The LepidopterologicalSocietyLepidopterological Society of Japan utt intt Trans. tepid, Soc, Japan 58 (1): 7-17, January 2007 [[hxonomic study of the genus Endotricha Zeller (Lepidoptera, Pyralidae, Pyralinae) from Korea Bong-Woo LEE])*, Bong-Kyu ByuN2) and Yang-Seop BAE3)** r' Entomological Laboratory, Graduate School of Life and Environmenta[ Sciences, Osaka Prefecture University, Sakai, Osaka, 599-8531 Japan 2) Diyision ofBio-Specimens & Genetic Resourees, KoreaNational Arboretum, Pocheon, 487-821 Korea i] Department ofBiology, College of Natural Sciences, Untversity of Incheon, Incheon, 402-749 Korea Abstract The Korean species of the gcnus Endotricha Zeller belonging to tribe Endotrichini, sub- family Pyralinae, are reviewed. A total of seven species are recognized, including one new species, Endotricha parki Lee and Bae, sp, nov. Photographs of adults, illustrations of genitalia of both sexes, and fiight period are provided, Key words Lepidoptera, Pyralidae, Pyralinae, Endotrichini, Endotrieha, Endotricha parki sp. nov., new species, Korea. Introduction The subfamily Pyralinae belonging to family Pyralidae is djvided into two tribes, the Pyralini and Endotrichini (Shaffer & Solis, 1995; Shaffer et at, 1996; Solis & ShaffCr, 1999). Of them, the Endotrichini contains seven genera, of which Endotricha Zeller is the 1argest genus with about 70 species (Solis & Shaffer, 1999). This tribe is characterized by having the Rs anastomosed with Sc+Rl jn the hindwing venation, However, the taxonomic posi- tion of the tribe Endotrichini has been disputed by many specialists, such as Ragonot (1891), Hampson (1896), Whalley (1961), and Minet et al (1982). In the fauna of Korea, this nibe is represented by only one genus, Endotricha, which is mainly distributcd in Africa and Asia. In this article, the genus E]ndotricha in Korea is revised. We recognize seven species from Korea, of which one species, Endotricha parki i's described as new to science, Taxonotnic descrjptions fbr the known species are not repeated. Photographs of adults and illustrations of genitalia are provided. Abbreviations used are as followsi CIS-Center for Insect Systematics, Kangwon National University; UIB-Department of Biology, University of Incheon, Incheon; TS-type species; TLrtype locality; HN-Hamgyeong-namdo; GW-Gangwon-do; GG-Gyeonggido; CB-Chu- ngcheong-bugdo; CN-Chungcheong-namdo; GB-Gyeongsang-bugdo; GN-Gyeongsang- namdo;JB-Jeonla-bugdo;JN-Jeonla-namdo;JJ-Jeju-do. Genus Endotricha Zeller, 1847 Endotricha Zeller, 1847, Isis Oken, Leip:・ig 1847: 593. TS[ Pyralis fiammealis [Denjs & SchifferrnUller], 1775. Doththa Walker, 18S9, List specimens lqpid. insects CoUn Br. Mus, 17: 260 (key>. 285. TS: Dothrha mesen- teriatis Walker. 1859. *Present address: Division of Bio-Specimens & Genetic Rcsources, Korea National Arboretam, Pocheon, 4g7-821 Korea **Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected] NII-Electronic LibraryMbrary Service The LepidopterologicalSocletyLepidopterological Society ofofJapan Japan 8 Beng-Woo Lbh. Bong-Kyu ByiJN and Yang-Seop BAE F ・3 2. ・- -x・ ----r7r -. - Figs 1-7. Adzalts of Endotricha spp. 1. E. consocia (Butler, 1879). 2. E. kttfnetzovi Whal]ey, 1963. 3 E. flavofhrscialis Bremer, 1864 4. E. niinialis (Fabricius, 1794). 5. E. olivaceali,s 1881. 7. E. sp. noy. (Brcmer,1864).6,E.costaen?aculatis Christoph, parki Messatis Walker, 1859, List 5?)ecimens lepid. kisects Colln Br. Mus. 19: 918. TS: Mes,satis sabirusalis Walkcr, 1859, "l865"), Pacoria Walker, 1866 (not List specimens lqpid. insects Coiln Br. Mus, 34: 1255. TS: Pacoria albijimbrialis Walker, ] 866. Zdnia Walker, 1866 (not"1865"), List 5ipecimens lny)id, Jnsects Colln Br. Mtts. 34: 1256. TS: Zdnia unicalis Walker,1866. "1865"), Tricomia Walker, 1866 (not List SPecimens iqpid, insects Cotln Br, Mus, 34, 1259, TS: Tricomia 1 auroratis Walker, 866. `'1 Rhisina Wa]ker. 1866 (not 865"), Ltst Specimens lqpid. insects Colln Br. M"s. 34: 1324. TS: Rhtsina pttne- ticostaiis Walker. 1866. Endotrichodeh' Ragonot. 1891, Annis So('. ent, Fr, (6) 10: 513 (key), 521. TS: Endotrtchodes perustahs Ragonat, 1891. Endotf'ichopsis Warren, 1895, Ann. Mag. iiat. Hist. C6) 16: 467. TS: Endotnch{tpsis rhodoptetzilt.s Warren, 1895. Endotricha consoeia (Butler, 1879) (Figs 1, 8, 15) Doththa consoaa Butler, 1879. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist (5) 4: 452. TL: Japan, Endotricha consocia, Whalley. 1963: 4iO; Zool. Soc, Kor., l968: 49: Ineue. I982, 1: 385, 2: 248, p]. 46: 43; Park, 1983: 415, 892, pl 28: 463; Yamanaka & Yoshiyasu, 1992: 90; Bae, 2001: t95, fig 181. Endotricha albieilia Wileman, 19l 1, T}"ans. ent. Soc Lond. 1911, 368, TL: Japan. Wingspan 18-21 mm, Adult in Fig. 1, male genitalta in Fig. 8, and female genitalia in Fig. 15.Material examined, 222 specimens-coll, KSNU, [GWJ Mt Dukga: 1 r, 24 VII 1997; Pandaeri, WOnju: 1 c7' 3 5i, 4VII 1998; Mt Chiak, Wbaju: 3 if' 1 e, 5 VIII l998-coll. UIB, Sogumgang: 1 8', 8 VIII l988; Mt Seolak: 4 exs, 10 Vlll, 25 VIII l989; Seamyun: 1 9, 17 VM 1992-coll. CIS, [GG] Mt Soyo: 2 4, 5 VIII, 7-g VII 1996; Mt Cheongkye, Guechon: rlemp, 1e, 23 VII 1996; Mt Cheonma, Namyangiu: t8', 29 VII 1997; Yongkung, ts, Yeongjong: 1 4, 3 VI 1995; Is. Deolcieok, Incheon. Onjin: 2 83 9, 31 VII 1998; Mt Many, Is, Gangwha: 3 8, 26 VII 1998; Mt Hwaak, Gapyung: 5 exs, 19 VIII 1998; Mt Ybngmun, Yangpyeong: 5 S 1 9, 11 VIII 1998; Lake Daeseong, Paltan: 15 r, 3 VIII 1998-coll. UIB. Gwangleung: 5 exs, 13 VIII 1994; Mt Soyo: 2 9, 14 VIII 1996-coll. CIS, Cheongryangri: 1 r1 g, 22 VII, 26 VII, ]973-coll, NIAST. Gwangleung: 10 ti"43 9, 4 VII, 13 VII, 27 VII, l998; Osan: 2 8"5 g,21 VII 1997, 28 VII 1997. 29 VII 1998; Hongleung: 6 8' 12 ?,8 VII 1996, 15 VII 1998, 16 VII 1996, 19 VII 1996, 29 VII 1996, 22 VII 1998, ] VIII 1996, 5 NII-Electronic Library Service The LepidopterologicalSocietyLepidopterological Society of Japan Review of Endotricha from Korea 9 VIII 1996, 12VIII 1996, 23 VIII 1996-coll, FRt. [CB] Cheongiu: 3 e3 \, ]5 VII, 22 VII, 29 VII, 1998-coll. FRI. [CN] Mt Manroe, Gincheon: 2 X, 1 VIII 1998-coll. UIB. LGB] Swamp. Upo, Changnyeong: 2 8, 28 VII 1997-co]l, UIB. Kyeongtu: 1 X, 26 VIII 1998- coll. FRI. Mt Hakga, Andong: 3 r 1 ?, 19 Vl 1998-coll, NIAST. [GN] Mt Gaji: 1 ?-, 19 VIII 1993-coll. CIS, Mt Gaya: 1 8, 25 VII 1922-coll. NIAST. [JB] Mt Naebyoun: 2 X', 4-5 VIII 1989; Buan: 1 g', 5 VIII 1992-coll. CIS. [JN] Mt Baegun: 2 8 l ?, 19 VII 1998. Mt Baegun: 1 ex., Gwangyang, 19 VIII 1992-coll. CIS. [JJ] Is. Biang: 2r, 26 VIII 198orcoll. NIAST. Distribution. Korea (GW, GG, CB, CN, GB, GN, JB, JN, JJ), Japan, and Chjna. FIight period, May to October. Remarks. This species is common in Korea. It is similar to E. minialis in ground color, but distinguished from the lattcr by the following: forewing rather broad; ground color pale or- ange-red to deep reddish brown with ochreous in antemedial line; basal line fuscous; sub- basal line dark blackish brown. Endotricha kuznetzoyi Whalley, 1963 (Figs 2, 9, 16) Endotricha kuznetzovi Whal]ey, 1963: 412; Park, t976: 17; Inouc, l982, 1: 385, 2: 248, pl. 46: 46; Park, 1983: 414, 892, pl. 28: 462;Park & Ju, 1990: 392; Bae, 2001: 197, fig. I84, TL: China. Endotricha icetusalis: Zool. Soc. Kor., 1968: 49; Kor. Soc. Pl. Prot., 1972: 138 (nec Butler). Wingspan 15-20 mm. Adult in Fig, 2, male genitalia in Fig, 9, and female genitalia in Fig, 16. Material examined. 167 specimens-co]1. NIAST. 222 specimens-coll. KSNU, [GW] Mt Jeombong: 1 r, 13 VII 1997; Pandaeri, Woajui 19,4VII ]998; Jinburyeung, Iaje: 1\,7 VII 1998; Mt Gyebang, Pyengchang: 2 4, 21 Vl 1996-coll. UIB. Hweangsung: 1 ex., 9 VI 1984; Hwacheon: 1 8, 2 VII 1985; Chuncheon: 2 X1 \, 21 VI 1985, 9 VI 1987, 13 VI 1989; Seomyun, Yangyang: 1 S'19, 30 VI, 10 VII, 1987; Mt Samak, 1 ex., 19 VII 1989; Bongounri, nr HC: 1 8L 30 VI 1992; Chuncheondam:2 exs, 15 VI 1992, 24 VII 1995; Mt Jeombong: 1 g' 1 9, 10 VIII, 11 VIIL 1992; Hweangsungdam: 2 dl', 22 VTIT 1994-coll, CIS, [GG] Lake Mulwang, Shiheung: 2 9, 24 VII 1996; Mt Many, Is, Gangwha: 1 ?, 20 VI 1997; Bukri, Is, Deokieok: 1 6"', 24 VI 1997; Lake Daeseong, Paltan: 2 S 6 \, 2 VII 1997, 3 VIII 1998; Lake Naega, Is. Ganghwa: 5 d", 31 V 1998; Mt Ybngmun, YtLngpyeong: 17 exs, 11 VIII 1998; Is. Cheongra, In¢ heon: 1 if` 1 9,26 VIII 1998; Is. Youngyu, Incheon: 1 8' 1 4, 28 VIII 1998-coll. UIB. Hongleung:2r, 10 VI, 24 VL 1998; Osan:3r29, 17 Yl, 19 VIII, 1998-col]. FRI. Gxiv'angleung: 1 9, 22 VIII 1973; Suweon: 3 exs, 22 IX, 24 X, 1982; Mt Yaksu: 1 g', 9 VIII 1989-coll. CIS. [CB] Lake Seungeon, TlaLeaneup: 3 e, 12 VII, 16 VII, 1996; ex., 8 VI 1997; Mt Gaya, -9 Mt Ingyeong,Cheongwon: 1 Yesan:2 8'2 , l5VL 24 V[II, 1997-coll. UIB. Mt Sokri: 1 3, 19 VIII 1993-coll. CIS. [CNI Gongiu: 2 8', 29 VII 1998-coll. CIS. [GN] Swamp. Upor Changnyeong: 1 ex,, 28 VII 1997; Jusang, Geochang: 1r1\, 14 VIII 1998, 23 VIII 1998-coll. UIB. [JB] Mt Miruk, lksan: 38, 23 VIII 1997-colL UIB. Jeoaju: 1r,3VI 1998-co]l. FRI, [JN] Naju: 1X3g, 10 VL 17 Vl, 1998-coll, FRI, [JJ] Seogwipo: ] cx,, 5 VII 1986; Kwanumsa: 3319, 24 VIII 1992; Bijarim: 2 e, 15 VII 1993; Seonheulri: 1 S, 31 VII 1993-coli. CIS. Distribution, Korca (GWI GG, CB, CN, GN, JB, JN, JJ), Japan, China, Russia (Ussuri, Amur). Flight period.
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