Western Kentucky University TopSCHOLAR® Student Organizations WKU Archives Records Fall 1985 UA68/13/4 Bowling Green, Vol. 6, No. 1 Kelly Thompson Chapter, Public Relations Student Society of America Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.wku.edu/stu_org Part of the Advertising and Promotion Management Commons, African American Studies Commons, Criminology and Criminal Justice Commons, Dentistry Commons, Education Commons, Journalism Studies Commons, Mass Communication Commons, Photography Commons, Public History Commons, Public Relations and Advertising Commons, Social History Commons, Social Influence and Political Communication Commons, and the United States History Commons Recommended Citation Kelly Thompson Chapter, Public Relations Student Society of America, "UA68/13/4 Bowling Green, Vol. 6, No. 1" (1985). Student Organizations. Paper 280. http://digitalcommons.wku.edu/stu_org/280 This Magazine is brought to you for free and open access by TopSCHOLAR®. It has been accepted for inclusion in Student Organizations by an authorized administrator of TopSCHOLAR®. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Bowling Green MAG A Z I N E Founded 0 11 Trad it ion; Mo ved by COlll e mpol'al'Y Thought , . '. , . - , • • T O U RIS M - . Bowling Green's 567.5 Million Industry ~ 1 (t"';IIH'()I)I(' ( ic) rH)t n'Illi/.i ' lilt, ('111'( 1 1( Hrri~111 11 ;1~ 011 ()I l l" i{)( ' .. 11 ('( ()ll(Jlll\" III I~H·n. l{Jllll ..... rll \\".1;-' Ilw ::~ irH[u ..... lr~ · ill [Il(' SI;\I(' of 1'\I'11I1U "I--\", ,~(· r H' I ,llil1 .~ l1('ilrh S2:~ hllli(111 (ioll<lrs III I {()\\'iillg ( d"c '( 'Jl .11011(' 101Iri ..... t .......... P( ·JlJ S()7.:-) l l1ilii()ll doU!ll"s- , (',I( II ()lli\(' ..... c· 1H'Hlg IH '\\ (1()II.It ..... I)I( 1I 1gilllll!O()UI ( · i[~·. ("rrnJidlillg , , Ill< I ( '\ '( .r I Hid 11\ d I H '( tlll,Q, (',It 11 ( 1111 ( ') I I 11 0 \1 r ( 01l] 111\ I I I i I \ T( III ris III I r\l h ' It, I ..... ,I ...,[11 Illg i Illl ), H I ()ll I ~()\\' I i J).~ ( i we'! ; . ; 11 )( I 11H' , [()(.11 TOlln ..... 1 ,mil { :()Il\'('rlll()11 ( ()!llllll ..... '-,!Ot1I,..... working h,mllo ;11 - ..I;' tJ , It I 11H)I"( ' It H m ..... l ( It )11. l! '-, ( 111 1 ( it \ . iwlpil lg ( H i r- (Tt Hl{)l lli( ' (j('U'IOPI1 H'r)1 ,IIH lll w IUllH('I)!'" j ~()\\ ' lIllg('I('('ll. ~ , -' " I ' ~'I IIHlI<' IIIIIJrlI\,III('11 " (' ,1"s i..., l ,lIl( (' H I ,ll ', ' ''' " III C ,()2\ 7 H:.! ()H()( I 01 Wil l" 'I' ~JJoWLI~ I""wllng I ,((,('II-\\',lIr1'1l (nUllI\ , ~ GREEN / l("lri...,1 ,0,:" ("II"'IIIi'lll «11111111" .... ".11 I'() 11, ,\ h),( I) 1111\\ \III.\.!< ,i<'('!\ 1\)' ,1:.! lfl..! ) r * "' ....../' " , • ,. - - . , .. ~ >' ~ '~r ~ ' FRUITOF THE LOOM. ~LY (;uAN.NTtEO , BWD On behalf of our 1 ,120 local employees, we want to thank the city and people of Bowling Green for creating the kind of environment that makes us happy to call Bowling Gr~ our" rtome." . ., '7 Union Underwe<!mr C .. up~Py. .. qur products are Proudly Made •m U.S.A. Union UndelWeorCo" lnc, 0 One Fruit of the loom Drive 0 Bowling Green, Kentucky 421 02 0 502/ 781-6400 Contents Vol. 6, No.1 FEATURES DEPARTMENTS 6 Glass Place 2 Editors Notebook 16 Reminiscing Lo(!ul 8101"C offen; CU lIllt,.y 16 Fame Game wa r m th ami hos pitalit y 3 Snapshots 17 Early Black Schools 3 Elderly Shape~up Entertainment 4 B.G. H ealth Clubs 20 20 Capitol Arts 5 Mary's Restaurant 14 Christmas 2 1 Restaurant Review B Jackson's Orchard Celt:bra li u ll s va l" y fo," some ,"esid c nts 9 Community Service 23 Cu riosities 9 Greenwood Mall 23 Wind Chill 9 Volunteers in Action 28 Sister City 18 In the line of duty 10 Humane Society 1l Big Brother Program 26 Business Poli ce office,' Swift wo,"ks 26 G.M. Corporation th e night shifl 12 Recreation 26 Population Increase 12 Area Parks 27 Jubilee '85 13 Walleyball 24 Profile of a dentist COVER Dr . .l efTY T. Blevins docs his wor k with a smile D ecorations are abundant as the holiday season approaches. Bowling Green prepares for an extra special Christmas. STAFF Editorial Staff Business Swff Contributors: David Alford, Karen Editors: Debbie L Filer Broob, Susan Combs, Robert Cook, Debbie Business M3nager: Peler Powe ll L. Filer, Holly Fowler, Kathy Fo x, Kevm Angie Sawyer Ad Sales Manager: David Al ford Kare n Brooks Grangier, John Hart, Paige Jones , Ro xanne Kay julius, Manna Knowles, Robin Lash , Dr. Staff: jimmie Bruce, Wende Buchanon. Marion Lucas, R.J. Marquardt, Barkley Payne, Don Fr~nb, Karen Kirsch, Tim Shehan. Stan Re ~gan, Angie Sawyer, Pam Schoon , Adviser: Dr. Raben Bl ann Ad Production Manager: Raben Cook john Spugnardi, T ara \X/assam , Debbie Whit· Product;on Manager: Ro xanne Kay Julius worth, David Wolff. Photographers Circulation Manager: RJ. Marquardt Jonathan NeWlOn Public Relations Manager: Holly Fowler Liz Bell &.', •• G."" M" ",", ,, proJ,.",J "" "..., ,,," ,,~ , ..., "uJ,"" w"" ,h, r.u, The,""",. a.""'" 0' ,n. P.bl", R. I.""•• S",J,,, s.", ...,. of " .... 'K. ".I Illustrator: Tara \X' assam Bryan Hulse ""l.." ,. ,', I :>'r. ~ m, m 01 j"" •• I",. " w,,,,,. K•• , .... h u ..."",, . Ao Michael Kiernan , ~k. '" ,h .. ""." ..... "'" ''''''.. ~ , " II<" '"' "".', of,",.. ",J.m" '"' P ~ S5" "'r'''. '" [)".,,~, ., "I j ,," m .I ,, ~, N w".. .. K, ",,,,,. , U"" .,,' Tara Wassom "', A d d~" "''1''''''' "J '.'0""""'" ' " & .1 .., G" .. M.,."",", )01 Go ...., •••••....•..............••.•••••• I>:' J..." , I>:'""m r, OnK" U.""''''' 110. 1,• • G",", rY ' HOI. ................................... ' BOWLING GREEN MAGAZINE I Editors Notebook This ycar, Bowling Green Magazine is enter­ ing its si xth ycar of publication.Ten issues have been published for the community and in those i"I.If.'$ m~ny topics relevant to this area have been covered. Although al times We have covered con­ troversial subjens, our iment ha~ always been to provide informative as well ~s ('mcnaining arddu for our readers. Our successes ;u well as our failures have provided us with invaluable learning experiences that have enabled us to become be!!c. prepared for our chose n career. One result of the magazine has been ilS con­ tribution to the Kelly Thomp50n Chapu:. of the Public Relations Student Society of America being named ouutanding chapter in the nation: We would lih to thank our ruders and advertisers for their continued support, and we ",'c!come all comments sent to the editors. We also thank the many contributing writen,photographers, and advertising person· nel from the Department of Journalism and P RSSA. This year's magazine staff has been smaller than in the past;however, wilh hard work, long hours and the perserveranct of a dedicated staff tht magazine has produced its lllh issue. A s~cial thanks 10 Dr. Robert Blann for his support throughout the semester. To Mr. Robert Adams and members of Ihe Hnald staff(Viclori a P. Maimer, Mary Meehan, Paige Jones and Jonathan Newton). a special thank you for the use of the typesetting equip, ment and guidance withoUi which thc produc­ tion of Bowling Green Magazine ","Ould have been impossible. Our motto throughout the years has been "founded on tradition; moved by COntem­ porary thought," and we have learned the !rue appreciation of this sentiment. Dedication, deadlines and respect for your fellow workers are among the many lessons we learned during the experie nce of publishing this magazine. For it is not without hard work that anything wonh doing is accomplished, and so it is with Bowling Green Magazine. Hu" /illg C rCt'/1 ,)J 1I;:w~i " e .'i'il{r({,- <l1II ,,·ft) Frull': HO\ ' IIIIJ(, K. }1I1i1ll$_ 1/0/1.1 " ~ ,..I,·,·. '1",.:1 II' ..", ·sum. HitMI,,; i\"n-II IJn JfJks. Karen Brooks, Debbie Fi ler, ('>ngie Sawyer lJ"hhic L Fil,"/". IllIgi,- Su".! /',.. 11m; /.;. : H. } . 1/:' t"lI"ul'lit. /J'H e Edilors ,11{.. ,.d. Utll)!" I" Cuui... '\ 01 ill :,il,,!Jft· ("rl,l,ul u \I "1'(." /'t·lt: ,· PQlI'(-/I a",l/Jr. No/wI" IIlnllll, .."I. i$(."1'. 2 FALL-WINTER Snapshots CI",rlie Mil l";'" in his 90:.'. IlIIfJ jll$/ nu'/ o r J/,lI'b ,1 1'i/ 8 /1n';;; ....tt: cr6 sc ,bn'(' l iwes II " ·CI'N. 10 S/fI)' fit "II(/ keCfJ yUllflg. Senior citizens tackle aerobics " One-thousand-one, one-thousand­ ten." with new people, there were some sore tWO , lift those legs higher!" Barbara " Senior citizens are capable of doing muscles," Burris said. "But, I tel! Burris encourages her group of exer­ more than people think and they real!y them they aren't in competition with cisers. One lad y in the back shouts do need exercise," Burris, the initiator each other." 'help' and the rest of them respond by of the class, said. Mona Massey had been seeing a doc· counting louder. The class began in February of 1985. tor about back trouble. " I think what I Exercise classes are fairly common In "Winter weather was keeping so many needed al! along," she said , "was just this age of fitness conscIousness. of the residents from getting outside the exercise." Young executives, secretaries, and and getting exercise," Burris said. The group's number continues to housewives are all trying to get into "They were encouraged to get a doc­ grow. "Other residents walk by the shape. tor's permission to join the class," outside doors and peek in at us," Bur­ In fact this class, like many others, Burris said. " But we didn't keep them ris said. "and before long they join in meets three times a week, works out Out if they hadn't." with us." fo r one hour, and then the group goes "The exercise seems to be helping on wi th their individual daily routines.
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