Benjamin Kimera

Benjamin Kimera

Height: 5'3" Height: 6'1" Weight: 115 lbs. Weight: 252 lbs. Columbus, OH "Assassin Nation" ASHLEY LANE ASSASSIN #1 LEVEL 1 OFFENSE LEVEL 1 DEFENSE LEVEL 1 OFFENSE LEVEL 1 DEFENSE 1. forearm smash - 1 1. dazed - 1 (tag) 1. punch - 1 1. ASSASSIN #1 - 1 2. front facelock - 1 2. dazed - 1 2. snap mare - 1 2. ASSASSIN #1 - 2 3. standing neck wrench - 2 (ch C) 3. into the turnbuckle 3. ASHLEY LANE - 2 3. dazed - 1 (tag) 4. into the ropes 4. dazed - 1 (tag) 4. Japanese arm drag - 2 (pw) 4. dazed - 1 (tag) 5. choke using ropes - 2 (pw) 5. dazed - 1 (tag) 5. elbow drop - 2 5. dazed - 1 (tag) 6. clothesline - 3 6. ASSASSIN #1 - 1 6. flying head scissors - 3 6. ASHLEY LANE - 1 LEVEL 2 OFFENSE LEVEL 2 DEFENSE LEVEL 2 OFFENSE LEVEL 2 DEFENSE 1. dropkick to the chest - 2 (ag) 1. dazed - 1 2. into the turnbuckle (c) 2. hurt - 2 (tag) 1. arm bar - 2 (pw) 1. ASHLEY LANE - 1 3. crossface forearms - 2 3. hurt - 2 2. senton splash - 2 2. hurt - 2 (tag) 4. swinging neckbreaker - 3 4. hurt - 2 (tag) 3. into the ropes (c) 3. dazed - 1 5. hanging neckbreaker - 3 5. ASSASSIN #1 - 1 6. Columbian Neck Tie - 3 6. ASSASSIN #1 - 1 4. dropkick - 3 (ch E) 4. hurt - 2 (tag) 5. enzuigiri - 3 5. ASHLEY LANE - 1 LEVEL 3 OFFENSE LEVEL 3 DEFENSE 6. X-Factor - 3 6. hurt - 2 1. leveraged front facelock - 2 (ch G) 1. hurt - 2 2. power slam - 3 2. hurt - 2 LEVEL 3 OFFENSE LEVEL 3 DEFENSE 3. out of the ring (c) 3. down - 3 (tag)(lv) 4. Caught In the Crosshairs - 3 4. PIN 6(3) 1. spear tackle - 2 1. hurt - 2 5. SILENCER (+1) tag 5. hurt - 2 2. ddt - 3 (ch G) 2. hurt - 2 6. KILL SWITCH (+2) tag 6. hurt - 2 3. out of the ring (c) 3. down - 3 (tag)(lv) Ropes - A Agility 0 4. PIN 6(3) Turnbuckle - B Power -3 4. tornado bulldog - 3 Ring - B Cage 4 5. LEXI-CANRANA (+1) 5. down - 3 Deathjump - B 6. DIS-LEXI-A (+2) 6. hurt - 2 Disqualification - 6 Ropes - B Agility -1 Turnbuckle - B Power 0 Ring - B Cage 2 Deathjump - B ASSASSIN #1 Disqualification - 6 (c), Filsinger Games ASHLEY LANE (c), Filsinger Games (c), Filsinger Games (c), Filsinger Games Height: 6'0" Height: 6'4" Weight: 225 lbs. Weight: 260 lbs. "Assassin Nation" Detroit, MI ASSASSIN #2 BENJAMIN KIMERA LEVEL 1 OFFENSE LEVEL 1 DEFENSE LEVEL 1 OFFENSE LEVEL 1 DEFENSE 1. snap mare - 1 1. dazed - 1 (tag) 1. punch - 1 1. BEN KIMERA - 2 2. European uppercut - 1 2. ASSASSIN #2 - 1 2. knee to midsection - 1 3. into the ropes 2. dazed - 1 (tag) 3. dazed - 1 (tag) 3. head butt - 2 (ag) 4. elbow drop - 2 4. ASSASSIN #2 - 2 3. dazed - 1 (tag) 5. stun gun - 2 (pw) 5. dazed - 1 (tag) 4. blatant choke - 2 (ch D) 4. dazed - 1 6. ankle lock - 3 (ag) 6. dazed - 1 5. snap suplex - 2 5. dazed - 1 (tag) 6. backbreaker - 3 LEVEL 2 OFFENSE LEVEL 2 DEFENSE 6. BEN KIMERA - 2 1. forearm smash - 2 1. hurt - 2 LEVEL 2 OFFENSE LEVEL 2 DEFENSE 2. rolling neck snap - 2 (ch B) 2. hurt - 2 3. snap suplex - 2 (ch E) 3. hurt - 2 (tag) 1. repeated knee strikes - 2 1. dazed - 1 4. spinning toe hold - 3 4. dazed - 1 2. into the ropes (c) 2. BEN KIMERA - 1 5. spinning back elbow - 3 5. ASSASSIN #2 - 1 3. into the turnbuckle 3. dazed - 1 6. flying clothesline - 3 6. hurt - 2 (tag) 4. clothesline - 3 4. hurt - 2 (tag) LEVEL 3 OFFENSE LEVEL 3 DEFENSE 5. bear hug - 3 5. dazed - 1 6. running power slam - 3 6. hurt - 2 (tag) 1. sharpshooter - 2 1. hurt - 2 2. deathjump (c) 2. hurt - 2 LEVEL 3 OFFENSE LEVEL 3 DEFENSE 3. out of the ring (c) 3. down - 3(lv) 4. bulldog - 3 4. PIN 5(2) 1. back suplex - 2 (ch H) 1. hurt - 2 5. SNIPER (+1) 5. down - 3 (tag) 2. out of the ring (c) 2. PIN 5(2) 6. A-BOMB (+2) 6. hurt - 2 3. choke legsweep - 3 3. hurt - 2 Ropes - A Agility -3 Turnbuckle - B Power -1 4. Yakuza kick - 3 4. down - 3 (lv) Ring - A Cage 4 5. MOTOWN THROWDOWN (0) 5. down - 3 (tag) Deathjump - A 6. D-TRAIN (+1) 6. hurt - 2 Disqualification - 6 Ropes -- B Agility +1 Turnbuckle -- A Power -3 Ring -- B Cage 4 Deathjump -- CBENJAMIN KIMERA ASSASSIN #2 Disqualification -- 6 (c), Filsinger Games (c), Filsinger Games (c), Filsinger Games Height: 6'1" Height: 5'3" Weight: 252 lbs. Weight: 115 lbs. "Assassin Nation" Columbus, OH ASSASSIN #1 ASHLEY LANE LEVEL 1 OFFENSE LEVEL 1 DEFENSE LEVEL 1 OFFENSE LEVEL 1 DEFENSE 1. punch - 1 1. ASSASSIN #1 - 1 1. forearm smash - 1 1. dazed - 1 (tag) 2. snap mare - 1 2. ASSASSIN #1 - 2 2. front facelock - 1 2. dazed - 1 3. standing neck wrench - 2 (ch C) 3. dazed - 1 (tag) 3. into the turnbuckle 3. ASHLEY LANE - 2 4. into the ropes 4. dazed - 1 (tag) 4. Japanese arm drag - 2 (pw) 4. dazed - 1 (tag) 5. choke using ropes - 2 (pw) 5. dazed - 1 (tag) 5. elbow drop - 2 5. dazed - 1 (tag) 6. clothesline - 3 6. ASSASSIN #1 - 1 6. flying head scissors - 3 6. ASHLEY LANE - 1 LEVEL 2 OFFENSE LEVEL 2 DEFENSE LEVEL 2 OFFENSE LEVEL 2 DEFENSE 1. dropkick to the chest - 2 (ag) 1. dazed - 1 1. arm bar - 2 (pw) 1. ASHLEY LANE - 1 2. into the turnbuckle (c) 2. hurt - 2 (tag) 2. senton splash - 2 2. hurt - 2 (tag) 3. crossface forearms - 2 3. hurt - 2 3. into the ropes (c) 3. dazed - 1 4. swinging neckbreaker - 3 4. hurt - 2 (tag) 4. dropkick - 3 (ch E) 4. hurt - 2 (tag) 5. hanging neckbreaker - 3 5. ASSASSIN #1 - 1 5. enzuigiri - 3 5. ASHLEY LANE - 1 6. Columbian Neck Tie - 3 6. ASSASSIN #1 - 1 6. X-Factor - 3 6. hurt - 2 LEVEL 3 OFFENSE LEVEL 3 DEFENSE LEVEL 3 OFFENSE LEVEL 3 DEFENSE 1. leveraged front facelock - 2 1. hurt - 2 1. spear tackle - 2 1. hurt - 2 2. power slam - 3 (ch G) 2. hurt - 2 2. ddt - 3 (ch G) 2. hurt - 2 3. out of the ring (c) 3. down - 3 (tag)(lv) 3. out of the ring (c) 3. down - 3 (tag)(lv) 4. Caught In the Crosshairs - 3 4. PIN 6(3) 4. tornado bulldog - 3 4. PIN 6(3) 5. SILENCER (+1) tag 5. hurt - 2 5. LEXI-CANRANA (+1) 5. down - 3 6. KILL SWITCH (+2) tag 6. hurt - 2 6. DIS-LEXI-A (+2) 6. hurt - 2 Ropes - A Agility 0 Ropes - B Agility -1 Turnbuckle - B Power -3 Turnbuckle - B Power 0 Ring - B Cage 4 Ring - B Cage 2 Deathjump - B Deathjump - B Disqualification - 6 Disqualification - 6 (c), Filsinger Games (c), Filsinger Games Height: 6'4" Height: 6'0" Weight: 260 lbs. Weight: 225 lbs. Detroit, MI "Assassin Nation" BENJAMIN KIMERA ASSASSIN #2 LEVEL 1 OFFENSE LEVEL 1 DEFENSE LEVEL 1 OFFENSE LEVEL 1 DEFENSE 1. punch - 1 1. BEN KIMERA - 2 1. snap mare - 1 1. dazed - 1 (tag) 2. knee to midsection - 1 2. dazed - 1 (tag) 2. European uppercut - 1 2. ASSASSIN #2 - 1 3. head butt - 2 (ag) 3. dazed - 1 (tag) 3. into the ropes 3. dazed - 1 (tag) 4. blatant choke - 2 4. dazed - 1 4. elbow drop - 2 4. ASSASSIN #2 - 2 5. snap suplex - 2 5. dazed - 1 (tag) 5. stun gun - 2 (pw) 5. dazed - 1 (tag) 6. backbreaker - 3 (ch D) 6. BEN KIMERA - 2 6. ankle lock - 3 (ag) 6. dazed - 1 LEVEL 2 OFFENSE LEVEL 2 DEFENSE LEVEL 2 OFFENSE LEVEL 2 DEFENSE 1. repeated knee strikes - 2 1. dazed - 1 1. forearm smash - 2 1. hurt - 2 2. into the ropes (c) 2. BEN KIMERA - 1 2. rolling neck snap - 2 (ch B) 2. hurt - 2 3. into the turnbuckle 3. dazed - 1 3. snap suplex - 2 (ch E) 3. hurt - 2 (tag) 4. clothesline - 3 4. hurt - 2 (tag) 4. spinning toe hold - 3 4. dazed - 1 5. bear hug - 3 5. dazed - 1 5. spinning back elbow - 3 5. ASSASSIN #2 - 1 6. running power slam - 3 6. hurt - 2 (tag) 6. flying clothesline - 3 6. hurt - 2 (tag) LEVEL 3 OFFENSE LEVEL 3 DEFENSE LEVEL 3 OFFENSE LEVEL 3 DEFENSE 1. back suplex - 2 1. hurt - 2 1. sharpshooter - 2 1. hurt - 2 2. out of the ring (c) 2. PIN 5(2) 2. deathjump (c) 2. hurt - 2 3. choke legsweep - 3 (ch H) 3. hurt - 2 3. out of the ring (c) 3. down - 3(lv) 4. Yakuza kick - 3 4. down - 3 (lv) 4. bulldog - 3 4. PIN 5(2) 5. MOTOWN THROWDOWN (0) 5. down - 3 (tag) 5. SNIPER (+1) 5. down - 3 (tag) 6. D-TRAIN (+1) 6. hurt - 2 6. A-BOMB (+2) 6. hurt - 2 Ropes -- B Agility +1 Ropes - A Agility -3 Turnbuckle -- A Power -3 Turnbuckle - B Power -1 Ring -- B Cage 4 Ring - A Cage 4 Deathjump -- C Deathjump - A Disqualification -- 6 Disqualification - 6 (c), Filsinger Games (c), Filsinger Games.

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