46,662 VoL XLyHL No.-245. , : TUESDAY • Constitution Views 'TwasaSadfSadDay MACON GIRL KILLED On Usury Question For Proud Owners RAGE BY MAN WHO FIRED Lauded byt Williams Of Hew Spring'Lids' Comptroller Thinks So In Charge to Murray Grand Many Were the Hearts That Wheii Son Returned From FRONT; FROM SPEEDING CAR Highly of Editorial He Jury, Says $500 Fine Was Sorrowed as Flivvers Gaily Work He Found Mother's Makes It Part of His State- Nothing in Proportion '"to Ended Existence of Wind- Charred Body on Floor am Miss Rosa Lee Eubanks ATTACKING ment Before the House Contempt Entertained for Tossed Hats. Negro Nurse Gone. Was on Her Way Home to Committee. Appellate Tribunal. Dress for Valentine Party •\ He looked almost as sad as a mother .Left ..alone by a negro nurse, Mrs At Some Points the Kaiser's By John Corrlxma, Jr. turtle -when she leaves a lonely, or- Rebecca Anne McKinley. age-d 77, Chatsworth, Ga., February 14.—(fipe- phaned oval to the sun and sees the DELICATE POSITION to Be Given by Philathea Washington, February 14.—(Special.) burned to death at the residence, 1 Forces Succeed in Taking- •cial.)—In his charge to the gramd Jury rude tide ari«e and smither it to smash- Bast Pavilion street, late Monday aft John Skelton WH-liams, comptroller of of Murray superior court today. Judge Class. the currency, eent to Representative ereens, and- the ice of the near-bliz- ernoon, her clothes catching fire fror French Positions, But Lose A. "W. Fite startled the large crowd zard neemed more i cy and the bliz- an open grate. J. R. McKinley. so Howard today The Constitution's edi- packed in the courtroom by declaring Gains as a Result of Heavy torial of January 26 on usury, and zard more blixzardy when that glo- of the aged woman, returned from wori FOR lira STATES that when the court of aippeals fined at 5 o'clock to find his mother* DOC BRAN AM ARRESTED; commending It so highly that Mr. How- him $500 for contempt of that court rious Alpine-effect head ornament of Counter Attacks. afd will have it Incorporated in the the flne was nothing like in proportion his had skylarked 'down Peachtree and charred body lying on the floor, th chair in which she had been slttin As Result ofvAnnouncement hearings on the subject. He wrote: to the contempt which he actually en- sighed out Its last faint breath beneath TAXI DRIVER ALSO HEL& burned, and her clothes still burning "My Dear Congressman: If it is not tertained for that tribunal. He stated the wheels of a "flivver." that any three lawyers present -would Mrs. McKinley, who was paralyzec of Teutons That Armed too late to do so, it seems to me it That was but one lonesome instance. BIG GUNS AND INFANTRY, constitute a stronger court than the It was an afternoon of widely dis- on one side of her body, had been a •would be a very good idea to insert court of appeals. Merchant Ships Will Be Chauffeur Accuses Passen- tributed and dissected headgear. It Invalid for the past three years. Our MINES AND AEROPLANES, the enclosed editorial from The At- Nearly the entire charge was devoted Ing that time her sons. J. R. and C lanta Constitution on the subject of to the courthouse squabble, which has was nothing at all along either White- Sunk Without Warning. W. McKinley, contractors, had em ALL FIGURE IN FIGHTING ger, Declaring That He usury at the close of my supplemental been agitating the public mind for hall or Peachtree streets to see «x hat of lost paternal ancestor rambling mer- ployed a negro woman to care.for the! statement, printer's proof of which I many months, and Judge Fite scathing- Opened Fire as He Passed ly rebuked those who have criticised rily along the sidewalk. Neither was mother, during the day when they w«r Washington, February 14.—The Unit- returned to you this morning. his attitude toward this question. It exceptional to observe head-on col- absent from home. ed States probably will leave to future Young Woman — Branam "It seems to me tha-t Clark HoWell Denounced. lisions between irate owners of "lids" .According to neighbors, the women developments whether any action will has sized the situation up pretty well that betrayed a premature spring ef- be taken in response to the announce- Paris Reports That Many The newspapers of the Cherokee cir- fect. left the McKinley residence shortly be Drinking, Say Police. In this editorial. It Is a very forceful cuit were dealt with In especially vig- fore 3 o'clock, going away with ment fromxthe Teutonic allies that It was an afternoon of Jiat trage- armed merchantmen beginning March German Attacks Have presentation of the subject." „ orous language. In the course of the dies, -but none so desperate as that of ne-gro man. Late last night she ban Macon, Ga., February 14.^Miss Rosa Mr. Howard expects to distribute the charge Judge Fite admitted that when the man whose crania] raiment of- not returned and could not be foun< 1 -will be subjected to submarine at- tack without warning. .Been Stopped by French Ixje Bulbanks. 20 years old. was shot comptroller's statement very generally. he granted the injunction restraining fered itself as mute sacrifice to the despite efforts on the part of polic He believes the evil Is a serious one, the erection of the courthouse accord- jitney. Oh, yss, there was one .other to locate her. From high official quarters today to death on a downtown street here ing to the original pla-ns he knew that Fire, the Assailants Losing tonight, two pistol shots being fired oppresses those least able to bear it, real weep at Peachtree and Walton Wot Knewn. came the intimation that the memo- If the case was carried to the supreme streets. Just a tidy little mass of randums received frbm the German and trom an automobile, which Is said to and is an ungracious return on part of court his ruling would be reversed. The woman wad known -to the Me Heavily — Russians- in the national banks for large governmental ribbons, rosettes, sunshine effects arid Kinleys only as "Mary," and her real Austrian governments are considered nave passed her at high speed. Judge Fite's charge has been charac- Hght-aa-lingerie stuff almost stamped- "Doc" Branam. a young man well terized as a "political speech" by num- dence could not be learned from them in themselves a sufficient warning to Caucasus Have Taken One ing a big limousine, sidetracking a Americans to refrain from engaging Jcnown about town. Is held on tbe bers of people on the streets of Chats- loaded truck and generally holding up by the police officers last night. charge of having shot the young wom- worth this afternoon. traffic until a chivalric young man According: to J. R. McKinley. wh pas'sage on merchant ships of the class of the Erzerum Forts and B,n.jand Marvin Jones, a taxicab driver, HONORS ARE WON Ceurtfconae Case Begun. risked the laughing scorn of the mul- was seen at the residence early las of vessels affected by the order. is also under arrest. Feeling ran high The famous contempt case against titudes and won for himself the blush, night by a Constitution reporter, Mrs In Delicate Po»IU*». Captured Many Turkish aigatnst Branam and a cordon of police BY GEORGIA GIRL the county commissioners of Murray ing gratitude of the fair owner. McKinley had been left with the ne The United States, admittedly, has and deputies tonight surrounded the county and their clerk, Attorney Jease The hat of mere man couldn't stop STO woman for a long time and had found itself to be in a delicate posi- Prisoners. M. Sellers, which was set for hearing traffic. More than one went to earth tion as a result of Its memorandum Jail wihere he was held. AT VASSAR COLLEGE always been well caret! for by her. at 8 o'clock this morning, was called never to rise 'again after the sudden to the entente allies and the memoran- Story Told by Jones. Judge A. W. Fite this afternoon When he returned' to the residence puffs of wind from around the sky- dum from the central powers. London. February 14.—The whole. According to the police, Jones stated Pouffhkeepsie, N. Y.. February 14.— 4 o'clock. scraper corners, and taxi drivers late Monday evening he noticed amok. Should this government approve of western fighting front is the scene of that Branam got into the taxicab and Miss Ruth Walker, of Cartersville, Ga., After hearing- the evidence of sev- seemed to take demoniacal delight in issuing from the cracks under the fron eral witnesses called to testify aigainst the position of the Teutonic allies, it heavy engagements. At some points forced him with a. pistol to run the s among th^ honor girls in this year's smashing 'em. Commandments were door, which led into the room in which the big guns'have been roaring inces- the commissioners, court adjourned un- broken and the air became lurid, but Is believed diplomatic controversies im- machine at high speed, and as they senior class at Vassar college, it was til 8 o'clock in the morning, when one his mother was in the habit of sitting: santly for days; the Infantry have been passed the young woman, Branam traffic rolled on. in front or a grate fire. mediately would result, and it might announced tonight.
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