Ce,., , CirCUlaTIOn , I oln.teNnnllbtln.r every home aIId 5S1nthell'fcQrosse oratlot TdWMhlp. should I =,6900, Gross~Point~ News Complete News Coverage of All. The Pointes 1 Thursday, October 2,194\ $1.00 Per V(!or-Sc Per COPl esignation f Beyster Accepted SU8SCRIPTION_ONe DOLLAR PER YEAR BY CARRIER TWO DOLLARS BY MAIL 0. J-'" Pog. """,, GROSSE POINTE NEWS Th un:daYIOC.t~r2,,~ SKYTOP, a rocially I'eslrided club in the Pocono Mountain: of Penn· 5}·l....anill. olIers Amerian-Plan 8.1:- cammod",Uons and year 'round participation in sports., tt'. limited number of acceptable non-members. For information, consult your tra"el agent or address Thcrnton Raney, SKYTOP, PENNSYL VANt-'\. Manager, Skytop Club, Skytop, Pa. YOUR WEE~'S WAS~!_ ....JJlJ. A~{ WASHED-RINSED - DAMP·DRIEDI Put your clothes io, Sft a dial and lake the:! oue-ready (or the linel That's all 'her: iJ l:I a BendU: "wasbday," Your hand~ n.ed oC"'U tooth waler. Bending o..er set·;,,"" lifti:S @M..-~JL $.a.&. soggy clothes, soaking your Ilamh 10 ""mr- aU the drudgery is coded! Your R,ndn nit! 125 FAMOUS a.-et the job each week-the dial IJkes yOI'! pu.ceat thcmllchicll:! PROVED .BY 36,000,000 ~ WORKLESS WASHINGS! ENGLISH TOPCOATS 36 million workless washings in lhc hO:ll~ of over 175,000 BcndU: owners pro:""cDeodi! Through the cooperation of the manufacturer's American agents superiority. Why not bc.!=in ,,'u- to ~ ".<! hove been able to secure a quantity of these famous coots at joy the freedom-we slowin~ huJth'- J a substantial reduction. This group constitutes 0 port of the agents the economy your Bendi~ ndjj:bbol surplus stock accumulated as a result of orders cancelled due to alnady share? 10 Ie delivery from Britain. The coots ore identical in every-respect to those of thi:; some make which we have sold in preVious season5 (jail '/,(d, crt $45 ond $55 ••• we offer them now, for a limited time only ot FOR A FREE TilIAL! RIGI IEAlUfGI:~~~~~:-~~~~~~!!!"'""'!~~~~!"'!~:-::-:~1 HOEL'" "OS I; S • Herri5 Tweeas • Douglas Fleeces • Scotch Tweed.! ~f~~~J.:~~~qW E L L'9~30~!I E K' V.an- tBbDJUt. 41 E.ADAMS CII7-Si ..,._=_1 il RADIOS-REFRIGERATOR5-RANGES-IRONERS I~~~~~~~~I COMPLETE HOME SERVICE I: 16415 E. WARREN near Alger ~heatre """1 _1 - ~_-~lL:--'~'~ir , . , ...... ..;.... __ .....;. 1 ..d 'ur!'doY,Octotier2,1941 G ROSSE PO I NT_E_N:.:E:.:W_S=- ,. =-_----, -;- .::.:::~.:::'=__Poge Three .~.. VieT..ORlAN WEEK IN OUR .~~ BIG HARVEST -------h· SA L E ·'est.:: ~lakcyourhomctp.e-mo~tenjoy. r. \.\,~ nblc placlJ of all. Good furniture O " helps so much t'l create lll1 atmo~ sphere of cOllifort, hospitality ...~•• r!l~~."_:",-"" ' and genuine living, We offer 111 our Harvest Sale thousands o! beautiful articles of furniture from the finest mnkers in the land, Select an easy chaIr, a ehecrfullamp, a comfortable sofa to brighten your room or furnish your home complete, Governor Vnn Wagoner has pro- claimed October 5 to 11 as Mkhi, gan Conservalion Week. 'Ibis isl theslalc's first concentrated clIort to druw the nation's attention 10 Michigan's wild life attractions. During the we-ek the Michigan LE.6900 United Conservntion Clubs, of which the Grosse Pointe IlIgh Conservation Club is II member, will issue and sell commemorative Fresh Turkeys, Ducks, Guinea Hens, Squab slnmps in shects of 24 for 25 cents, The funds wHl be uSed to advance 'and stimulate Interest in cotlSl!r\'a_ Jones Dairy Farm Sausage, Hams and Bacon tion throughout the state. This year's wildlife slamps are ON HANDAT ALLTIMES in four colors, picturing a spotted ~;i ~tr:::::a~f l~d~ s~:~~:~: ~ I male and female pheasant, a lake -~:~e~~t'ili: ~~~~ran:C~i~i~I~~ I famous Tahquamcnon Fall!!. I In oddition to theslamps,whlch are to be used on mail, local con- servation minded groups and dubs arc urged to tell others about the abundance of wildlife and beauty ofsceI\ery in Michigan, 'Ibe Grosse Pointe High Can, servatlon Club will invest its share .of the profit to make Michigan moreattracti ...t!~ortht: ."uris!, reo creationist, and spor'.sman. Fresh Thj. quoin' ecmforlcble Jchn Alden choir, .olid mc!logcny, e~· ~E:::~::~cmcc~~~~;,c~i $45 Palmolive BEADS 3 Bo'" 1Dc 3 Pound Can c CORN' Nib'" CRISCO 61 .~ , ReA _ VICTOR _ nLUEnmo DECCA _ OKEII COLOMBL\ 1 'c:: SlnglelicrAlbums SCRAPPLE 2 ,lIc,,,45c M'U'SHRO'OMS 39c in 11,000to Selut From: !o;1l0ur pi,,98c PU'M'PKI'N 12c' RECORD CLUB.'''! =~"=":':=-------I [~1t 50 s195 Beechnut ! -,. ,,_.l fcdJ!'rd~~~7t $29 One Record Q,,,' = CATSUP . ~::~,:15c I Beouloful mahogany : ~:f;to8a~~~;e'sofeurf~~ i only, $1800 ~~d FREE , •. after you hu"" pur. cltued24.reccrds, •• /Uld II. beautiful :~!1Uler reconl ~~ ~ album FREE whm ~'Oll buy llO records h~rc~ Idaho California POTATOES 10lb. 29c ORANGES -BOYER'S In Cloth Bng I ABER FURNITURE COMPANY HAUNTED SHACK Extra Lorge Large Florida . EDWARD F. antI 1. HAROLD TABER~AMERICANS SINCE 1633 163Bl EalltWRurn IIt'Alldubon Open Thur~ .. FrJ" 31\t, ARTICHOKES CALAVOS 59 WEST JEFFERSON AVE. 510RE OPEN 9 A.M. 10 9P.M. CADILLAC 1616 Evenlni:"sTlllll:1I0 P.M. j " l_~ ( ........_ .....__.... ...__5 iicKnESS FAILS TO Dow'il"'WAR RELIEF BALL WORKER' Reservations Swell Short And To The Pointe AN Insurance policy is like For Charity Event a suit of clothes; it can be "tailored" to fit your needs. For Personalized Sen'lce-call ~.R!~~~~.•R~~~~ II I NSURANC-e =II 1212 Griswold St. RA,#ll PRE-SEASON RAllS Nowin effect! ~~ ;~ \'<'. f • -_..f~R:THE 4~ EAST SiDE f!Jpen Vu PuIJ.Jc!J~ ;!fflore and more formerly FRIDAY· SATURDAY. SUNDAY custom-tailored men are wearing OCTO BE R 3· 4 • 5 ~ilihe""reeman suits ... HARPER #U?AVI. LAKEPOINTE OPEN FROM 10 A.M. UNTIL 10 P.M. 0U~ lour family aed friends are ••. Most of thrnl bought the: first one (usually FEATURES , cordially invited to inspectlhe oe"" their first ready·to-wear suit) becaWlc they were Sealing capacity for B.G. & G.R. Harris FUDCral1f(lme, curious ... hut they bought the second beau l<.: 't4 over 3.~ p.ersons just 'completed. Embodying t~w latest they were lon.,.incta ••• that in a HICUY. Several individual ideas in foneral home dcsigll. dee· FREEMAN suit they areas comfortably and as parlors 'oration and fomishing8,e\'cr~' (,un\-c~'4 flattcringly filled as they ever wen: in their lives. , 'Year-around air ~icnee has been provided for the .pubhc, comfort T''7 "j,y , ".I,g. to;.. $65, $75, ~85 You and lour family will enJoy the THE aplrit of MelAneLol,. t.ll~ itl Qi~Lt at BeoUlif~1~i~e organ special musical programs fcuturing 1 or about. third of the price3 they formerly -j , tbe aouad of a note. Tic yOW' fllmit)" tottlL.er paid. But most of them are less impressed by Ample parking spacel the large pipe organ and other with mule and eJ:penenee tL.e aupreme pleaa- the uving than they are by the clothe, them. interesting numbers:. ure, For o..er 62 yUA Grinnell', have fumilLed 5elVes. We think you'd feel the urne way. tbe MUlical Itlatrumenta Ib.t L.ve LrouQbt untold Jar into Ibou •• ad. of Miebis.n Lome .. I Woodwud at Grmd CUaa PMI.: G.inneIIINs. CENTRAL WESi CHAFa. Atloi"CMelJ,. 4251 CASS AVE. 17048 KERCHEVAL AVE. COlumbia 1144 Phone: TU. 2·5570 Open Evenings '-------------' .\.''-ii;-~':~ ,- .1 3.BUTTON DRAPE LOUNGE Correcfly Styled in Every Detail from $2250 CQmptolf ~Inlion of I.n SLEEVELESS SWEATERS ALL WOOL • CABLE STITCHED Yellow. Natural. Green. Blue $250 NEW FALL SLACKS IN FLANNELS & COVERTS 1750 P.·Olte.·S 1-1016 KERCHEVAL lJak:ejunior to Hormmgt 8 this MICHIGAN'S ONLY EXCLUSIVE STATE week to get Ms LICENSED MODELS TRAINING SCHOOL ne'l'l' ll'all shoe": WANT GIRLS TO TRAIN FOR Junior deserves FASHION & PHOTOGRAPHIC M·O·D·E:'L·I·N·G MlIlus..lIltypts.Fotprof.uloIIOIr:lociollnllnfolllloll.llow.,d.porf- _I Itortl, fulill •• fur .1l0ppll, whlesoll hOlllll. POI. for eonlnllrc!ol lOOASPIRIN "'Iotrtphrn, hllMolI mOlo.lnll, nlliiolllll llclYlrfi'ln, mQtiOIlpl«1I11 TABLETS "'_c ... , .tc. Big d.mlll'ld. GcIll4 por. Enroll flOW for Ihi lit" cloy or lftIIol dou'l. EctlYtffllll. fit. ploClmllllllnlce. cJ"" GROSS~OINTE ~LPUUCH6IUOYBt.DC. CUNECO 8 CALL OR WRITE FOR CATALOG 5 GRAIN C Detroit School of Modeling 506 FOX THEATRE BLDG. CADILLAC 8266 BON AMI POWDER IS. Smart Sweaters... Sire 9c SALTS All Wool EPSOM 5 LBS. 14c Sweaters BARBASOL SH~X~~~~M 26e IN THE NEW FALL STYLES AND COLORS 7ge FROM LIVER OIL 50 $229 HALIBUT CAPS. {THE.MOLIN 4ge COMPLETE SELECTION OF SMART FALL KIDNEY PILLS DRESSES • BLOUSES DOAN'S 7Sc SIZE 41e ABSORBINE $:'~'~'~E 6ge KREML HAIR TONiC 0 To Make Your Rooms Brighter '1.0Sj~~ 54 c and Mare Cheerful This Fall- For a llmll~d· tIme only' Wonderlullu b r I c a I I n ~ cre;lm !!ordn ,km,,~ MINERAL PRESCRIPTIONS • OIL 1"uu Gel What L1' Your Illltiur l!"\! --k-.L A~ksFor ~Pl- 490 697 SUNNINGDALE DRIVE WI"" y,o bem, (,\,"(:It: $16,800 your pn'<,cnpl101\ ILl' :::: Very attractive "Early American" residence on nicely CunnJlll:ham~ yoU FREEZONE landscaped 100 foot lot. Contains liVing room with C<lll>,clyourlllllld access to terrace, lavatory, dining room, breakfast 10 re,;l. Y"ur pre. nook, kitchen and mOld's room and both on first scriptwn is I\l!ed JUSt imagine how milch ~lInniet and more floor; :I main bedrooms ond bOI!'! on second. There is cX;;Icllr"~ YOllr doc· bUlln{ul )'OU(rooms would look if lOllr rug! were Sur- olso a 2-car attached garage lor "pecifie> Ckaned! Star remo\"es that caanng of dirt thac dull, the <Dxford <Clothes This residence is only about 3 years old and is in beallty of lour rugS--deilllS Iht!Ill Ihoroughly {rom front Y\l\utq:ustolll.lQuC11It~ excellent candltlon.
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