PAGE TWENTY-TWO FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1971 lianfljf0tw iWning fwalb Avorago Daily Net Preaa Ran The Weather For The Week Ended Mult With tntetat to commit no cerUiln address, was arrest- a i _ f T | Meetly clcudy tonight and leptember 18, m i rope, robbery with violence, ed In August In Qlastonbury. A t>O llt 1 OW fl Sunday with chance cf ahowan. G)iirt Cases two counts ol aggravated as- He was also charged at that Town Wants to Exchange Tonight's low 68 to 60; tomor­ sault. and larceny. time with being found Intoxl- ScotUsh Rites Bodies of You Are Invited To The 1 5 ,4 8 6 row’s high In mid 70s. CIROVIT CO U R T II Jt. John Krlnjak said Hubert cated. Judge Cramer gave the visit Ijafayette Railroad Grade Crossings Manchester— A City of Village Charm ManoliMter SeMloii was^ Involved In an Incident In rprobaUon---------- on condition the ’ at Bridgeport Mon­ June in Wickham Park,Park. In youth seek pr.^oernr.-oer medicalmedicsi ad-ert. ' — U 'vlll..... confer....... the The Public Utilities Comm Is- Tlid present Parker St. would SEMINAR FOR PARENTS OF “T--------r JaU sentences were Imposed vvhlch a woman was attacked yjce for an altered drur In- aegree. Buses wiU leave (ClaasUled Advertlatiif on PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS , . - - .rum numer tToss on Broad has scheduled a then become a seiVlce rbad to MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1971 yssterday In the cases o< Roger robbed. volvement STUDENTS PLANNINQ POST-HHiH VOL. LXXXX, NO. 809 (EIGHTEEN PAGES--TV SECTION) St., Hartfort, ^ 4 “ b tor t ! ^ pubUc hearing for Oct. IS on “"O »«««>' Boudreau, 24, and his brother ^ Hartford man, 23- ------------ , wAwuKsr j n * I A j /MiciAfter tta aiiurishort trial,ltuu, vjnariesCharles H.r wishing to attend. an appUcatlon by the -town of ‘^ r ^ " X e r T a r k " ' « SCHOOL EDUOATION Jj^^drem,. ig, both of ~ * ManchesterKfannhA«tA«* whichwhinli seeksRAAlra toIn —* .... f V ' The Manchester High School Guidance Department wUl Massachusette police to charge cf fall^ S^anThaS Char*®* T. Johnson of 103 abandon the Parker St. railroad LydiUl, I^ , J a p r i v ^ ^ - again present a seminar for parents of students who are Worcester to face charges there w<rhwav Chestnut St. has left for Wash- ITade crossing. accordhw to O-Nelll planning to hirther their education. Meetings will be held No Mstant Threat •n ^ ^ A cf rape of a child. Shoar was ar- ^ ^ ' ‘"«‘on ,to Join her sister, Mrs. addlUon, the town Is ask- ^he PT O ^O ct 16 liearliw on four consecutive Tuesday evenings, from TlOO to liM, in an August court trial of pos- rested by Bm I HaiSoid wllce ly <« t.Uu» ,o cry >>1* j.jh.1 T. ^.y W ^ PUO Penal System In the High School cafeteria, as follows l Will fly to Morocco for a two- tabUsh a new public rallro^- ^ Tuesday, October 6th — Symposium ot College Admis­ I li» and enterl^ with criminal from JusUce, and he was re- Other cases disposed of: week visit. hlghw ^ grade c i t i n g adja- , m capltol Ave., Harttoid sions Officers. Admission Per­ m t^ pos^on of stolen leased to Massachusetts police Kosyra, 48. of Hart ----- cent to an existing private ’ sonnel from Area Colleges will On/feconomy^ Posed o ^ t cards, and tampering i„ eo„rt yesterday failure to drive In the es Boy Scout Troop 133 of Second crossing 680 feet east of discuss college admissions today a motor v ^ le . -toe older Raymond Henderson. , of ‘“bHahed «ane, fined $26. and the offerings at their reopec- 21 OongregaUonal Church will con- J?® Parker St. crossing over Ovater Area Famed five colleges. Protests Set sentances't^J^ Haven, charged In an East Robert J. Rinner, 67,- of tol duct a townwide paper drive to- Penn Central Railroad tracks. Tuesday, October 12th — Parent, Student, and Counselor By Doekers’ Strike susnendiKl totalingaftor leo Hqu. days, Hartford case withwun breakingoresKing land, recklessrecaiess driving, finedimed $50ISO. morrow anaand aunaay.Sunday. ’nioaeThose The new grade crossing. If BORDEAUX — Arcachon and Roles In Choosing Colleges and two irnhrEveAra nrohAilnn ' Ta entering withw8mi criminalvnimntu In-in* Nollessaa/uaco werewct« entered In the tol- wishing to have papers picked approved. would------- he --------across---- a Us Atlantic basin just „southwe^ Schools. By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Boudreau recelvml ‘■mfnni n. ■ carrying a dan- lowing cases; -----------k —“j contact mia.Mrs. jumJam ea es Pt-opoeed----- -------------- extension of— Colonial------- — w.of -..yy.uca.uABordeaux are .au.cufamed <uas the This program will Inolude a visit Rfl. n/WiriAAllnar f/\ DiAsalrAw Qf .,_._a^_ a.___ Longshoremen’s walkouts in all but a few U.S. sea­ weapon In a motor ve- Robert Buslere 22 of rtoven ^ Baldwin Rd. connecting to Parker St. cradle of oyster breeding In to the Guidance Office and a possession of bur- IrTb^ac^rf wace — extension of Co- Prance, tols la also the only demonstration of the computer ports have halted major ocean trade, but the shutdown Coast-to-Coast for college selection. poses no immediate threat to the economy because im­ Tuesday, October 19th — The M.HJ9. Student and Admis­ porters had expected it for months and stockpiled ship­ r f : s r “.;r»r sion to College and School, By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Tuesday, October 26th — Financing Post-High School Edu­ ments. ----------------------------------- ._u . SS “ Aa.lb.r, L0«.^y, cation. as grain and coal to Eaat and Christmas usually arrived In Critics of the U.S. penal system scheduled demon­ Omt. ^ po«^ y^ta'biwddiv w ^-y— youth pleaded btuaoh of peace. RefreahmentT- MU * to [ ) ^ ***“ ™dfoad crooa- Giilf Coast ports that were New York In October but came strations at prisons from Connecticut to California to­ Into several cars belonging to ^““‘v to a substituted Informa- Angela MacDonald, Reeky served. Members are reminded jf the rninniai i These seminars are open to any parents in Manchester. struck Friday when dockwork- In June this year, day to protest .conditions in the institutions. EVERYTHING No registration fee is required. countolors at the N aO uSTL le ?®** P®W®«lon °f controUed Hill, breach of peace. to bring items tor the aucUon. ,, bu^t i? ^ . m ^ era' contracts with shippers Albert E. Bowen Jr., presl- A coalition of antiwar and ------------ Salvation Army Summer “ d was given a William D. Starrett, 28, of ' __ mo^r.Ji L^fflc DRY CLEANS BEHER Sponsored by Manchester Adult Evening School explred. dent of the New York Foreign radical groups said It hoped for coalition for Peace and Justice In Coventry. Findings cf not sentence, Coventry, operating a motor ve-i Manchester Veterans Council the Lydall In^ area on P a^^ BEHER CLEANERS Hie walkout by the AFL-OIO Freight Forwarders and Bro- a turnout cf 1,000 demonstra- planned a three-hour demon- ters In Danbury, Conn., where gtratlon at the San Quentin paity were made on charges . »^®'® '"“A® “®®"®® “"der wUl meet MonSS^^^at St.. > ’l <»-m n Htl.. ^laMt lu’strr FREE AsaociaUon closed every port kers Association, said In- ------ ----- u,v ------------------------• ~~ Ak/Wll X^UUUC from Louisiana to Maine os a ventorles had been expended to the Revs. Philip and Daniel prison. of larxseny against the two. The youth, Ronald Tripp, of suspension. the4Ka VPWtmitif Home on E.*« Centery"o_A__________ St. Works*-hJ Director___ . ...William__ O’Neill.__ tHfi .‘iftxi} Hie August trial was mailted walkout by thfi International extent that “consumers Berrigan are serving sentences ^he coalition to seeking a by an outburst from Roger Bou­ Longshoremen’s and Ware- jjlght) at the Federal Correctional public Investigation of the Aug. dreau’s wife, who leapt to her housemen's Union on the West Center for destroying draft incident In which George feet and struck the arresting of­ Coast entered its fourth month. records. Jackson, one of the so-called ficer, after the guilty findings Ports In Houston and three After a federal Judge ruled "goledeLd Brothers,” two other were made. other Texas cities were kept against allowing the demonstra- inmates and three guards were Judge Henry Qcidbeig, who open by ILA locals that refused Production tors on prison g;rounds, the pro- gialn Inside ithe facility. Offi- heard the case In special ses­ Famous to Join the walkout, and union test site was moved to a park cials said Jackson was attempt- sion, said the two had had too Dial workers under separate con­ five miles away. Ing to escape. many chanoea, and referred to tracts with Midwestern ship­ Of Soft Coal Prison officials confirmed Scheduled speakers Included their lengthy records. He Anti'perspirant pers kept freight moving from that Inmates were scheduled to bobby Seale, chairman of the agreed with Public Defender Prestone Great Lake ports. participate in a special me- Black Panther party, and Ernie 6 oz. Aerosol, Reg: or Uns- morial service Inside the pris- Harris, head of the California George Royater, though, that cetited. $1,29Size.............. The nation’s first simulta­ At Standstill both "rtioiw promise” and Indi­ CiiMor neous shutdown of Atlantic and on. Warden John J. Norton said Prisoners Union. cated the sentences were le­ Anti-Freeze d ial Pacific ports idled international WASHINGTON (AP) The It was scheduled “in recognl- Organizers hoped for 1,800 nient. bulk mall, forced passengers naUon’s soft coal production re- tlon of continued inmate focus demonstrators at the federal Judge QoMberg said he Our Rsg. 1.99 Johnson & Johnson arrivlng aboard cruise Rlners to mtoned at a virtual standstill Riot policeman squirts a thin stream of water on a burning U.S., contractor’s cn happenings in correctional prlscn at Sandstone, lUnn., 90 would consider removing the carry their luggage ashore and with talks to end a two- truck after the vehicle was fire-bombed by protesters in Saigon, (AP Photo) Delta Setback Institutions over the past sev- ">Ues north of Mlnneapolto.
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