BROXBOURNE COMMUNITY SAFETY CONSULTATION FORUM 26 th January 2012 Present: Hertfordshire Police Hertfordshire Constabulary Herts County Council Authority Robert Gordon (Chair) Inspector Ian Tycer Cty Cllr. W Eynon Tania Eagle (Deputy Chief Cty. Cllr D. Hewitt Executive) Cty. Cllr Mrs. C. Mitchell Broxbourne Borough Council - Councillors Susan Ball-Greenwood, Sheila Benford, Carol Crump-Eynon, Martin Greensmyth, Ray Hannam, Neil Harvey, Paul Mason, Jeremy Pearce, Bren Perryman and Paul Seeby and Mr M J Walker and Mr T Cox Representatives of the following local organisations/forums:- Mr Keith Batchelor Hertswatch Ms Kathi Broad Wormley/Turnford Neighbourhood Forum and Broxbourne Crime Prevention Panel Cllr Dee Hart Goffs Oak and West Cheshunt Neighbourhood Forum Mr F Jones Hoddesdon North & Rye Park Neighbourhood Forum and College Road Residents Association Mrs A King Windmill Estate Residents Association Mr B Lord Richardson Crescent Residents Association Dr B Lowe Hoddesdon Town and Broxbourne Neighbourhood Forum and Broxbourne Open Space Trustees Mr J Nicolson Street Pastors Mrs Doreen Parsonage Wormley Society Mr Ken Rock Broxbourne Neighbourhood Watch Mrs Rita Rowe Churches Together, Hoddesdon and Broxbourne Ms P Spears Waltham Cross & Theobalds Neighbourhood Forum and Four Swannes Residents Association Mr B Stamp Cedar Green Residents Association Mr P Worth Hoddesdon Society Also present: Mr F Aldwinkle, Mrs J Brown, Mr A Bull, Mr & Mrs K Batty, Mr W Dakin, Mr F Hyland, Mrs L Greensmyth, Mr D Feasby, Mr & Mrs S Harris, Mr L Kuypers, Mrs G Lardi, Mr J Marsh, Mr K Parker, Mr H Paschalis, Mr G Rose, Mr & Mrs D Stone, Mr D Taylor, Mr & Mrs A Warren and Mr S Wills. 1. INTRODUCTIONS AND APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE In the absence of the Chairman (Dr. Sarah Coffey) it was agreed that County Councillor Robert Gordon, who is also a member of the Herts Police Authority, should chair the meeting. He also introduced to the meeting Tania Eagle, the Deputy Chief Executive of the Herts Police Authority. Apologies for absence were received from Dr. Sarah Coffey (Herts Police Authority), County Councillor Alan Searing, Councillors Malcolm Aitken, Ken Ayling, Hazel Jackson Mark Mills-Bishop and Michael Watson; Mr K. Cockman (Hoddesdon North and Rye Park Neighbourhood Forum), Mr M Morris (Hoddesdon Youth Centre Management Committee) Mr G Anderson and Mrs B Johnstone. 2. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING HELD ON 29 th SEPTEMBER 2011 - noted. 3. LOCAL COMMUNITY SAFETY PRIORITIES Mike Walker gave a brief presentation drawing attention to the following issues: o A summary report of the key findings from the Annual Strategic Assessment which would help steer setting the local Community Safety Action Plan for 2012/13. A copy of the report can be viewed on the Council’s website at Strategic Assessment 2012-13 o The intention of the Council to consider whether there was a need to review the boundaries of the existing neighbourhood fora areas to reflect the new Borough ward boundaries from May 2012 o A quarterly monitor outlining recent neighbourhood projects implemented, which had been requested as part of the Council’s recent scrutiny review of this scheme. The monitor can be viewed on the Council’s website at Local neighbourhood budgets o The recent MORI survey of 800+ residents carried out in September/October 2011. MORI had concluded that “people feel safer than they did five years ago. They are less likely to feel that anti-social behaviour is a problem, although street lighting is clearly a concern. This likely reflects the recent changes to County Council policy”. Its key findings about public perceptions of crime/ASB were as follows: @ Promoting safe/pleasant neighbourhoods through improved safety/keeping clean remains the top priority for 58% of local residents @ Generally perceptions of ASB being a problem have improved, although a lack of street lighting was considered the biggest issue (44%) @ Reduced concerns about what makes a neighbourhood a safe place, with improved police presence being the top mention (45%) @ More people feel safer after dark (58% in 2011 compared with 51% in 2006) The Forum noted the presentation and specifically welcomed the positive results regarding perceptions about community safety issues from the MORI survey. 4. POLICING PLAN 2012-13 - DRAFT PRIORITIES Tania Eagles of Herts Police Authority indicated that approximately 1,000 responses had been received as part of the public consultation exercise. Local priorities had been identified as deterring young people from becoming involved in crime and road safety. Many of the identified priorities were consistent with the local community safety priorities identified in the Strategic Assessment. The Police Authority was setting a target of ‘no increase’ in overall recorded crime, although it was understood the Chief Constable wants to secure improvements. It was indicated that the Plan would be transitional, as once the new Police Commissioner was elected in November 2012 they would look to develop a ‘new’ plan for 2013 onwards. In response to a question she indicated that it was not expected that significant cuts would be made to level of police resources in Hertfordshire. It was added that Broxbourne Council had indicated its continued support for the funding of Police Community Support Officers. The Forum noted the proposed Policing Plan. 5. UPDATE ON LOCAL POLICING Inspector Ian Tycer advised crime in the Borough had fallen in the year to date by 3% compared with the previous year. There were significant improvements in levels of burglary dwelling (down by 79 offences (24%) and burglary (other) (down by 83 offences (21%), however there had been small increases in motor vehicle crime and shoplifting. There had also been a significant reduction in anti-social behaviour down by 978 incidents (20%) compared with last year, with particular reductions over the Halloween/Fireworks period. He indicated that the local priorities for the next 3 months are: o Burglary o Motor vehicle crime o Criminal damage Members of the Forum and public asked the Police (i) to clarify the patrolling policy for PCSOs; (ii) to provide greater detail to future meetings on the level of hate crime locally; and (iii) to indicate whether there was any evidence of crime increasing as a result of the part night lighting scheme. It was advised that wherever possible PCSOs were to patrol on their own, that hate crime was generally low in the Borough and that it was too early to quantify any impact from the part night lighting scheme, but a detailed evaluation was scheduled to take place in March 2012. The Police were also requested to specifically target the following issues: o Speeding on Hoddesdon High Street near the junction with Cock Lane o An apparent increasing level of dangerous dogs in the Borough The Forum welcomed the continuing reduction in crime and ASB levels and noted the policing priorities for the next three months. 6. UPDATE ON LOCAL COMMUNITY SAFETY INITIATIVES Tony Cox provided updates on local initiatives to address parking outside schools, schemes to encourage community volunteering and a recent proxy purchasing ‘pilot’ scheme held in the Borough. Councillor Mason, Leader of Broxbourne Council highlighted that the Council had recently agreed to recruit two additional part time enforcement officers to target parking outside schools and related priorities. Requests were also made to consider the introduction of physical measures to deter illegal parking at the following locations: o Grass verge on High Road, Broxbourne near entrance to Broxbourne School o Grass verge on Andrews Lane, Cheshunt near entrance to Andrews Lane JMI School 7. REPORT OF LOCAL NEIGHBOURHOOD FORUMS Chairs of the neighbourhood fora in attendance provided updates on issues raised at their meetings. The following issues were mentioned: o Hoddesdon North/Rye Park - new signage has been erected at the junction of Burford Street/Essex Road to deter HGVs using the residential part of Essex Road, which has also been renamed Old Essex Road. This had had a positive impact in addressing the issue. A private gating project had also been introduced in College Road to improve security. o Wormley/Turnford - there continued to be issues of parking problems at Wharf Road and misuse of the mini-roundabout adjacent to Herts Regional College. o Waltham Cross/Theobalds - residents continue to await the removal of the experimental contra-flow cycle lane on York Road. There were also concerns about the negative impact of the part night lighting scheme, speeding traffic on Eleanor Cross Road/Station Road and the possible impact of the extension of the Oyster card scheme on commuter parking levels in the area. o Hoddesdon Town and Broxbourne - there were continuing concerns about speeding traffic in Hoddesdon town centre, particularly during the evenings, and the impact of the part night lighting scheme. o Goffs Oak/West Cheshunt - action was being taken to address parking outside local schools and consultation was being carried out on the proposed skateboard park at Cheshunt Park. 8. QUESTION SESSION In response to questions, the Chairman advised that any reports of dirty or damaged street/road signs should be reported on line to www.hertsdirect.org/highwayfaults and that sodium street lights were generally being replaced with low energy, white light lanterns as and when repairs/maintenance were required. Concerns were raised about the continuing obstruction of the bus lane in Brewery Road, Hoddesdon by parked vehicles. It was advised that due to an issue with the traffic regulation order the Council’s enforcement officers could not take action against these offences. This issue was unlikely to be resolved in the next year or so. In the circumstances, it was hoped to co-ordinate a joint initiative with the Police for them to target the vehicles for dangerous/obstructive parking. It was also advised that the Council was trialling a verge parking scheme in west Waltham Cross and would be providing a permit parking scheme for market traders in Hoddesdon, whilst the Tower Centre was being redeveloped.
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