Zoos, Aquariums & Wildlife Conservation Facilities Qualifi cations 2014 conservation planning + ecological restoration + regenerative design Qualifi cations SECTION 1 Zoos, Aquariums & Wildlife Conservation Facilities Firm Profi le iohabitats is a Baltimore-based environmental design and consulting fi rm B specializing in ecological restoration, conservation planning and regenerative design. Our focus for over 30 years has been on restoring ecological processes and regenerating the human spirit. We do this with an interdisciplinary team of ecologists, biologists, soil scientists, natural resource planners, geomorphologists, landscape architects and engineers. Our work portfolio includes many successful planning and design projects at several zoos and animal research institutions, including: the Smithsonian National Zoological Park at both, the Rock Creek and Front Royal Campuses, the Bronx Zoo, Werribee Zoo (Australia), San Diego Animal Park, Woodland Park Zoo, and the National Aquarium in Baltimore. Biohabitats recognizes the institutional, economic and social challenges that zoos and animal reserves face in incorporating sustainable design measures into their campus/park planning, design and day-to-day operations – aiming to fi nd ways to weave sustainability into the infrastructure, operations and community fabric of a campus, ensuring full integration with its overall mission and vision. We help institutions such as zoos revitalize landscape ecology to protect and restore biodiversity, incorporate site-wide habitat enhancement measures, integrate green infrastructure initiatives (stormwater, wastewater, potable water and energy), and develop institutional frameworks to make sustainability a way of life while maintaining the unique sense of place for the zoo community. We are familiar and actively involved in helping institutions develop strategies to meet Smithsonian National Zoological various permitting requirements in ways that enhance public spaces through Park Front Royal Campus Plan delivery of ecosystem services. By providing natural resource inventories, analyses, recommendations, concept plans and designs, Biohabitats is able to minimize current and future stormwater management and landscape maintenance costs while enhancing campus aesthetics, developing functional landscapes for animal holdings, and strengthening ties with visitors and guests. Biohabitats operates out of eight Bioregional offi ces and three satellite offi ces throughout North America and works frequently around the globe, including: Canada, Mexico, Costa Rica, Panama, Bahamas, Fiji, Columbia, India, China, Cambodia, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Abu Dhabi, and Australia. Restore the Earth & Inspire Ecological Stewardship 1 Zoo WILDLIFE CONSERVATION SOCIETY Bronx Zoo Master Plan Bronx, New York Inherent throughout the Bronx Zoo’s master plan is the recognition that the landscape surrounding the animal exhibits should be restored, protected and celebrated. Zoo’s mission and institu- evolved from the concept tional values. “We spend a lot diagrams through a series of of money overseas working two-day workshops with WCS toward wildlife conservation, staff and various stakeholders. and if we’re going to do that, we had better be living our A unique aspect of the À nal mission at home,” said Sue master plan was its recogni- he largest metropoli- Chin, Director of Planning tion that the landscape fabric Ttan zoo in the nation, and Design for WCS. that weaves around and the Bronx Zoo is a world- throughout the Zoo’s exhibits renowned center for science Biohabitats’ responsibilities is, in itself, an exhibit of the and education. It is also the focused on assessing the local ecology of the Bronx headquarters for wildlife and natural systems of the site River Watershed that has been wildlands conservation proj- including hydrology, soils, displaced by urban develop- ects around the world. vegetation, landscape ecol- ment. Inherent throughout ogy, invasive plant threats and the master plan is the recogni- In 2002 the Wildlife overall environmental sustain- tion that this ecology should Conservation Society (WCS) ability. Concept development be protected, restored and engaged the team of Ayers/ included preparing diagrams celebrated. Initial conditions Saint/Gross Architect and that explored and tested the Planners, Michael Vergason spatial implications of the SERVICES Landscape Architects and site’s natural systems and their Inventory & Assessments Biohabitats to prepare a relationships with built sys- Planning master plan for the campus tems, operations, and cultural Public Outreach that reÁ ects and facilitates the features. The À nal master plan Program Management conservation planning ecological restoration regenerative design Physiographic Province Piedmont Plateau Bioregion HUDSON RIVER BIOREGION Hudson River 800.220.0919 Watershed www.biohabitats.com Bronx River 2 © Biohabitats, Inc. Qualifi cations WILDLIFE CONSERVATION SOCIETY Bronx Zoo Woodland & Stormwater Management Plans Bronx, New York Protection, restoration and management strategies will be implemented in a predictable, economical, yet Á exible manner to protect and enhance natural resources at the Bronx Zoo. These two management plans schedule (including timing and are a signiÀ cant step in WCS’s frequency) for implementing efforts to employ environ- speciÀ c woodland restoration mentally sustainable design action items. initiatives throughout the Zoo’s ongoing development The Stormwater Management and operations. Plan focused on the integra- tion of water quality best For the Woodland management practices to treat Management Plan, Biohabitats stormwater from impervious fter assessing the developed a woodland restora- surfaces. Biohabitats identi- Aecological conditions of tion action plan based on an À ed many opportunities and a the Bronx Zoo and contribut- adaptive management frame- wide variety of BMP treatment ing recommendations for the work. The plan addressed methods for the site. Based Zoo’s Master Plan, Biohabitats issues such as invasive plant on a prioritization schedule, was called upon by the species management, aged tree Biohabitats will develop de- Wildlife Conservation Society replacement, native woodland tailed design and construction (WSC) to prepare a Woodland planting, and soil regeneration drawings for a bioretention Management and Stormwater strategies. It also included a facility to treat stormwater. Management Plan for the framework for directing the Bronxdale Upland Riparian allocation of funds, materi- SERVICES Restoration Project. als and labor to implement Inventory & Assessment recommended actions. Finally, Planning the plan provided a detailed Green Infrastructure conservation planning ecological restoration regenerative design Physiographic Province Atlantic Coastal Plain Bioregion HUDSON RIVER BIOREGION Hudson River 800.220.0919 Watershed www.biohabitats.com Bronx River Restore the Earth & Inspire Ecological Stewardship 3 Zoo THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, OFFICE OF PLANNING AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT Slate Hill Conservation Area Precinct Study, Smithsonian National Zoological Park Front Royal, Virginia The Smithsonian Institution’s state-of-the-art À eld research facility will be an international hub for the conservation of rare wildlife species and a national model for environmental stewardship. in the hills of the Blue Ridge stewardship, and minimizing Mountains, the site includes disturbance and fragmentation sensitive ecosystems such as of existing habitat. woodlands, streams that serve as some of the headwaters The challenge was to balance for the Potomac River, and the habitat needs of animals, meadow areas that provide including birds, canids, important habitat for region- ungulates, and carnivores, ally signiÀ cant birds. with research requirements, and the sensitive and unique After contributing to the native ecology and hydrologic development of a sustain- systems that occur on the site. able Comprehensive Facilities Accommodating Á exibility in Master Plan for the Front form and use of the research Royal property, which includes facilities was a key goal along the Smithsonian Mason School with promoting sustainability of Conservation, Biohabitats through wise energy and water supported this more detailed use, and management study of the landscape’s capacity of waste. iohabitats participated for reproductive research of B in an interdisciplin- rare or threatened wildlife from SERVICES ary planning study for the around the world. Biohabitats Inventory & Assessments 240-acre Slate Hill pre- provided guidance related Planning cinct of the Smithsonian to preserving and restoring Design National Zoological Park and existing ecological resources, Management Conservation Biology Institute enhancing ecosystem function, Public Outreach in Front Royal, VA. Nestled promoting natural resource Policy conservation planning ecological restoration regenerative design Physiographic Province Valley and Ridge Bioregion Chesapeake/Delaware Bays 800.220.0919 Watershed www.biohabitats.com Headwaters of the Potomac River, South Fork of the Shenandoah River 4 © Biohabitats, Inc. Qualifi cations NATIONAL AQUARIUM IN BALTIMORE Center for Aquatic Life & Conservation Baltimore, Maryland Regenerative design strategies including water quality BMPs, energy conservation, and adaptive resuse are being seamlessly combined with ecological restoration initiatives including coastal wetland restoration, riparian buffer enhancement and greenway corridor conservation. integrated an adaptive
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