lEn 26, 19~ 4 ,- - ". Ration Calendar J' U E L 0 [L couponl e expire Sept. so' TlRI:8 mU8t be In,pec(1!d by BePt. 10: MIlAT lI.mp. Warmer X, Y .nd Z ond A and B meat IIlmpl In Boole 3 expire Oct. 2: PROCESSED I'OODS ItImPl U, V llId W ex­ pire Oct. :10 ; SUOAR .tamp I ••n\l ho"" caMIlli DAILY" IOWAN I ....: CoatiD.eel mUd ....1. .t.mp. 10. 18 explr. Ocl. 31: OlL per. 1 colipolll, THE rum. Iday Pfc. alld ·U.. •... expJre Jan. 3, '44. Iowa City's Morning Newspaper f GOlIS, CRIi!., Irry Schenkel FlVECENTS TBI A ••OOIATiD ....., IOWA CITY, IOWA TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1943 VOLUME XIJV NUMBER " ltine. PrIvate Schenkel are ers. Will Saturday fregor at \be department Institute nt 'ak Saturday '.n h on Leader. akc place In f Old Capitol The public ,Ave II-I n0 ' D~~propetroysk Subur~ . Falls; is the onl1 )ackwards u Foggia, . Soviets Smash Lasl NaZI Fori Alli.es Threaten • • .t made ilt 'm New Yort Nazis Retreat 10 Miles 'North All's Not Quiet on- In (aucasus, Take 1,320 Towns ' By JAMES M. LONG 1IIIIII IIII I IIill l ll~. L ND " Tu day '{AP)-The R d army c ptured an e t Of Salerno; 5th Takes (assano Eqstern bank uborb of Dnepropetrovsk jn a ,-age hand-to-hand tru~gl acr U1 river from tl1at big 1 I city y. tarday, I, • mashed the I t German CauC8l ian fort of Temryuk, Bnd ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN NORTH AFRICA (AP)- Fren" w pt up 1,320 "jllig for the bigg t day' haul of tb war, Allied armies surged forwul'<.1 last night along U lOS-mile front M'OIIcow di cl d arly roday. :s acrOSS Haly to within striking distance of the great Foggia airbase .. * * Hurling German remnant into th Dni per, th R iaOlJ near the Adl'iatic and the key highway center of Avellino, posses- BERN, Switzerland (AP)-Rus- eiz d til uburb o( Nizhn -Dn prov k and c ptured hug quanti­ ion of which would flank Naples to Ule cast and unlock a new sia's spectacular advances have lies of equipment the fl ein~ enemy was lluabl to femo"!' to the road into Ule demolished port cily, turned the eyes of the Germans to we bank, id a communique record d by th vi t monitor. After a so lid week of pounding from the American i"ifth army the eastern front and brought fear At other points along the river II our troop., r aching the aud allied ail' migllt, the Germans retreated 10 miles in a critical and uneasiness to their Balkan Dnieprr. wer wiping out or capturing indhridual rman group- monntain sector northeast of Salerno and the pursuing Yanks satellites. ings n the I ft bank," it a.dded . ~ptured Cassano, 50 mil s due cast of Naples and 10 miles south­ A Berlin dispatch to the Basel • Nationalzeitung s Ii I d yesterday A Berlin broadcast al 0 announc d th8t night-, triking ;0\; t east of Avellino. 'I'he victory drove a deep salient into Nazi posi­ troops, who had breast d the tipns. The enemy resorted to rear guard retreat. 'l'heir artillery that the German public is "watch­ ing the east with burning interest" Dnieper 50 mile above Kiev in ilackened in tell-tale defeat. and that the question on every lip m apparent encircling move­ On the eastern end of the front, the British Eighth army is "will the German retreat end ment on the krain capital, Nazi~ ·10 Fighl -----~------ .'treamed across the Of anto at the Dneiper?" itill wer battling th 0 rill n l'i vel' at two points at least and Every editio.n of German news­ on the west bank. Moscow was burst onto tlle Foggia plains papers now carries one of Propa­ silent on tbils phase of the devel· ~gerak Falls within 22 miles (the Cairo radio ganda Minister Paul Joseph Goeb­ oping battle for Kiev. To B'iHer' End ,r a MAID: said IS) of that city with its 13 bels' 30 rules of conduct during While lighting raged along u rE airfields. From these allied bomo­ the war which soon will be gath­ 500-mile stretch ot thc river 'other lp you feel ered into a brochure to be widely ers could easily reach all the Bal­ Soviet armies In the north pre ed Army Leaders Say ght In Yank Move kans, distribu ted and serve as a "ca te­ s may not do Steadily mopping up Corsica, chism for the German people." in on into White Russ14, reaching a German Strength French troops and American their fifth winter of war. point only 22 mile from Gom~l, Greater Than Ever ming won't Rangers drove in on the escape The seriousness of the retreat in whose fall was expected lOOn, and On Madang port of Bastia from 'the south and the southern 'and central areas of one cookin' the eastern front as well as the smashed ahead nine miles beyond WASHINGTON (AP) - Army west through sharp German pa­ "unheard demands" of the soldiers the fallen bastion ot Smolensk_ leaders declared yesterday that trol and artJllery action. The air­ are not withheld from the Ger­ The Soviet communique aald dnight slU\ck Markham Valley Town port of Ghisonaccia, 44 miles south while the German high command man people, but confidence in the that 25,000 Soviet clvllJans of one Falls to Troops of Bastia, was abandoned by the ability of the German army is has abandoned expecwtion of vic· Germans after they had demol­ stressed. district who were being drIven "to tory, the Nazi's combat str ngth 13 t Pat Zum­ Moving Up Yati River Ished equipment and fuel. Other German propaganda on The slave labor In Germany" were greater than four years go and day??? Patty troops were within seven miles oi home front has polished a new overtaken and freed, and hun­ they wiU wage a d perate, bloody ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN Bastia, where German flight from a 4:00-4:30 phrase, "gain strength through dreds of trucks, tractors. guns, and struggie to stavc ort outright de­ THE SOUTHWEST PACIFIC, the island "is seriously hampered" ddense," and gives. this as the Navy. So at horses fell into Russian hands teat. lounces into TUesday (AP)-A ground move- by allied planes. The enemy aisq reason :for "withdrawals" on the Maj. Gen. G rle V. Strong. was trying to escape from east of Russian front. Voelkischer lJeo­ along with 25 locomotiVes and 1 erself down llIenl against the Japanese ship- Boreo. SHOWN ABOVE with SOlDe or the illicit, UQllor c\lnflscated last night from an offlce In he Pdl-Helen ohlc! of mtlltary intelllgcnc , wid await friend bachtel', the Nall. party newspaper Mike ('stanilllnr ID WlIltlfm hundred. ot freilh cat.. soores • conference of Industrial and ping base of Madang was disclosed (Tbe British ,admiralty an- building are Pa.trolme~ ~PQre lJacltirDund); Hoiland (sitting); anc;! tmmet ~ 4:00 .. .no stated that the shrinking eastern Potter (bendlnr over cues). Twenty-nine eases and seven ilIeral slot machines were elftd In the raid, of tanks were knocked out or labor leaders and newspaper offi. jet! 4:10 ... 1~8)' in an allied headquarters nounced jJ!. London that British front makes possible the creation which lasted for two hours. captured. cials that the German now have of reserves which are "especIally :oke! 4:15, . , announcement that a force mov- submarines had sunk 10 vessels (SEE STORY ON PAGE 6.) --Photo by . J. Davis Nearly 7,000 Germans were three tim s as many combat dIvi­ .looks about illl up the Yati river has captured and damaged six others in attacks important in view at the situation killed during the day, the bulletin sions as they had at the time of the " ------------~~--~ ~~------~~~-------------------- parting! 4:1t the Markham valley town of Sag- on Nazi forces attempting t6 with­ on the Italian front" and ex­ said. Two thousand fell before the invasIon of Poland. The allies' her check erak. draw troops and tl\8terial by sea pressed a hope that rainy weather Russian columns poundJng toward main advantage, he declar d, llcs ~ hulk of l This development focused .t- from Bastia.) might bring a halt to the activity Mognev, above Gomel. Entire bat­ chiefly in our ability to produce on the eastern front. He'd been leaUon on an area approxi- The Eighth army dashed north W~eeler AAti ~ Fciiher :',Dtafl .Bill tallons were wiped out in bitter weapoN. 'oath. P's, ,. malely 70 miles northwest of along the Adriatic coastal road to (Berlin dispatches to Stockholm fighting around the Dnieper river At the same time, Strong dis­ minute coke LIe and an equal distance from seize the important salt manufac­ newspapers indicated that inten­ city ot Kremenchug, where both counted tile po iblljty of an early sive fighting might continue on Is life! Madanc. Sal'erak Is elA'ht miles turing city of Margherlta Di Sa­ sides threw In their air forcc~. collapse of Japan and warned that northwest of Kaiaplt, which was voia and the inland town of Cer­ the Russian front in spite of heavy The strong Red I\ir force not 'the Japanese power will grow fall rains.) Destined for "" D~ath in Senate Riled Sept. 18 by Australian ignola. only supported the ground troops steadily os lonl! os they retaJn vir­ troops landed iii big transport Apparently resigned to the loss tual control of east Asia. Japanese WASHINGTON (AP) -Senator in thelr fighting for Dnieper river is being kept planes.
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