNCAN PLUTON x 0 0 094E 047 0 (( 4 094E 132 1 94E965026 R 1 8 0 0 E 57º10' S x 094E 131 O A 00 S Ar 16 x in progress U T 03 LDI 29-08 S R 094E 048 x C x 94E965043 x x (( E 1800 14 Z 198.5 "0.4 00 (monzonite 094E 049 dyke) 1 A 10 K 6 00 C T v 0 C 0 94E965024 2 (( 1 E 094E 110 94E963420 094E 111 BLg x 1800 18 x 00 S (( 94E965023 x (( S (( 6335000 N ((94E965044 BLg 094E 127 94E963419 x x 094E 105 ((x R O A D 094E 082 Ar 094E 123 (( ( in progress ((94E963418 00 12 W r i c h 094E 122 L EE E S TT E 1800 R R 0 I R 0 0 0 0 2 I 0 F I 4 F 1 6 1 V 1 E R 94E965042 (( 0 (( 00 2 94E965022 (( 94E963430 (( 94E963417 14 1 00 200 (( 94E965034 (( 0 (( 0 0 2 0 1 1 2 14 600 1 00 94E965036 (( 00 16 094E 081 0 140 Cascadero References Falls 6330000 N Diakow, L.J.
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