Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County Historic Scrapbooks Collection Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County Historic Scrapbooks Collection LaBar, Norman A. 10 Lacy, Edward F. 6,9 Ladd, Dr. Carl E. 9,16,17 Lake, Harold M. 15 Lamb, Thomas A. 5 Langhorst, Rev. Paul 15 Langworthy, William N. k Lanlhy, Howard D. 5 Lansdale, Robert T. 3 Larkin, Thomas W. Larson, Peter R. II Lattln, Dr. Henry W. 15 Lauder, John W. 11 Lauster, Edward J. 13 Lavery, Edward G. 13 Lasrence, Dayton T. 11 Lawrence, Norman C. 11 Lawson, Frank E. 10 Lawson, Howard P. 3 Lay, Harry 11 Lay, Henry R. 10 Leach, Dr. Albert E. 15 Leadingham, William H. 13 LeBarron, Charles 7 Lee, Albert E. 13 Lee, Jesse S. 10 Lee, Owen 11,1^ Lee, Wniie S# 1^,15 LeFeber, John F. 5 LeFevre, Edwin 7 Lehman, Clarence 17 Leiberman, Israel 10,1*1- Lelbow, Leon 20 Leighton, Henry 13 Leighton, Winiam Levy g Leiutwller, Jaoob 15 Lennox, James G. g Lenslng, John B. 3 Lentine, Joseph 10 Leonard, Henry M. 5 Leonard, James 10 Leonardo, Dr. ^lehard A. 19 Leone, Charles k Lerlcheux, Charles 13 Lerner, Hyman 7 LeSeur, James A. ii*. Letchworth, Ogden P. 12 Leve, Dr. Harold R. 9,17 Levi, Mortimer A. 7 LeVigne, Ernest F. Ik- Levlnson, Max 11 Levis, David H. 1^ Levis, Robert P. 5 Levy, Abraham g Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County Historic Scrapbooks Collection Lincoln, Earl W. 12 Lincoln, Lewis C. 12 Lind, William A. lg Lines, Donald W. 12 Lines, Stephen V. 12 Llnhos, Conrad M. 4 Link, M. Paul 15 Lloyd, Edward 5 Lockington, George B. 13 Lodge, Clarence V. 2 Lohrman, Charles J. 15 Long, Edwin 2 Looker, Gerald P. Lopez, Raefiel I Lorenz, John G. 1 Losey, Dr. Frederick 1 Loucks, Henry J. 7 Loucks, James W. 2 Loughborough, Ross 1 Lovejoy, Frank W. 16- Lowery, Charles G. 12 Lowery, Walter R. 12 Loysen, Richard F. g Lucey, Mary 11 Ludington, Ira W. 1 Ludke, Herman F. k Ludwig, Charles Sr. 1 Luedeke, Dr. Paul 0. 5 Lunt, Harry W. g Lusink, George 9 Lutt, Allen G. 6 Lyddon, William S. 15 Lye, George & William 12 Lyke, John L. 15 Lynch, Jack 11 Lynn, Judge John D. 6,7 Lyon, E. Dickinson 15 Lyon, Norman 7 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County .1 Historic Scrapbooks Collection Savings !Cliief Ends 39 Years in Postoffice Dr. Frederick Lbsey, HUNT PRESSED His Yard and Garden gkespeare"~ Lecturer, FOR DRIVER IN To Keep Him '. ^graduate Dies STREET DEATH New There was smile on York, June 5iJP)T>r a\Jluizzical Frederick as he Douglas Losey, 65, who Ross Loughborough's visage ' as an authority ofl" hhkespeare down the window on tha had pulled lectured in every state of th Family Arranges postal savings cage in the postoffice union, died today of heart disease' Doctor last night at 5 o'clock. Losey, a native of Con Charles Ludwig esus, N. Y., was For with that he ended graduated from motion the University of Rochester, where Funeral more than 39 years of service in he had begun his career as an in the postoffice, 25 of which have terpreter of the classics while still an As funeral arrangements were been in the postal savings depart undergraduate. His last recital completed last night for Charles ment, and he didn't quite know how was at Colgate on Sr., 74, police pressed University Apr. 27. Since 1916 Ludwig he felt about leaving his familiar he had their search' for the hit-run driver devoted himself principally to who left him in St. Paul St., place. Shakespearean lectures, al dying his where he was found by his son Under the compulsory age limit though reading of "The Christ mas Carol" was an early yesterday. he is being retired, although his annual event in many colleges. Rites for Ludwig, Rochester's co-workers know him as "the Doctor ' third traffic victim this year, who Losey founded the dra- man in Roch matic died at 2:10 a. m. in Highland youngest 65-year-old organization of Syracuse will be conducted at 2 ester." University, Boer's Head, and the Hospital, Blackfriars of the p. m. Monday at his home, 18 Vick That doesn't mean that he is University of go Alabama. Pk. B. Burial will be in Mt. Hope ing to be idle, however. The yard Ho Survivors are the son, leaves a widow, Mrs. Marte Cemetery. and at his home at 348 Mul L. ? Charles W. a garden Haft Lccey, v/hom he married Ludwig Jr., daughter, in ' Mrs. Ludwig, and three berry Street need lots of attention, riochcct-jr in 1SC0, and a brother Philip th-; Rev. John B. grandchildren. he says. And he welcomes the op Losey, of Pasa dena, Calif. The son, who lives at the Vick portunity to read and study history Pk. B address, halted his car in St. and geneology, his favorite hobbies. Paul St. near Hart shortly after he saw a He will also continue to teach a 12:30 a. m. when body lying on the pavement. Afc he night class in citizenship at School turned over the unconscious form a he has carried on for sev 9, job he recognized his father, founder eral years In addition to his work and for 18 years president of the at the postoffice. German Club. minutes He was appointed a postal clerk Arriving a few later, Aug. 1, 1897. When the postal sav Raymond Archer, 350 Monroe Ave., ings department was instituted in Piee%WUl reported he was halted in St. Paul October, 1911, he was put in charge St, by a driver coming in the op of that work in the Rochester o"- Dies posite direction on' the wrong side fice, and has continued in that posi Operator, of the street. When he stopped tion since that time. Word was received here today of ! the car the other man asked him As he left to home with the old to call an ambulance, he go last night Retiring year was Ross Loughborough, right, the death, Mar. 1, of John Charles saying the Rochester chapter of the Na clerk at the had struck a pedestrian. As postoffice in charge of the postal savings window. Lorenz, 95, father of Mrs. William tional Federation of Postoffice \ Archer called police from a nearby He has been at the 39 and his last F. Clerks presented him a handsome postoffice years yesterday, Barth, of 18 Curtis St. restaurant the man disappeared. beiore his a desk set with an day associates him with Mr. was Police of Ave. Station said engraved plate retirement, presented Lorenz a pioneer oil field 'j Joseph bearing his name. desk set. He will be succeeded Charles J. at left. the hit-skip driver is about 25 years by Luehm, operator in Pennsylvania and a \ old, 5 feet 10 inches tall and wore resident of Titusville, Pa. He died , a uniform, cap and puttees such as of injuries suffered in a fall. worn by a service or parking sta He was born in Roxheim, Ger- 1 tion attendant or a chauffeur. His Oct. i many, 14, 1842 and came to large black sedan bearing 1937 America in ' 1856 with three broth- plates was battered, one headlight ers and three sisters, all of whom | being turned around, Archer told settled in Clyde. He went to Penn- j them. sylvania in 1859 and was employed Archer was on his way home in the oil fields for 40 years. from the northern part of the city A sister who remained in Clyde, j when he met the driver and later Mrs. Annie M. Ekert, died in 1933 i the younger Ludwig, a friend and at the age of 93. A sister, Mrs. j 1 employe at his motor agency. The Lena Schneider of Syracuse, six ji elder Ludwig had been attending sons, six daughters, 19 grandchil a meeting of the Badischer dren and six great grandchildren Mannerchor and apparently was St. Paul St. to a street survive. He was married three/ crossing get times. car when felled. He was a retired piano dealer. 29 ^ - : ' JUL ^ i \ VCentral/i n \/LibraryhW^f of Rochester and Monroe County Canon Law WinsHistoric3-Year ScrapbooksDispute; Collection Masses Slated for Dead Veteran ip&^tendent 5,123 \Clarence V. Lodge* Dies to the Herkimer County with his brother, money near the city used and JAMES B. HUTCHISON Trust Company "to be o: By H. Loucks. Remembering Clarence MotroJS^nty superintendent Robert for the repose of T.ge~- OKING ancient canon laws, the Cath paid for masses of the century, died his vow, Loucks studied Daniel." |the poor for about 15 years at the turn Diocese of the Ro- James myself and my brother, the Rochester olic religion with the Rev. at his home in Church brought Sterling. lan Catholic today Ludden, then pastor of St. Marys [yesterday of James W. Mr. 84 years received injuries i eace to the soul Church in Little Falls. Lodge, old, ' Civil War Vet- the faitn recover. *>ucks, 90-year-old He was converted to Masses Delayed weeks ago, from which he did not un ran. a communicant and remained by terms of the will, He first was elected China to the to he T>UZZLED superintend-*! From war-torn his death. From 1877 1885, -* til bank filed a peti l ent of on the tick Catholic mission church. the president poor, Republican angles of Africa, was sexton of the settlement" to de tion for "judicial in 1894.
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