H MIC»OPILN1NO CORP **.-** ? LLfcWELLVN AVt * ,W O7SOb Mt "IP! An Official Newspaper For The Borough Of Mountainside 1 \ir\\ o kl "Ml S««|J Clm PtiHf UAi iUT AIMCinP N I THI iBSOAY 1IJNF 15 10*7 P«Wi«h»d E«h ThMridoy by TrymBf Publishing Cerp. Subietlptlon R«» U[- ,,, p., r,nu VOL, 9,No, 26 I pai,j „» Moyniaini!<l», N.j, MOUNTAINSIDE, N.J. IHUKSUAT, JUNt 13, IVQ/ 2 N,w Pre.id.ne. Head, Msunisiniid.. N.J, n>0?2 M T.arlr 13 went* r-sr Uopy Wilson seeks okay for office building No decision on request for variance Testimony presented for Adjustment Board A new round in the battle over die use of flie A.A. Wilson site on Rt. 22 in Mountain- side opened Monday night when Wilson asked die Board of Adjusonent for a variance to een- sn-uct a two-story office building. No decision wai reached on die request. For other variance requests received at meeting and four held over from May meetings were approved. The proposal for the Wilson property, cenar LIBRARY CONSTRUCTION—Steel work is going up for the roof of the new public library un- of heated eonwoversy in the put, again drew der construction on Birch Hill rd. in Mountainside, The one-story building, which will be protests from Mountainside residents attending able to house about 45,000 books, is expected to be complered on s^hedul^ hy September, ttie meeting this week. (Echo photo by Bob Baxttr) Any, Nicholas DeMlro of Verona, represent. Ing Wilson at me meeting, asked the board to take a 1966 court decision into eonsideraflon in studying die new application. Library officials hopeful At that time Wilson, an East Orange resi- dent, brought suit against Mountainside after being refused a variance to constfuet a retail store and a ISO-unit garden aparonent on the 12-aere n-ael at 1350 Rt. 22. about building deadline Superior Court Judge Milton Feller p-anted SITE CLEARANCE—A two-story frame building on the Rt, 22 property of Adjustment for a variance to erect a two-story office building him the right to build a retail store on approx- owned by A.A, Wilson has been demolished but the future of the site on the property. The case wai adjourned for further study by the With construction crews now doing roof of $57,583 which has been approved for the imately two and a half acres of fte property is still in doubt. Un Mjnday Wilson asked the Mauntainside Board board, (Echo photo by Bob Baxter) steel work on Mountainside's new public 11- project will be deducted from the bond issues. fronting on the highway, noting that he already brary, borough library officials are optimistic The building, designed by McMu.-ray As- held a variance to operate a business ttiere. about meeting the September target date for sociates, Elizabeth architects, will house ap- But die Judge upheld die board's refusal to completion of the building. proximately 45,000 books and will b« able to issue a variance for the aparnnent on die Tie one-story building, which will triple accommodate a population of 9,000. remainder of the property. the •hell capacity of the present Mountainside Its 10,000 square feet of space will pro- Joseph Coviello, attorney for ttie board, School principal to leave Drive planned Public Library in the basement of Eeho- vide separate sections for children and adults, disagreed with DeMiro'j claim ttiat ttie earlier brook School, is being constructed on Birch an area for young adults, a meeting room, a court decision should be taken Into considera- Hill rd. lounge with kitchen facilities, workrooms for tion. Students, friends in farewell for improving Gifts for the new library are continuing to the staff and storage rooms. The meeting room Stating that this is "adifferentapplication," come in, according to Mrs. Emily Hoffarth, and kitchen facilities will be available for use Covlello said the present application "wUlhave library director. She reported that the most by borough organizations. to rise or fall" on evidence and testimony recent is a donation of $436 from the Foot- presented in this case. He noted rtiat "die postal service hill Club. Almost all organizations in Moun- majority of members of this board were not A campaign to obtain an independent post tainside have either already presented gifts COMPLETION OF THE structure will mark members in 1966," office for Mountainside, now served by a branch for the new building or are planning to do so, the first special library blinding in Mountain- DeMiro, who told the board that he is not of the Westfield Post Office, is expected to she noted, side, asking the members to read tile entire trans- get under way in the borough next fall. The Borough Council has authorised The first library in the borough was es- cript of the previous ease but simply to/'take The drive is being sponsored by the Maun- $370,000 for the new building. Federal aid tablished in 1934 in a corner of Borough cognizance'^ of die court decision, said dial tainslde Woman's Club under die community Hall, where it was operated as an independ- ttie new proposal should be more acceptable improvement program of the Sears Roebuck ent fa:iilty with occasional funds from the to the municipality than ttie.- earlier one. Foundation and General Federation of Women's borough. He pointed out that the 1966 proposal, which Clubs. Second member In 1940, fie library was moved to Echo- never ' led to any construction, would have " Borough Council members gave their unof- brook School, using a former fourth grade called for a retail store, while ttie preseia ficial blessing to the proposal at a caucus classroom, airing the fall of that year, It was one calls for an office building. last week and are expected to adopt a resolu- of School Board closed briefly because of a lack of funds. Architect H. Robley Saunders of Newark, tion commending it at their meeting next There WAS another move in September, the first of the two wimesses called by De- Tuesday, 1941, when the library wa-s transferred from Mire, said the proposed new building wiU Mountainside Woman's Club members who resigns position the former fourth grade classroom to a room cost an estimated $600,000 to $700,000. He outlined the plan at the caucus were Mrs, in the basement of Eehobrook School. This testified mat lighting of ttie parking area at Richard Kapke, Sixth Disttict vice-president For the second time within a week, a mem- room now serves as the workroom for the the rear, which will have space for 167 ears, of the New Jersey State Federation of Women's ber of the Mountainside Board of Education library staff. will be "only for security reasons." , Clubsj Mrs, Edith Sgarro, immediate past resigned because of a change in job, Mrs, In 1945, a second room in the school base- During questioning by the board and ttie president of ttie Mountainside club; Mrs, Lewis Mary Rosenquest submitted her resignation ment was turned over to the library, which audience, he laid the "package" now planned strohmeyer, first vice-president; Mrs, Fred- at Tuesday night's Board session. still remains there and now has a collection would use 3,7 acres. He testified mere are erick Young, second vice-president; Mrs, Mrs. Rosenquest's resignation follows close of about 15,000 volumes. no plans at present for ttie remainder of the Everett Perkins and Mrs, Vincent Warkala, upon the heels of Board member Richard Groundbreaking ceremonies for the new Wilson property, Mrs, Melvin Lemmerhirt is chairman of the Krebs. Her term would have expired next building were held last Dec, 18, The general * * * Mountainside club's community Improvement February. She had been elected to her first contractor for the project is De VenezU Con- TESTIMONY ON THE PROPOSED use of program and Mrs, Charles Mackay is co- three-year term on the Board in January, struction Co, of Wliippany. the new building was rtven by Thomas Buhl chairman. 196S. of Westfield, branch manager for die Honey- Club plans call for circulating petitions Mrs, Rosenquest listed a change in her well Co. offices now located on Rt 22* In throughout the borough in the fall, when husband's work as the reason for her resigna- Union, local groups resume their meetings after the tion, which becomes effective on June 80. Her 'Ham' Don Bliwise Honeywell, ttie prospective tenant for ttie summer vacation. husband, John Roienqueit, has been named building, hopes to move its Union operation These petitions, in tentative wording, will , production Sales manager at the Dorr-Oliver, to the new struemre, he said. He said his urge establishment of a post office which Inc., plant in Stamford, Conn. The couple will in annual field company would tike ttie building on a 20- would be "independent of the Westfield, New be moving from their home at 285 Timberline year lease and then deal directly with Am Jersey 07090 Post Office, which will afford rd,, Mountainside, to New Canaan, Conn. municipality on matters involving taxes, and us one mailing address and faster service, Krebs's resignation became effective on of relay radiomen maintenance. eliminating the need for our mall to clear Tuesday night. Appointed to the Board eight Buhl said about 200 employees would work through the Weitfield Post Office before de- months ago, he had won election In his own A lS-year-oId Mountainside youth will be out of the new building. He testified mat the livery in Mountainside and giving*as much as right last January.
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