GREBES Podicipediformes Sp Su Fa Wi RAILS & COOTS Gruiformes Sp Su Fa Wi WOODPECKERS Piciformes Sp Su Fa Wi Pied-billed Grebe R R American Coot R R Red-naped Sapsucker U FC U Eared Grebe U Ladder-backed Woodpecker C C C C SHOREBIRDS & GULLS Charadriiformes Downy Woodpecker U U HERONS & EGRETS Ciconiiformes Killdeer C FC C C Hairy Woodpecker R Great Blue Heron U FC U FC Black-necked Stilt R R Northern Flicker U FC C Great Egret O American Avocet R Snowy Egret U U Solitary Sandpiper U PERCHING BIRDS Passeriformes Cattle Egret U Willet R Flycatchers Tyrannidae Green Heron U R Spotted Sandpiper FC U U Olive-sided Flycatcher U U Black-crowned Night Heron R Marbled Godwit R Western Wood-Pewee FC U U White-faced Ibis R Western Sandpiper R Willow Flycatcher U Turkey Vulture U U U Least Sandpiper R Hammond's Flycatcher U Common Snipe U U FC Dusky Flycatcher U U WATERFOWL Anseriformes Ring-billed Gull R Gray Flycatcher U Canada Goose R R California Gull R Cordilleran Flycatcher U R Wood Duck R Black Phoebe C FC FC U Gadwall R DOVES & PIGEONS Columbiformes Eastern Phoebe O American Wigeon R Rock Dove R Say's Phoebe C C C C Mallard FC U FC FC Band-tailed Pigeon R Vermilion Flycatcher U R Cinnamon Teal FC U U White-winged Dove C FC U Ash-throated Flycatcher C FC U Northern Shoveler R Mourning Dove C FC C Brown-crested Flycatcher U U R Northern Pintail R Inca Dove O Cassin's Kingbird U R Green-winged Teal FC FC FC Ruddy Ground-Dove O Western Kingbird C U FC Redhead R Shrikes Laniide Ring-necked Duck. U R CUCKOO, ROADRUNNER Cuculiformes Loggerhead Shrike C FC C U Common Goldeneye R Yellow-billed Cuckoo R Vireos Vireonidae Common Merganser R R Greater Roadrunner U U U U Bells Vireo C FC U Red-breasted Merganser R R Gray Vireo R OWLS Strigiformes Plumbeous Vireo C HAWKS & EAGLES Falconiformes Barn Owl U U Warbling Vireo FC Osprey R Flammulated Owl R Jays & Crows Corvidae White-tailed Kite O Western Screech Owl FC FC FC FC Western Scrub Jay U R FC Bald Eagle R Great Horned Owl FC FC FC FC Pinyon Jay R R U Northern Harrier U U Long-eared Owl R American Crow R R Sharp-shinned Hawk U U U Common Raven C U C C Cooper's Hawk U FC U GOATSUCKERS Caprimulgiformes Larks Alaudidae Common Black Hawk U R R Lesser Nighthawk U FC Horned Lark U Swainson’s Hawk R Common Nighthawk R Swallows Hirundinidae Red-tailed Hawk C C C C Common Poorwill U FC FC Purple Martin O Rough-legged Hawk R Tree Swallow R R Ferruginous Hawk O R SWIFTS & HUMMINGBIRDS Apodiformes Violet-green Swallow C U U Golden Eagle U U U FC White-throated Swift FC FC U Northern Rough-winged Swallow C C U American Kestrel C C C C Black-chinned Hummingbird FC U Bank Swallow R R Peregrine Falcon O Costa's Hummingbird FC U Cliff Swallow U U U Prairie Falcon R Calliope Hummingbird R Barn Swallow U U Broad-tailed Hummingbird FC Chickadees Paridae GROUSE & QUAIL Galliformes Rufous Hummingbird R Mountain Chickadee R R Ring-necked Pheasant E E E E Juniper Titmouse R Gambel's Quail C A A C KINGFISHERS Coraciiformes Verdin Remizidae Belted Kingfisher U U C U Verdin C C C C Bushtit Aegithalidae Sp Su Fa Wi Tanagers Thraupidae Sp Su Fa Wi Bushtit FC U C C Summer Tanager U C C Creepers Certhiidae Western Tanager C R FC Birds of Brown Creeper R R Grosbeaks & Buntings Cardinalidae Wrens Troglodytidae Rose-breasted Grosbeak O Lytle Ranch Cactus Wren C C C FC Black-headed Grosbeak FC U FC Rock Wren C FC C C Blue Grosbeak U FC FC Canyon Wren R R U Lazuli Bunting C R FC Preserve Bewick's Wren C C C C Indigo Bunting O House Wren FC U Towhees & Sparrows Emberizidae Field Checklist Winter Wren R Green-tailed Towhee FC R Compiled by Merrill Webb, 1999 Marsh Wren R U Spotted Towhee FC FC Kinglets Regulidae American Tree Sparrow R Golden-crowned Kinglet R R Chipping Sparrow FC FC Ruby-crowned Kinglet C C C Brewer’s Sparrow U FC Gnatcatchers Sylviidae Vesper Sparrow U U Blue-gray Gnatcatcher C FC FC FC Lark Sparrow FC U FC Black-tailed Gnatcatcher FC U C FC Black-throated Sparrow C FC FC Thrushes Turdidae Sage Sparrow R Western Bluebird R U Savannah Sparrow C U FC R Mountain Bluebird U Song Sparrow FC C C Townsend's Solitaire U FC Lincoln's Sparrow C FC U Swainson's Thrush R White-throated Sparrow R R Hermit Thrush R U U White-crowned Sparrow C R A A American Robin C U FC C Harris' Sparrow R Observer _______________________________________ Thrashers Mimidae Dark-eyed Junco FC FC C Northern Mockingbird FC FC U Blackbirds & Orioles Icteridae Date ____________________ No. of Species Seen _____ Sage Thrasher U Bobolink R Bendire's Thrasher R Red-winged Blackbird C U C FC Notes __________________________________________ Crissal Thrasher U U C U Western Meadowlark FC FC FC Starling Sturnidae Yellow-headed Blackbird R _______________________________________________ European Starling C FC A C Brewer's Blackbird U Pipit Motacillidae Great-tailed Grackle R American Pipit U FC C Brown-headed Cowbird C C FC Waxwings Bombycillidae Hooded Oriole C FC R Abundance and Occurrence Codes: Cedar Waxwing FC U U Bullock’s Oriole C C C Silky Flycatcher Ptilogonatidae Scott's Oriole FC U A - Relatively Abundant, always in numbers Phainopepla FC U U Finches Fringillidae C - Common, always to be seen but not in large numbers Warblers Parulidae House Finch C C A A FC -Fairly common, very small numbers or not always seen Tennessee Warbler R Pine Siskin U FC U - Uncommon, seldom seen but not a surprise Orange-crowned Warbler U FC R Lesser Goldfinch C FC C R - Rare, always a surprise but not out of normal range Nashville Warbler R U American Goldfinch U FC U O - Occasional, out of usual range, few sightings in past 50 years Virginia's Warber U U Evening Grosbeak R E - Escapee, escaped form hunting preserve downstream Lucy's Warbler C C C Weaver Finches Passeridae Spring (March, April & May) Yellow Warbler C FC FC House Sparrow C C C C Summer (June & July) Yellow-rumped Warbler C C U Fall (August, September, October & November ) Black-throated Gray Warbler U U The abundance and occurrence codes pertain only to birds Winter (December, January & February) Townsend's Warbler R R found within the boundaries of Lytle Ranch, not to Beaver American Redstart O Dam Wash in its entirety nor to the surrounding ranches. The Names and sequences according to the Forty-First Supplement to the A.O.U. Northern Waterthrush O majority of the codes are based on monthly visits I made to Checklist of North American Birds. Auk 114 (3):542-552, 1997 MacGillivray’s Warbler U FC the ranch from 1974 to 1999. Additional information from Common Yellowthroat R U U visitors that would update the codes for various species is Wilson's Warbler C FC welcomed. Please send information to Merrill Webb, Provo Yellow-breasted Chat U R High School, Provo, Utah 84604..
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