VOLUME LV. MATAWAN, N. J., FRIDAY AFTERNOON, JULY 10, 1925. N U M B E R 52 NATIONAL FORD TRUCK WEEK, PL4NS MADE FOR BENEFIT MMX CRINE IS KILLED Iff REPORTS RECEIVED ON BRIDGE CONTRACTS AWARDED. Mounf-Borrett Co. to Havo Exhibition JERSEY CEN1RAIP.SL.C0. FOR PUBLIC HEALTH JOT of Ford Built Bodies. FALL INTO CONCRETE PIT, SOCIAL SERVICE DRIVE S. S. Thompson & Co., of Red Bank, The coming week has been desig­ ' Lowest Bidder. MAKING IMPROVEMENTS WILL BE AN ALL-DAY AFFAIR nated as National Ford Truck Week WAS ENGAGED IN PLACING ^ MATAWAN CONTRIBUTED 5320 Contract was awarded by the Board . ON SEPTEMBERS and Mount-Barrctt Company, local TANK AT LEAD CO.’S PLANT. , OF THE $4,000 RAISED. of Freeholders at their meeting in COMPANY HAS ALREADY SPENT authorized dealers, have arranged for -- 1 ^ . i ; . Freehold Wednesday for thc con­ THE SUM OF $1-250,000. Committee* Were Appointed ot Meet­ a complete showing of Ford built truck Had Been Contractor for Ten Year. Material Increase Both in Member.hip struction of she concrete arch bridges, ing Last Night to Cany on the bodies. and Had Successfully Handled Many and tho Amount of Monoy Received five on tlte Elton-Adelphia road and Power il Now Furm'ibed by Public” Event-Much Interest Shown. Difficult Job.. | Over Former Year., one on the Tenncnt-Gordon’s Corner Service Corporation But Sub-Sta­ Entrance of thc Ford Company into road to the S, S. Thompson ft Co., Inc.. tion* are Being'Duilt. Last nipht at the close of routine the manufacture of commercial bodies Marx Crine, who is better known j Yesterday Matawan was well re?- of Red Bank, at the bid price of $10,­ business of Matawan Public Health indicates a ncw and • important ad­ throughout tile countryside as Max presented at the report of the membcrl 928.70. This was the lowest of eight Complaints regarding the service Association, plans were completed for vancement in this division of motor Crine, met a sudden, death yesterday ■ ship drive for the Monmouth County bids submitted, about half the price given by the Jersey Central Power de an all-day benefit for tlie association transportation since it shows that Ford morning at 10 o'clock when hc fell: Organization for Social Service held asked by the highest bidder, Thomas I-ight Company have been frequent of to be held September 2. Mrs. Charles U bring into delivery and hauling ser­ from a height where hc was placing1 a at the summer home of Mrs. Horace Proctor of Long Branch, who asked late. The complaints were undoubt­ C. Schock, general chairman, appoint­ vices the'same low cost and high value steel tank into the concrete pit prc-lJ. Harding. In the party were Mrs. $22,123.40 for the saimc work. The edly warranted but being aware that ed from anions the directors of the as­ that has made the Ford passenger car pared to hold the tank. For the past' A. Hi Henderson, Mrs. Elivood Van second low hid was submitted hy Janies the company had a large- program of sociation heads of committees who thc most popular in the world. Thc ten years Mr. Crine had heen a house' Drackle. Mrs. VV, S. Robinson, Mrs, A. J, Ross of Matawan, who asked improvements underway, The Weekly plan to'm ate the benefit the largest Ford truck chassis has-long held the mover and undertaken ntany difficult Thomas Leary, Mrs. D. E. Van Wickle! $13,875.20. Louis J. Soiling ,of Red asked the company for facts concern­ aiVi iisieai ihe CGiiiiiiim.i j »iS? Cv'ii sifau, lend nmotnr licht rnmiiwrriril vehicles Ouifuiicis, Yesterday he was at work j airs. •Tunis K. Schenck, Mrs. William Bank hid $14,319.80. ing liiipiuvcments nlrcndy made and • L. H. Stcmlcr, treasurer nml chair­ and at present approximately 75 per­ with two of his men at the plant of the H. Stitplu'n and Miss J, Mnbcl Brown. Upon'rccoinnicnilation of Comity En­ to lie mndc nnd received tlie following man of thc finance committee, report­ cent of thc one-ton trucks in use arc National Lead Company, successors to1 Airs. Harding, chnirntan of the ntent- gineer Allen, the freeholders voted to information t . ed a balance cf $652.78 on hand. All Fords. * .Metallurgical and Chemical Company,Iterslilp drive, gave the report so far as accept two recently completed paved The Jersey Central Power & Light moneys promised to .the association The business man or farmer who is on tlte Lloyd lioad iu Matntvaii Town- j returns lmd .been made, ntany people roads from the contrnclors, the High- Company acquired control of the for­ have been paid in nml this money, it interested, in reducing hauling costs ship. Tlte steel tank had been placed! stating tlieir localities as reported Inn.ds-Stoiie Church road and tho Mat- mer Monmouth Lighting Company on is expected, will fulfiill tlie obligations will havo the opportunity this week of in position over a concrete pit nhout1 were ’Incomplete. Mrs. Harding re- atvan-Freacnti road. Mnrcli 28, 1925. Prior to tlmt time : until tlie close ol September when thc becoming fully acquainted with these fourteen feet deep and Mr. Critic was'ported $4,9(10 to dale. This Included Plans and specifications prepared by (lie present owners luttl financed ex­ . fiscal year ends, Tlie association lias Ford built truck bodies which, because adjusting u heavy ring to holt it in j mostly small sums from 000 renewal (lie county mutineer for llto rebuilding tensive Improvements commenced by ■ been greatly indebted to tlie Mon- of the economics of Ford quantity pro­ place when lie slipped backward and tncnihrrsliipH nud 1,100 new members,! rml enlargement of a stone sen wall the Monmouth Lighting Contpony, mpntli County Organization for So- duction, are olTcttd nt low prices. fell Into tlte pit. His skull was frnc- ’ This was a material increase both lo protect tlte county road nt Moip Tlte Jersey Central Power Rt Light' clal Service for the financial ni;l it lias Arrangements have been made hy turcd and he died immediately. At membership ntul the amount of iiton- j •Jcacli, were nlso voted approval Company also recently acquired the given during tin's, the initial year ol Mount-Barrctt Company to keep show work with him were Joseph Emmons J cya received over former years, Mat- t,1<! °f •l|c I-’°rti'(l win directed Consolidated Gas ft Electric Company Its work. It Is hoped through one rooms open every evening during the and Agusttu Meyer. Alt elforl 'wn»jnwiui stood high In the list reporting *" advertise fur bids, lit Low, Branch, llic Lakewood ft large enterprise to procure enough week so tlmt all may have an oppor­ made by them to catch hint in as lie $320 on hand. Others reported as I ^ rc Company, No. 2, of Writ l.ong Const Electric Cnmpany, the.Coast Gas capital to carry on tlie work for tlie tunity uf inspecting the trucks. As nn wns falling but without avail follows: Hvltimr $41), Deal $19, Eaton., I'rnucli, secured permission to rope olt Company nt Ilelmar nnd the Toms ensuing year independent from finan­ opening feature a truck parade, will Mr. Crine was born in Motgnnvillc Iptvn $57, Fair IIiiven $111), Freehold' 11 "( the enmity road there and River Electric Company, For the cial aid Irom tlie County Organization. he hold through thc business streets lor.ty-nhio years ago. As lie grew lo $335.75, Kennsburg $45, Keyport $„’,|Hi! bold n Diode ilance on condition tli.it fiscal year ending May .11), the com­ To this end a food sale will hc held Monday nfternoou beginning nt 2 manhood lie engaged in farming, I.lncroft $50, Little Silver $kl, Locust I approval of tbe West l.uug Branch pany lm« spent on these properties on the lawn of Mrs. Charles Schock’s o'clock. About ten years ago lie gnve up furni. $12(1, l.ong Ilrnae.lt $195, Middletown II1IU,;|' uml council Is secured, Ihe huge stmt of one nml onct|tinrlcr home nt I o'clock, just preceding n More important, however, Mount* ing und moved lo Matnwun Township [ $133, Monmouth flench $70, (Jenin ^'.''hoMcrs were In rreeipt of million dollani in rebuilding existing card party, nlso on her lawn, in the Unrrctt Company will he prepared to and did a large moving business. Many Grove $95, Ocranporl $55.25, Red flank 1111 Invitation from the Monmouth lines ami ImlMiug high tension Inins- evening a block dance will he held on rIvc demonstrations of nny of these tiers, none other would rontrarl for, $<>81, Knutson $1,07-1, Sea Bright $145,J ■County llctnrd of Agriculture and fhmic mission linen hu- llie iteltemieut of ex­ the new road, Tlie Monmouth Comity units and those interested are invited i lie handled with ease, | 50, Shrewsbury $171, Spring Lake Economics lo attend thrlr aimimrfnr- isting service conditions, A large pro­ Hoard of Chosen Freeholders Imve to enter their requests for the demon-1 He married Miss Maty Lawler who, | $230,511, Millstone Township. irS, Up. ,llcr*' pli'iilr, lo hr held tliln year on portion of this sum has heen spent In given permission to close off tlie road Mention an early ns possible, with two sons, William and Joseph K„ per Freehold Township $7H, Wall ,llt' Cleveland farm ut KntnntOwtl, ou tlie old Monmouth Lighting Company for thnt purpose. Lights will lie strung The Ford built body combinations both ol whom live home, survive him.. Township 12. " .Saturday, July It, territory, across thc highway nml a hand of for thc famous Ford one-ton truck lie Is nlso survived by two brothers,! Mrs, Lewis S.
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