Ghost Towns and Abandoned Settlements Mary's of Aransas Salona Salt Branch Salt Flat Salt Gap Samfordyce Sanco Sandy Hills Santa Helena Santa Rita Santo Tomás Saspamco Savage Senterfitt Shafter Shafter Lake Shannon Sher-han Sherwood Signal Hill Silver Sipe Springs Sivells Bend Slide Smeltertown Smithfield Soash Spanish Fort Spurlin Starrville Sterley Sterling Steward's Mill Stiles Sulphuria Sumpter Sunnyside Sutherland Springs Swartwout Swastika Sweet Home Tarrant Tarver Tascosa Tee Pee City Tehuacana Telegraph Telico Terlingua Texana Texla Texon The Grove Theney Three Oaks Thurber Tokio Tolbert Towash Toyah Toyahvale Trickham Tucker Tuckertown Tuff Tuleta Turpentine Union Valley Unity Upland Upton Utica Vandenburg Vernal Vieja Springs Virginia City Washington-on-the-Brazos Watson Wenasco White City White Way Who'd Thought It Whon Wild Cat Bluff Williams Ranch Winkleman Wintergreen Yegua Zeirath Ziler Zorn Zella Zuehl Utah: Adventure Ajax Alunite Argyle Asay Bacchus Bingham Canyon Black Rock Blacks Fork Blue Creek Bridgeport Blue Sulphur Springs Brink Bullion Bullionville Caineville Castle Gate Castle Rock Castleton Cedar Creek Cisco Clarion Clear Lake Coal City Colton Connellsville Desert Lake Devon Dewey Diamond Dividend Dover Dragon Duncan's Retreat Dyer Eagle Eagle City Elgin Fish Springs Forest City Freed Frisco Fruita Fry Canyon Garfield Georgetown Giles Gold Hill Goodwill Grafton Grass Creek Greendale Hailstone Hale Hamblin Harper Harrisburg Hebron Heiner Hiawatha Homansville Home of Truth Ingersoll Iosepa Iron City Jackson Jerryville Johnson Keetley Kelton Kimberly Kiz Knightsville La Plata Lark Latuda Layland Lincoln Linwood Lobelia Lucin Lund Mammoth McCornick Mercur Mill Fork Miners Basin Modena Modoc Mohrland Mosida Mountain Dell Mutual National Newhouse Notom Osiris Paria Pearlytown Peerless Priesthood Camp Putney Rainbow Richardson Rockport Rockwell's Station Round Valley Royal Russian Settlement Rutherford Sage Creek Scranton Sego Sewell Silver City Silver Reef Soldier Summit Spring Canyon Standardville Stateline Stotesbury Sulphurdale Sunshine Terrace Thistle Thurmond Tonaquint Tucker Upper Kanab Upton Valley City Verdure Victor Virginius Island Vipont Wahsatch Washakie Watson Wattis Welby Westwater Widtsoe Willow Creek Willow Valley Winter Quarters Woodrow Woodside Yost Vermont: Glastenbury Lewiston Ricker Basin Smith Family Farms Somerset Virginia: Bigler's Mill Ca Ira Elko Tract Falling Creek Jamestown Lackey Lignite Potomac Rockfish Warwick Westham Washington: Ainsworth Alpine Attalia Baird Blewett Bodie Bolster Bordeaux Bossburg Chesaw Curlew Disautel Doty Dryad Elberton Fairfax Franklin Frankfort Goshen Grisdale Hanford Havillah Hot Springs Kennedy Kopiah Krain Lester Liberty Malone McCormick Melmont Molson Monohon Monte Cristo Nagrom Old Orient Osceola Pinkney City Queets Ruby City Seabeck Sheridan Sherman Skagit City Tono Torodah Trinidad Trinity Vail Walville Wellington Weston White Bluffs West Virginia Wisconsin: Aurora Muskego Settlement Nya Upsala Ranney Ulao Wyoming: Atlantic City Bannack Benton Berlin Bessemer Bodie Bryan Calico Carbon Timber Town Fort Steele Hecla Jeffrey City Jerome Jireh Kane Lewiston Lost Springs Miner's Delight Oatman Pacific Springs Piedmont Sherman South Pass City The Duncan Tombstone Tubb Town Van Tassell Walcott . Joseph Stage Pond Stanton Stiltsville Sumica Sun City Tasmania Tillman Torrey Traxler Troy Vandolah Verna Vicksburg Villa City Waterbury Welchton Welcome West Tocoi Willow Wilson Yamato Colony Yukon Georgia: Allatoona Campbellton Ceney Chestatee Chubbtown Creighton Diamond Doctortown Ebenezer Ehpesus Esom Hill Everett Springs Felton Harnageville (also known as Tate) Holland Jacksonboro Knucklesville Livingston Marblehill McWorther Mountain View Plunkett Town PoBiddy Crossroads Possum Trot Scull Shoals Sixes Spring Place Tilton Tyus Wax Hawaii: Apua Kaimu Kalapana Kapoho Mana Waialee Idaho: Bayhorse Bonanza Burke Cobalt Comeback Mining Camp Custer De Lamar Florence Gilmore Golden Age camp Idaho City Leesburg Mount Idaho Placerville Rocky Bar Ruby City Sawtooth City Silver City Strevell Vienna Yellow Jacket Illinois: Anderson Barr Benjaminville Brush Point Bybee Cardiff Challacombe Clayville Clifford Eight Coltonville Comer Enos Evans Greenridge Green Rock Griggsville Landing Hagaman Horace Kankakee City Kaskaskia Kumler Ledford Lemmon Macoupin McVey Miles Station Millsdale Morse Muddy Old Evansville Old Westville Orchard Place Oxford Parker City Reeders Riverview Rodden Santa Fe Park Schoper Stanchnikville Vishnu Springs Weston, Kane County Womac Indiana: Baltimore Beeville Brisco Chatterton Chesapeake Collins Corwin Corwin Elkinsville Glen Hall Granville Heath Hindostan Falls Kickapoo Locust Grove Monument City Paxton, Indiana Point Pleasant Quaker Randall Sheff Sloan Toronto Tremont Walnut Grove Warrenton Iowa: Bryantsburg Buxton Buchanan Conover Donnan Doris Dudley Elkport Green Island Littleport Motor National Shady Grove Siegel Kansas: Achilles (Only a cemetery remains) Afton (A small cemetery and church remains) Agenda (2008 estimated population of 67) Agnes City (Only a small cemetery remains.) Alcove Springs (Well-preserved park, Was never an official) Alexander (2008 estimated population of 66.) Alida (The site of Alida lies underneath the waters of Milford Lake.) America City (A couple buildings and a cemetery remain) Amy (A small community still exists) Annelly (Only the main street and an old schoolhouse remain.) Army City ( Fort Riley property, was built exclusively for servicemen at Fort Riley during World War I) Arrington (Small population remains) Arvonia (Some old buildings, ruins and a church still remain.) Ash Valley (Old roads and some structures still remain) Asherville (A small population still exists.) Ashtabula Colony (Merged with McPherson.) Auburndale (A neighborhood in Topeka and is commemorated by Auburndale Park. Bain City Bala Bassett (2008 estimated population of 21) Bayneville (Some houses and ruins remain.) Beach Valley (On private property) Beaver (Small population remains.) Belmont (On private property, inaccessible) Belvidere (Small population remains.) Bendena (A small community remains) Big Springs (A small population remains) Bigelow (Only the cemetery remains) Black Jack Black Wolf (A grain elevator and some other buildings remain. In 1912, the Santa Fe Railroad laid out a new town named Montezuma which continues to thrive.) Ottumwa (A small population remains on the north edge of the John Redmond Reservoir.) Owl City (Nothing remains of the site. Louis Swansea Temescal Terra Cotta Timbuctoo Trona Tumco Vanderbilt Westville Wingo Wycoff You Bet Zurich Colorado: Animas Forks Arapahoe Ashcroft Bakerville Bassick City Bonanza Buckskin Joe Calumet Caribou Carrizo City Carrizo Springs Chihuahua Chivington Climax Coalmont Colfax Copper City Crystal Dakan Dallas Decatur Dearfield Dyersville Eureka Fairmount Galena Geneva City Gilman Gothic Hamilton Howardsville (Bullion City) Juanita Keota King's Canyon Kokomo Last Chance Liberty Ludlow Manhattan McPhee Montana City Montezuma Nevadaville Oro City Pearl Querida Robinson Rosita Russell Gulch Stout St. When the lake was completed, the town was abandoned.) Boyd (Small population and building ruins remain.) Boyd (Some abandoned buildings and ruins remain.) Brookville (2008 estimated population of 263) Buchanan Bushong (2008 estimated population of 50) Byers (2008 estimated population of 49.) Canada (Small population remains.) Carneiro (A small population remains) Castleton (Post office closed in 1957. 75.) Stull (A couple of churches, some houses and the old schoolhouse remain. Originally called Deer Creek Community until 1899 when the post office opened, the post office closed in 1903.) Sun City (2008 estimated population of 72.) Sunflower Village/Clearview City (Old residences, streets and other buildings remain in and around Clearview City. Elmo Saints John Swandyke Tarryall Tarryall Teller City Tincup Turret Ula Uravan Connecticut: Bara-Hack Cuties Island Dudleytown Gay City Little People Village Pleasure Beach Delaware: Banning Glenville New Market Owens Station Saint Johnstown Zwaanendael (first settlement in the state) Florida: Acron Acton Allenhurst Andytown Anona Aurytown Bareah Barrsville Basinger Bay Harbor Bayview Bethany Birdon Brewster Bullowville Bunkerhill Castor Town Centralia Campville Chicora College Hill Columbus Cornwell Cosme Crewsville Cromanton Croom East Goose Creek Eldora Ellaville Fivay Flamingo Fontaine Fort Chokonikla Fort Dade Fort Dallas Fort Desoto Fort Drum Fort Jefferson Fort King Fort Kissimmee Fort Lonesome Fort Mose Gaiter Garfield Goodno Green Pond Gulf City Hague Hall City Hampton Springs Heidtville Hicora Hopewell Hopkins Indian Key Indian River City Island Grove Jane Jay Juliette Kerr City Kicco Kismet Koreshan Kreamer Island Leno Liverpool Lulu Magnolia Manhattan Mannfield Mars Midland Montbrook Muscogee Negro Fort New Troy Newnansville Old Bethel Old California Old Venus Orsino Parmalee Parramore Pembroke Pensacola (Due to oil spill in Bay of Mexico in 2010) Perky Peru Picnic Picture City Pigeon Key Pine Level Pittman Port Leon Punta Rassa Rattlesnake Ringgold Romeo Rosewood Runnymede Rye Sandy Sardis Sherman Sisco Slighville Spray St. It is unknown who built it or when.) Peoria (Small population remains and Peoria Township is named for it.) Peterton (There is still a small population) Pierceville (Small population remains.) Potwin Place (Well preserved) Prairie City (Only a cemetery, ruins of an old church, and an abandoned stone house
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