COUCILOF Brussels,13February2008PUBLIC THEEUROPEAUIO 10694/07 ADD2REV1 DOCUMET PARTIALLY ACCESSIBLE TOTHEPUBLIC LIMITE EFOPOL121 COMIX553 ADDEDUMTO OTE from: GeneralSecretariat to: PoliceCooperationWorkingParty/MixedCommittee Noprev.doc.: 15732/03ENFOPOL119COMIX744 Subject: Schengenpolice cooperationhandbook COTACTLISTS(updatesshould [email protected]) 1. Centralauthoritiesformutualassistance 2. SIRENE Bureaux 3. Contact pointsforthecommonuseofliaisonofficers postedabroad Forinformation 4. Europol NationalUnits,ENU/(Interpol NationalCentralBureaux,NCB) 5. Nationalcontact pointsconcerning publicsecurity(JointAction97/993/JHAof26May1997) 6. Footballinformationpoints 7. Protectionof publicfigures 8. Nationalcontact pointsconcerningvehiclecrime 9. Missing persons 10. Policetraining 11. Privatesecurity 12. Crime prevention 10694/07ADD2REV1 NP/hm 1 DGH3A LIMITE E Conseil UE MUTUALASSISTACE 1. Central authorities for mutual assistance MS SERVICE ADDRESS TELEPHOE FAX MAIL BE DGS/DSO DELETED DELETED DELETED DELETED BG CZ Police Presidium of the Czech Republic International Police Co-operation Division Sirene DK National Commissioner of the Danish Police Sirene and Communication Centre DE Bundeskriminalamt (Federal Criminal Police Office) in customs matters: Zollkriminalamt EE Central Criminal Police Criminal Intelligence Department EL Ministry of Public Order Sirene ES Direccion General de la Policia Sirene FR DCPJ/DRI IE Central Authority for Mutual Assistance Department of Justice, Equality & Law Reform IT Ministero dell'Interno Dipartimento della Pubblica Sicurezza Direzione Centrale della Polizia Criminale Servizio Cooperazione internazionale di Polizia 5 Divisione, SIRENE CY Ministry of Justice and Public Order Cyprus Police Headquarters European Union and International Police Cooperation Directorate Interpol National Central Bureau LV International Cooperation Department of Central Criminal Police Department of State Police of Latvia 10694/07ADD2REV1 NP/hm 2 DGH3A LIMITE E MUTUALASSISTACE MS SERVICE ADDRESS TELEPHOE FAX MAIL LT Lithuanian Criminal Police Bureau DELETED DELETED DELETED DELETED International Relations Board LU Police Grand-Ducale Centre d'Intervention Nationale HU Hungarian National Police - International Law Enforcement Cooperation Centre MT The International Relations Unit Police General Headquarters L National Prosecutor for cross-border surveillance (KLPD,/NRI) AT Bundesministerium für Inneres (Ministry of the Interior) Bundeskriminalamt PL General Headquarters of Police, Criminal Intelligence Bureau PT Gabinete Nacional Sirene RO Ministry of Interior and Administrative Reform Center for International Police Cooperation SI Ministry of the Interior, Police General Police Directorate Criminal Police Directorate International Police Co-operation Section SK Prezídium Policajného zboru Úrad medzinárodnej policajnej spolupráce FI National Bureau of Investigation Sirene SE NCID, ILO, SIRENE UK Serious Organised Crime Agency International Crime IC Ríkislögreglustjórinn, Sirene O Kriminalpolitisentralen CH 10694/07ADD2REV1 NP/hm 3 DGH3A LIMITE E SIREE 2. SIREEbureaux MS SERVICE ADDRESS TELEPHOE FAX MAIL BE CGI - SIRENE Belgique, Police Fédérale DELETED DELETED DELETED DELETED Operational department: Police fédérale, DGS/DSO CZ Police Presidium of the Czech Republic International Police Co-operation Division Sirene CZ DK National Commissioner of the Danish Police Sirene and Communication Centre DE Bundeskriminalamt – ZD12 – SIRENE Deutschland (Federal Criminal Police Office) EE Central Criminal Police Criminal Intelligence Department EL Ministry of Public Order ES Direccion General de la Policia FR DCPJ IE Sirene Office Liaison & Protection Garda Headquarters, IT Ministero dell'Interno Dipartimento della Pubblica Sicurezza Direzione Centrale della Polizia Criminale Servizio Cooperazione internazionale di Polizia Divisione SIRENE CY Ministry of Justice and Public Order Cyprus Police Headquarters European Union and International Police Cooperation Directorate Sirene Office 10694/07ADD2REV1 NP/hm 4 DGH3A LIMITE E SIREE MS SERVICE ADDRESS TELEPHOE FAX MAIL LV International Cooperation Department of Central DELETED DELETED DELETED DELETED Criminal Police Department of State Police of Latvia LT Lithuanian Criminal Police Bureau International Relations Board SIRENE national bureaux LU Police Grande-Ducale Direction de l'Information HU Hungarian National Police - International Law Enforcement Cooperation Centre SIRENE Bureau MT The International Relations Unit Police General Headquarters L National Police Agency; International Police Cooperation (KLPD/DINPOL) AT Bundesministerium für Inneres Bundeskriminalamt Sirene Österreich Büro II/BK/2.3 PL General Headquarters of Police, Criminal Intelligence Bureau. PT Gabinete Nacional SIRENE RO Ministry of Interior and Administrative Reform / Center for International Police Cooperation Sirene Office 10694/07ADD2REV1 NP/hm 5 DGH3A LIMITE E SIREE MS SERVICE ADDRESS TELEPHOE FAX MAIL SI Ministry of the Interior DELETED DELETED DELETED DELETED Police General Police Directorate Criminal Police Directorate International Police Co-operation Section (Sirene Division), SK Prezídium Policajného zboru Úrad medzinárodnej policajnej spolupráce Národná ústredňa SIRENE FI National Bureau of Investigation SE NCP, SIRENE UK Serious Organised Crime Agency International Crime IC Ríkislögreglustjórinn O Kriminalpolitisentralen CH 10694/07ADD2REV1 NP/hm 6 DGH3A LIMITE E LIAISOOFFICERS 3. Contactpointsforthecommonuseofliaisonofficerspostedabroad 1 MS SERVICE ADDRESS TELEPHOE FAX MAIL BE Police fédérale Rue Quatre Bras 13 32 2 519 8211 32 2 508 7650 [email protected] Direction de la collaboration policière 1000 Brussels opérationnelle (DSO) CZ Police Presidium of the Czech Republic Strojnicka 27 420 9748 34210 420 9748 34716 [email protected] International Police Co-operation Division P.O.Box 62/MPS 170 89 Praha 7 DK National Commissioner of the Danish Police, Anker Heegaards Gade 5 45 33 430 601 45 33 322 77 [email protected] Sirene and Communication Centre 1577 Copenhagen V DE Bundeskriminalamt – IK13 Postfach 440660 49 30 5361 26759 49 30 5361 27600 [email protected] (Federal Criminal Police Office) 12006 Berlin 49 611 5513 101 (24h) 49 611 55 12141 (24h) Bundespolizeidirektion, ZKA EE Central Criminal Police, Criminal Intelligence Tööstuse 52 372 612 3810 372 612 33812 [email protected] ; Department 10416 Tallinn [email protected] EL Ministry of public order, Headquarters of Hellenic 4, P. Kanellopoulou street 30 21 0697 7562 30 21 0697 613 [email protected] police, International police cooperation division 10177 Athens 30 21 0697 7563 ES Unidad de coordinacion y cooperacion C/ Rafael Calvo 33 34 91 322 3644 34 91 322 3658 [email protected] international 28071 Madrid 34 91 322 3659 FR Service de Coopération Technique International de 101, rue des Trois Fontanot 33 1 40 97 86 75 33 1 40 97 82 12 [email protected] Police, Permanence H24 92000 Nanterre IE International Coordination Unit, Liaison & Garda Headquarters, Phoenix Park, 353 1 6662 704 353 1 6662 734 [email protected] Protection Dublin 8 353 1 6662 705 353 1 6662 706 353 1 6662 707 IT Servizio per la cooperazione internazionale di via Torre di Mezzavia 9/121 01173 390646542151 390646542243/4 [email protected] polizia, c/o Direzione centrale della polizia Rome criminale- 1^ Divisione Affari generali 1 Art.7oftheCouncilDecision2003/170/JHA,list publishedinOJC29,3.2.04,p. 5 10694/07ADD2REV1 NP/ml 7 DGHII LIMITE E LIAISOOFFICERS MS SERVICE ADDRESS TELEPHOE FAX MAIL CY Ministry of Justice and Public Order, 1478 Nicosia, 357 2280 8369 357 22808605 [email protected] Cyprus Police Headquarters, Cyprus [email protected] European Union and International Police Cooperation Directorate Interpol National Bureau LV International Cooperation Department of Central Stabu Str. 89 371 7208 413 371 7277 531 [email protected] Criminal Police Department of State Police of LV-1009 Riga Latvia LT Police Department under the MoI Saltoniskiu str. 19 370 5 2719 944 370 5 2719 963 [email protected] International Cooperation Board LT-08105 LU Direction Générale de la Police G.-D. 2957 Luxembourg 352 49 9720 73 352 49 9720 79 [email protected] Service des Relations Internationales HU Hungarian National Police - International Law Teve utca 4-6 36 1 443 5557 36 1443 5815 [email protected] Enforcement Cooperation Centre H-1139 Budapest MT The International Relations Unit St. Calcidonio Square 356 2294 2113 356 2122 3376 Police General Headquarters CMR02 Floriana L National Police Agency, International Police P.O. Box 3016 31 79 345 9911 31 79 345 8753 [email protected] Services (KLPD/DINPOL) 2700 KX Zoetermeer [email protected] [email protected] AT Bundesministerium für Inneres, Josef Holaubek-Platz 1 43 1 2483 685 221 43 1 2483 685 296 [email protected] Bundeskriminalamt, Abteilung 2, Büro II/BK/2.2, 1090 Wien Bundesministerium für Inneres, 43 1 2483 685 025, - 43 1 2483 685 190 [email protected]) Bundeskriminalamt 43 1 2483 685 026 43 1 2483 685 191 43 1 2483 685 027 PL General Headquarters of the Police, Criminal National Police Headquarters 48 22 60 136 40 48 22 60 132 37 [email protected] Intelligence Bureau 148/150 Pulawska str. 48 667 631 325 02-624 Warsaw PT Departamento Central de Cooperação Rua Gomes Freire nº 213 351 21 3595 801 351 21 3151 249 [email protected] Internacional da Polícia Judiciária (DCCI: 1150-178 Lisboa Central Department for International Cooperation of the Criminal Police RO Ministry
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