Fordham Law Review Volume 7 Issue 1 Article 1 1938 The Soviet Concept of Law Vladimir Gsovski Follow this and additional works at: https://ir.lawnet.fordham.edu/flr Part of the Law Commons Recommended Citation Vladimir Gsovski, The Soviet Concept of Law, 7 Fordham L. Rev. 1 (1938). Available at: https://ir.lawnet.fordham.edu/flr/vol7/iss1/1 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by FLASH: The Fordham Law Archive of Scholarship and History. It has been accepted for inclusion in Fordham Law Review by an authorized editor of FLASH: The Fordham Law Archive of Scholarship and History. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The Soviet Concept of Law Cover Page Footnote Assistant in Foreign law, Library of Congress, Washington, D. C. The writer considers it to be his pleasant duty to express deep appreciation of the valuable guidance of Professor Walter B. Kennedy of Fordham law School in the preparation of this paper. Thanks to his generous advice and hearty cooperation the explanation of an intricate matter was brought before the American reader. This article is available in Fordham Law Review: https://ir.lawnet.fordham.edu/flr/vol7/iss1/1 FORDHAM LAW REVIEW VOLUME VII 1938 WOOLWORTH BUILDING NEW YORK 1938 Copyright 1938 By Fordham University Printed in U. S. A. The Heffernan Press Worcester, Mass., U. S. A. TABLE OF LEADING ARTICLES-AUTHORS FIDAN, IAnlTO.x R. The Scope of Mortgage Liens on Fixtures and Personal Property in New York ................................ 331 GsovsKI, VLADIMIR. The Soviet Concept of Law .................... 1 KENNEDY, WALTER B. Realism, What Next? .......................... 203 M.ARcus, PmIu'i. Periodic Tenancies ................................ 167 r MERSC , VICTOR S. Is Tifft v. Porter Modified, or Are Bequests of Closely Held Stock An Exception to It? ................................. 364 O'REiLLY, JOHN D. JR. Administrative Absolutism .................... 310 POUND, ROSCOE. Individualization of Justice .......................... 153 RoTmscmID, JAY LEO. Judicia Immunity for Acts Without Jurisdiction ... 62 SANm, LEONARD S. The Renascence of Civil Practice in New Yorl ....... 45 W11mrAN, WIhLIAm F. Anti-Trust Cases Affecting the Distribution of M otion Pictures ................................................ 189 WILKINSON, IGNATIUS M. The Lawyer and the Defense of Constitutional Democracy in America .......................................... 301 TABLE OF LEADING ARTICLES-TITLES ADMINISTRATIVE ABSOLUTISLI. John D. O'Reilly, Jr. .................. 310 ANTI-TRUST CASES AFFECTING THE DISTRIBUTION or MoTIOz; PICtUREs. William F. Whitman ............................................ 189 LNDIVIDUALIZATION OF JUSTICE. Roscoe Pound ........................ 153 Is TIFFT V. PORTER MODIFIED, OR ARE BEQUESTS OF CLOSELY HELD STOCE: AN EXCEPTION TO IT? Victor S. Mersc .......................... 364 JUDICIAL IIMMUNITY FOR ACTS WITHOUT JURISDICTION. Jay Leo Rothschild ............................................ 62 PERIODIC TENANCIES. Philip Marcus .................................. 167 REALISI, WHAT NEXT? Walter B. Kennedy .......................... 203 THE LAW-YER AND THE DEFENSE Or CONSTITUTIONAL DEmOCRACY IN AMERICA. Ignatius M. Wilkinson .................................. 301 THE RENASCENCE OF CIVIL PRACTICE IN NEw Yome=. Leonard S. Saxe .... 45 THE SCOPE OF MORTGAGE LIENS ON F=XWrEs AND PERSONAL PROPEReTY IN NEw Yopx. Milton R. Friedman ............................ 331 THE SOVIET CONCEPT OF LAW. Vladimir Gsovski ...................... 1 TABLE OF BOOK REVIEWS-AUTHORS ALBRECHT-CARRIE: Italy at the Peace Conference. Elbridge Colby 474 CHASE: The Tyranny of Words. Walter B. Kennedy .................. 296 DERENBERG: Trade Mark Protection and Unfair Trading. William R. W hite, Jr. .......................................... 147 FRYER: Readings on Personal Property. Walter B. Kennedy ........... 470 HODES: Law and the Modem City. J. Joseph Lilly .................... 146 HUDSON: Cases and Materials on International Law. A. N. Sack ........ 292 KUHN: Comparative Commentaries on Private International Law. Frederick I. de Sloovere ........................................ 289 MATRER: Cases and Other Materials on Administrative Law. Eugene J. Keefe ............................................... 472 OBERING: The Philosophy of Law of James Wilson. William R. White, Jr........................................... 469 RuTHER o:o The Influence of the American Bar Association on Public Opinion and Legislation. William L. Ransom ...................... 144 STUMBERG: Principles of Conflict of Laws. Samuel J. Warms .......... 148 TANZER: The New York City Charter. Charles W. Tooke .............. 293 THoMAs: The Law of Chemical Patents. Daniel H. Kane ............ 298 STURGES: Cases and Materials on Debtor's Estate. John J. Waldron ...... 294 WICKERSHAM: Old Yukon-Tales, Trails, and Trials. Arthur J. O'Dea .... 473 INDEX-DIGEST Page references in bold typo are to Leading Articles; in plain typo to Comments, Legislative Notes, Recent Decisions, Book Reviews, Obiter Dicta and Correondence ADMINISTRATIVE LAW Transportation for pupils of sectarian Absolutism of administrative boards schools 436-438 310-330 Validity of California pension plan As compared to the judicial process 467-46S 159-160 Validity of capital stock tax 442-445 Definition of 312 CONTRACTS Judicial review of administrative deci- Consideration in charitable subscription sions 318-330 264-267 Maurer: Cases and Other Materials on Of insurance, what constitutes 263-271 Administrative Law, a book review Right of infant to disaffirm 445-449 472-473 CORPORATIONS Report of American Bar Association on See Stocb 310-330 Closely held, an exception to rule of AGRICULTURE Tifft v. Porter 384-333 As part of the general welfare 400402 COURTS ANTI-TRUST Judicial statistics 48.51 As affecting motion pictures 189-202 APPEALS COVENANTS Changes in appellate practice 58 See Real Property ATTORNEYS As running with land 463 The lawyer's defence of democracy Enforcement of affirmative, against 301-309 grantees of covenantor 462-64 BAUKRUPTCY CRIIMIINAL LAW Corporate, personal liability of officers Evidence of other crimes to prove in- 254-256 tent 113-115 Possession of bankrupts' assets, burden Imitation of trade name a misdemeanor of proof 254-256 131-136 BILLS AND NOTES Insanity as a defense 76-S9 Delivery to impostor 106-109 Right of accused to inspect prozecution'S Negotiable Instruments Law and Bill of evidence before trial 449-452 Exchange Act, effect of 94-96 DESCENT AND DISTRIBUTION Payees as holders in due course of nego- See Wills tiable instruments 90-105 Effect of a testamentary trut on sur- CARRIERS viving spouse's statutory share of Public, negligence of. degree of care estate 115-117 256-258 Sturges: Cases and Materials on Debtor's CHL LABOR Estates, a book review 294-296 See Labor Law DOMESTIC RELATIONS CONDITIONAL SALE See Parent and Child Filing of contracts of 353-359 Negligence, no imputation of from parent Of fixtures 331-363 to child; Dom. Rel. L. Sec. 73 141 CONFLICT OF LAWS Validity of foreign divorce in New Stumberg: Principles of Conflict of Laws, York 253-261 a book review 14S-151 Validity of a foreign divorce in New DOWER York 253-261 Inchoate, statutory right to extinguish CONSTITUTIONAL LAW 278-232 Admissibility of wire-tapped evidence EDUCATION As part of the general wdfare 4C-402 261-264 Labor as, under proposed child labor Federal courts as bound by state deci- sions 438-442 amendments 223-227 Full faith and credit clause and foreign Pupils must salute flag, requirement of divorces 258-261 education law 465-466 Transportation General welfare clauses in Federal Con- for pupils of sectarian stitution 390-417 schools 436-438 Police power to regulate employment EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES agencies 109-112 Power of police to regulate 109-112 Right of relief recipient to vote 466467 ESTOPPEL Separation of powers and administrative Promissory, in charitable subscription authority 316-318 contracts 26S vi FORDHAM LAW REVIEW [Vol. 7 Page references in bold typd are to Leading Articles; in plain typo to Comments, Leglslattvo Notes, Recent Decisions, Book Reviews, Obiter Dicta and Correspondonce EVIDENCE Lawyers' defense of democracy, the Admissibility of evidence of other crimes 301-309 to prove intent 113-115 Obering: The Philosophy of Law of Impeachment of party's own witness, James Wilson, a book review 469-470 right of 452-455 Realism, philosophy of, in the law New changes in 'ules of 55 203-215 Parol evidence rule, history of 238-240 Soviet concept of law, the 1-44 Parol, rule of in sale of goods 238-253 Soviet trial, confessions as expediting Res gestae, doctrine of 118-120 286-287 Right of accused to inspect prosecution's JURY evidence before trial 449-452 Changes in jury regulations 54-56 Wire-tapped, admissibility of 261-264 JUSTICE FIXTURES Individualization of 153-166 After-acquired, mortgage of 342-344 LABOR LAW Common law of 331-340 Amendments, proposed to abolish child Conditional sale of 331-363 labor 227-235 Mortgage liens on, in New York 331-363 Child labor legislation 217-238 Statutes applicable to 34144 Child labor, scope of term 223-227 Unattached personalty as 345-353 Child labor, state or federal problem FRAUDS, STATUTE OF 235-237 Effect of, in oral sale of goods in buyer's History of child labor law 217-221 possession 122-125 LANDLORD & TENANT GENERAL WELFARE See Real Property See. Public Welfare Periodic tenancies 167-188 INFANTS Title to fixtures as between 354 Right of, to disaffirm contracts 445-449 LAW INJUNCTION
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