1 5 6 3 W 1 L и с. К A V fc . , HONOLULU. jjjatuattan (B lntrrlt (E ljrm ttrlr *For Christ and His Church' The R t. Rev. S. H arrington ідттеее, D.D., S.T.D., Editor V: T h e R e v . E. Tanner Brown, D.D., Associate Editor Entered as second-class matter February 14, 1908, at the post office at Honolulu, Hawaii, under the Act of March 3, 1879. ' Voe. X X V II. H onoeueu, H aw aii, S e ptem b er, 1937 No. 7 THE RIGHT REVEREND S. HARRINGTON LITTELL, D.D., S.T.D., BISHOP OF HONOLULU 2 HAWAIIAN CHURCH CHRONICLE September, 193; CLERGY LIST IOLANI SCHOOL M issio n a r y D istr ic t or H o n o lu lu A CHURCH SCHOOL FOR BOYS Boarding Department and Day School BISHOP Elementary, College Preparatory and Commercial Courses T h e R t . R ev. S. H a rrin g to n L it t e l l , S.T.D., D.D., Bishop’s House, Queen Address inquiries to the Headmaster Emma Square, Honolulu. 1930 Nuuanu and Judd Streets, Honolulu Telephone 4332 PRIESTS The Rev. Canon Douglas Wallace, Retired; Kealakekua, Hawaii. 1905 ST. ANDREW’S PRIORY The Rev. Canon F. N. Cullen, Retired; A CHURCH SCHOOL FOR GIRLS Queen Emma Square, Honolulu. 191І First to Eighth Grades, Inclusive, and High School Course Accredited The Very Rev. Wm. Ault, St. Andrew’s Cathedral, Honolulu. 1897 For particulars apply to the The Rev. Philip Taiji Fukao, Holy Trinity, Honolulu. 1910 SISTER SUPERIOR The Rev. Frank N. Cockcroft, 'Retired; St. Andrew’s Priory, Queen Emma Square, Honolulu Telephone 5239 Baldwin Home, Paia, Maui. 1915 The Rev. J. Lamb Doty, Missionary at Large, Honolulu. 1918 T H E CLUETT HOUSE The Rev. James F. Kieb, Non-Parochial, 1918 A Boarding Home for young women who are employed The Ven. Archdeacon James Walker, St. in the city and for students. For terms apply to Augustine’s, Kohala, Hawaii. 1919 The Ven. Archdeacon Henry A. Willey, All MRS. EM ILY C. NORTON Saints, Kapaa, Kauai. 1924 The Rev. Thurston R. Hinckley, Non- Queen Emma Square, Honolulu Telephone 2924 Parochial, Kapaa, Kauai. 1924 The Rev. J. L. Martin, Waimea, Kauai. 1925 The Rev. Y. Sang Mark, St. Peter’s, Hono­ ST. MARY’S MISSION AND HOME FOR CHILDREN lulu. 1928 2108 SOUTH KING STREET, HONOLULU The Rev. Noah K. Cho, St. Luke’s, Hono­ A Church Home for Orphans and destitute children lulu. 1928 Partially supported by the Welfare Fund The Rev. H. H. Corey, M.A., L.S.T., Church of the Holy Apostles, Hilo, MISS HILDA VAN DEERLIN, Superintendent Hawaii. 1929 Telephone 91572 The Rev. B. S. Ikezawa, B. D., Good Samaritan, Honolulu. 1931 The Rev. Edward Tanner Brown, B.A., SEAMEN’S CHURCH INSTITUTE D.D., St. Clement’s, Honolulu. 1931 ALAKEA AND HALEKAUWILA STREETS, HONOLULU The Rev. C. F. Howe, B.D., Church of Good Shepherd, Wailuku, Maui. 1931 Charles F. Mant, Superintendent The Rev. Albert H. Stone, M.A., Iolani School, Honolulu. 1932 A HOME-LIKE HOME EOR MEN FAR FROM HOME The Rev. Kenneth D. Perkins, B.A., B.D., St. Andrew’s Cathedral Parish. 1932 The Rev. Canon Kenneth A. Bray, B.A., ROBERT W. SHINGLE JR. MEMORIAL HOSPITAL B.D., Hawaiian Congregation, St. An­ drew’s Cathedral, Honolulu. 1932 HOLY CROSS CHAPEL The Rev. Wai On Shim, St. Elizabeth’s, Hoolehua, Molokai Honolulu. 1933 GWENDOLINE SHAW, R.N., Superintendent The Rev. Charles W. Nelson, B.A., M.A., Epiphany, Honolulu. 1936 ELLISON WALLACE, R.N. FRANCES LADD, R.N. The Rev. E. Rowland Taft, St. Mark’s, FLORENCE MAE WRIGHT, R. N. LAURA E. De SHAZO, R. N. Honolulu. 1936 The Rev. J. Miller Horton, Holy Innocents’, Lahaina, Maui. 1936 COMMUNITY OF THE CHURCH ARMY EVANGELISTS DEACONS TRANSFIGURATION The Rev. Ernest Kau, Deacon, Non- (Mother House, Glendale, Ohio) Captain George A. Benson, Senior OffiMf Parochial, Ewa, Oahu. 1931 C. A. Headquarters, Paauilo, Hawa” The Rev. Edward M. Littell, B.A., Deacon, 1931 Grace Cathedral, San Francisco. 1933 ST. ANDREW’S PRIORY BRANCH Captain William A. Roberts, St. John’s-Bf The Rev. Geo. Shannon Walker, B.A., B.D., Sister Clara Elizabeth, Superior, C.T. The-Sea, Kahaluu, Oahu. 1931 Deacon, Kealakekua, Kona, Hawaii. Captain Henry Hamilton, Eleele, KaM1 1934 Sister Rhoda Pearl, C.T., Principal 1932 DEACONESSES Sister Katherine Helen, C.T. Captain John Oliphant, Paauilo, Hawaii 1932 Deaconess Sarah F. Swinburne, St. Eliza­ Sister Martha Mary, C.T. beth’s, Honolulu. 1925 Captain Denis Smith, Kohala, Hawaii. Sister Amy Martha, C.T. 1936 Deaconess Eleanor P. Smith, St. Andrew’s Captain Harold Wilmot Smith, Eleele, Cathedral Parish, Honolulu. 1932 Sister Deborah Ruth, C.T. Kauai. 1936 Щ аш аііап Ш ш ггіт Ш тш ігіі' Devoted to the interests of the Missionary District of Honolulu V o l . XXVII. H o n o l u l u , H a w a i i , Septem ber, 1937 No. 7 Ifamatian (2 Qianee at (Hawaii GUjarrli ДОрчшЫ е RESULTS OF SEVENTY-FIVE YEARS OF MISSIONS S u c c e sso r to the Anglican Church Chronicle This is a story of what happens when standing so vital to the otherwise distracted T h e R t . R ev . S . H a r r in g t o n L it t e l l , D.D., those funny little things, the red side of “pacific” area. S.T.D., Editor the duplex envelopes, are filled. Without We hope you like our pictures. We hope T h e R e v . E . T a n n e r B r o w n , D .D . missionary support there could be little you feel, with us, that these few glimpses Associate Editor work for Christ on these amazing Islands of the work on the Hawaiian Islands reveal belonging to the United States lying some something tremendously essential to the THE HAWAIIAN CHURCH CHRONICLE is two thousand miles out in the Pacific advancement of the Kingdom of God. We published once in each montii. The subscription price is One Dollar a year. Remittances, orders and other Ocean. hope many of you can come to see us, and business communications should be addressed to T, j. Hollander, 222-B Emma Square, Honolulu. Behind and beneath this pictured review hear the magic of the word aloha, which News items or ether matter may be sent to the lies the story of lives won for the Master; gives such a warmth of greeting and such Rt. Rev. S. Harrington Littell, S.T.D., Emma Square or to The Rev. E- Tanner Brown, 1515 Wilder Ave., lives which by the score ship out East and an atmosphere of friendliness, coming, as Honolulu. West, carrying the living story of Christian we are told, from Adonai, one of the Hebrew Advertising rates made known upon application. Churchmanship learned amidst the varying words for God. races of Occident and Orient; and lives A nd so, as the w ord means love, we send PARTIAL DIRECTORY OF which remain here to further that under­ you our aloha. DIOCESAN OFFICERS Diocesan Treasurer, Mr. T. J. Hollander, 222-B Queen Emma Square, Honolulu. Secretary, Board of Missions, Secretary of Convocation, Rev. Albert H. Stone, Iolani School, Honolulu. President, W oman’s Auxiliary, Mrs. W. S. Fraser, 2037 Lanihuli Drive, Honolulu. Treasurer, W oman’s Auxiliary, Mrs. Ken­ neth Day, 1104 Kalihi Rd., Honolulu. Corresponding Secretary, Woman’s Auxiliary, Mrs. Newton T. Peck, 4369 Royal Place, Honolulu. United Thank Offering Secretary, Mrs. Harold Podnwre, SO Bates St., Honolulu. District Altar Secretary, Mrs. Marshall Ma- gruder, Fort Shafter. Church Periodical Director, Mrs. Desmond Stanley, 6 Kawananakoa Place, Hono­ lulu. Supply Secretary, Mrs. Robert F. Lange, 2261 Liliha Street, Honolulu. Assistant Supply Secretary, Mrs. E. K. Carnes, 2188 Helumoa Rd., Honolulu. Birthday Thank Offering Secretary, Mrs. Keith Parris, 2441 Sonoma St., Hono­ lulu. * ------ CALENDAR September 5—15th Sunday after Trinity September 12—16th Sunday after Trinity September 15—Ember Day September 17—Em ber Day September 18—Ember Day September 19—St. Matthew Mackintosh Memorial Tower and Theo. H. Davies Memorial September 26—18th Sunday after Trinity September 29—St. Michael and All Angels Parish Hall, St. Andrew’s Cathedral 4 HAWAIIAN CHURCH CHRONICLE September, 1937 St. гЛпсИлеи/4 Catkedtaai! A LANDMARK OF BEAUTY AND HISTORICAL INTEREST IN HONOLULU By The Rt. Rev. S. H arrington L ittell, S. T . D. Fifth Bishop of Honolulu Printed by Courtesy of "Paradise of the Pacific” Seventy years ago in March, the morning fluent in both the Hawaiian and English contributions of importance to the life of newspaper of Honolulu contained this item: languages, familiar with Tennyson, Long­ Hawaii made by the new Mission founded "We are informed by the official Gazette fellow, Kingsley and other contemporary under the auspices of the royal family. that the corner stone of the new Reformed writers, the Prince "set himself to the seri­ First, there was a new emphasis upon devout Catholic Cathedral, on Emma Place, will ous task of translating the Book of Common and reverent worship. The historian tells be laid by His Majesty the King on Tuesday Prayer” into Hawaiian. us how deep was the impression made upon next, at 12 o’clock noon. It is to be known Soon after ascending the throne, the Hawaiians, not only by the stately cere­ as the Cathedral of St. Andrew, and is King, and Queen Emma who had visited monial with its colorful vestments and designed as a monument to the memory of both the United States and England in 1860, inspiring music, but also by the teaching the late Kamehameha IV.” wrote to Queen Victoria to assist them in and instructional value which the outward Why to the memory of Kamehameha IV? approaching the Archbishop of Canterbury ceremony conveyed.
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