Restoring and Enhancing the Value of Degraded Lands and Forest Ecosystems for Enhanced Climate Resilience in Benin (PIRVaTEFoD- Benin) Part I: Project Information GEF ID 10688 Project Type FSP Type of Trust Fund MTF CBIT/NGI CBIT NGI Project Title Restoring and Enhancing the Value of Degraded Lands and Forest Ecosystems for Enhanced Climate Resilience in Benin (PIRVaTEFoD-Benin) Countries Benin Agency(ies) UNDP Other Executing Partner(s) Executing Partner Type Ministry of the Living Environment and Sustainable Development (MCVDD) Government GEF Focal Area Multi Focal Area Taxonomy Focal Areas, Stakeholders, Gender Equality, Capacity, Knowledge and Research, Climate Change, Climate Change Mitigation, Agriculture, Forestry, and Other Land Use, Climate Change Adaptation, Climate resilience, Least Developed Countries, Community-based adaptation, Ecosystem-based Adaptation, Land Degradation, Sustainable Land Management, Restoration and Rehabilitation of Degraded Lands, Sustainable Livelihoods, Income Generating Activities, Sustainable Forest, Improved Soil and Water Management Techniques, Land Degradation Neutrality, Land Cover and Land cover change, Land Productivity, Carbon stocks above or below ground, Influencing models, Deploy innovative financial instruments, Strengthen institutional capacity and decision-making, Convene multi-stakeholder alliances, Beneficiaries, Private Sector, Individuals/Entrepreneurs, SMEs, Civil Society, Academia, Non-Governmental Organization, Community Based Organization, Communications, Public Campaigns, Awareness Raising, Behavior change, Type of Engagement, Participation, Indigenous Peoples, Local Communities, Gender results areas, Capacity Development, Access and control over natural resources, Participation and leadership, Gender Mainstreaming, Gender-sensitive indicators, Sex-disaggregated indicators, Women groups, Knowledge Generation, Learning, Theory of change, Adaptive management, Indicators to measure change, Knowledge Exchange Rio Markers Climate Change Mitigation Climate Change Mitigation 1 Climate Change Adaptation Climate Change Adaptation 1 Duration 72 In Months Agency Fee($) 858,123.00 Submission Date 9/28/2020 A. Indicative Focal/Non-Focal Area Elements Programming Directions Trust Fund GEF Amount($) Co-Fin Amount($) LD-2-5 GET 1,060,250.00 4,487,300.00 LD-1-3 GET 3,506,417.00 15,000,000.00 CCA-2 LDCF 4,466,210.00 17,805,200.00 Total Project Cost ($) 9,032,877.00 37,292,500.00 B. Indicative Project description summary Project Objective To support achievement of Benin’s Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN) targets through sustainable land and forest management practices and strengthen the climate resilience of vulnerable populations in the Niger Valley, Alibori Sud-Borgou Nord-2KP and Zou-Couffo Agricultural Development Areas (*) (*)Although Benin is not formally part of the Great Green Wall Initiative, this project will contribute significantly to the objective of the partnership to restore 100 million hectares of currently degraded land, sequester 250 million tonnes of carbon and create 10 million jobs in rural areas by 2030. Benin has already committed to bringing into restoration 0.5 million hectares of degraded and deforested lands under the Bonn Challenge Project Financing Project Outcomes Project Outputs Trust GEF Amount($) Co-Fin Amount($) Component Type Fund 1: Political, Technical GET 360,250.00 1,300,000.00 1.1 Strengthened nationa 1.1.1 National centralise financial, Assistan l policy, governance and d LDN database created institutiona ce financial frameworks and within the MCVDD with a l, and capacity to implement cli link to global monitoring regulatory mate risk informed SLM of restoration and LDN. framework and SFM, and climate-pr [1] s to oofed sustainable livelih achieve 1.1.2 National monitorin oods contributes to achi climate risk g system for tracking cli evement of LDN. informed mate change vulnerabilit Land y in the agricultural secto Degradatio r and changes in adaptiv Indicators and targets: n Neutrality e capacity, land cover ch (LDN) and ange, degradation, restor advance ation and forest ecosyst integration - Biannual national report ems, and ecosystem ser of s on the impact of produ vices, is created.[2] vulnerabilit ction sectors on forest e 1.1.3 The National Com y cosystems and the state mittee to Combat Deserti assessmen of land degradation. fication is strengthened f ts and or enhanced ownership a adaptation Annual analysis of chang nd capacity of national a options e in climate impacts and uthorities to address exp within land vulnerability to climate ri ected scenarios of clima use sks (floods, droughts, rai te change hazards and s decisions. nfall variability) in project ensitivity ensitivity. areas. 1.1.4 The National Fores try Development Fund, N The targets for the new ational Environment and national, country led mon Climate Fund, and Natio itoring system which will nal Agricultural Develop include indicators on lan ment Fund have harmoni d use change and resilie zed programs integrating nce, vulnerability and ada CCA and LDN objectives, ptive capacity indicators strengthened governanc contextualized to local cl e mechanisms and the c imate change risks will b apacity to mobilize resou e determined during proj rces. ect development under t 1.1.5 Training and equip he PPG ment provided to key age ncies (Ministries of Envir onment, National Geogra - National mapping instit phic Institute, National A ute responsible for carto gricultural Resource Insti graphy and remote sensi tute) to improve impleme ng has necessary tools t ntation of climate risk inf o track and monitor land ormed and resilientSLM t and forest degradation, c echnologies[3] and cons hanges in soil moisture, ervation of production la surface run-off, temperat ndscapes, with improved ure variations and precipi coordination and monito tation patterns, etc, ecos ring of climate change i ystem restoration[1], pot mpacts, land degradatio ential changes in ecosyst n trends, restoration, and em services generated sustainable forest mana gement[4]. - 30 MCVDD personnel ar e trained in use of climat e change scenarios, vuln erability assessments an [1] For example, the national d climate risk informed e centralized LDN database cosystem service valuati could link to the IUCN- on, SLM/LDN tools. managed BC Barometer for restoration progress. [2] This will include creation - A Monitoring Review an of a national centralized d Verification system (M database (housed at the RV) for Land and Forest Ministry of the Living Degradation and relevant Environment and climate resilience indices Sustainable Development) is operational. that will draw on the various databases at each of the sectors and will result in more streamlined reporting [1] Benin has committed to bring [3] The term technologies is 500,000 hectares of land into used here following the restoration by 2030 under the Bonn standard WOCAT definition, Challenge. As such, Benin is already as in April 2014 UNCCD able to access, adopt and use the officially nominated the Barometer of Restoration progress, World Overview of a monitoring tool (managed by Conservation Approaches IUCN) to report on progress towards and Technologies (WOCAT) restoration of degraded lands. database – hosted by CDE – Additionally, restoration planning as the primary and practices adopted in the recommended database on proposed project will integrate best practice and appropriate consideration of technologies of sustainable climate change projections in order land management (SLM). to identify restoration interventions best suited to a drier climate (in [4] Investments will be northern Benin) and more rainfall required to provide the variation in central and southern necessary power supply Benin. Actions to support (solar) and equipment to achievement of Benin’s Land enable the National Degradation Neutrality targets will Geographic Institute to carry be climate risk informed and out its monitoring functions. selected with resilience to climate Ministries and research change as one of the criteria. institutions will also need data management software, as well as trained personnel at the various agencies who can manage the databases. 1: Political, Technical LDC 288,750.00 1,260,000.00 1.1 Strengthened nationa 1.1.1 National centralise financial, Assistan l policy, governance and d LDN database created F institutiona ce financial frameworks and within the MCVDD with a l, and capacity to implement cli link to global monitoring regulatory mate risk informed SLM of restoration and LDN. framework and SFM, and climate-pr [1] s to oofed sustainable livelih 1.1.2 National monitorin achieve oods contributes to achi g system for tracking cli climate risk evement of LDN. mate change vulnerabilit informed y in the agricultural secto Land r and changes in adaptiv Degradatio Indicators and targets: e capacity, land cover ch n Neutrality ange, degradation, restor (LDN) and ation and forest ecosyst advance - Biannual national report ems, and ecosystem ser integration s on the impact of produ vices, is created.[2] of ction sectors on forest e vulnerabilit cosystems and the state 1.1.3 The National Com y of land degradation. mittee to Combat Deserti assessmen fication is strengthened f ts and or enhanced ownership a adaptation Annual analysis of chang nd capacity of national a options e in climate impacts and uthorities to address exp within land vulnerability to climate ri ected scenarios of clima use sks (floods, droughts, rai te change hazards and s decisions. nfall variability) in project ensitivity.
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