Census Returns 1841-1911 ABERTILLERY, Monmouthshire 1911 (online indexed) Schedule 109: 61 Victoria Terrace, Abertillery (6 rooms) Charles Summerell Head 24 M coal miner hewer Powells Tillery coal Co Worker Somersetshire Tickenham Amelia Summerell Wife 19 M (Married 1 year; 1 child born alive anf living) Monmouthshire Abertillery Ellen Mary Summerell Daur 7 months Monmouthshire Abertillery ARLINGTON 1851 South Down Charles Sumerfield Head M 31 Agricultural Lab Shirwill Cottage Grace Sumerfield Wife M 34 Bratton Fleming 1892/562/10 Elizabeth Sumerfield Dau 3 Loxhore Susan Sumerfield Dau 10 Arlington Jane Dowdle Vist W 72 Pauper Ag Lab Wid East Down Mary Dowdle Vist 8 Loxhore 1861 (5th cottage Charles Somerwill Head Mar 36 Gardener Shirwell in village Grace Somerwill Wife Mar 40 Bratton Fleming after Court) Elizabeth Somerwill Dau 12 Scholar Loxhore Susan Somerwill Dau 10 (Dumb) Arlington Frederick Somerwill Son 8 Scholar Arlington Fanny Somerwill Dau 2 Arlington Jane Dendle (?) M-in-l Wid 83 Labourer East Down 1871 New England Charles Sommerwill Head Mar 45 Gardner Sherwill Grace Do Wife Mar 51 Loxhore Fanny Do Dau 12 Arlington ASHFORD 1851 (index) Mudhouse John Somerfield Head Mar 35 Ag. Lab Brendon Cottage Mary Do Wife Mar 30 Bittadon Elizabeth Do Dau 9 Scholar Braunton John Do Son 8 Scholar Ashford Mary Do Dau 5 Scholar Pilton William Do Son 3 Ashford James Do Son 10mo Ashford ----- Courtices William Somerfield Head Mar 55 Ag. Lab Heanton 1893/405/7 Mary Do Wife Mar 57 Countisbury 1911 (online indexed) Schedule 15: West Ashford Barton, Barnstaple (13 rooms) William Down Head Farmer Beatrice Somerville Servant 17 S General Servant (Domestic) Worker Devon Swimbridge ASTON, Warwickshire 1881 3 Lower Wilton Fred Watson Head Commercial Traveller St John Somerville Lodger Mar 38 Carpenter Breistol Aston Manor Sub-District 1901 Bk 54 Kate Bone Head Wid 50 + 4 daughters, 1 son Mrs Summerville Sister Wid 44 Brass Lamps Press Worker Birmingham Annie Do Neice U 5 Do 11.1 v 16.00 20 Feb 2010 Census Returns 1841-1911 - Continued ATHERINGTON 1861 (index) Umberleigh Ho Charles Henry Williams Head Retired Lieut in the Navy Richard Somerwill Servant Mar 54 Groom Tawstock 1901 (index) Langridge James Somerwill Head Mar 29 Ordinary agricultural labourer Swymbridge 2152/5/1 Annie Do Wife Mar 28 Bishop's Tawton Gertrude Do Daur 7 Do William Do Son 5 Highbray George Do Son 3 Do Caroline Do Daur 1 Tawstock BARNSTAPLE 1841 Somerset Place Elizabeth Summerwill 50 Ind Y (3rd address John Gaydon 15 Silversmith’s app. Y after High St) Henry Do 15 Printer’s app. Y Frederick Do 14 Silversmith’s app. Y Susan Do 12 Y Edward Do 10 Y Mary Anne Do 6 Y Alfred Do 4 Y ----- High St Mary Somerfield 20 Domestic servant Y ----- 1851 Boutport St Philip Symons Cabinet maker employing 7 men Robert Sommerwill Appr. Un 18 Cab. maker’s apprentice Swimbridge ----- 1861 Boutport St Elizabeth Somerfield Serv Un 20 Servant Pilton ----- Quay William Summerfield Head Mar 32 Smith Ashford Elizabeth Summerfield Wife Mar 32 Laundress Barnstaple ----- 1871 34 High St Francis Palmer Head Saddler - emp 2 men Crediton Georgina Somerfield Boarder Un 16 Draper (Apprentice) Arlington ----- 32 Bitte (Battle?) William Somerfield Head Mar 39 Railway Porter Ashford Lane (Nr Castle Lane) Elizth Do Wife Mar 40 Chittlehampton ----- Waytown House John Stanburry Head Wid 71 Thatcher West Down (South Ward) John Summerwell Visitor Mar 62 Mason & Glazier Parracombe ----- 27 Boutport St Charles L. Clarke Head M 41 Home Decorator, master employing 3 men and one apprentice Barnstaple Sarah A. Summerwill Serv 13 Servant (Domestic) Marwood ----- 30 Princes St Elizabeth Somerville Head W 57 Staymaker Parracombe Elizabeth Somerville Daur Un 21 Bobbin Winder Do ----- 27 Union St William China Head Mar 65 Cordwainer Tiverton Susan China Wife Mar 61 Barnstaple John China Son Un 28 Pensioner Do Eliza Sommerwill Dau M 22 Lace mender &c Do Sarah China Dau Un 20 Bobbin winder Do Harriet China Dau Un 17 Drum Winder (Lace Factory) Do Lucy E. Sommerwill Grand Daur 5ms Do ----- v 16.00 20 Feb 2010 11.2 Census Returns 1841-1911 - Continued BARNSTAPLE - Continued 1881 1 Princes St Elizabeth Somerville Head Wid 66 Parracombe Elizabeth Somerville Dau Un 28 Lace worker Parracombe ----- 3 Union St Chas Summerfield Head Mar 60 Gardener Shirwell Grace Summerfield Wife Mar 60 Loxhore ----- 15 Lower Philip Cockrem Maudlin St Lucy Somerville Lodg - 10 Scholar Barnstaple ----- (index) North Devon Elizabeth Somerfield Patient M 21 Barnstaple Infirmary ----- 1891 1 North Walk Pl Charles Somerfield Head Mar 31 Tailor Barnstaple Eliza Somerfield Wife Mar 30 Barnstaple Elizabeth Somerfield Dau 7 Scholar Barnstaple John Somerfield Son 5 Scholar Barnstaple ----- 15 Victoria St Richard Somerfield Head M 35 Posting Clerk & Pilton Telegraphist Hannah M. do Wife M 34 Ireland Alberta do Daur S 6 Bps. Tawton 1901 (index) 16 Victoria St Richard Somerfield Head M 45 Civil Service Sorting Clerk Barnstaple 2144/103/16 & Telegraphist (Check house Hannah M. do Wife M 44 Ireland no; cf 1891) Alberta do Daur S 16 Barnstaple John N. do Son - 1 do ---- Princes St, 5 Henry Shaddick Shed man in Tanyard 2143/83/27 Elizabeth Sommerwell Lodger S 40 Mill Hand - Lace Factory Loxhore (Not in 1881 census) ----- London & S.W. Railway Station Through (Barnstaple Junction) 2153/45/8 Thomas Somerfield Head M 48 Station Master Devon, Ashford Sarah A. Do Wife M 51 Hants, Basingstoke Albert [?] Do Son S 24 Accountant at Railway Office Wilts, Salisbury Edith L. Do Daur S 23 Milliner Hants, Southampton Rose A. Do Daur S 21 Hants, Southampton Mabel A. Do Daur S 18 Apprentice Drapery Hants, Southampton Bessie F. Do Daur S 17 Apprentice Drapery Devon, Chawleigh Beatrice M. Do Daur S 14 Devon, Chawleigh Thomas S. Do Son S 12 Dorset, Sherborne Helen M. Do Daur S 11 Dorset, Sherborne William H. Do Son S 9 Dorset, Sherborne 1911 (online index) Schedule 258: Station House, Barnstaple Jnc (8 rooms) Thomas Somerfield Head 58 M Rly Station Master Railway Company Worker Devon Ashford Sarah Ann Somerfield Wife 61 M (Married 36 years; 14 children born alive; 10 living; 4 dead) Hants Basingstoke Beatrice Margaret Somerfield Daur 24 S Post Office Clerk Worker Devon Eggesford Helen Maud Somerfield Daur 21 S Dorset Sherborne William Henry Somerfield Son 19 S Railway Clerk Booking Office Railway Company Worker Dorset Sherborne Schedule 263: 64 Braunton Rd, Barnstaple (5 rooms) Eliza Somerfield Head 50 Widow Barnstaple Devon John Somerfield Son 26 M Plumber Worker " " Lucy Somerfield D-in-law 26 M (Married 1 year; 1 child born alive; 1 living) " " Rosalie Somerfield Daughter 8 months " " Frank Lacey Wage Boarder 44 M Photographer Worker " " 11.3 v 16.00 20 Feb 2010 Census Returns 1841-1911 - Continued BATH, Somerset 1841 (Index) 3 Abbey Green Fanny Somerfield 25 F.S. Y 6/34 ----- Peter Street Sarah Summerfield 50 Y 8/8 1851 (online index) St James, Bath 21 Peter Street Sarah Somerfield W 73 Parish Relief St John, Bath --- Walcot, Bath Avon St Wm Somerfield Head M 48 Labr Glos Cheltenham Ellen Do Wife M 28 Do 1861 (online index) Trinity Walcot George Somerwill Head M 71 Basket Maker Devon, Tewstock 1 Marlboro Frances " Wife M 61 Skip maker Devon, Thorverton Place Frances " daur U 21 [illegible] Devon, Exeter Tom " son U 18 Hamper Do Do 1871 (online index) Walcot Trinity George Somerwell Head M 81 Basket Maker Devon, Tawstock 1 Marlboro Frances " Wife M 71 " " wife Devon, Thorverton Place Frances " daur U 30 Laundress Devon, Exeter Adelaide " grand daur 5 Scholar Somerset, Bath George Tucker Boarder U 18 Groom Wilts, Lemington BATHWICK, Somerset 1851 (online index) 10 Raby Place James R. Somerville Head M 43 Annuitant Bath Marianne do Daur 12 Scholat at home Dawlish, Devon Anna do Dau 3 Bath Frances do Dau 1 do + 3 servants BEDMINSTER, Gloucestershire (Bristol) 1851 (online index) 25 Philip Street Ann Summerfield Head M 34 Somst Bridgewate Elizabeth J. Do Daur 10 Scholar Do Bristol Joseph Do Son 9 Scholar Do Bedminster William Do Son 7 Scholar Do Bedminster BERRY NARBOR 1881 Berrydown Cross James Sommerwill Head M 34 Agr. labourer Marwood Grace Sommerwill Wife M 27 “ wife Berrynarbor Albert J. Sommerwill Son 1 Marwood 1891 Berrydown James Somersville Head M 44 Agricultural labourer Shirwell Grace do Wife M 37 Berrynarbor Albert J. do Son 11 Scholar do Florence G. do Daur 9 Scholar do Maud M. do Daur 7 do Ada J. do Daur 4 do Ernest J. do Son 2 do John Coats B-in-l S 26 Agricultural labourer do v 16.00 20 Feb 2010 11.4 Census Returns 1841-1911 - Continued 1901 (index) Berrydown James Summerfield Head M 54 Ordinary Agricultural Labourer Shirwell (4 rooms) Grace Do Wife M 47 Berrynarbor 2147/45/17 Ernest J. Do Son 12 Do Lily Do Daur 9 Do John Coats B-in-law S 37 General Agricult Labourer Do BIDEFORD 1891 47 Mill Street Edmund Ellis Sabina Summerwill Visitor S 15 General Servt Domestic Swimbridge 1901 (index) 7 Lime Grove Charles West Gardener 2160/169/14 Bartholomew Somerville Boarder S 20 Church School Teacher Northmolton BIRMINGHAM, St Paul 1891 153 Warstone Sarah Munton Head Coffee House Keeper Lane John Summerville Lodger Widr 48 Carpenter Devon, Barnstaple BISHOPS HULL, Somerset 1881 (online indexed) Old Inn William Somerfield Head M 33 Publican & Farrier Somerset Bishops Lydeard Sarah J. do Wife M 30 do Winford Edith C. do Daur 1 do Bps Hull Hilda M. do do 3 Wks do do Thomas Harris Serv S 49 General Labourer do Norton Fitzwarren Charlotte A. Cording do Wid 35 Nurse (Domestic) do Church St Michael BISHOP’S LYDEARD, Somerset 1841 (online index) John Somerfield 60 Smith Y Ann Do 55
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