CATHEDRAL PREPARATORY SEMINARY THE CURRENT Elmhurst, NY Very Rev. Joseph Fonti, VOLUME I, ISSUE II M A Y , 2 0 1 4 R e c t o r - P r e s i d e n t Mr. Richie Diaz, Principal Locker Rooms LOCKED! A Pro vs. Con Conversation By Nicholas Telesco By Brendan O’Leary PRO CON A little while ago, the administration of Cathedral The recent locking of the doors of the locker room Prep decided that the locker room will now be locked in between classes has made many students upset. at the beginning and end of the day. Many students Approximately 77% of the student body, as ques- disagree with this policy, but the policy should con- tioned by The Current, does not like the idea of the tinue. Why? Many students do not have locks on locker room being locked. Many have claimed that INSIDE THIS ISSUE: their gym lockers, or they leave their stuff out of the they now have nowhere to change into their school locker. This makes it very easy for items such as uniform anymore. Others say that it causes P.E. What Are You Reading? 2 money, wallets, or clothes to get stolen. Now that the classes to be behind schedule. In fact, since the Tablet H.S. Press Awards 2 locker room is locked during the school day, people locker room has been locked, gym classes start six will not have their items stolen. The purpose of this minutes late. Not only does it cause students to be Reality Television 3 isn’t to punish the student body, but to make sure that late to gym class, but it also causes them to be late Alternative Music 3 property does not get stolen. to their other classes. They have to wait for the doors to be opened. There is just one question you Sudoku 4 have to ask yourself, does this new policy help solve problems, or just create new ones? SAT Question 4 Nigerian Schoolgirls Abducted By Aidan Birth “Westernization.” been trending. The abduction of the schoolgirls This has been far from the only Last month, on the night is far from the only problem. Origi- instance of human trafficking re- between April 14 and April 15, nally, Boko Haram leader Abubakar cently. It is unfortunately an everyday 276 Nigerian schoolgirls were Shekau made a video, stating that he occurrence. The human trafficking abducted from their school by a wanted to sell the girls. He claimed market grew around the time of the Nigerian terrorist group called that Allah had commanded him to do Super Bowl. Sometimes, it is very Boko Haram. The kidnappings this. Among other things, it is re- hard to see it going on. The human took place at a school in Chibok, ported that Boko Haram has tried to traffickers take advantage of certain in Borno State, Nigeria. convert all the girls to Islam. large events and gatherings, in this Boko Haram is a terrorist Recently, Boko Haram has case a school with Nigerian school- group based in the Middle East made videos stating that they are girls. Sometimes, in cases like this, it that opposes the willing to release the girls in ex- is very public. There are groups, even “Westernization” of Nigeria. change for arrested members of its religious groups, such as the New Westernization is the process of group. York Coalition of Religious Congre- adapting ideas, customs, and There has been a worldwide gations to Stop Trafficking in Persons practices of world powers, such response to the abductions. World that work to stop human trafficking. as the U.S. Educating females in leaders and public figures such as Multiple countries, even Nigeria it- the Middle East, including in Michelle Obama have responded. On self, are working to find the school- Nigeria, is considered Twitter #BringBackOurGirls has girls. The U.S. contributed drones to the search. We only hope that the “Give me the courage to strive for the highest goals, to flee every temptation to be mediocre.” search ends peacefully. P A G E 2 What Are You Reading? Stephen King’s IT By Brian McCormack We all float down While walking through the halls The story encompasses the lives story for each of here. of Cathedral during the past few of seven adults who are drawn back the seven characters. I was months, I was often spotted clutching to their hometown to confront the evil able to identify with many of the a thick paperback book. After a they faced when they were children. characters’ fears and insecurities, glance at the cover, the usual re- Since this evil entity is amorphous, increasing my sympathy for them sponse from a classmate would be, the children refer to the evil as “It.” in their situations. While the story “Oh, is that the one with the clown?” It terrorizes the small town of Derry, is rife with moments that are genu- I respond that It is in fact “the one Maine, every twenty seven years, inely chilling, It’s themes of child- with the clown,” while understanding murdering young children in grue- hood and friendship are what truly that they only know Pennywise the some fashion. The most well-known made it a unique reading experi- Dancing Clown from the 1990 film shape into which It morphs is Penny- ence. In case any of you readers are adaptation. Very rarely, however, wise the Clown. However, the shape brave enough to tackle a 1000 page had my classmates known that It was that It assumes depends upon one’s book, I won’t spoil anything. I will originally a novel released in 1986. It deepest fear. The story is told in a say that the grave danger that the is widely regarded as King’s magnum split narrative style, flashing back and children face is the driving force opus of horror. While the story is forth between the characters’ lives as that unites them, and the power of abundant with scares and chills, the adults in 1986, and as children in their bond gives them a supernatu- dominant themes of this classic novel 1958. Stephen King provides readers ral strength in their quest to destroy are the magic of childhood and the with a truly immersive reading ex- the ancient evil that has taken the bond created by friendship. perience, telling an in-depth back- lives of countless children. The Tablet H.S. Press Awards On Thursday, May 1st, the upper- classmen of The Current attended The Tablet H.S. Press Awards. Guest speaker Greg Shemitz, a freelance photographer for Catholic News Service, shared advice A day of friendly and some photos. Archbishop Molloy took competition and top honors this year. The Current was press appreciation. recognized for continuing the great tradi- tion of delivering high school news. Tablet editor Ed Wilkinson was particularly pleased to see Cathedral Prep attend the awards; he got his journalism start writing for The Current. Photojournalist and guest speaker Greg Shemitz speaks with Current staffer Eric Lesser. VOLUME I, ISSUE II P A G E 3 Reality Television: Bravo Network By Tyler Flannery Over the past few years, reality television has gained But not to worry, because although these two shows a rather negative persona. From The Real Housewives may have restored some sense of optimism for Bravo of New Jersey to The Flavor of Love, many reality and its future, the network managed to release thirteen shows and reality competition shows that have been new reality series that will completely obliterate any broadcasted on television over the past few years sense of hope. For example, Manzo’d with Children, have made a mockery of the lives of many. For ex- which is a spin off from The Real Housewives of New ample, The Jersey Shore has been accused of negat- Jersey and the most controversial member of that show, ing the reputation for Italian Americans and the Caroline Manzo. Also, Jersey Belle, which is a people of New Jersey (as if The Real Housewives show about a typical New Jersey girl currently liv- of New Jersey hasn’t done enough). Bravo, known ing in Alabama, trying to adapt to the environment for releasing some of the lowest quality reality but can’t help “speaking her mind”. As if it wasn’t television shows of today’s day and age, has com- bad enough, they also created Game of Crowns, a pletely transformed the prior ideas that the crea- competition show between six “pageant tors and owners of the network had in mind. wives.” (Who knew that was a thing anymore?) During the time of its creation, the Bravo Network As you can see, even after listing a few of Bravo’s was intended to focus on fine arts and film. Over the upcoming television series, the American television years, however, the network has managed to release business isn’t making any improvements in regards to numerous reality shows, attempting to pertain to fe- reality television. But is this exactly a bad idea? By por- males between the ages of 25 to 54. Located at the traying these “idiotic television shows” for the American GE Building in New York City, Bravo has managed public to watch, it draws more attention to both their to reach the televisions in over 93 million homes. Just shows and their company, leading to more money being recently, Bravo announced the creation of fifteen new earned. Considering that Bravo is available on the televi- series. Of the fifteen, it came as a surprise to see that sions of over 85% of Americans homes, maybe it isn’t two of them are scripted comedies—Odd Mom Out such a bad idea for them to continuously release these and Girlfriend’s Guide to Divorce—both of which mediocre shows.
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