4 — ________..... ADVERTISEMENT 1 LEGAL Radio Movie NOTICE Use Brownsville Herald Automotive Today’s Features Sidelights The Commissioners* Oourt of "amenon County, Texas, will v>n- FRIOAY, MAY 20 CAPITOL 10 (Central Standard Time) vene and sit as a Board of Equali- Classified Ads Autos for Sale 28 P. IL unless the heart Moving, Truck*, Indicated. Programs and station Uata subject to chanae. Touching strings with zation on Monday the 23rd day of Storage toy Th# Us and its to Get SACRIFICE 1926 Chevrolet ^ Associated Pressj wdsu wkbh wfbm mnbd wees kscl wmt deep pathos rendering May, D., 1932. at 9 o'clock a. m Results house- of sublime an car kmoa kmbc klra wnaa -ibw kfjf ktrh a romance, excep- to receive all the assessment lists fully equipped living quarters MASON APARTMENTS $1500 454.3—WEAF-NBC—660 kt*a klz whaa for two. TRANSFER CO. up. Lights. kdyl tionally fine picture opens at the and Book of G. A. Oowden. Tax Good rubber 1275.00. Write ****** t<>lePhone, S>2oH?u,a,VFieturaa—AUo wenr 8:15— Lanny Roaa—Only w-gst wxya Claaalfled rates are: for Contractors for garage. Inquire Grace*—wenf chain Capitol Theatre with a midnite Assessor Cameron Tex- appointment. Sarah Wallace, Missouri 442 Levee. Slf?~Thr«« wflw wdod wrec wlac wnox wbro of County, Z«i WUm Wenr show nite 11:30. Raymondville. Tex. Pacific Ry WWJ Wowo wgn wcco kmox kmbc klra kfab Saturday as, for the year 1932, for Inspec- SO words or less, one Insertion. ,40o A108 w^Tw“if ^*~A1*° kfjf wrr ktrh ktsa whaa Its theme is based on the In- Pick up and delivery service and — Alao tion. correction or equalization and Over 30 one BEAUTIFULLY a th?T0reh- Cavsllgrs kstp 9:30—Morton (Repast) — words, Insertion furnished part- Oownty Only herent idealism of man and the 11 Wanted Autos Hai ling of All Kinds meni WWJ kyw kad woc who per word . So of wnL"-,!!1?™" wgat wxya wdod wrec wlac wnox wbre approval consoling bed room, large wtmj wfaa webc ktha eternal for romance of wo- 1105 ADAMS — . wd/f kprc wdau wlan wfbm wgn wmbd wcco kacj quest H. D. SEAGO. Clerk, ST. PHONE 135 lmng room, wkv koa ksl ktbs j County Subsequent Insertions run con- dinette. kitchen, roll- wmt kmox kmbc klra wnax kfab wlbw man. It starts with a boy In the of All Kinds bed In o Cameron County. Texas. secutively. word Packing »w»y room. All Night Club—Alao wtam kfjf krld ktrb ktsa waco kdyl kla per P,ic living mod- kad slums who becomes a famous doc- Minimum WE 7-JLi woo who wow wdaf 9:45— Redman Orch.—Also 5-10-to20 inc.—lOt—4362. ... 10 words PAY CASH conveniences. Dorfmana Jew- Reisman wgst wxyx tor social and economic i.'fl .l,9 Orch.—Alao wtam wbcm wflw wdod wrec wlac wnox wbre despite eiry otore. k*d woc By month, per word 30c T14C ?,?”r who wow wdaf wodx wdsu wlsn wkbh wfbm wsbt barriers. He is forced by his ambi- Oratorio — Alao wtam For Used Cars «-:2\~Na**ona, wmbd wcco ksej wmt kmbc klra wnax tious to move to a Park Political No classified advertisement ac- wsnr kad wow family w7[) wtmj wlba wday kfab wfjf krld ktrh ktsa waco kvor for leas APARTMENTS, modern, wab Avenue office where the rich live. cepted .. 4(to £53^“* ell J!?0 mamb wjdx ktha woal kdyl kl: whas Stevenson Employment furnished, good reas- ktba koa kal There he makes be- Announcements Motor Co., Inc. location, wjyr 10:00—Arnhaim Orch.—Ala; wgst wxya money and LOCAL READER RATES onable. Phone 558. Columbo—Alao wtam W22 X|r5“Ruaa wbcm wflw wdod wrec wlac wnox wbre comes the most noted surgeon of Mh and Elisabeth or 35 • Orch.—Alao kad wdaf Hip. Wanted Male wwj wodx wdau wlan wkbh wfbm wsbt Readers, per inch . his city. |1J3 10th and Levee ALONSO wmbd wcco ksej wynt kmbc klra wnax Under this beading are published APARTMENTS, well fur- In a scene Second and third days. 3<,o per REAL SILK Kirbery; Hamp's Orch.— kfab wlbw kfh ktrh tragic Cortes fails in the names of candidates for of- Hosiery Mills has new nished. close in. ^.:®J“*R*lph kfjf ktsa waco public word; fourth, fifth snd sixth Coiner 6th and wain kvoo kghl an nays Start onoe. ,wow Jevor kdly klz whas operation upon his aged father fice. The fees for announcement arlU 3o 7 14 plan. working at Good Levee, phone 830. Denny Orch.—Alao wtam per word; consecutive days Auto Repr's. & Paint VIM Waar2P!*®_~Jack 10:30—Madrlfluara’s Orch.—Alao wgat and his faith in himself wrecked, be as follows: 21 pay. Apply 414 Embee kad kstp wab kvoo wbcm wflw *c per word per day. Building. wxya wdod wrec wlac wnoa he abandons his doctorate and For District offices $23 00 wbre wodx wdsu wlan wfbm wabt Harlingen. A99 345.6—WABC-CBS—860 For County offices . $2300 Does Your Car Look APARTMENTS. See our wmbd wcco kacj wmt kmbc klra wnax hides from the world until he is To lnsura publication on the aame furnisaed For Justice of the peace .. $15.00 apartments, Acts—Also way* wfbm wgn kfab wlbw kfh Legal notices lc word Like This? everythin* wcco kfjf waco kvor kdyl kla recalled by Jessica 'Irene Dunne). For Precinct offices *15 00 per each in- kmox kmbc: Helen Board—Only whas sertion. y modern; garage; rents reduced wgat wflw wdod wrec wlac wnox wbrc Names of the candidates will be car- day. classified ads must be In Supply yourself now with wdsu wrnf 394.5—WJZ-NBC—760 ried in the announcement column un- the ooai JY>fa QUEEN office by lb a. m. on week Financial Bar Morton Downey—Also w ruf wowo 5:15—Bob til the July primary. days, ~ Rlplty—Also wsm wmc ktbs For forty-four Robert Louis snd 4 W»»Js wsmb by p. m. Saturday for Sun- SSfSS Stevnson's “Dr. and Mr — Jekyll lay's paper. W)G—The Club—Also wxyx wbcm wdsu 5:30—Stebblna Boys Alao wjr w»*n wcky has been the The Brownsville H»rald le authoris- MAY-DAY wfbm wgn wcco kmox ktnbo; wenr kA* wren koll wsm I Hyde” leading mys- Check 45 wtmj kstp ed to make the following announce- your ad when It first ap- Miscellaneous Furnished. modern. Organalities—Only kscj wnax kfab kfjf wmc wsb kpre woal wky koa kal wlw : thriller of the with its cool, hot *trti tery stage, ments of candidates subject to the pears as the Herald is not respon- c-ean, water. waco kvor kdyl 5:45—Jones end Here—Also wcky Zennone, • :15— wmaq awesome struggle between the action of the in sible for more than one Incorrect garage, low Singin* Sa-n—Alao w\>* «fom kwk wren koll wmo wsb Democratic primary summer rates, service wjdx wsmb j insertion. wgn wcco kmox kmbc; Melody Magic— kpre woal beautiful and hideous in a man's July: bjlU paid ,3, WMhldrS. Only wgat wflw wdod wrec wlac wnox 6:00—Leonard Orch.—AUo wcky ! soul. wbrc wsfa Joy’a NOTE: All Classified Advert lying Is If should have a wreck with Y104 wdsu; Songsmiths—Only wls kwk wren koll wjr you _ Today it is brought to the talk- on a Cash kscj wnax kfab kfjf ktrh waco koh 6:30—B. A. Rotfe Orch.—Also wlw wls CAMERON COUNTY Strictly Bans. car, you will screen for the first time with your undoubtedly JUST ONE •:*0—Today and Yesterday—wgat wxyx k#k wren ing APARTMENT left at Phone No. 8 have a bent frame or a bent wrec wgn Wcco kmox ktnbc kfjf wrr 6:45—Sisters of the Skillet—Also wjr Frederic March in the title role. and ask for Miss rat* tha «um- k trn Commissioner, precinct 1— Classified, she will take front axle. It requires preci- mer. v!2, US*™ wlw wls kwk wren koll Paramount's vivid dramatization your ad. Telephone 1163W A72 — G. J WETKEL Wtek-End Prog. Also wxyt 7:00—Friendship Town—Also wjr kyw give helpful suggestions If wanted.' sion tools and workmanship to wrbm of this classic is the feature pic- wgn wcco kmox kmbc klx; Grand kwk wren koll wiba wtmj kstp webc i H. M. PATTEE snd tell you what the ad will cost remedy these defects. We can SETH MAN Opera wfiw ture at the Then APARTMENTS. Los Miniature—Only wgst wday kfyr wsm wmc wsb wapl wsmb Queen theatre, begin- later in the day a boy will Tour frame or set Ebanoti wdod wrec wlac wnox wbrc wsfa wdsu ktha straighten Beautifully wjdx kpre woal wky koa ksl ning Sunday for 2 days. Justice of Peace. PcL 2, Place 1.— call on you with the bill and you furnished, ga- klra Snield's Orch.—Also wlw your axle without injury to the Dept. BB, Texas rage desirable 7:30—Roy wjr As a play, “Dr. Jekyll and Mr. JOHN MARTIN may pay him. Brownsville. Very location and —Belasco Orch.—Also wgst wxyx kwk wren koll wtmj kstp webc wsm steel. exposure, wfbm has more large porches. Reduced wgn wcco kinox kmbc klrd wmc wsb wapl wsmb wfaa kpre woal Hyde” attained success, People living outside of Browns- Our ^. Constable Precinct No. 2— body department is first summer rates Phone 728. 7:45—Gua Van—Also wxyx wfbm wgn wky koa kal wmaq writes a famous critic, than the yllie should mall in their classified Apart- ■mox LOUIS LA MADRID class.
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