CHRISTMAS SEALS MOST PROGRESSIVE TOWNSHIP SUBURBAN NEWSPAPER IN THIS AREA Help to Prefect Your Home from "The Voice of the Raritan Bay District Tuberculosis VOL. V.—No. 40 FORDDS, N. J., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1940 PRICE THREE CENTS Junior Legion Drum Corps Drive 300 Fords Children Entertained N© Blackout Here! TOWN DRAFT ACCIDENT, By Lions* Club At Yuletide Parly or ~~ Nets $100 For Fund For Uniforms Township Alive With Community Singing Under Leadership Of Quadt Is Lights In Yisletide BOARD WINS Fifty Workers Canvas Fords Area On Saturday; Balint DEATH VISIT Feature; Gifts, Candy, he Cream Distributed Decorations Is Largest Single Contributor, Donating $S FORDS—Members of the Fords Lions Club enter- The spirit of Christmas is be- HIGH FORDS—The sale of tags here Saturday by the-Junior BAILEYHOME tained more, than 300 children of. Fords and immediate ing reflected outside township American Leg-ion Drum Corps of the Harry Hansen Post homes this holiday season more No. 163, American Legion, resulted in collections of more Nixon And PIscataway Res- vicinity at the annual Christmas party held Monday night than ever before. Chief Of Medical Division Township Health Officer in School No. 14. R. L. Predmore, president, served as A ride through all the dis- than §100.00. Fifty workers canvassed this area through- idents Volunteer For master of ceremonies. tricts of the township shows hun- Finds Its Record Thus out the day. Critically Hart In Fall . The entire assemblage, which included many parents dreds of lighted homes. Notice- Far Is Perfect Carl N. Hansen, Bartolo DiMatteo and John Dambach Christmas Eve able is the -decided display of were co-chairmen in charge of the of the children, joined in commu- outdoor lighting. tag day. nity sing-ing- under the direction By far the most impressive is The largest single donation of 15 of Adolph Quadt. Mrs. Quadt the Dunham, development on SAYS NO WOODBRIDGE the day was $5 for a tag by Anth- SPENCER TO AGAIN FATHER-IN-LAW DIES accompanied at the piano. Clinton Street, Woodbridge. The ony Balint, local fire commission- FROM RARITAN AREA settlement situated west of Am- REGISTRANT- REJECTED THE FOLLOWING NIGHT Santa Claus, with Dave Meyer boy Avenue to St. James' Ave- j er. Other donors of special gifts BOSS TOWN FUNDS ably doing the honors, distributed nue, is festive with colored dis- were: Rev. Potovich, of the Greek Group T© Enter Camp By gifts, candy and ice cream to all Procession Precedes plays. One of the homes in- Catholic Church; Joseph Dambach, To Resume Chairmanship cludes special neon lighting. Second Quota Scheduled president of the Keasbey Protec- Family Had Just Moved In- the children. Night Mass At Our Lady tion Fire Company No. 1; Mrs. Of Finance Committee; January 14, Chairman The affair followed the regular Individual honors in this area Te Be Sent To: Camp Carl Sundquist, Adolph Quadt, Succeeds Farrell to New Home On 4th meeting of the club which was 01 Peace Church • undoubtedly goes to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wagner, Mrs. Soren Of'Board States held at Thomsen's community Mrs. John Kozusko whose home On January 14th . Peterson and Mrs. Emma Smith. WOODBRIDGE — Committee- Street, Fords in West Avenue, Sewaren, is by hall. Members of the club were FORDS—An impressive Christ- The drum corps which has thir- man Fred Spencer will be named far the most elaborately decorat- , RARITAN TOWNSHIP—Draft guests of Mr. Predmore at a veni- mas procession was held at Our ty-seven members, needs nine uni- chairman of both the administra- FORDS—Christmas was a sad Lady of Peace Church here Christ- ed. Considerable neon lighting Board No. 2, comprising Raritan son dinner during the meeting. WOODBRIDGE—Official re- forms, three bugles and two fifes. tion and finance committees when mas Eve at 11:30 o'clock preced- is used to portray Santa Claus cognition of the fact that local time in the home of Health Offi- Township, Metuchen and Highland Mr. Predmore shot a 200-pound ! All further . practices of the the Township Committee convenes ing the midnight solemn high niding in a s led -drawn by two Draft Board No. 3 was the only cer Harold J. Bailey, deer recently in Potter County, corps has been discontinued until for the inaugural session at noon Park districts, received orders this mass. The church was filled to reindeer. Evergreens surround- board in Middlesex County whose Christmas Eve Mr. Bailey fell Pa. Wednesday, January 8, when a on New Year's Day, it was learned week to provide 15 men fox- in- capacity. ing the house are festooned entire first quota was accepted as from an authoritative source last down the eellar stairs in his newly The dinner was prepared by with strings of colored lights. new program of songs and drills duction in the United States Army The carols for the procession physically perfect, was given this will be launched by the corps di- night. ly built hom^ on'Fourth Street," Mr. and Mrs. William Thomsen. The Rothfuss home in Green week when a letter commending Under the Selective Service train- r included "Ye Faithful, With rector, Howard Johnson, of Rar- Committeemen John Bergen Fords,, and fr'actured his skull. He ing prog-ram on January 14, John j Among those present at the Gladness," "When Blossoms Flow- Street, Woodbridge, is again a the. local unit was received from itan Township. and Charles Alexander, of the scene of magic lights carried out is in a serious condition at the J. McCabe, chairman of the board, | dinner were: Joseph Dambach, ered Mid the Snows" and "O, Dr. A. M. K. Maldeis, Chief of first and second wards respective- in red and blue. Perth Amboy General Hospital. announced. BeB n JensenJ , AllyAll n PetersonPt , DDan Holy Night." the Medical Division. The letter in ly, who were reelected and Sandorff, Rev. William Schmaus, At the foot of William Street, full reads as follows: Included in the quota, the sec- The midnight solemn high mass TOWNSHIP TO BUFranciY s Wukovets, of the third On Christmas* night, Mrs. Bali»_ Quadt, Dr. Oril Nelson, sung was the "Masso of the Shep- on Coley Street, Woodbridge, "It is gratifying to the medical ward, who was elected to office ey's father, James Bagger, 88, of ond group to be provided by the the roof of a home is floodlight- local board, will be three volun- Committeeman Charles J. Alex- herds," by Pietro A. Yon, com- division of Selective Service to for the first term, will be sworn 18 Second Street, Fords, died aft-' i Dunham, Nels Chris- posed in the style as sung by Al- ed to show a 'forest of evergreen call attention of local Board No. STREET WJIPMENT in by Township Clerk B. J. Dunig- teers who have applied at the draft j trees, snow-covered, with Santa er a long illness. Mr. Bagger and- tensen, Leon Ferbel, H. J. Lund, pine Mountaineers, and consisted 3 for Middlesex County to the an. Wukovets succeeds Commit- board headquarters in the muni- riding in a huge sled drawn by his widow, Emma, celebrated their Windsor, J. Lakis, Dave Meyer, Mr. of the following: Kyrie, Gloria, fact that up to and including Nov- teeman Samuel Farrell, who was cipal building here for service reindeer. Bids Are Received In Rari-. since the first contingent of five Thomsen and Mr. Predmore. Credo, Offertory, "Adeste Fidelis," ember 30, 1940, no registrant finance chairman. 50th wedding anniversary on I men was provided in November. Sanctus, Benedictus, Agnus Dei, (Continued on Page 2) from its number of deliveries was tan For New Power Police Commissioner Herbert November 21, 1936. rejected by the induction board. The three volunteers are Lewis "Silent Night, Holy Night," and Grader Rankin of the third ward will re- The Baileys moved into their the recessional, "The First Noel." "Thisjs a matter of which the tain his position as police commit- Nixon, of Nixon; Frances Joseph local board and the physician at- RARITAN TOWNSHIP—The new home a few days ago. On Members participating in the SCHOOL FOUNDING tee chairman and in addition will Young, of Piscatawaytown, and tached thereto must be justly Township Board of Commission- Christmas Eve, Mr. Bailey was choir were: Miss Elizabeth Far- head the committee on lights and Frank Steven Moore, of Bonham- proud. ers, at a regular meeting Mon- ring-ton, director; Miss Elizabeth transportation, a post now held connecting a stove and started to town. day night, received bids on a new Egan, organist; Misses Rose Ba- LEBRATED "It is hoped that this record by Farrell. go down the cellar for tools. In Under the plan announced ear- power grader for use by the muni- Increased Public Interest, log, Mary Borkes, Helen Brsyckcy, will be continued and tTiis office Committeenian . Jiames Schaf- his old home there was a little ly this month to take one-fifth of desires to assist when possible in cipal street department. Anne Brsyckcy, Leona Columbet- Filth Anniversary Of Bon- frick of the second ward will con- platform after the first two steps, the annual quota from each board Returning Prosperity its maintenance." Bids received were as follows: each month, the local district will ti, Elvira Esposito, Lillian Lund, kamtown Institution tinue as chairman of both the pub- and it is believed that Mr. Bailey Second Quota Set Smith Tractor and Equipment, of lic 'parks and playgrounds com- provide about 35 men a month Seen As Factors Rosalie Lutrias, Agnes Schmidt, forgot that the staircase in the Irene Bartok, Anna Urban,. Helen To Be Observed Woodbridge will send a second Hillside, $3,105, less $150 for an mittees and the road committee.
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