Church of the Precious Blood 72 Riverdale Avenue Monmouth Beach, New Jersey 07750 Parish Office Tel: 732- 222-4756 Parish Office Fax: 732-759-8212 Religious Education Office: 732-963-9982 Parish Ministry Office 732-222-4756 E-Mail: [email protected] Website: www.churchofthepreciousblood.org Rev. Robert F. Kaeding, Pastor BAPTISMS Baptism is celebrated at a Saturday Evening or Sunday Mass. Parents must attend a Baptismal Preparation Session . It is recommended that you attend the Session while expecting Eileen Lang, Religious Education Director, Joe Moffitt, Director of Music the baby. Please call the Parish Office to schedule your baptism prep class. Ministry, Ann Galvin, Parish Secretary, Joan Walsh, Business Manager, WEDDINGS Diocesan regulations require one year notice. Please contact the Parish Office before John O’Connell, Sexton making reception arrangements. MINISTRY TO THE SICK If a parishioner is confined to the home and wishes to receive The Eu- MASS SCHEDULES charist, please call the Parish Office. Kindly notify the Parish Office of hospitalizations. Saturday: 5:00 PM Vigil Mass Emergency calls at any time - 732-222-4756. Sunday: 7:30, 9:00,10:30 and 12:00 Noon DEVOTIONS Daily Masses: 7:30 AM Saturdays: 9:00 AM Miraculous Medal Novena and Novena to St. Anthony, Wednesday following the 7:30AM Mass Holy Day Masses: Vigil: 7:30 PM & 7:30 AM on Holy Day RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CLASSES: Call Religious Education Office for schedule. (732-963- CONFESSIONS Saturday: 9:30-10:00 AM 9982) SPIRITUAL DIRECTION Marge Gryta 908-489-1168, Jim Moseman 908-675-7124 Masses for the Week What’s Happening This Week Saturday, October 28, 2017 Saturday, October 28 9:00a.m. Ronald & Nicholas Cattelona Stamp Out Despair Req. Their Sister 5:00p.m. Liza Miller Sunday, October 29 Req. Kathleen & Lou Tocci Children’s Liturgy of the Word 9AM Harry Tober Sr. Stamp Out Despair Req. The Tober Family Reformation Sunday 2pm Sunday, October 29, 2017 Monday, October 30 Liturgy Meeting 6:10pm 7:30a.m. For the People of Precious Parish Rainbows Parish Center 9:00a.m. John “Jake” Powell Req. Joan & Donald Hebert Saturday, November 4 10:30a.m. Community Mass Intentions All Souls Mass 9AM 12:00p.m Community Mass Intentions Helping Hearts Thursday, November 2, 2017 Sunday, November 5 7:30a.m. For Deceased Member of Children’s Liturgy of the Word 9AM Precious Blood Parish Helping Hearts Friday, November 3, 2017 7:30a.m. Elenmarie B. Dunn Req. The Family Saturday, November 4, 2017 9:00a.m. All Souls Mass 5:00p.m. Timothy Joseph Quill Req. The Fallons Charlie Galatro Req. Joseph, Elizabeth, Owen Thanks to everyone for their generosity to The & Liam Hanlon Blessing Bag Brigade. Many toiletries, snacks and socks and com- Sunday, November 5, 2017 pleted bags were donated. 7:30a.m. Community Mass Intentions Your kindness will bring some hope to those 9:00a.m. Elizabeth Gassman in need. Req. Lorraine Larkin If you'd like to learn more about the Blessing 10:30a.m. For the People of Precious Bag Brigade or if interested in getting in- Blood Parish volved, please visit the Facebook 12:00p.m Community Mass Intentions page: Blessing Bag Brigade NJ or contact Kevin Garrison at 347 938 0054 or Karen Kelly at 732 233 5037. Thanks again for your donations. From the Pastor On December 1 we will observe World AIDS Day as Its been a while since I’ve brought you up to date on we have for the past Twenty-Five years. Once again the happenings of The Center in Asbury Park. This we’ll observe the day with a candlelight walk to Trinity year, 2017 is the twenty-fifth anniversary of The Cen- Episcopal Church in Asbury Park to remember those ter. The Center was founded to support people living we have lost to this disease, to pray for those living with HIV/AIDS at a time when the disease was devas- with it and to give thanks for the blessings we all have tating. Most of the folks we served in those early years received. Join us! knew that they had little time left. Most were poor. Fr. Bob Most were alienated form family and friends for a number of reasons: fear, stigma, addiction, ignorance. Our goal in the very beginning was simply to provide support and love and some of the basic need like food, a safe place to “hang out”, transportation to doctor’s appointments, etc. At the time folks living with this disease in Monmouth County were able to get rela- tively good medical treatment through Jersey Shore Medical Center’s A-Team. A gentleman named Ben Cenerino who lived here in Monmouth Beach was a lead volunteer at the A-Team and provided so much support to our new mission. We had gathered people form all of the faith commu- nities in Monmouth County to get volunteers, support and some funds to start The Center. We really didn’t All Saints Day have a budget or a financial plan of any sort! What we The 1984 movie Places in the Heart is set in the did have was the knowledge that this was work that Depression. Recently widowed Edna needed to be done. And people came from all sorts of (Sally Field) is trying to support her two young places to join in the effort. children and pay her mortgage by growing cotton Now, Twenty-five years later the whole environment on a small farm. She has two helpers, a black itin- of AIDS has changed. But the need is still present. erant worker (Danny Glover) and a blind boarder Most of the people we serve are quite sick – some- (John Malkovich). Together they weather a sea of times as a result of years of being on so many medica- troubles, including a disastrous tornado, that teach tions. Most are quite poor – the poorest in our midst. them the meaning of friendship and family. Many are fighting addiction. And all of them need The closing scene in the film takes place in a love and support and caring people to be near. church. As the camera slowly pans the congrega- We now have twenty-five beautiful efficiency apart- tion receiving communion, we recognize all the ments for single adults that can be their home for as characters — those living and dead and departed long as they like. We provide three meals a day, a for other places. This is a beautiful image of the beautiful courtyard for relaxing and a community of communion of saints. support surrounding them. In God in the Moment: Making Every Day a Pray- And The Center has become a community of volun- teers from so many places that want to serve the poor er, Kathy Coffey comments on a similar image: and know that in serving they themselves grow and "Geddes MacGregor in The Rhythm of God tells of are nourished. a priest who, when asked, 'How many people We always need volunteers and volunteers do all sorts were at the early celebration of the Eucharist last of things. We have visiting chefs who provide dinner Wednesday morning?' replied, 'There were three for the residents on Saturday and Sunday; we have old ladies, the janitor, several thousand archan- folks who help provide lunch Monday through Friday gels, a large number of seraphim, and several mil- in our beautiful state of the art kitchen; we have folks lion of the triumphant saints of God.' Such a 'cloud who staff the front desk welcoming the clients who of witnesses' answers a deep human urge to be come to The Center each day; we have people who get part of something larger, to not stand alone, to involved and excited about our many fund raisers give our little lives meaning. One drop of water, throughout the year. left alone, evaporates quickly. But one drop of wa- If you’d like to know more call The Center at 732-774 ter in the immense sea endures." -3416 and speak with Patsy or Clark and get a tour and learn how you can be part of the energy that is The Center. Church of the Precious Blood & Lutheran Church of the Reformation Praising God Serving Others Are you smarter than an RE student? FLUTES & DRUMS & VOICES, OH Test your Knowledge of Religious Education. In this section, you will be asked questions MY!!!! that our children are asked in class. The What an amazing Psalm Fest with the Church of answers will be in next week’s bulletin. the Reformation in West Long Branch last Sat- urday with choir members and parishioners from our church, and the Lutheran Reformation. Our Write the correct letter to complete the churches have been collaborating on a series of sentence. events to commemorate the 500th year of the reform initiated by Martin Luther. It has been A. to honor the Lord an enriching experience for all who participated in any/all of these events. This is the spirit of B. to use it in a disrespectful way ecumenism where we concentrate on our simi- C. honor, love, and respect larities and dialogue about our differences in the D. make it holy in God’s name hope that unity in Christ may soon prevail. E. the word sacred There has been significant progress since the 1960’s. We watched Pope Francis and the Pres- ident of the Lutheran World Federation sign a 1. The Word reverence means joint declaration at a prayer serviced in Lund, _______ Sweden in October 2016. th 2. A psalm is a song of praise_______ This Sunday, Oct.
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