Newsletter of the Royal United Services Institute of Vancouver Island ... 1 Volume 41, Number 1 – First Quarter 2010 RUSI Founded 1927 Newsletter of the Royal United Services Institute of Vancouver Island Patron The Honourable HMCS Fredericton renders as- Steven L. Point, OBC Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia sistance to container ship off Board of Directors President the Somali coast Col (Ret) G Lake, OMM CD Vice President Cdr (Ret) WE Macdonald, OMM CD Treasurer Cdr (Ret) WE Macdonald, OMM CD At 1:13 p.m. local time (5:13 a.m. specialist, and headed towards the Secretary EST), HMCS Fredericton received vessel. “We didn’t know what to LCol (Ret) G Del Villano, OMM, CD information that the ransom for the expect, whether there were remain- Naval Directors MV KOTA WAJAR had been paid ing pirates onboard, what condition Cdr (Ret) WE Macdonald, OMM CD to the pirates onboard the ship and the crew was or how we would be Army Directors that it would be soon released from perceived” indicated the Naval MGen (Ret) E S Fitch, OMM,MSM,CD Col (Ret) G Lake, OMM CD captivity. HMCS Fredericton, as the Boarding Party Officer. But we are LCol (Ret) G. Del Villano, OMM, CD closest NATO or Coalition warship trained for these scenarios and take Maj (Ret) T Body CD to the MV, was ordered to close the every precaution to ensure the Air Force Directors vessels position and render what team’s and the Motor Vessel’s Col (Ret) W Weston CD BGen (Ret) D Macnamara, OMM CD medical and technical assistance she crew’s safety.” BGen (Ret) W Niemy, CD could to help the crew commence Once onboard, the Naval Boarding Maj (Ret) Luc Caron, CD their journey away from their cap- Party conducted a security sweep Director at Large tors. and verified that all the pirates had Ms P Skippon left. The medical specialist then as- Outreach Coordinator BGen (Ret) D Macnamara, OMM CD “It was very fortunate that we were sessed all 21 crew members on- RUSI Newsletter in close proximity to the KOTA board and declared them in good Editor: Capt (Ret) LE Triplett WAJAR and able to act as fast as we health. With the vessel physically Publisher: LCol CL Cotter CD could to provide them assistance as and technically able to sail to a safe Published quarterly for distribution to they cleared Somali waters” said port of call, the Naval Boarding the members of the Royal United Commander Steve Waddell, Com- Party provided the crew with fresh Services Institute of Vancouver Island Suggestions manding Officer of HMCS Frederic- food and bottled water and departed are encouraged. ton. “As my team prepared for the the vessel. The RUSI-VI Office is located at: mission, it helped to understand the Bay Street Armoury 715 Bay Street, Room 414 plight that this crew just endured and Said Cmdr Waddell “If anyone ever Victoria, BC V8T 1R1 that we could offer just a little bit of needed a reason to understand why Telephone: call any director Email: [email protected] humanity to them”. Fredericton is here, it was made Web site: http://rusiviccda.org clear today with this vessel - no law Webmaster: Capt DA Booker Once the Motor Vessel’s Captain abiding sailor should ever have to requested assistance, Fredericton’s endure what these men have en- See the RUSI Calendar of Naval Boarding Party assembled dured.” Events on page 8. their experts, including a medical Source: CF News Release - December Volume 41, Number 1 – First Quarter 2010 ` to become the first Air Force honor- in 2006 with pay and recently sus- Senator Pamela Wallin ary colonel and explained why she pended without pay. He has been was perfectly suited to the position. ordered to resign from the Force or is newest Air Force “Your military family background,” be dismissed. His dismissal has been Honorary Colonel he said, “your intimate understand- appealed. ing of the military and of Canadian culture and public issues, your busi- I have spoken to Ottawa Police Chief Senator Pamela Wallin, now Honor- ness acumen, your diplomatic work, Vern White to offer our sympathy ary Colonel Wallin, entered Ottawa’s your contribution to the Manley and support. We will continue to RCAF officer’s mess November 16 Report, your service in the Senate keep Constable Ireneusz ‘Eric’ Czap- for her investiture with a pride that and on various committees, and, of nik and his family in our thoughts was palpable. course, your tireless work in edu- and prayers. cating Canadians about their mili- “I feel a very strong connection to tary, all make you a most welcome William J.S. Elliott [Air Force] blue today, and a particu- addition to the honorary colonel lar pride,” HCol Wallin said, refer- extended family.” Source: RCMP News Release – 29 ring to the seven members of her im- December 2009 mediate family who have served in The investiture ceremony was the the Air Force over the years. Those formalization of her three-year term family members include her father, as honorary colonel for the Air Afghan MPs reject Most Sergeant (Ret) Bill Wallin, who Staff, located at NDHQ. By exten- served as a Second World War tail sion, she is also honorary colonel of Karzi Cabinet Ministers gunner and who attended his daugh- the entire Air Force. Hers is the first ter’s investiture. appointment to this new post. Parliament rejected 17 of President Fresh from her recent visit to Af- Source: The Maple Leaf – 9 De- Karzai's 24 nominees for cabinet in- ghanistan for Remembrance Day cember 2009 - by Holly Bridges cluding those for Justice, Anti- with Defence Minister Peter Mac- Narcotics, and the sole woman nomi- Kay, HCol Wallin praised members nee, though Defence Minister Abdul of the Air Force for the work they are Rahim Wardak and Interior Minister doing in the war-torn country and the RCMP Commissioner's Hanif Atmar were reappointed with- hope they are bringing to the people out difficulty. Karzai ordered Parlia- of Afghanistan. Statement on the ment's six-week winter recess to be death of Ottawa Police suspended until the cabinet issue is “We travelled to Kandahar and four Service Constable Eric resolved, and will present a new list forward operating bases, up to the of candidates for vetting in a few Dahla Dam,” she said, “and we did it It was with profound sadness that I all in Canadian Chinooks piloted by learned that Ottawa Police Consta- Although Parliament's rejection of Canadian crews with air cover by ble Ireneusz ‘Eric’ Czapnik was Karzai's nominees demonstrated the Canadians in the Griffons. killed while on duty in Ottawa early former's independence, the matter is this morning. shaping up to become a power strug- “And walking out onto the airfield gle between Karzai and parliamen- on our last morning at KAF On my own behalf and on behalf of tarians, delaying much-needed re- [Kandahar Airfield], it did my heart the RCMP, I would like to express forms to address widespread corrup- good. It was a moment of great pride our deepest condolences to Consta- tion days. Although Parliament's that we are now seeing our troops ble Ireneusz ‘Eric’ Czapnik`s fam- rejection of Karzai's nominees dem- properly equipped and able to do ily and to all of the employees of onstrated the former's independence, their work. You are saving lives.” the Ottawa Police Service. the matter is shaping up to become a power struggle between Karzai and In his remarks after her investiture, I was also shocked to learn that the parliamentarians, delaying much- Chief of the Air Staff Lieutenant- individual who has been arrested needed reforms to address wide- General André Deschamps thanked and charged with Constable Ire- spread corruption. HCol Wallin for accepting the invi- neusz ‘Eric’ Czapnik`s murder is a Source: MARPAC's Indo-Pacific Me- dia Brief: 4 January 2010 tation member of the RCMP, Constable Kevin Gregson of "F" Division BBC News, 2 January 2010 & Wash- (Saskatchewan) who was suspended ington Post, 4 January 2010 Newsletter of the Royal United Services Institute of Vancouver Island ... 3 faced with breaches of the CF Army Commander rolls Code of Conduct, the Law of Naval Centennial Flag out new Army ethics guide Armed Conflict or international and humanitarian law. Raised Chief of the Land Staff Lieuten- During the Army Council meeting ant-General Andrew Leslie in November, the Army com- On the first of January 2010, launched Duty with Discernment: mander presented a copy of the CLS Guidance on Ethics in Op- HMC ships and shore establish- booklet to the commanders of ments marked the beginning of the erations in late November. Land Force Western Area, Land Canadian Navy’s centennial year Force Central Area, Land Force by raising a flag adorned with the The booklet provides guidance on Atlantic Area and Land Force the ethical conduct that the Army centennial identifier. Naval estab- Doctrine and Training System. lishments are authorized to fly the commander expects from all flag from January 1 through the Army personnel in the new global In giving the commanders their Navy's Centennial Year. operating environment. Duty with copies, LGen Leslie initiated the Discernment establishes that the “cascade effect” through an foundation of “ethical certainty” Army-wide “pass-by-hand” distri- The flag stands as a symbol of re- rests on an uncompromising ad- bution of personal copies of Duty spect that reflects the desire to herence to “respecting the dignity with Discernment. OP CASCADE honour the past, celebrate Cana- of all persons”.
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