ItED Wtsklr, EataraJ u B«ona-OU«i aUtttr ,at the Pcit> VOLUME XLVIII, NO. 50.; om««,»t B^Bunk, H. j, ^octr the Act oj Mjjrch I. MJ». BED ^ANK, N. J., .WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9, 1926. $1.50 PER YEAR .,PAGES,! TQ BUSINESS OF THE TOWN. LOBSTER DEALER FINED. 'DENNIS MURRAY'S NEW STORE SARAH BARCLAY'S WILL /ICT1MIZED BY GYPSIES. •ASSENGERCAR AS STATION. PETS OF CUT WOftM INFESTAtJOH: I V —r— 1 1 > Ma Will Op*n a Bakarr Btttfaui on Railroad Builneia at Bradevelt Monmoulh Street Next Monday, RED BANK WILL LIGHT THE OHN 3. EASTMOND,PAYS A VERV MANY BEQUESTS MADE iVERfeTT MAN'S POCKET PICK- Traniacted in* Car. DUCKS AND GEESE ON ELEC- THIS IS'THE WORSTVEAR fOft -V , Dennis Murray, who has a/bakery MONUMENT GROUNDS, . FINEOF_*sgo. TO FAMILY CONNECTIONS. ED WHILE HE V'AS IN STORE. Recently the railroad' station at TRIC PLANT PROPERTY. • 1MKM tZ,VER KNOWN* _*.>,.. Ordinance Ordered Drawn to nd store on' Shrewsbury'avenue, Bradevelt was destroyed by fire.' 1 Leon Bejnett and Frank Loveraidga Chang* tha Name of Front Street Ha Was Charged~wUh Selling 48 ias rented a building on the north Many Niece* and Nephew* Re- The Cypiiet Took' a Pocketbook For a tew days tiie village was raat Losses Suffered bjr «. Num«V " UnderiixeJ Lobttan, tha Pur. side of Monmouth street, where he ceived Plecea of Antique Furni- Containing 938, Took tha Money without any station, but this lack aro Now Building a Houae for the bar of Farmers—Whola FlaMa , , to Rto*r Road-r-Storahoufo to be Fowls BosiJo « Pond—Trying to BiilU on Chestnut Street. chaser'Bei^g a Came Warden— will open a branch store for his bus- ture, Keepiakei and Remem- Out and Then Put the Empty has since been remedied. tJLast Hare. Had to be Ra-Planted—Uri" -•» Fliherman COM Free. - iness next Monday. Miss Catherine brance* of Various Kindt. week a passenger car was put on a Get Two Swam. The "Red' Bonk 'commissioners Pocketbook Back. u«ual Louea in Atlantic Towa»hlp > ,',, The hearing in tho cnso of John Moran will be in charge of the Sarah Maria Barclay of Shrews- siding near where the station stood Frank Lovcrsidge and Leon Ben- wen lute In Betting their meeting store. Bread, buns, rolls andi poe- Charles VanKirk, an aged resi- The pretent season will be.rt-* " . 'Eastmond 'of' Port Monmouth, bury^, widow of Judge Joseph Bar- and it lias since been doing service nett, engineers at the plant of the nembered by farmers of this lotjall- v , atartedv^Ionday night. It WBS af- try wilt he sold.' Mr. Murray has lent of Everett, wa>tho victim of as a station. Two or three times it Jersey Central power and light com- • tet jilns o'clock before they got un- ho was charged 'with selling four clay t>f Eatpntcwn, made her will :ypsy pickpockets last week. The y not only as the coolest they have '• ", dozen undersized lobsters to Fred been engaged In business the past in t906, She ordered a headstone had to be moved to make way for pany, 'are spending part ; of their der, way, ,'hut the meeting was a ;hree. and a halt years. He'.em- pickpockets" got ?38 and made off ypr experienced but also as the i Dackerman-of -Elizabeth, a game placed at her grave in the church- freight trains which uere drilling. spare time in building a house for vorst season for cut wormsvthat ' "' -short one,-** It laited less than~an ploys seven persons. The building with their booty without being The car is being used only tempor- 25 ducks and a goose and a gander, ' hour., Three councllmen were ab- warden in Union county, was heard yard of Christ church at Shrews- saught. Jilr. VanKirk did not dis- they havo ever experienced. Al- * ' before' Recorder W. J. Poulson of where ho will Jiavo his branch store bury, costing about $100, and she arily as a station, as tho Central which they own .jointly.'.' The com- , sent. It requires four votes to pass was formerly rented by the White cover the loss until some time after most every farmer and gardener In Bed Bank Monday afternoon. Mr. left $100 to Benjamin John Parker railroad company expects to build a pany's plant is Mtween? Newman this section of the county hag suf- ' an' ordinance, and because of the ab- Star taxicab service and it it owned he robbery was committefl. new station soon. Springs road and Beech street, sentees action on all ordinances was Eastmond claimed that he secured of Shrewsbury, tho income from 'cred heavy losses because of these the lobsters from John Smith, a by the Slgmurtd Eisner estate. The incident occurred at Edward alongside of a large pond. The deferred*. 'Councllmen Thomas M. which and as much of the principal jtilwell's store at Everett, where tests. There are some exceptions, ' Belford' fisherman, who is a native as may be necessary is to bo used house for the ducks, and the geese but-they are few and far between. Gopslll, Alphonso, GfaMW and'Wil- Mr. i VanKirk went tj buy some is being built on this property. The liam H. Francis were absent. of Italy. Mr. Smith denied that he in caring for and keeping in order The cut worms have played havoc iver sold or caught undersized lob- groceries: Several gypsies, both ANNUAL ROWER SHOW. fowls spend most of their time on WOMAN'S ODD ACCIDENT. the headstones and graves of Mrs. men and women, were in the store almost everywhere. ' Aftha request of the Are de- sters and ttfe case was adjourned Barclay's family and herself. When tho pond. A temporary,shelter has partment'the 'commissioners voted* until Monday of this week to allow at the time> and they bought- a few TWO-DAY EXHIBITION TO B£ been made for them. Most farmers blame the cool, BONE BROKEN IN FALL AND Mr. Parker dies, the duty of keep- •eather for tho hoavy infestation,^ ts light the electrlo lamps at the Arthur Davison, Monraouth county lilngs They jostled against Mr. HELD AT SMOKE SHOP. The ducks were bought early this new world war monument at public ing tho graves in order is to pass /anKirk a great deal. It did not f cut worms. During dry, hot game warden, to secure moro wit- ACCIDENTALLY RE-SET. r to some person whom Mr. Parker in spring, when they were three days expense'and to give the name of nesses, which he said he would be iccur to Mr. VanKirk that this jost- t will Tqke Place Thursday and weather these pests diaappesr. They t All Happened {ti Lett Tban • writing' may. appoint as trustee. old. Tho gander and tho gooso are always more or loss: prevalent Memorial Park to the land on which able to do. ing was part oft a scheme to take Friday, September 30th and Oc- have lived on the property several, the.monument stands. On. Satur- Minute'* Space tof Time to Mra. Mrs. Barclay had a great deal ol iis money. He asked the gypsies to tober 1st—A Number of New every year, but this BJSson.they After his arrest Mr. Eastmond ar.tip.ue furnituri which had been years, and they were originally ire numerous beyond anything over '- day nights the lamps will be lighted Delia -Thompion—Doctor* Didn't e more careful in their movements Claases for Amateur Growers. owned by another employeo of the until midnight and on other nights Iecjared that he had been trapped Hava to Re-iet Broken Bone. in her family for generations, and nd not to keep bumping against mown. Whole fields of crops have-' this furniture, family portraits, The thirtieth annual exhibition of company, who is now working out- lad to be fe-planted because the, they will bo lighted until eleven into selling the lobsters to Mr. A peculiar experience befell Mrs. lim. : family keepsakes and other house- flowers, fruit and vegetables under side of Red Bank. This employee tender, young growing things have . o'clock. Dackerman, who 'did not state he Delia Thompson of River street, The jostling occurred after Mr. the auspices of the Monmouth had a large number of ducks, as was a game warden. When tho re- hold goods are distributed to vari- ITanKifk had paid for the things 1 jcen cut down by the pesta. On,' '. A« ordinance was' drawn to Red Bank, one day last week county horticultural society will be well. as , the*two geese mentioned. some farms the land la fairly teem- change the name or Front street to quest was made for lobsters Mr. when her'left'arm was broken and ous relatives and friends. The lega- ,vhich he had boiight. Shortly af- held Thursday and, Friday, Septem- Eastmond says he told Mr. Dacker- tees of these goods werp Mary W. ar. Mr.: VanKirk returned hon)s he The pond abounded with snap- ing with cut worms. One stroke of River rdad, which It was stated, was the broken bone was accidentally ber 30th and October 1st, at tho ping turtles at that time and a a hoe brings numbers 'of \ them to the original name of the street. man that he had none on hand but re-set, all in less than a minute's Parker, Harry Allen Parker, John lad occasion: to open his ipocket- Smoke Shop Tavern, Broad street, if he would come back-in a few C. Parker, Sallie Maria Clarke, Rev. book. He was greatly surprised to number of ,iho ducks were; killed by light.
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