Talland Wills and/or associated documents available from Kresen Kernow (formerly the Cornwall Record Office (CRO) and the National Archive (NA) Links are to the transcripts available from the parish page Source Ref. No. Title Date Proved CRO ACP/WR/184/83 Will indexes, Archdeaconry Court of Probate, Talland 1570-1597 CRO FS/3/998/26 Will, John Bevill, esquire, of Killigarth, Talland 1578-1579 CRO ACP/WR/184/84 Will indexes, Archdeaconry Court of Probate, Talland 1597-1627 CRO AP/P/5 Will of Henry Peake of Talland 1601 CRO AP/B/6 Will of Edward Bath of Talland 1601-1602 CRO AP/D/11 Will of William Dyer, husbandman, of Talland 1602 CRO AP/B/52 Will of John Barratt of Talland 1603 CRO AP/H/65 Will of Henry Hitching[s] of Talland 1603 CRO AP/M/43 Will of John Matthew of Talland 1603 CRO AP/S/53 Will of John Stephens of Talland 1604 CRO AP/G/45 Will of Nicholas Gelly of West Looe, Talland 1605 CRO AP/M/83 Will of John Mayowe of Talland 1605 CRO AP/P/82 Will of John Palmer of Talland 1605 CRO AP/C/101 Will of John Cornish of Talland 1605 CRO AP/C/103 Will of Walter Cornish, yeoman, of Talland 1605 CRO AP/W/101 Will of Franncis Wills of Talland 1606 CRO AP/F/16b Will of Pascoe Francis, of Porthloe, Talland 1606 CRO AP/G/66 Will of John Gorde of West Looe, Talland 1606 CRO AP/L/40 Will of John Lampen of Talland 1606-1607 CRO AP/C/173 Will of Elizabeth Cowch of Talland 1607 CRO AP/C/174 Will of Harry Cowch, weaver, of Portlooe,Talland 1607 CRO AP/L/73 Will of Thomas Lobb of Talland 1607 CRO AP/G/72 Will of Margaret Gayche, [Geach] widow, of Talland 1607 CRO AP/C/153 Will of Phillip Code, butcher, of Talland 1607 CRO AP/F/24 Will of Maigery Francis, widow, of Talland 1607 CRO AP/V/26 Will of Richard Volstreat of West Looe, Talland 1607-1608 CRO AP/F/31 Will of Robert Francis, of West Looe, Talland 1608 CRO AP/F/32 Will of Walter Francis senior, of Talland 1608-1609 CRO AP/G/95 Will of John Gay of Talland 1608-1609 CRO AP/P/185 Will of John Pope senior of Talland 1609 CRO AP/F/41 Will of Thomas Francis of Talland 1610 CRO AP/F/47 Will of John Francis of Talland 1610-1611 CRO AP/B/252 Will of John Badcock of Talland 1611 CRO AP/F/49 Will of Paskowe Francis, widow, of Talland 1611 CRO AP/M/199 Will of Richard Mathewe, husbandman, of Talland 1612 CRO AP/L/115 Will of Agnes Lobb of Talland 1612 CRO AP/P/251 Will of John Palmer of Talland 1613 CRO AP/M/219 Will of Nicholas Mason, mason, of Talland 1613 CRO AP/J/173 Will of John Jeffrye (Geoffrye) of West Looe, Talland 1614 CRO AP/J/187 Will of Robert Jane of Portallowe, Talland 1615 NA PROB 11/131/567 Will of Phillipp Bevyll of Killigarth, Parish of Talland, 1615 1615 CRO AP/C/395 Will of John Couch, husbandman, of Talland 1616 CRO AP/M/272 Will of Elizabeth Megg, widow, of Talland 1616 CRO AP/L/170 Will of William Lukes of Talland 1616 CRO AP/F/75 Will of Thomas Francis, yeoman, of Talland 1617 CRO AP/M/296 Will of Laura Maynerd of Talland 1617 CRO AP/F/74 Will of Robert Francis senior of Portlooe, Talland 1617 CRO AP/H/478 Will of John Hearle of West Looe, mariner, of Talland 1619 CRO AP/J/252 Will of John Joseph of West Looe,Talland 1619 CRO AP/H/496 Will of John Hammett of Talland 1620 CRO AP/V/59 Will of John Vyan, sailor, of West Looe, Talland 1620 CRO AP/N/107 Will of John Nash, fisherman, of West Looe, Talland 1620 NA PROB 11/142/67 Will of Elizabeth Bevyll/Bevill of Killigarth, Parish of Talland 1620 CRO AP/F/90 Will of Henry Foote, husbandman, of Portlooe,Talland 1621 CRO AP/G/245 Will of John Gerry, cooper, of West Looe Borough, Talland 1621 CRO AP/G/241a Will of John Gallygan of Talland 1621 CRO AP/M/355 Will of John Morth, esquire, of Talland 1621 CRO AP/M/347 Will of Joan Mellowe, widow, of Talland 1621-1622 CRO AP/H/574 Will of Robert Hearle of West Looe, Talland 1622 CRO AP/F/98 Will of Robert Francis, labourer, of Talland 1622 CRO AP/B/577 Will of Margery Barrett, widow, of Talland 1622 CRO AP/D/226 Will of William Dyer, yeoman, of West Looe, Talland 1622 CRO AP/M/381 Will of Kathy Marten, spinster, of Talland 1623 CRO AP/V/70 Will of Roger Vyan, yeoman, of Portlooe, Talland 1623 CRO AP/F/104 Will of Margery Francis, widow, of Portlooe,Talland 1623 CRO AP/B/605 Will of Walter Babbidge of Talland 1623 CRO AP/D/254 Will of Alice Dyer, widow, of Porpehan or West Looe Borough, 1624 Talland CRO AP/G/298 Will of Sylvester Goard, mason, of Talland 1624 CRO AP/H/658 Will of Thomas Hodge of Talland 1624 CRO AP/P/511 Will of John Poape of Talland 1625 CRO AP/H/663 Will of Mary Halfacre of Talland 1625-1626 CRO AP/L/292 Will of Walter Lillick of Talland 1626 CRO AP/S/569 Will of Sydwell Sowden, widow, of West Looe, Talland 1626 CRO AP/P/544 Will of Susan Peap, widow, of Talland 1627 CRO AP/W/466 Will of Edward Whitt of St Martin by Looe or Talland 1627-1628 CRO AP/S/608 Will of Richard Short of Talland 1628 CRO ACP/WR/184/85 Will indexes, Archdeaconry Court of Probate, Talland 1628-1649 CRO AP/H/780 Will of John Halye of Talland 1629 CRO AP/W/502 Will of John Wood of Talland 1630 CRO AP/F/139 Will of Pascoe Francis of Talland 1630-1631 CRO AP/H/808 Will of Margaret Hammett [Hemmet] of Talland 1631 CRO AP/G/379 Will of Stephen Gerry of West Looe, Talland 1632 CRO AP/W/525 Will of John Woods of Talland 1632 CRO AP/G/390 Will of John Grove, yeoman, of West Looe, Talland 1632 CRO AP/G/391 Will of Davy Grubb of Portpeighan, West Looe, Talland 1632-1633 CRO AP/V/104 Will of Gelyan Vian, widow, of Portlooe, Talland 1633-1634 CRO AP/C/829 Will of Nicholas Coad of Talland 1634-1635 CRO AP/C/848 Will of John Cloke, yeoman, of Talland 1635 CRO AP/P/681 Will of Henry Poap of Talland 1635-1636 CRO AP/S/747 Will of John Saull of Talland 1636 CRO AP/P/690 Will of William Parker, yeoman, of Talland 1636-1637 CRO AP/H/959 Will of John Hender, gentleman, of Hender, Talland 1637 CRO AP/W/605 Will of John Wills of Talland 1637 CRO AP/G/437 Will of John Gerry of West Looe, Talland 1638 CRO AP/B/938 Will of Walter Bath of Talland 1638 CRO AP/S/824 Will of John Stephens, husbandman, of Talland 1639 CRO AP/W/630 Will of John Walter of Talland 1639 CRO AP/W/639 Will of John Wenmoth of Talland 1639 CRO AP/V/120 Will of John Vian, yeoman, of Portlooe, Talland 1639 CRO AP/T/681 Will of Valentine Tregennow of Talland 1640 CRO AP/C/1001 Will of Humphery Cornish of West Looe, Talland 1640 CRO AP/G/473 Will of Richard Gillian [Jellyings] of West Looe, Talland 1640 CRO AP/M/647 Will of Peter Mellow of Hendersicke, Talland 1640 CRO AP/R/644 Will of Robert Richards of Talland 1640-1641 CRO AP/J/473 Will of Walter Jeffrye of West Looe, Talland 1641 CRO AP/W/681 Will of Henry Wenmoth of Talland 1641 CRO AP/G/494 Will of Elizabeth Gerry, widow, of Portale, Talland 1642 CRO AP/L/451 Will of William Lobb, yeoman, of West Looe, Talland 1642 CRO AP/M/697 Will of Chris Mellowe of Talland 1643 CRO AP/W/713 Will of William Wills of Talland 1643 CRO AP/T/743 Will of John Triscott of Talland 1643 CRO AP/S/908 Will of Hawse Saule alias Soull, widow, of Talland, West Looe 1643 CRO AP/T/761 Will of Daniel Trott of Talland 1644-1645 CRO AP/E/214 Will of John Epps, brewer of Portpighan alias West Looe, Talland 1644-1645 CRO AP/C/1106 Will of Joan Cornish, widow, of West Looe Borough, Talland 1644-1645 CRO AP/C/1109 Will of John Couch, yeoman, of Mortha, Talland 1644-1645 CRO AP/W/745 Will of John Walshe the younger of Talland 1645 CRO AP/S/966 Will of William Sedgmore of Talland 1646 CRO AP/F/217 Will of Robert Francis senior of Portlooe, Talland 1647 CRO AP/G/596 Will of Thomas Gillard of Talland 1648 NA PROB 11/232/231 Will of John Bawden of Talland, Cornwall 26/09/1653 CRO FS/3/998/6 Will of John Giddy the younger, yeoman of Talland 1654 NA PROB 11/241/468 Will of Thomas Lobb, Yeoman of Talland, Cornwall 23/11/1654 NA PROB 11/271/528 Will of Agnis Vian, Widow of Talland, Cornwall 24/12/1657 CRO AP/E/245 Will of George Epps of West Looe borough, Tlland 1660-1661 CRO AP/J/560 Will of Nicholas Jew, sailor, of West Looe, Talland 1660-1661 CRO AP/M/801 Will of William Mellow of Talland 1660-1661 CRO AP/G/612 Will of Elizabeth Gerry, widow, of West Looe, Talland 1660-1661 CRO AP/G/607 Will of William Gadgcombe of Talland 1660-1661 CRO AP/G/621 Will of Anthony Grubb of West Looe, Talland 1660-1661 CRO ACP/WR/184/86 Will indexes, Archdeaconry Court of Probate, Talland 1660-1664 CRO AP/R/810 Will of George Richards, yeoman, of Talland 1661 CRO AP/V/154 Will of Dorothy Vian alias Vyan, spinster, of Talland 1661 CRO AP/F/235 Will of Thomas Francis, merchant, of West Looe, Talland 1661 CRO AP/F/241 Will of Robert Frances, mariner, of West Looe, Talland 1662-1663 CRO AP/V/168 Will of John Vyan, yeoman, of Portlooe, Talland 1663 CRO AP/M/859 Will of William Mellow of Talland 1663 CRO AP/M/858 Will of Benjamin Mellow of Talland 1663 CRO AP/C/1366 Will of Roger Couch, husbandman, of Talland 1664-1665 CRO AP/W/895 Will of John Welsh of Talland 1664-1665 CRO AP/M/904 Will of Joseph Mellow of Talland 1665 CRO AP/C/1391 Will of John Couch of Talland 1665 CRO AP/F/268 Will of John Foxwell, yeoman, of Talland 1666 NA PROB 11/325/504 Will of John Hallett of Killigarth, Parish of Talland, 1666 1666 CRO AP/T/985 Will of Thomas Tom, fisherman, of Polperro, Talland 1667 CRO AP/E/285 Will of John Epps, mariner, of West Looe borough,Talland 1667 CRO AP/F/272 Will of Henry Frances, yeoman, of Portlooe, Talland 1667 CRO AP/C/1443 Will of William Cortize of West Looe, Talland 1667 CRO AP/G/714 Will of Marain Grubb, widow, of West Looe, Talland 1668 CRO AP/C/1503 Will of Tresram Couch, yeoman, of Talland 1669 CRO AP/G/723 Will of Rebecca Gourd of Talland 1669
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