Banners Gate Highways & Transportation Residential development on land off Semington Road, Melksham Wiltshire Transport Assessment and Travel Plan (May 2018) The transport implications of 108 new dwellings at Semington Road Job number P1183 Residential development on land off Semington Road Terra Strategic Melksham, Wiltshire Transport Assessment and Travel Plan (May 2018) TRANSPORT ASSESSMENT AND TRAVEL PLAN APPENDICES Appendix A Location Plan (drawing P1183/100) Appendix B Speed data, Semington Road, September 2016 Appendix C Traffic data, A350 Western Way, September 2016 Appendix D Traffic data, Semington Road, September 2016 Appendix E Accident statistics, 1 February 2013 to 31 January 2018 Appendix F Appeal Decision, Ledbury, reference APP/W1850/W/15/3009456 Appendix G Cycling map for Melksham Appendix H Bus map and selected timetables Appendix I Site layout Appendix J Drawing P1183/101 site access and bus stops Appendix K TRICS database (Affordable / Local Authority Houses) Appendix L Trip distribution Appendix M Traffic survey: A350 Roundabout Appendix N Traffic matrices: A350 Roundabout, 2016 & 2022 (opening year) Appendix O Typical queues at the A350 Roundabout Appendix P A350 Roundabout, JUNCTIONS9 output References: Manual for Streets (2007) and Manual for Streets2 (2010) Guidance on Transport Assessment (March 2007) - Department of Transport Better Places to Live, By Design National Planning Policy Framework (2012) TD 42/95 - The Geometric Design of Major / Minor Priority Junctions TD 16/07, The Geometric Design of Roundabouts TEMPRO software / TRICS database software Wiltshire Council, Core Strategy 2015 Wiltshire Council Local Transport Plan Traffic Calming Techniques, Chartered Institution of Highways and Transportation. Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment August 2017 Transport Circular 02/2013 “The Strategic Road Network and the delivery of sustainable development”. Residential development on land off Semington Road Terra Strategic Melksham, Wiltshire Transport Assessment and Travel Plan (May 2018) Appendix A Location Plan (drawing P1183/100) Job Number: P1183 Banners Gate Transportation Ltd Residential development on land off Semington Road, Melksham Location Plan Appendix A Residential development on land off Semington Road Terra Strategic Melksham, Wiltshire Transport Assessment and Travel Plan (May 2018) Appendix B Speed data, Semington Road, September 2016 Job Number: P1183 Banners Gate Transportation Ltd 20782 MELKSHAM Site No: 20782002 Location Site 2 - Semington Rd, Melksham - Island sign Sat 17-Sep-16 to Fri 23-Sep-16 Channel: Northbound Time Total 85%ile Mean Stand <6Mph 6-<11 11-<16 16-<21 21-<26 26-<31 31-<36 36-<41 41-<4646-<51 51-<56 =>56 Period Vehicles Speed Speed Dev. Daily Totals Sat 17-Sep-16 1010 35.2 29.1 6.7 1 14 35 29 164 391 267 84 20 1 4 0 Sun 18-Sep-16 876 35.6 29.7 7.2 0 11 40 24 111 322 258 73 26 6 2 3 Mon 19-Sep-16 1351 34.6 28.7 6.6 1 9 59 39 256 553 322 87 15 3 0 7 Tue 20-Sep-16 1416 34.9 28.7 6.7 1 14 62 48 246 582 321 107 22 9 2 2 Wed 21-Sep-16 1383 34.6 28.4 6.5 0 6 75 46 267 556 314 87 26 3 3 0 Thu 22-Sep-16 1413 34.7 28.8 6.4 0 11 59 45 253 560 370 88 15 9 3 0 Fri 23-Sep-16 1487 35.3 28.9 6.8 0 10 66 58 267 568 346 135 26 7 3 1 Total Vehicles [--] 8936 35.0 28.9 6.7 3 75 396 289 1564 3532 2198 661 150 38 17 13 Total Vehicles 40 35.6 35.2 34.6 34.9 34.6 34.7 35.3 35.0 4000 3532 3500 29.1 29.7 30 28.7 28.7 28.4 28.8 28.9 28.9 3000 Mean 2500 2198 20 2000 mph 1564 1500 No. of Vehicles of No. 1000 661 10 85%ile 396 289 500 150 3 75 38 17 13 0 <6Mph 6-<11 11-<16 16-<21 21-<26 26-<31 31-<36 36-<41 41-<46 46-<51 51-<56 =>56 0 Sat 17-Sep- Sun 18- Mon 19- Tue 20- Wed 21- Thu 22- Fri 23-Sep- Total Speed Bins 16 Sep-16 Sep-16 Sep-16 Sep-16 Sep-16 16 Vehicles Data produced by 8 of 8 Axiom Traffic Ltd 20782 MELKSHAM Site No: 20782002 Location Site 2 - Semington Rd, Melksham - Island sign Sat 17-Sep-16 to Fri 23-Sep-16 Channel: Southbound Time Total 85%ile Mean Stand <6Mph6-<11 11-<16 16-<21 21-<26 26-<31 31-<36 36-<41 41-<46 46-<51 51-<56 =>56 Period Vehicles Speed Speed Dev. Daily Totals Sat 17-Sep-16 1048 35.6 30.3 5.8 1 4 24 16 106 438 330 107 17 5 0 0 Sun 18-Sep-16 932 36.1 30.7 6.5 1 5 24 29 72 345 314 114 19 5 1 3 Mon 19-Sep-16 1451 35.3 30 6 1 7 32 48 132 634 437 123 31 3 1 2 Tue 20-Sep-16 1455 35.4 30.1 6.1 2 1 37 39 158 615 440 130 17 9 1 6 Wed 21-Sep-16 1458 35.1 29.9 6 1 4 43 37 161 620 453 103 28 5 0 3 Thu 22-Sep-16 1506 35.5 30.1 6.1 1 11 41 34 141 647 447 154 23 7 0 0 Fri 23-Sep-16 1556 35.5 30.2 6.3 2 6 56 41 114 640 509 153 22 7 6 0 Total Vehicles [--] 9406 35.5 30.2 6.1 9 38 257 244 884 3939 2930 884 157 41 9 14 Total Vehicles 40 36.1 35.6 35.3 35.4 35.1 35.5 35.5 35.5 4500 3939 4000 30.3 30.7 30 30.1 29.9 30.1 30.2 30.2 30 3500 2930 3000 Mean 2500 20 2000 mph 1500 No. of Vehicles of No. 884 884 1000 10 85%ile 500 257 244 157 9 38 41 9 14 0 <6Mph 6-<11 11-<16 16-<21 21-<26 26-<31 31-<36 36-<41 41-<46 46-<51 51-<56 =>56 0 Sat 17-Sep- Sun 18- Mon 19- Tue 20- Wed 21- Thu 22- Fri 23-Sep- Total Speed Bins 16 Sep-16 Sep-16 Sep-16 Sep-16 Sep-16 16 Vehicles Data produced by 8 of 8 Axiom Traffic Ltd Residential development on land off Semington Road Terra Strategic Melksham, Wiltshire Transport Assessment and Travel Plan (May 2018) Appendix C Traffic data, A350 Western Way, September 2016 Job Number: P1183 Banners Gate Transportation Ltd 20782MELKSHAM Site No: 20782001 Location Site 1 - A350 Melksham - att to Peds sign Channel: Eastbound Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 5-Day 7-Day TIME PERIOD 17/09/16 18/09/16 19/09/16 20/09/16 21/09/16 22/09/16 23/09/16 Av Av Week Begin: 17-Sep-16 00:00 114 120 58 45 70 40 52 53 71 01:00 61 66 29 27 33 19 37 29 39 02:00 40 36 16 27 35 19 25 24 28 03:00 37 33 16 27 25 27 28 25 28 04:00 30 33 37 41 33 47 38 39 37 05:00 72 83 140 131 115 121 116 125 111 06:00 152 142 308 363 374 369 369 357 297 07:00 220 132 795 773 798 769 738 775 604 08:00 388 264 1025 1082 1028 999 1086 1044 839 09:00 670 528 883 913 904 939 836 895 810 10:00 818 662 752 757 746 824 910 798 781 11:00 926 812 820 775 760 867 907 826 838 12:00 1039 860 808 892 834 870 912 863 888 13:00 954 896 860 843 814 931 968 883 895 14:00 965 799 895 863 812 949 1097 923 911 15:00 922 821 1016 1053 976 1032 1208 1057 1004 16:00 850 830 1185 1332 1207 1341 1454 1304 1171 17:00 877 730 1376 1412 1315 1454 1330 1377 1213 18:00 702 560 1084 1048 1137 1083 1114 1093 961 19:00 500 392 582 631 671 663 771 664 601 20:00 339 311 328 362 418 445 434 397 377 21:00 240 234 277 280 317 306 282 292 277 22:00 209 164 224 275 283 278 222 256 236 23:00 190 63 96 110 121 109 181 123 124 12H,7-19 9331 7894 11499 11743 11331 12058 12560 11838 10917 16H,6-22 10562 8973 12994 13379 13111 13841 14416 13548 12468 18H,6-24 10961 9200 13314 13764 13515 14228 14819 13928 12829 24H,0-24 11315 9571 13610 14062 13826 14501 15115 14223 13143 Am 11:00 11:00 08:00 08:00 08:00 08:00 08:00 - - Peak 926 812 1025 1082 1028 999 1086 1044 994 Pm 12:00 13:00 17:00 17:00 17:00 17:00 16:00 - - Peak 1039 896 1376 1412 1315 1454 1454 1402 1278 Data produced by 1 of 2 Axiom Traffic Ltd 20782MELKSHAM Site No: 20782001 Location Site 1 - A350 Melksham - att to Peds sign Channel: Westbound Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 5-Day 7-Day TIME PERIOD 17/09/16 18/09/16 19/09/16 20/09/16 21/09/16 22/09/16 23/09/16 Av Av Week Begin: 17-Sep-16 00:00 100 79 29 42 47 52 50 44 57 01:00 47 58 37 32 30 26 43 34 39 02:00 32 47 22 27 35 31 45 32 34 03:00 33 41 48 29 32 39 34 36 37 04:00 53 44 96 93 82 91 80 88 77 05:00 117 63 241 202 216 211 184 211 176 06:00 149 123 550 536 546 517 514 533 419 07:00 349 340 1158 1214 1226 1223 1175 1199 955 08:00 576 465 1292 1230 1256 1258 1090 1225 1024 09:00 831 636 930 902 942 951 914 928 872 10:00 968 924 811 789 772 794 868 807 847 11:00 995 896 760 726 809 834 812 788 833 12:00 999 954 883 827 847 897 1052 901 923 13:00 932 780 828 743 887 812 993 853 854 14:00 818 751 796 839 835 807 926 841 825 15:00 745 659 822 880 913 923 928 893 839 16:00 652 618 1004 990 992 989 992 993 891 17:00 727 549 1083 1072 1106 1061 1005 1065 943 18:00 563 510 815 817 751 809 781 795 721 19:00 438 417 450 467 489 578 513 499 479 20:00 268 300 265 285 357 388 390 337 322 21:00 268 176 240 254 261 253 248 251 243 22:00 132 81 172 191 211 212 225 202 175 23:00 140 58 52 77 90 91 122 86 90 12H,7-19 9155 8082 11182 11029 11336 11358 11536 11288 10525 16H,6-22 10278 9098 12687 12571 12989 13094 13201 12908 11988 18H,6-24 10550 9237 12911 12839 13290 13397 13548 13197 12253 24H,0-24 10932 9569 13384 13264 13732 13847 13984 13642 12673 Am 11:00 10:00 08:00 08:00 08:00 08:00 07:00 - - Peak 995 924 1292 1230 1256 1258 1175 1242 1161 Pm 12:00 12:00 17:00 17:00 17:00 17:00 12:00 - - Peak 999 954 1083 1072 1106 1061 1052 1075 1047 Data produced by 1 of 2 Axiom Traffic Ltd Residential development on land off Semington Road Terra Strategic Melksham, Wiltshire Transport Assessment and Travel Plan (May 2018) Appendix D Traffic data, Semington Road, September 2016 Job Number: P1183 Banners Gate Transportation Ltd 20782MELKSHAM Site No: 20782002 Location Site 2 - Semington Rd, Melksham - Island sign Channel: Northbound Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 5-Day 7-Day TIME PERIOD 17/09/16 18/09/16 19/09/16 20/09/16 21/09/16 22/09/16 23/09/16 Av Av Week Begin: 17-Sep-16 00:00 13 222672859 01:00 9 1211181046 02:00 3 61646444 03:00 6 42240734 04:00 0 57339154 05:00 6 6 17101116131311 06:00 20 10 36 42 37 36 37 38 31 07:00 33 18 84 91 89 85 82 86 69 08:00 48 24 132 152 136 130 128 136 107 09:00 78 52 103 83 100 79 81 89 82 10:00 85 78 72 68 63
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