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This file is fully searchable (read search tips page) Archive CD Books Australia exists to make reproductions of old books, documents and maps available on CD to genealogists and historians, and to co-operate with family history societies, libraries, museums and record offices to scan and digitise their collections for free, and to assist with renovation of old books in their collection. The Victorian Government Gazette 1861 Ref. AU7100-1861 This book was kindly loaned to Archive CD Books Australia by the Genealogical Society of Victoria http://www.gsv.org.au Navigating this CD To view the contents of this CD use Acrobat Reader’s forward and back buttons to browse through the pages, alternatively use the INDEX bookmark to search for specific information and then use the bookmarks and Acrobat’s page buttons (or slide bar) to go to the relevant page. Use Acrobat Reader’s bookmark functions to jump to highlighted sections. To activate bookmarks click on “Window” and then “Show bookmarks” (or press F5) Searching this CD This book has been formatted to be searchable using Adobe Acrobat Reader. • Adobe Reader 6 or later is recommended for more advanced searching capability within a file or across multiple files. • Generally 95% - 99% of the words can be searched. Where the original type was poor the words may not be recognized for searching. • For more detailed explanation and tips to get the best search results click here The technical advancements that allow this searching bring a wonderful finding aid but there is still no substitute for reading the book! Copyright ©2005 Archive CD Books Australia Pty Ltd. All Rights Reserved For more books on CD from Archive CD Books Australia, see the web pages at www.archivecdbooks.com.au THE VICTORIA GOVERNMENT GAZETTE; Etttfjoritg HIS EXCELLENCY SIR HENRY BARKLY, K.C.B. VOL. XXI. FROM 1ST JANUARY TO 30TH JUNE, 1861. JOHN FEEEES, GOVERNMENT PEINTEE, MELBOUENE. [57] VICTORIA GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. No. 6.] FRIDAY, JANUAEY 11. [1861. Government Offices, Crown Law Offices, Melbourne, 7th January, 1861. Melbourne, 7th January, 1861. LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. TEEEITOEIAL MAGISTRATES. T is hereby notified that His Excellency the Governor has npHE Governor, with the advice of the Executive Council, I this day issued a Writ for the election of a member to serve JL has been pleased to direct the names of the undermentioned in the Legislative Council for the South Province, in the place gentlemen to be added to the Roll of Magistrates for the Colony of William John Turner Clarke, Esquire, who has resigned his of Victoria, viz.:— seat; and that the following arrangement has been made for JOHN FINLAY, Esquire, Clarendon street, Emerald Hill. such election, viz.:— WILLIAM MILLER, Esquire, Smeaton. Date of writ 7th January, 1861. JAMES CAEISBROOKE LYON, Esquire, Mount Gambler, S.A. Day of nomination 21st January, 1861. P. E&EETON WAEBUETON, Esquire, Major, Commissioner of Place of nomination West Brighton; Police, Adelaide, S.A. Day of polling 31st January, 1861. SAMUEL BEDDOME, Esquire, Adelaide, S.A. He turn of writ 8th February. 1861. WILLIAM ISAAC, Esquire, Kyneton. By Command, By His Excellency's Command, O. F. TIMINS, L.O.92&94. E. D. IEELAND. Private Secretary. Treasury, Treasury, Melbourne, 8th January, 1860. Melbourne, 28th December, 1860. 1ST, OE EOYAL VICTOEIA VOLUNTEEE CAVALET. AUCTIONEEES' LICENSES. HE Governor, with the advice of the Executive Council, T is hereby notified that by virtue of the powers conferred T has been pleased to direct the formation of a corps of I on him by the 9th clause of the Licensed Auctioneers' Act, Cavalry to be called the " 1st, or Eoyal Victoria Volunteer 18 Victoria No. 23, the Governor has been pleased to extend Cavalry," and to appoint thereto the undermentioned Officers the time for payment of the fees due on Auctioneers' Licenses, formerly attached to the "Eoyal Victoria Yeomanry Corps" certificates for which were obtained on the annual licensing day, and to the mounted troops of the "Eoyal Victoria Volunteer for a period of six weeks. Artillery" respectively:— By His Excellency's Command, JAMES HUNTEE EOSS, to be Lieutenant Colonel Commanding. GEO. VEEDON, JAMES STEWAET, to be Major. Treasurer. EAWDON FOSTEE GEEENE, to be Captain. Lands and Survey Office, OCTAVIITS SKINNER BXJETON, to be Captain and Adjutant. Melbourne, 10th January, 1860. THOMAS BERTRAM, to be Captain. WILLIAM PEERY, to be Captain. LICENSES TO QUAEEY. HAMILTON FAEISH STEPHEN, to be Captain. nHHE Governor in Council has been pleased to reduce the JL License Fee for quarrying purposes. EDWARD RICHARDSON, to be Lieutenant. It is therefore notified, for the information of the public, that EDWARD COHEN, to be Lieutenant. on and after the 1st day of January, 1861, the fee for quarrying WILLIAM DUNN, to be Lieutenant. will be at the rate of £25 per annum. CHAELES WASHINGTON UMPHELBY, to be Cornet. J. H. BEOOKE, ALBERT PURCHAS, to be Cornet. Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey. JOHN BLACK, to be Surgeon. Chief Secretary's Office, By His Excellency's Command, Melbourne, 27th December, 1860. GEO. VEEDON, COMMISSIONEE OF SAVINGS BANKS. Treasurer. rpHE Governor, with the advice of the Executive Council, -I- has been pleased to appoint Chief Secretary's Office, The Honorable MATTHEW HEEVEY, M.L.C., Melbourne, 27th December, 1860. to be a Commissioner of Savings Banks, in the room of D. S. PUBLIC VACCINATOES. Campbell, Esq., resigned. _ npHE Governor, with the advice of the Executive Council, has By His Excellency's Command, JL been pleased to appoint the undermentioned gentlemen P.11172. EICHAED HEALES. to be Public Vaccinators for the districts subjoined to their respective names, viz.:— Chief Secretary's Office, A. S. SLATEE, Esquire, surgeon, Melbourne, 10th January, 1861. for the district of the Mountain Creek Diggings. EETUENING OFEICEE. FREDERICK DANIEL, Esquire, surgeon, HE Governor, with the advice of the Executive Council, has for the district of Kingston. T been pleased to appoint W. S. MOREIS, Esquire, surgeon, RICHAED EADES, Esquire, M.D., Collins street east, for the district of Avoca. Melbourne, W. S. MOSEIS, Esquire, surgeon, to be the Eeturning Officer for the South Province, in the room for the district of Lamplough, vice A. S. Slater, Esq,, resigned. of J. B. Were, Esq., resigned. By His Excellency's Command, By His Excellency's Command, n (11331. RICHARD HEALES. EICHAED HEALES. y* (.11519-21. No. 6.—JANUABY 11,1861.—1. Department of Public "Works, In the Insolvent Estate of GEOEGE FEEEMAN, of Mount Sydney, 27th December, 1860. Doran and Cowderoy Bridge, in the colony of Victoria, contractor. WOLLONGONG HARBOR WORKS. EORGE WEBSTER, Esq., of Geelong, being the official TO CONTBACTOBS AND OTHEES. & assignee .appointed for the estate and effects of George RESH tenders will be received at this office until Noon of Freeman, the abovenamed insolvent: Notice is hereby given that F Tuesday, the 5th March next, from persons willing to all debts due to the estate are to be paid to him, the said official contract for the execution of Works required at Wollongong assignee; and that the third public meeting of the creditors of Harbor. the said insolvent will be holden before me, at my office, Myers Tenders to be endorsed, "Tender for Works, Wollongong street, Geelong, on Friday, the first day of February next, at Harbor." the hour of Ten o'clock in the forenoon, for proof of debts, to Plans and sections may be seen, and printed specifications, receive the report of the official assignee as to the condition forms of tender, and further particulars obtained, at the Office of the said estate, and to give' him directions as to the future of the Engineer-in-Chief for Harbors and Rivers, 33, Hunter management thereof. street, Sydney ; Office of Public Works, Melbourne; and at the Dated at Geelong, this 12th day of January, A.D. 1861. Police Office, Woliongong. Tenders must state the time within which it is proposed to H. H. ROBERTS, complete the work; and at the foot of every tender there must For the Commissioner of Insolvent Estates, be a memorandum signed by the party tendering, and two No. 75 Circuit District of Geelong. responsible persons as sureties, agreeing to be answerable for the due performance of the contract in the event of the tender In the Insolvent Estate of DONALD MCANDEEW, of Lovely being accepted, and undertaking, in that event, that they will Banks, in the colony of Victoria, farmer.
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