CENSUS TRACTS IN JEFFERSON PARISH, LA Lacombe Bayou du Chien Black Lake Bayou Bonfouca Slidell ) r d Pearlington D R 190 n s i l a i r a t r r a T c h LIVINGSTON ont h P s i n a HANCOCK Blind River p Eden Isle S Lake Maurepas ( Blind River ST. TAMMANY 3 3 4 e t R t S Little Lagoon 90 StRte 433 Double Bayou Lagoon Ruddock Canal 205.02 203.02 55 202.03 11 202.01 Irish Bayou Lagoon Sand Bayou Lake Pontchartrain O l dU S 201.01 H w Lake St Catherine y ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST 5 1 Big Deedie Lake Intracoastal Waterway 205.10 203.01 Lake Pontchartrain Cswy 10 55 51 51 y Garyville w Lake H w Pontchartrain e Blind Lagoon N 4 61 New Orleans Reserve te 4 tR St) Laplace S th ORLEANS (5 S t Rte 636−3 R Lagoon No 13 St Lake Pontchartrain Cswy (2nd St) te Lagoon 6 Airline Hwy StR 28 205.14 d) Maxent S te 4 L lv tR 4 o B t w ne e e ay Lake No 2 4 r G Bayou Piquant (H 4 u 7 Bayou la id 4 Bayou Michoud 8 Ca te e n N Lake tR Lake Barrington 1 7 Branche L o S 1 ev 7 Trail Dr 201.02 e 2 e t 3 e Lake No 1 Lagoon Lake Borgne R StHwy R t d 205.11 510 No 2 S Wallace Vin Lake Pontchartrain Cswy Lake No 3 Edgard ) 205.08 ta Lake Willow Elmwood Lagoon No 2 d 10 g e d Metairie Lake Kenilnorth D C ) r v 8 Big Lagoon R l Lagoon No 12 d a 2 C Walker Canal Dun B n StRte 640 205.12 K R 6 Homestead s C 205.13 Ave N Arnoult e r ( e Can No 10 Ave Duncan Canal m n S e 204 t 8 Bayou la Branche Bayou Traverse c Rd a t v 2 a i u R i l l n C b t 6 i an No R u W Esplanade Ave S C Can No 2 e ( Power y False Mouth Bayou W 2 r w t 205.07 Clifford Dr H a Blvd b ur e Paris Rd R a t 205.09 n 214 203.03 St n t Can No 12 e 7 205.06 n Bayou St John ef M n n h 12 S Ith C aca S C 3 t o a Lagoon No 2 e Killona 205.05 i Nero t a 215 s R C t i S 218.01 n Can v St e i I− 10 217 i No 2 r Blvd 202.02 l i oria D 222 Lagoon No 8 d Mem 221.01 lv ans I 223.01 B Veter − a 223.03 Bayou St John 1 t 213 0 Lagoon No 6 lly 212 218.02 219 e ti S Norco M Lagoon No 1 n tR 216 Lagoon No 9 e Magill Lagoon te Kenner d Can No 4 223.02 G Intracoastal Waterway Soniat 221.02 1 R 220.01 610 8 206 Can No 5 230.03 225 t Can ( 211 230.01 10 La r 224 610 S 18) Duncan Canal o 235 234 Lagoon t p R r te i 230.02 Lagoon No 10 A No 10 31 Parish Line Can 233 227 Bayou Fortier 2 E Airlin 210 228 Bayou Biloxi 7 Illinois Central RR 207 e Ca 220.02 10 (L Taft Airline Hwy 236 n No 5 226 Bayou Lasseigne a Dr Airline Can No 5 232 Can t 31 No 5 231 S Chef Menteur Pass 2 229 Southern Ry d 7 Dr 237 a Arabi ) Airline Dr 248 o StRte 8 208 209 Airline Dr r 39 Inner Harbor 4 S B Miss River Gulf Outlet Canal Baie Den Haut 0 te 6 t Illino i Nav Canal 31 tR 238 R is Cen (Cla bor te l) Destrehan S tral RR 61 Tulane ne A Bayou Ducross R P t 246 ve t e 239.03 e ) S om 244 (H 3 Ave S 1 S t C tR Tulane Rte 5 242 243 la (E t Inner Harbor Naval Canal C 46 ( Bayou Becnel 4 a e lau S StRte 47 239.02 C 247 249 ib r 3 de t Knight Bay Hahnville e o h A (Paris Rd) St. d) ( Elmwood a 13 Ave ve R J H n rn r 9 ) r e Ave t 245 t i r e B e 239.04 f c a ) iv f A lvd Brick Lagoon Rose e k l R v ( r o s e 8 275.01 o r Monticello Ave Cutoff Bayou 1 y Grand Lagoon S n e 239.01 A t H Rt t Bay Carlin e R w v 90 48 t 241 y e (R S ) StR ive Ama River Ridge 90 Bridge C te r Rd l e 4 Chalmette ) Texas and Pacific Ry Jefferson ai v 28 240.01 City borne A (G en St 310 Harahan er Rt 274 al Be e Willswood Pond Waggaman Pond Me rn 4 6 (St 240.02 ye a 258 r A r d Hwy) Gretna ve Meraux S ) t 275.02 R Willswood 257 Terry t Bridge Lac Des Allemands ST. CHARLES e Westwego Harvey 259 Pkwy Petes Lagoon 3 Pond Avondale City Ave 273 1 Garden Rd Southe Intracoastal Waterway 2 rn Pacific RR 250.02 7 Hwy 90 W Labranche Can 252.01 Bayou Dupre Willswood Pond U 9th t 256 Brechtel Pond SH Te S 9 w xas 90 0 y Pa an 260 253 Mississippi River Gulf B cifi d 0 Willswood us c Ry 9 ST. BERNARD Avondale 4 y 255 Outlet Canal Pond US 272 th St w 252.02 Willswood Pond H 269 266 SH s) w n U u Stump Bayou South y B ( 90 a 263 (B Bayou Chevreuil B r u C o Byu Segnette s) Dugas Terrytown Violet Vacherie w 261 Stump Lagoon Willswood Pond 276.01 Allo n a 271 n Ames n 270 Blvd C t Mayronne e Ave re 254 a d 1 d G lv Bayou Louis r 3 267 n B 250.03 Rd 265 264 6 Waggaman Canal a te an Can 250.01 C G R n M G t Paradis Mai ayron 268 262 S B n a V251.02 e C a r Negro Lagoon C Pa d e a r trio 278.03 t C n r a a a e Fort n Baie Des Deux Chenes n r 251.03 ast la 46) r t e E a e ( t 46 Bayou r lvd C No 2 e i 278.07 t Bayou Boeuf Belle Terre Rd a B tR Lapalc o a ) S B Drn Ditch StRte 406 n d Magnolia l 7 v 251.04 R Pipeline Canal Marrero d 3 StHwy 300 Lagoon (Woodland Hwy) (Bayou R 278.06 n d) 1 276.02 Manhattan r Luling 3 u 278.10 277.01 P Blvd Bayou S e T S ) t i Byu Fatma t Drn Ditch No 8 p d t R h R e R Guyago R t s t l 278.05 t i e i e l n s S Kenta Can 278.04 r 4 Pipeline Canal e g Pipeline Canal 3 278.11 Sandy e 6 Lake Eloi n C 0 Pritchard an e (E lorissant H E F w 6 a Dr a Poydras ( C n n Rd i ( a 6 y o n 4 d 277.03 tm g Pipeline Canal s te ) Bayou illau F a n Bayou Barriere t tR M Lpl Can yu (E Sebastopol la S Alphonse Woods B 7 4 Alex 1 6 0 Canal ) Bayou la 7 uf oe Kornman Blvd 3 Caernarvon Canal 0 ce Can e Lake Cataouatche yu B Pla B t 3 B Loutre y tR Braithwaite Canal u S e t D Estelle e Inez Lagoon R s Hero Cutoff t 1 Bayou Des Allemands 3 S F 278.12 Big Mar S 6 tr a e e m t a tR m il S le Belle Pipeline s St StRte 306 StRte R Canal te Chasse Bayou la 6 Ross Can 24 Grand Lagoon (H (Bayou Gauche Rd) Gauche (Bayou Bayou Bardeaux Loutre o pe Bayou Mandeville da StRte 632 le Hw (WPA Rd) Bayou Verret Barataria Blvd Pipeline Canal Bayou la Chape y ) Reggio Canal 45 Lake Ameda Bayou Bayou Couba R 278.09 S D P Canal Pipeline Lake Eloi Gauche 277.05 Can Lake Lery Tonys Lake Boeuf ) Dufrene Pond Bayou Bernard Lake Eloi y Lagoon K Forty w e Bernard Des n Arpent Canal H ta ro ix Lagoon C StRte 3134 c Blind Pisana Bayou Allemands a S la Bayou Couba Oil Field Canal n tR e Petit Lac Des Allemands te Intracoastal Waterway D ( 45 (Lafitte Larose Hwy) Le Blanc Bayou 0 Bayou Juanita De la Croix Canal 0 3 Middle Canal Marine te Bayou 277.04 tR Baie Des Chactas Pipeline Canal S 1 Forty tRte 30 S Arpent Canal Pipeline Canal Pipeline Canal Baie du Cabanage Bayou Gauche Jean Lafitte Lake Jean 2 Louis Robin 18 te Lake Jean Louis Robin tR Caskett Bayou S Pipeline Canal Lake Coquille Grand Lake Raceland Lake Salvador H w Lafitte y 1 1 2 ) Bayou de Fleur 8 t Spanish 1 S Barataria e Lake t w R lo Lake Machias t il S (W Lake Calebass S tR te Lake 3 Little Oak Pond Little Catahoula Bay 9 Fortuna Mathews Temple Bay StRte 182 Lake The Pen Fortuna Drum 1 Bay e Lake Campo t JEFFERSON tR Catahoula Bay S River Aux Chenes S Harvey Canal No 2 Lake Fields t Rte Black Bay 30 8 Bayou Zip Lockport Wilkinson Canal Bayou Bayou Dupont Rigolettes Polk and Black Bay Dupre Dallas Bayou Cut S Hw tR y 15 te 316 ( ayo Bakers Bay B u Blue Bayou Boue Rd) Bayou Lost StR te 6 279 Bay la Fourche 56 StRte 1 S Bay Gardene tR Lake Long te Bay Schayot PLAQUEMINES Lake Laurier 23 Bayou Perot Caquin Bay Triple Pass Harvey Long Bayou Cutoff Spoonbill Wilkinson Bayou Lake Larose Bay Hermitage S tR Bayou Bend te Oaks Bayou 1 Bay Crabe ( S Round Lake Felicity Bay StRte 24 Bo StRte 24 t urg Laro R − se Hwy) te Breton Sound 30 Houma 8 Clam Bay S tR American Bay te Three Bayou Bay 24 ) Mud (B wy Lake Bayou William Boyles Bayou ou e H rg Laros Dupont S t Raquette R Turtle Bay t e Lake Five Bay 1 Upper Wilkinson Bay S Cut Off Bayou Lours Socola Canal California Bay tR Little Lake Number 2 t Bayou St Petit Bay Chene Fleur Long Bay e Wilkinson 5 Denis 5 Canal S LAFOURCHE Brusle t R Lake t Breton e S 3 Bay Mud Bay Sound t Auguste Bay 2 R Bayou de Chene Dosgris Chauvin S 3 8 t te 5 t 5 e StR R California Bay S 3 t e 0 Wilkinson t 8 6 6 R Bay 5 Bayou Blue te Montegut 3 S 2 t 3 R California Bay 5 t e 1 Bay Sanbois Grand Bayou California St Bay Gasper Bay Joseph Bay Bay Batiste Lake Bully Camp Coffee Bay Port Sulphur Bayou Bouillon Grand Bayou Kelly Gap Wonder Lake Empire GallianoS S Snail Bayou H t t R R Bay Vacherie w t t y e e Lake Boudreaux 6 1 5 1 3 1 0 e Bayou ( t M 8 Coffee Bayou R ( Bay Lanaux t Barre a M i S n a S in t) S Grand Bayou t) Bayou Terrebonne Lake Cheniere Grand Bayou Cut Off Canal Rose Bay Hackberry Bay Breton Sound Bayou Monnaie Quarantine Lake Washington Bay Bayou Terrebonne Golden Meadow Lake Grand Ecaille Barataria Bay Madison Bay Bayou Faleau Calm Lake Catfish Lake Adams Bay CreoleCreole Pass Bay Billet Bayou Bay Grisgris Round Lake Cat Bay Hatchet Lake Buras-Triumph Bayou Courant Bay L Bay Sevin Ours Bayou Sevin Lake Tambour Bay Ronquille Little Bay Pomme Bay Courant Garden Bay Bay Long Bay West Champagne Bay Long Bay Bay Pomme Rambo D or Mink Bayou Lake Andre S Fishermans Bay Bay Chaland t R Lake t Bastian Bay e Pierre Flat Bayou Grand Bayou Blue 1 Bay la Fleur Bay TERREBONNE Lacroix Laurier Bay Cyprien Bay Bourbeux Laurier Bayou Bay Lake Jesse Bay Jaque Grand Bayou Bourbeux Oyster Bayou Bay Lucien Bayou Andre Bay Des Ilettes Legend China Bayou Gulf of Mexico MISSISSIPPI Lake Barre LOUISIANA Long Bay South Lake Bay 1 Coal Tar e Long Old Lady Lake Bay Caminada Bay Rt St BOSSIER Little Lake Scofield Bayou 1) wy Old Lady Lake H Rosa 1 ( te 1102.03 Bay Chaland Bay tR Hackberry Bayou St S Bay Honore Grand Isle Deep Bayou Bay Macoin Lake Bayou Blue Pickett Bay Palourde StRte 1 Lake Saint Jean Baptiste Aldine Lake la Graisse S t Bay Chaland R Timbalier t e Bay 1 Lake Raccourci Lake Laurier Landry Bayou Fresno Bay Ferblanc Interstate Hwy U.S.
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