1 n m o M . iL *' .ir j; t- • Jr WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17, 1968 PAGE TWENTY-FOUR The jKanrl|«ater lEwnittg l^jralii Avarsge Daily Net Preee R ub F or Um Wtek imdas FaneasS •< O. M. Wa Mansi^is, ie« S t Margaret’s Ctrcls, Daugh­ ford College rtudenie who are ters of Isabella, will sponsor a Ten in Town alao making the trip, la being About Toivn rummage sale on Thursday, financed partly by harealf and 14,110 March 25. from 9 to 11 a.m. at partly b y ' contributlone from "TH i MARVEL OP MAiN STREET' fke Andit m Atty. Vincent Dtann win MoU's Community HaU. Those Go to Selma college mates. The plane fares S r y ,OiroolntlcMi ■penk on “Wini” ait a meeting wishing to donate articles may for the other nine local partici­ MamAetUr^A CHy 0f ViUago Charm ot the Ingraham Circle of bring. them to the hall on pants are being financed by North Methodist Onirch on Wednesday between 7 and 9 Manchester’s civil rights con­ contributions from town resi­ iilii AdvertintHg m Png* te) PRICE SEVEN CKNT8 dents. MANCHESTER, CONN^ THURSDAY, MARCH 18, 1165 Thursday at 8 p.m. at the p.m. For pickup service, con­ tingent, bound for Selma, Ala. 90S Main St. VOL. LXXXIV, NO. 142 ;(TWBNTY-BIGHT PAGB&-TWO SECTIONS) Church. All church members tact Mrs. IhomaS Magnotta, 32 to participate in a voter regis­ Vater, spokesman for the and friends are welcome. There Marshall Rd. group, said today tbaA all tAt* 643*2478 I win be a question and answer tration march tomorrow, has doubled, and now numbers 10 used monies will be sent to the period. Cub Scout Pack 98 will meet persons. James Reeb Memorial Fund, set Friday at 7:15 p.m. at Buckley up to benefit' the widow and Misrtha Circle of Emanuel •School. Den 4 will conduct The original five, whose scheduled Tueaday morning family of the slain Boston Uni­ Lutheran Church win meet opening ceremonies and Dens tarian minister. Thursday at 10 a.m. in the 1 and 2 will display crafts. Den plane departure was postponed Youth Room for sewing. There until tomorrow morning, are The plane load of 90 Hart­ Reds Achieve 3 will present, a skit entitled ford area marchers will disem­ win be a buslneas meeting at 2 “South of the Border." Robert C. Vater, Raymond L. p.m. in Oie Music Room. Devo- Ellis, Iheodore Powell, Mrs. bark at Montgomery, Ala., and tiim win be led by Mrs. Sophea Barbara Goldberg and Dr. Sed- will be transported in motor Dr. Robert Stanton of 23 vehicles to Selma, where they Muismi. Pastor C. Henry An­ Bruce Rd. enrolled In a two- rick J. Rawlins. derson win oonduct Bft)le stud- The new recruits, joining will join thousands in the dem­ week poot-doctoral course fai onstration. There is a possibil­ lea. Mrs. Fred tavey and M «. obstetrles and gynecology held them and 80 others from the Hannah Johnson will be hoet- Hartford area on Ihe 7:15 a.m. ity that they may join in a under the auspdcee of the Har­ march on the stats capitol of nil! eaeee. Members are reminded to vard Medical School In Bos­ flight from Bradley Field are Walk in Space bring sandwiches. Beveragee ton. The course will emphasise Mrs. Sylvia Hadge of 50 Cush­ Montgomery. ,Thc look of tradition in the wl9 be served. the close relationhsip of ob­ Sings Lead Role man Dr., an. active member of The Hartford - Manchester stetrics and gynecology to gen­ Hal Harrison of 176 'Omrod the YWCA and of the League group wll return to Connecti­ Friendrtrfp Lodge of Masons eral medicine. Rd. will be seen as the police of Women Voters; the Rev. cut the same day. and will ar­ Win meet at 7:80 tomorrow sergeant In “ Pirates of Pen- Earle R. Custer, pastor of rive at Bradley Field at 10:10 MOSCOW (AP)—A Soviet rocket hurled two cosmo- niidit at the Masonic Temple. nance,” which will be present­ nauti today into man’s highest orbit and one of them Miss Lynn A. Longfbllow, a North Methodist Church. p.m. TOe Master Mason degree wlH ed Friday and Saturday, March Also, Richard Cobb of 215 NATURAL GENTLEMAN daughter of Mrs. Edith H. Americans spent 10 minutes outside the space ship. be conferred, with John L. Von- 26 and 27 at 8 pm . at Bailey HiUstown Rd., a physical edu­ Deck Jr., senior warden, pre­ Longfellow of 3 Robin Rd.; Auditorium of Manchester Tass, the Soviet news agency, said he was "in condt David T. Hadkell, a son of Mr. cation teacher at Manchester siding. High School. Proceeds of the High School; the Rev. Oscar V. tion of outer space” for 20 minutes, “including 10 miiP- and Mrs. John R. Haskeil of 18 production will benefit the In­ Begin Test utes outside the ship.” This indented he spent 10 minutw Jordt Sit.: and David K. Rob­ Werner of Portland, a retired FREE manner by ‘BOTANY’ 500^ Qentral Neighborhood Girl structors of the Handicapped. Lutheran minister; and Miss m in an airles.s chamber attached to the pressurized maiw Scout Association wUI meet bins, a son of Dr. and Mrs. E. Harrison has performed lead M. Robbins of 8 Thayer Rd., Elizabeth Helfrick of 14 West­ DELIVERY cabin before going outside. t Monday at 8 p.m. at the old roles with the Workshop in minster Rd., a sophomore at parish hail of S t Mary's Epis­ have been named to the dean's ” H. M. S Pinafore, “ Mikado,” For Flight There were indications that the new space venture list at Colby College, Water- Harftord College for Women. ARTHUR DRU6 T copal Chiuch. Leaders are re­ “Gondoliers,” “Princess Ida,” Mias Helfrick’s fare plus was intended a.s another step toward a trip to the mooB minded to invite troop commit­ viUe, Maine, for the first sem­ “Trial by Jury” and "Yeoman ester. AU are graduates of those for several other Hart- by experimenting with the techniques needed to join tee membera. Camp folders for of the - Guard.” He also sings CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. (AP) the troop wlU bo distributed. Manchester High School. Miss — Astronauts Virgil I. Grissom space ships together. Longfellow and HaakeU are sen- with the “Bachaneers,” a male Hi:: quartet, and South Methodist and John W. Young today began Tass, the Soviet news agency, said Lt. Col. Alexei lora while Robbins is a junior. Pvt Richard W. Stocks son Church Choir. He is assistant a full-scale dress rehearsal for Leonov, 30, co-pilot of the space ship called 'Voskhod 2, o f Mr. and Mrs. William Stocks conductor of the Workshop. their space flight scheduled next o f 73 Trebbe Dr., was recently The marching unit of Man­ Tuesday. went 15 feet from the space capsule. He appeared to bff assigned to D Co. of the 2nd chester's Army-Navy Club, in They climbed Into their attached to the ship by a lifeline. Training Regiment for eight next Sunday’s St. Patrick’s Day Members of the Manchester Soviet television staUons'y- Church; Mrs. Barbara Goldberg of the Mancheater Human Relations Com­ “ Gemini 3” spacecraft atop a weeks of basic training in con- Parade in Holyoke, Mass., will Garden Club, who wish to at­ Waiting to board the plane taking them to Selma, Ala. this morning from Titan 2 rocket to practice the showed a. film of Leonov float­ and observations and safely rs« hmction with the Reserve Hkv- tend the Connecticut Horticul­ Bradley Field are, from the left, the Rev. Charles Milton, aaalstant paator of mission; Robert Vater, head of the Manchester High School music department; ing outside the space ship, with be led by ‘*The Saints,” the Fife Dr. Sedrlck Rawlins of the Human relations commission and also the State full four-hour, 62-minute flight. turned to the ship. Outside sb ^ Ustment Program. He wUl Mt. Calvary Church in Hartford; Richard Cobb, a physical education teacher the curve of the earth and the and Drum Corps of Rockville’s tural Society’s meeting tomor­ l!H: Parole Board; Miss Elizabeth Helfrick, a sophomore at Hartford College for They were to complete the test arid after returning to the st>te, serve on active duty for silt American Legion Post The row at 8 p.m. in the Horticul­ at Mancheater High School; Theodore Powell, public Information consultant in late afternoon. blackness of space visible In the Leonov feels well,” Tass said. moivths and then be ajssigned to for the State Board of EMucatlon; the Rev. Herbert Smith, mlnlster-at-large Women; the Rev. Oscar V. Werner of Portland, retired Lutheran minister and parade will be televised by tural Building. 1 Elizabeth St., stepfather of Vater; and Raymond Ellis, a town director. (Herald photo by The space agency said the background. ^ Leonov’s emerg«ice into 102nd Army Band, Hartford. Channel 22, beginning at 1 p. Hartford, must meet in the lob­ for Center Congregational Church; Mrs. Sylvia Hadge of the League of Wom­ Tass said Leonov spent about outer space, his work outsids Ofiara.) astronauts had no immediate He is a graduate of Manchester m. by and attend as a group. John THIRD ANNUAL an Voters and acUve In the YWCA; the Rev. Earle Cuater of North Methodlat comment on today’s Soviet 20 minutes In.-jpecting the sur­ the ship and return to the ship High School and attended Gallagher of Middletown will space spectacular in which one face of the ship, taking pictures were transmitted to the eariib Bartt CoUqre o f Music, Hart­ Members of the Washington speak on wild flowers.
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