Squire Law Library Accessions List August 2015 CR.22.US.1 Bluebook: a uniform system of citation / compiled by the editors of the Columbia Law Review, the Harvard Law Review, the University of Pennsylvania Law Review, and The Yale Law Journal. Twentieth edition. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Published and distributed by the Harvard Law Review Association, 2015. ISBN: 9780692400197 D.9.B.130 Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626. Works of Francis Bacon. A new ed / by Basil Montagu. London: W. Pickering, 1825-1834. DC.9.B.53 Baker, Lynne Rudder. Persons and bodies: a constitution view / Lynne Rudder Baker. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000. ISBN: 0521592631 DC.9.B.54 Nebraska Symposium on Motivation (62nd: 2014: Lincoln, Neb.) Motivating cooperation and compliance with authority: the role of institutional trust / Brian H. Bornstein, Alan J. Tomkins, editors. Lincoln, NE, USA: Springer, [2015] ISBN: 9783319161501 DC.9.G.29 Gilbert, Margaret. Living together: rationality, sociality, and obligation / Margaret Gilbert. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, c1996. ISBN: 0847681505 DC.9.L.20 Lewis, David K. (David Kellogg), 1941-2001. Papers in philosophical logic / David Lewis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998. ISBN: 0521582474 DC.9.M.49 Inequality, democracy, and economic development / edited by Manus I. Midlarsky. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997. ISBN: 052157191X E.45.D.24 Mornacius, Antonius, 1554-1619. Antonii Mornacii in Senatu Paris. patroni Obseruationes in XXIV. libros Digestorum, et in IV. libros Codicis: nunc demum in meliorem ordinem dispositæ; omissæ, proprio loco restitutæ; omnes accurata correctione cum indicibus necessariis illustratæ. Parisiis: [no publisher's name], M.DC.XXXV. E.45.I.14 D. Justiniani institutionum libri quatuor = The four books of Justinian's Institutions / translated into English, with notes, by George Harris, LL.D. Third edition. Oxford: Printed by Collingwood, Newman, and Baxter; for W.H. Lunn, J. Butterworth, and Clarke and Sons, London, 1811. E.9.B.114 Memoriale juris civilis romani, quo tituli omnes et præcipuæ leges, quæ in quinquaginta Digestorum seu Pandectarum libris sunt, emblematibus & imaginibus ita efficta exhibentur, ut, unà cum titulorum materiis, eorum etiam numeri memoriæ imprimi, contineri ac reddi; quin etiam leges illæ præcipuæ ad suos referri titulos facili negotio queant, ad minuendos in studio juris labores excogitavit & communis boni causâ edidit Johannes Buno. Praefatione artificii hujus usus explicatur. Hamburgi: Typis exscripsit Georg Rebenlin, prostat Guelferbyti apud Conradi Bunonis heredes, M.DC.LXXIII. E.9.B.114 Buno, Johannes, 1617-1697. Memoriale Codicis Justinianei, authenticarum seu novellarum & consuetudinum feudorum: quo istorum librorum tituli Omnes ac Singuli, itemq; Leges à J. Gothofredo collectæ, emblematibus & imaginibus ita efficta exhibentur, ut unà cum Titulorum Materiis eorum quoq; Numeri memoriâ facilè accipi, probè teneri ac promptè & sine cunctatione reddi queant / ad minuendos in studio juris labores excogitavit & communis boni causa edidit Johannes Buno. E.9.M.120 Mousourakis, George. Roman law and the origins of the civil law tradition / George Mousourakis. Cham: Springer, [2015] ISBN: 9783319122670 ENG.9.S.7 Sá nchez, Tomá s. R.P. Thomæ Sanchez Cordubensis de Societate Iesu De sancto matrimonii sacramento disputationum tomus primus (--tertius). Posterior et accuratior editio. Venetiis: Apud Nicolaum Pezzana, 1726. F.cc.9.C.57 Cook, Graham. Digest of WTO jurisprudence on public international law concepts and principles / Graham Cook. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2015. ISBN: 9781107102767 (hbk.) F.cc.9.E.16 Eslava, Luis. Local space, global life: the everyday operation of international law and development / Luis Eslava. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2015. ISBN: 9781107092129 (hbk.) F.cc.9.K.37 Kolb, Robert. Peremptory international law: jus cogens: a general inventory / Robert Kolb. Oxford, UK: Hart Publishing Ltd., 2015. ISBN: 9781782257271 (hbk.) F.cc.9.N.8 Non-state actors in international law / edited by Math Noortmann, August Reinisch and Cedric Ryngaert. Oxford, UK: Hart Publishing Ltd., 2015. ISBN: 9781849465113 (hbk.) F.cc.9.S.63 Sørensen, Max. Manual of public international law, edited by Max Sørensen. London: Melbourne; Macmillan: New York; St. Martin's Press, 1968. F.fhp.9.C.1 Castren, Erik. Civil war / by Erik Castren. Helsinki: Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia, 1966. F.fhq.9.G.8 Commission on the Prevention of Weapons of Mass Destruction Proliferation and Terrorism (U.S.) World at risk: the report of the Commission on the Prevention of WMD Proliferation and Terrorism / Bob Graham, chairman; Jim Talent, vice-chairman; Graham Allison ... [et al.]. 1st Vintage Books ed. Authorized ed., 1st ed. New York: Vintage Books, 2008. ISBN: 0307473260 (pbk.) F.hfm.9.M.1 McGregor, Lorna. Immunity v. accountability: considering the relationship between state immunity and accountability for torture and other serious international crimes / Lorna McGregor; the Redress Trust. London: The Redress Trust, 2005. ISBN: 9780955198106 F.j.9.C.12 Ordre public et mer / UMR AMURE, Centre de droit et d'é conomie de la mer, actes du colloque de Brest, 12 et 13 mai 2011; sous la direction d'Annie Cudennec. Paris: Editions A. Pedone, 2012. ISBN: 9782233006455 F.jmk.9.S.7 Schiffman, Howard (Howard S.) Marine conservation agreements: the law and policy of reservations and vetoes / by Howard S. Schiffman. Leiden; Boston: M. Nijhoff Pub., 2008. ISBN: 9789004163850 F.km.9.M.5 Recent trends in international space law and policy / editors, V.S. Mani, S. Bhatt & V. Balakista Reddy; foreword by C.G. Weeramantry. New Delhi: Lancers Books, 1997. F.m.9.W.3 Weatherall, Thomas. Jus cogens: international law and social contract / Thomas Weatherall. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press, 2015. ISBN: 9781107081765 F.mhn.9.E.5 Transparency in international investment arbitration: a guide to the UNICTRAL Rules on Transparency in Treaty- Based Investor-State Arbitration / edited by Dimitrij Euler, Markus Gehring and Maxi Scherer; assistant editors Meagan Wong and Rebecca Hadgett. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2015. ISBN: 9781107077935 (hbk.) F.nh.9.M.89 Mullerson, Rein. Human rights diplomacy / Rein Mullerson. London: Routledge, 1997. ISBN: 0415153905 F.nh.9.T.32 Thurer, Daniel. International humanitarian law: theory, practice, context / Daniel Thurer. [The Hague]: Hague Academy of International Law, 2011. ISBN: 9789004179103 F.q.9.N.1 Nozari, Fariborz. Unequal treaties in international law / Fariborz Nozari. Stockholm: [s.n.], 1971. F.rk.9.P.2 Peters, Cees. On the legitimacy of international tax law / Cees Peters. Amsterdam, Netherlands: IBFD, [2014] ISBN: 9087222963 F.th.3.1.16 Hague (Netherlands). Permanent Court of Arbitration. Permanent Court of Arbitration: basic documents. The Hague, The Netherlands: International Bureau of the Permanent Court of Arbitration, [1998] F.th.9.B.37 Born, Gary. International commercial arbitration / Gary B. Born. Second edition. Alphen aan den Rijn, The Netherlands: Kluwer Law International, 2014. ISBN: 9789041152190 (hbk: set) F.th.9.N.5 Leading arbitrators' guide to international arbitration / editors: Lawrence W. Newman, Richard D. Hill. Third edition. Huntington, New York: Juris Publishing, Inc., [2014] ISBN: 9781937518332 F.uhm.9.A.1 Iraq under siege: the deadly impact of sanctions and war / edited by Anthony Arnove, with essays by: Ali Abunimah [and sixteen others]. Cambridge, MA: South End Press, 2000. ISBN: 0896086194 (pbk.) G.jl.H.9.R.1 Roodt, Christa. Private international law, art and cultural heritage / Christa Roodt, Lecturer, University of Glasgow, UK and Professor Extraordinaria, University of South Africa. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2015. ISBN: 9781781002155 (hbk.) G.n.S.9.L.1 International litigation strategies and practice / editors Barton Legum, Theodore Edelman, Ethan A. Berghoff. Second edition. Chicago, Illinois: ABA, Section of International Law, [2014] ISBN: 9781627223577 G.s.H.58.H.1 Hartley, Trevor C. International commercial litigation: text, cases and materials on private international law / Trevor C. Hartley. Second edition. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2015. ISBN: 9781107095892 (hbk.) H.e.9.A.1 Aman, Alfred C. Democracy deficit: taming globalization through law reform / Alfred C. Aman, Jr. New York: New York University Press, c2004. ISBN: 0814707009 H.ev.9.A.7 Courts and comparative law / edited by Mads Andenas and Duncan Fairgrieve. First edition. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2015. ISBN: 9780198735335 (hbk.) H.ev.9.R.7 Circulation des concepts juridiques: le droit international de l'environnement entre mondialisation et fragmentation / sous la direction de Hé lè ne Ruiz Fabri et Lorenzo Gradoni. Paris: Societe de legislation comparee, 2009. ISBN: 9782908199734 H.gf.9.J.1 Rule of Law Symposium (2nd: 2014: Singapore) Rule of Law Symposium 2014: the importance of the rule of law in promoting development / editors, Professor Sir Jeffrey Jowell QC, Mr J Christopher Thomas QC, Dr Jan van Zyl Smit. Singapore: Academy Publishing, 2015. ISBN: 9789810916749 H.gk.9.H.66 International law and aboriginal human rights / edited by Barbara Hocking; with a foreword by Gerry Hand. Sydney: Law Book Co., 1988. ISBN: 0455208077 H.jg.9.B.1 Benhabib, Seyla. Rights of others: aliens, residents, and citizens / Seyla Benhabib. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004. ISBN: 0521831342 (hbk.) H.jg.9.F.2 Fetzer, Joel S. Public attitudes
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