Administration of George W. Bush, 2002 / Jan. 16 to carry out its important mission of pro- tisan manner in sending this legislation to tecting investors through vigorous enforce- my desk. ment of securities laws. I applaud the Con- gress for acting in an overwhelming bipar- NOTE: H.R. 1088, approved January 16, was assigned Public Law No. 107–123. Letter to Congressional Leaders on Review of Title III of the Cuban Liberty and Democratic Solidarity (LIBERTAD) Act of 1996 January 16, 2002 Dear lllll : NOTE: Identical letters were sent to Joseph Pursuant to section 306(c)(2) of the R. Biden, Jr., chairman, and Jesse Helms, Cuban Liberty and Democratic Solidarity ranking member, Senate Committee on For- (LIBERTAD) Act of 1996 (Public Law eign Relations; Robert C. Byrd, chairman, 104–114), (the ‘‘Act’’), I hereby determine and Ted Stevens, ranking member, Senate and report to the Congress that suspension Committee on Appropriations; Henry J. for 6 months beyond February 1, 2002, of Hyde, chairman, and Tom Lantos, ranking the right to bring an action under title III member, House Committee on International of the Act is necessary to the national inter- Relations; and C.W. Bill Young, chairman, ests of the United States and will expedite and David R. Obey, ranking member, House a transition to democracy in Cuba. Committee on Appropriations. Sincerely, GEORGE W. BUSH Remarks to the World Affairs Councils of America Conference January 16, 2002 Well, thank you for that very warm wel- ship. It’s good to see my friend Luigi again. come. It’s such a pleasure to be here to- I want to thank Enrique Iglesias, as well. night for this gathering. I want to thank I want to thank members of my Cabinet the World Affairs Council for promoting who are here, in particular, Mel Martinez, citizen interest in global issues, especially the Secretary of Housing and Urban Devel- an interest in our own hemisphere and its opment. Thank you, Mel. I’m pleased to importance to our country. see Roger Noriega, el Embajador de los Eldon, thank you very much for your Estados Unidos a la OAS, for being here. fine introduction. Backstage he was won- Thank you, Roger. A new member of my dering whether or not I could understand team is Otto Reich, Assistant Secretary for his accent. I said, ‘‘That’s not the problem. the Western Hemisphere. I appreciate Otto The problem is, can you understand mine?’’ being here. And of course, I want to thank [Laughter] I want to thank Jerry Leach, the members of my National Security as well. I want to thank the leadership here Council who are here, Condi Rice and John at the OAS. Cesar, thank you very much Maisto, for their sound and solid advice. for your continued hospitality and leader- Thank you all for coming. 77 r 24 2004 10:45 Jul 26, 2004 Jkt 193762 PO 00000 Frm 00077 Fmt 1240 Sfmt 1240 E:\HR\OC\193762A.XXX 193762A Jan. 16 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2002 In September of last year, I welcomed The future of this hemisphere depends my good friend the President of Mexico on the strength of three commitments: de- to the White House. Standing together on mocracy, security, and market-based devel- the South Lawn, President Fox and I spoke opment. These commitments are insepa- of building a hemisphere of freedom and rable, and none will be achieved by half- prosperity and progress. That was 5 days measures. This road is not always easy, but before the terrorists attacked the peace and it’s the only road to stability and prosperity security of the world, murdering thousands for all the people—all the people—who live of citizens from over 80 nations, including in this hemisphere. almost every nation in this hemisphere. Our first commitment is to democracy Since the attacks, the United States has and political freedom. This is affirmed in received incredible sympathy and support the Democratic Charter of the Americas, from our neighbors and friends. I’ve been which holds this: Only democracies can be in close contact with democratic leaders a part of our inter-American dialog and sys- such as Prime Minister Chretien and Presi- tem. And these governments cannot be dent Fox and President Cardoso, President democratic in name only. Citizens and busi- Lagos and President Toledo, to name a nesses must know that the townhall, the few. We’ve been talking on a regular basis alcaldia, is free from bribery and cronyism about our common interests. Democratic and all forms of corruption. These old atti- leaders throughout the Americas have of- tudes and habits are a form of theft, steal- fered help and wisdom, friendship, and ing from people their money and their trust even peacekeepers, and for that this coun- and their hopes for a better life. For free- try is very grateful. dom and prosperity to come, corruption The nations of the Western Hemisphere must go. Freedom—the freedom to vote, are resolved: We refuse to live in fear, so the freedom to speak your mind, the free- we will fight terror wherever it is exists. dom to worship an Almighty God, the free- And we’re committed to building a pros- dom to own your own property—is the perous and free and democratic hemi- great idea of our time; it is the great idea sphere. Nothing will distract us; nothing of all time. And by building governments will deter us in completing this great work. that are more open and honest and fair, We meet, however, at a time when there we will make freedom more meaningful for are some who question the path to pros- all our citizens. perity and stability. Some wonder whether Our second commitment is to security, free market reforms are too painful to con- security against acts of terror. It is the great tinue. Some question the fairness of free calling of the 21st century. And I can as- and open trade, while holding out the false sure you this Nation will not tire; we will promise of protectionism. And there’s even not fade; we’ll be resolute in our deter- greater danger, that some may come to mination to rout out terror wherever it ex- doubt democracy itself. ists—in our neighborhood or neighbor- Our answer to these questions and hoods around the world—security against doubts must be clear, and it must be con- the lawless violence of drug cartels and sistent: The hopes of all our peoples, every- their accomplishments—accomplices. Our body who lives in this hemisphere, no mat- citizens must know that they can exercise ter where they live, lie in greater freedom. their freedoms in security and in peace. Free markets and open trade are the best And that is why, for example, the United weapons against poverty, disease, and tyr- States, Canada, and Mexico are cooperating anny. And democracy is the nonnegotiable in unprecedented ways to build smart bor- demand of human dignity. ders for the 21st century that ensure safety 78 24 2004 10:45 Jul 26, 2004 Jkt 193762 PO 00000 Frm 00078 Fmt 1240 Sfmt 1240 E:\HR\OC\193762A.XXX 193762A Administration of George W. Bush, 2002 / Jan. 16 for ordinary people and trade and filters tina has committed to a sound and sustain- out terror and drugs. able economic plan, I will support assist- And that is also why the United States ance for Argentina through international fi- remains committed to helping nations like nancial institutions. This assistance can soft- Colombia defend her democracy. Colombia en the impact of the crisis on the lives and the Andean nations are strengthening of the Argentine people and help that law enforcement, reducing illegal crops, country return to growth and prosperity. and expanding legitimate business opportu- Success in the global economy comes to nities as viable alternatives to drug farming countries that maintain fiscal discipline, and drug trafficking. The United States open their borders to trade, privatize ineffi- Congress and I recently approved $625 mil- cient state enterprises, deregulate their do- lion to support these efforts. America will mestic markets, and invest in the health help all nations in the region in cutting and education of their people. And those off the supply of drugs. And just as impor- who promise painless protectionism or se- tantly, America will help the nations of the curity through statism assure a bleak and regions by reducing the demand for drugs stagnant future for their people. within our own borders. Countries that stay on the hard road of Our third commitment is to growing and reform are rewarded. Just look at Chile. stable economies where the benefits of Chile has cut its poverty rate in half over growth are widely shared, economies where the last decade. It has cut its child mortality small-business owners and farmers and rate by almost two-thirds since 1980. Or workers and investors are all able to build and earn their own prosperity. We must Mexico, that’s withstood the setbacks of the foster policies that reward, not punish, en- midnineties, and its economy has grown by trepreneurship, work, and creativity. We more than 4 percent annually since 1996. understand that sustained development de- Costa Rica’s emphasis on education and at- pends on market-based economies, on tracting foreign investment has transformed sound monetary and fiscal policies, and on its economy over the past decade. Costa freer trade in our neighborhood. Rica’s exports of computer products are Recent events in Argentina do nothing now almost 4 times greater in value than to change this reality.
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