had actually started in the 14thC) but increased on an an on increased but 14thC) the in started actually had (which herbs aromatic and medicinal of cultivation the for 18thC the in known best became Mitcham Georgian period Medieval/Tudor villages. surrounding networks(tracks)leadingto centraltoroad then were whicheven (CricketGreen) andLowerGreen Green) (Fair –UpperGreen greens onthecurrent centred Settlements inthelateSaxonandearlyNormanperiods sea-bornefrom raiders. tothecityofLondon theapproaches toprotect area inhabitants mayhavebeenencouragedtosettleinthe the siteofathrivingSaxonsettlement.Itisthought Roman occupationofBritain,andbythe7thC,was the Mitcham wasidentifiedasasettlementlongbefore Roman/Saxon period for horses. coaching parties,withmanyinns stabling facilities fortravellersand Mitcham wasabusythoroughfare and systemhadbeenimproved Londoners. Theroad by Epsom hadbecomeaSpamuchfavoured commons andwatermeadows.Bythemid17thC village withopenfieldsinstripcultivation,extensive agricultural By the17thCMitchamwasaprosperous five separateoccasions. but importantenoughforQueenElizabethItovisiton estates orlandinMitcham–toomanytomentionhere, By theendof16thCmanynotablepeoplehad London. inTudor water–bothscarce airandpure fresh for to LondonandRoyalPalaces,itsreputation Alsoinitsfavourwascloseness good company. forits the 16thCMitchamwasbecomingrenowned attaining thehigherstatusoflandowners.Thusby seekingestatesinMitcham,as ameansof were theCityofLondon andbankersfrom merchants isevidencethatwealthy themid14thCthere From in theConquest. withEnglishestatesfortheirpart nobles rewarded dispossessedbyNorman Saxon landownerswere These theConfessor. held bytenantsofKingEdward sixmainestatesinMitcham were By the11thCthere period map Mitcham Upper heritage heritage MERTON COUNCIL MERTON www.merton.gov.uk running from Wandsworth, through Mitcham to Croydon. to Mitcham through Wandsworth, from running – 1803 in opened was world, the in railway public first the Railway, Iron Surrey the so problem, a was industries various the serve to coal and goods for Transport mills. snuff and paper flour, alongside fabrics, printed and coloured for demand increased the in flourishing were works dye and printing mills, with area Wandle River the in industries processing textile time, same the At growing. herb supported Mitcham in land of acres 500 nearly 1802 By Moore. William and Potter Ephraim by used methods innovative through scale industrial Victorian period Victorian to byeveryone.Gypsies attractedbytheFairand byQueenElizabeth1)waslookedforward chartered on allcomers.TheannualMitchamFair (saidtobe couldfieldateamtotake the oldestincountry, MitchamCricketClub, alleviate thelotofpoor. activitiesto activeinphilanthropic local gentrywere The mid-Victorian periodsawMitchamthriving.The 1 Eagle House – former – Fair Green – built – Fair Green – Majestic Way – private – Majestic Way THE WHITE LION OF MORTIMER PH THE WHITE LION OF MORTIMER Site of LORD NAPIER PH Site of MAJESTIC CINEMA Site of OLD BEDLAM or OLD BETHLEHEM Site of MONTROSE HOUSE, SAMSONS VET 4 5 6 7 8 – rear of 25/27 Upper Green East – built late 19thC on of 25/27 Upper Green – rear of Frederick home in 1880’s land known as Jennings Yard; “Squeaker” Samson, local vet and farrier; entrance to back over board had an arched Gardens) (now Montrose yard 1933 in Art Deco style; on the site of Ravensbury, an 1933 in Art Deco style; on the site of Ravensbury, the house occupied by James Drewett ‘Tudor’ Edwardian had been a little “flea pit” in there undertaker; previously London Road showing silent movies; decline in cinema going saw the Majestic closing down in 1961; for next 14 years was a bingo hall and casino; demolished in 1979 and with supermarket; when part of St Marks Road replaced Majestic Way. was pedestrianised it was renamed BUCKS HEAD PH [local listed] – London Road – evidence that inn has been on site since at least 16thC; in 17thC building owned by Smythe family whose coat of arms the name Bucks Head; used for meetings of inspired Hall was built in 1887; Vestry the parish ‘vestery’ before renamed building erected; demolished in 1895 and current to banish the White Lion of Mortimer in 1990 in an effort it had attracted; sadly this name had no the bad reputation the link with the connection with Mitcham and destroyed past – that a Bucks Head had occupied the site for over 400 years. Majestic Way – a much older building had been on site of Majestic Way Ravensbury; built early 13thC it was a substantial building with several additions over the years; housed a succession till 17thC; possibly run for of wealthy tenants; no records a time as asylum for the insane (hence the name) but no the unearthing of to substantiate this, apart from records land that would have been at rear several skeletons from of house – speculated to be inmates of Old Bedlam such burial in from as suicides who would have been barred built demolished in 1854; Drewett consecrated ground; Ravensbury early 20thC. the Mayor with the Turning of the Key ceremony; by 1923 it of the Key ceremony; the Mayor with the Turning too big for the space and was moved to Three had grown Kings Piece. house on what was then known as Killicks Lane, thought to have started in mid-19thC when the Beerhouse Act 1930 their houses (in beer from allowed householders to retail the evil gin!!); also known as the to wean them off an effort unknown, but the property Roaring Donkey; date of closure funeral parlour until demolition in was later George York’s the mid 20thC. S K Wandle h e i m iv e r D l 20/21st Century Change wasinevitable. theherbdistillerieswasbecomingoverpowering. from works wasestablishedin1849,andeventhesmell Agas employingnoxiousprocesses. manufacturers industries–paint,varnish ofoffensive andlino share thanitsfair wealthier classes,attractinginstead,more network, andwaslosingitspopularityamongstthe Mitcham hadbeenskirtedbytheexpandingrailway inwhatisstillknownasRedskinVillage.But area andmanysettledinthePhippsBridge in droves cametoMitcham employment intheherbgardens [email protected] financed theprintingofthisleaflet The MitchamSocietyandMcDonalds, Mitcham, SM45DX LondonRoad,Morden Civic Centre, MertonTeam: Mitcham SocieyandLBMerton,Future byThe This leaflethasbeenwrittenandproduced June. in Carnival Mitcham the and Fair Status Mitcham the including year, the throughout place take still events many and celebration, a hold to excuse any use to continues Mitcham 21stC the In occasions. important celebrate to line in first always was and merry-making, for reputation a had always has Mitcham Historically, borough) (named afterthe11thCMertonPriory–centralto ofMerton tobecometheLondonBorough Morden l status in1934,andby1965joinedWimbledon and Mitcham in1915.wasgrantedBorough theUrban Districtof medieval parishwascreated oftheancient in administrativestatus,andthearea government calledforanadvance responsibilities, complexityoflocal andtheincreasing civic awareness, of 29,606.Thegrowth population doubled,reaching Mitcham.Inthefirstdecadeof20thC across needs ofthemanynewestatesbeingdeveloped formedtoservethespiritual up. Newparisheswere andchapelsspringing movement sawotherchurches andNon-Conformist Church oftheFree the growth beingdividedintosmallerparishes,plus England were of The oldecclesiasticalparishesoftheChurch b Meadow l g e r d s n e Nature i a g l s W o t p u i C Park a R R a K y l h o l a a C e th d r F or c - A N B W W ri - s Fa c l o l t r y e s a M R d e n d t i u l s o l R W B e o a l r a E d R e C o i b n in [GII listed] – Fair Green a t s o a Upper Mitcham r e n t R e d W e D oy a r r d t – B l Fair Green – Market square, p R o S o l a e d COLLIERS WOOD U Community on n C s l ni i Centre iv e v e D e d r a s C it o R o was a settlement – evidence that there o y R a d d l W R le R a r g o re n B e a e v t y s ro g h r M R g r g a o u B o i bl a h Tooting ye o d v r d e H o r u i R g o h B b L i vy e n nd os on n d k r d R The White Lion of Mortimer a R MITCHAM CLOCKTOWER Site of VILLAGE PUMP GREEN FAIR e P d H W l W a d a 4 1 2 3 R re a a Wandle Park d w ts o d – there was a pump on this site for several centuries; the – there in 1865 and fitted with gas was erected last replacement lights fed by the nearby gas works; a popular meeting place for loafers, orators, evangelists and local politicians, and the by the Clocktower in Salvation Army every Sunday; replaced 1898. Fair Green – erected in 1898 to commemorate the Diamond Jubilee of – erected the Village Pump; the clock never Queen Victoria; replaced the worked very well, most believe the well beneath affected mechanism; the Clocktower was taken away for complete and during the pedestrianising of the Fair Green renovation position in 1994 in the presence in its current was reinstalled of the Mayor of Merton. around the green in Saxon times and probably as far back as in Saxon times and probably the green around Roman times; original site of Mitcham Fair since 16thC; the by Queen fair was allegedly given a Charter to operate there opened by Elizabeth 1; it ran for 3 days in August every year, a Heritage Walks Start Mitcham Clocktower on Fair Green r o o R i n k o n G n l d C re S a o nfe d l lo e ll t f i r Finbor Road r s l e h R e u o o W ns da N R o Cavendish Roa i v d tl £ o e n D OS Map Crown Copyright 2011 All rights reserved: LBMerton100019259 Copyright2011Allrightsreserved: OS MapCrown B Library 12 a R Inglem d n o a C Ro o k a ad d V a d A a rnold R a v oR a o d ll e d a d e n R a y d o ds n orthG i S e o N N w R WColliers ood s nia s c Parks
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