COMBIXED ST% YEMENT RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS (APPARENT AND ACTUAL) THE UNITED STATES FISCAL YEAH, ENDED JUNE '30, 1894. COMBINED STATEMENT OF THE RECEIPTS A. ND DISBURSEMENTS (APPARENT AND ACTUAL) OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 80, 18N. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, DIVISION OF WARRANTS) ESTIMATES) AND APPROPRIATIONS. SIR: I have the honor to submit herewith a statement of th& revenues derived by the Government from customs, internal revenue', and sales of public lands) i» each District and State, and from the various Iniscel- laneous sources, during the fiscal year ended June 80, 1894, amounting, in the aggregate, to 8297, 722, 019.25; also, a statement of' the disbursements for the same period, by appropriations, exclusive of the principal of the public debt, showing the amounts expended by each Department for "salaries, " "ordinary expenses, " "public works, " "miscellaneous, " and "unusual and extraordinary, " aggregating ~",)67, ,~&2;), 279. 83. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, W. V. MAOLENNAN, Chief of .Division. Ho». JoHN G. CARLIsLE) ")«retary of the Treasury. (3) States and districts. Total 1 &y d ist ricts Total by St, )tes. Gross receipts. Ded o c& iona. X& t re) e it) ts. F)rom 0((&s(oms- Maine: Aroostook 521, 18,&. ?9 Bangor 101, U&j?, 7, Bath. 21, )"&l), 4 7 Belfast. .. .. 1),3+!). 92 Castine 103. 8& I'renchman Bay. 24(). 4'& Machias . 343. -'10 P assam aquoddy. 11H, 59;&. (in Portlan&l 143, 0;),&. 59 Waldoboro. Wiscasset. 109. ;),'3 8409, 4,&8. H0 New Hampshire: Portsmouth. 113, 491. 21 Vermont. 653, 761. 58 Massachusetts: Barnstable . 60. 39 ! Boston. H, 909, 676. 21 Edgar town. 151 &p& Fall River 179) 956. 43 Gloucester 199. 1'& Marbl ehead . 288. 60 New Bedford. 95, 569. 8:3 Newburyport (&21. 46 I I'lymouth 24, 07;3. 13 l Salem 1, 620. 67 Springfield. 36, o32. 75 9, 255, 650. 54 Rhode Island: Bristol H. (2 Newport. 1, 032. 55 Providence 226, ;3, ), &. 6'7 227, 396. 94 Connecticut: Fn, irfield. 55, 271. 93 Hartford . 8"7, 990. 84 New Haven. 8'7, 886. 48 New London 1, 14H. 45, Stonington. 751. 04 2!33) 048. (4 New York: Albany. 142, 45)5. 18 Buffialo. 491, 001. 0)4 Cape Vincent . 20, 23(3. 90 ' Champlain . 337, 004. 0,& Dual-irk 287. 2'7 Geuesee . 185, 937. 39, New York. H(, 424, 445. 71 Niagara . 214, , )(6. 62 Os&v~egatchie . 122, 394. 82, Oswego. 1'73. 590 02 I Sag Harbor. 175. 00 89, 11H, 1(ifi). 20& New Jersey: Bridgeton. 219. 08 Newark 34, 045. 7H Perth A. mboy. 547. 62 34, 813. 08 Pennsylvania: Zrie. 7, 145. R? Philadelphia. 7, 7(i7, 084. 48 Pittsburg. 230, 23'7. (7 8, 010, 4(!R. 0 Delaware. 12, 458. 67, Maryland: Baltimore. 2, 990, 750. 30 Columbia. District of 36, 802. 40, (5) RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTSt 1894. Eeceipfs —Continued. States and districts. Total by districts. Total by States. Gross receipts. Deductions, Net receipts, From Customs —Continued. Virginia: Alexandria 8448. &4 Norfolk 6, 046. 20 Richmond. 12 (91 'l Newport Nerve. 107, 120. 51 8 1 2&(i, :t07, 24 West Virginia: Wheeling. ;.', 241. 15 iNorth Carolina: Albemarle .. 16. 59 Beaufort . 4. 62 Pamlico. 37. 62 Wilmington o, 339. 69 , &, 398. 52 South Carolina: Beaufort. '2, 692. 05 Cltnrleston. 19, 821. 16 Georgetown . 40 56 22, 553. 77 Georgia: Atlanta. 413. 43 Brunswick. 6, 597 24 St. Marys. 70. 47 Savannah. 50 985. 13 bl, 066. 27 Florida: Apalachicola. 1, 698. 30 Fernaudina. 2: 589. 87 Key West. 529, 107. 91 i Pensacola. 18, 038. 06 St. Augustine. 4, 595 58 St. Johns . 32, 309. 33 Tampa. .. 399, 406. 05 987, 745. 10 Alabama: Mobile. 1&. 231. 28, Mississippi: Pearl River. 4, 518. 38 Vicksburg . 9& 4 519 30 Louisiana: New Orleans. 1& 271& 203. 20 Teche 75 1, 271, 203. 95 Texas: Brazos. l, 981. 14 Corpus Christi 13& 305. 70 Galveston. 85, o36. 2 & Paso del Norte 497, 094. 88 Saluria. 6 711. Bb 655&, 159. 8;& Tennessee: Mern phis . 38, 718. 02 Nashville. 21, 535. S7 60, '&:»:. 89 Kentucky: Louisville 225 092 51 Ohio: Cinciunati. 715, 230. 01 Cuyahoga. 3 r 4. 254. Hl Colo Iubus -l(i, 3(1. 81 5 I 1&1n11. 58& 336. &4 Sandusl-y. 11, 306. 86 1 205 500 23 Michigan: Detroit. 8:l, &, 740. 38 Grand Rapids. 30, 259. 49 Huron. 129, 233. 47 Michigan. 2, 414. 66 Superior. 10, 081. 95 1, 00, 3. 95, Indiana: Evansville. 10& HB4. 53', Indianapolis . 211, 896. 08 i 222) 780. 61 Illinois: Chicago. 6, 137, 864. 62 Peoria, . 13, 6SD &5 6& 151& 552. 37 RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEIIENTS) 1894. Recei pfs —Corr tinued. States and districts. Total by d)str)cts. Total by States. Gross receipts. Deduct)ons. Net receipts. Fr(rm C((atoms —Continued. Missouri: Kansas City. 81HH, (51. 7 & St. Joseph St. Louis. 831 747 03 81, 065, '&()4. 54 Iowa: Burlington. 2, 3(i5. 40 Council Blufi's. 3, 265. 50 Des Moines. .. .. 7, ()9(L 43 Dubuque. 9, 373. 32 Sioux City. 1, lb?. 32 24, 18'?. 9'7 Colorado: Denver. 41, 788. 36 ' Oregon: Oregon. 81, 509. BH Will amette 246, 2(0. 54 327. 7'&)'J. 42 Washington . '?ll, 708. &i Montana and Idaho. 2(, 672. (1 Arizona. 35, (63. 92 ' )Vlinnesota: Duluth. 14, 08;&. 76 Minneapolis. 11:), 194. 34 St. Paul. 1, &", 915. 28 2&79, 196. 38 North and South Dakota. 9. 1 (0. 18 Nebraska: Omaha. 116, '&56. 98 Lincoln. 3, 688. 64 119, 945. 62 Wisconsin: Milwaukee . 332, (, », 2& California: Humboldt. 53. 22 Los Angeles. 115, 800. 35 San Die~go. 91, ;&06. 56 San Francisco. 5) 926) OH4. 90 6, 133, 44(). 03 Alaska: Sitka. 16, 32&2). 00 8131. Bl 8, 530. 62 Less aruount refunded for excess of deposits for unascert;lined duties, charged as an expenditure under the head of "Repayment to im- porters, excess of deposits for unascertained duties". .. .. 82, 603, 5?R. 96 Amount refunded for duties collected from importers ou articles sub- sequently exported, charged as an expenditure under the head of " Debentures or drawbacks " 4, 333, :),)O. 0'& Amount returned to pay debentures and other charges arising from duties, charged as an expenditure under the head of 'Debentures and other charges" Amount refunded to clairuants from sale of unclaimed merchanrlise, charged as an expenditure under the head of "Unclaimed merchan- dise". (, 18]. 4:i Amount of tonnage-tax incIuded in customs receipts applied to the support of Marine-Hospital Service, 85&13, 143.23, and to "Salarie~, office of Supervising Surgeon-General Marine-Hospital Rer) ice, " 824, 654. 96. 537 iOR. 1'I 8(. 4 '1. i iO. 1(l 8124. 336, ((iO. )'& Front Ques, penalties, and forfeitures (customs service). 147, 309. Less amount charged in the expenditures under the head of "Col- lecting revenue from customs" 146, 194 Rl Less repaymeut of moueys accruing from fines, penalties, and forfeit- ures, or other sources, erroneously received and covered into the Treasury before the p)ryment of the proper iuformers' moieties, or other legal charges against the same, charged as an expenditure under the head of "Refunding moneys erroneously received and Treasury" covered into the 1) 115. 01 14(, 309 8;& RECEIPTS AND DISI3URSZMENTS, 1894. EeCet'PfS —CODtinlled. Gross receipts. Deductions, Net receipts. From Customs —Coutiuued. From labor, drayu«e, and storage (customs service). .. 8('2, 495. 58 From services of United States officers (customs service). ;?ri7, (00. 74 Froln weighiug fees (custon&s service). 925. 02 From customs officers' fees (customs service). 85, 130. 13 From emolument fees (customs service). 59, 988. 44 From ruileage of examiners (customs service). 2, 479. 1, ) ro4 731 60 Less amount expended ou these accounts, charged under the head of "Collecting revenue from customs" 8534, 731. 60 States and districts. Total by districts. Total by States. From Internal Ilevenue- New Hampshire. $498, 791. (4 ' Massachusetts . 2, 453, 203. 36 Connecticut. 1) 050, BGH. 98 New York: First district. .. .. $5, (64, 608. 54 l district '729, '76 Second 1, 029. i Third district . 6, 06(i, 488. 53, Fourteenth district. 1, (H7, 400. 34 Twenty-first district 1, 027, 283. 14 Twenty-eighth district. 2, ,i40) 870. 18 18) 915&, 4&l0. 49 New, i ersey: First district. .. 209, 100. 90 Fifth district. 4, 023, 581. 70 4, 232, 68'2. 66 Pennsylvania: First district. .. 4, 017, 003. 48 Ninth district. 1. 962, 176. 63 Twelfth district 702, 2H9. 88 Twenty-third district. .. 5, 51 (, 270. 82 l 12, 198, 800. 81, Maryland 3, 83'7, 898. 79 Virginia: Second district. l. 566, 709. 97', Fourth district. .. 100. 00', Sixth district . 983, 641. 78 2, 550, 4;&1. (5 West Virginia . H66, 603. (3 North Carolina: Fourth district. .. 9:30, 011. 55 Fifth district. 1, 430, :3H1. 45 2, 306, 393. 00 ' South Carolina 7('?&o 5,')2. 9H Georgia. 414) 614. 98 Florida. 412, 020. 73 Alabama 111, 498. 14 Louisiana: Third district). 828, (29. 05 Kentucky: He(oml district 4, 370, 55k 84 Filth district. .. 10, (5&H, F00. 2(i Six lb rli et ri «t. 2, 897 009. 38 Seventh dis, &ict 2) 93:3, H00. (.& Ei«hth district G18. 19 24, 25'7, 000. 36 Texas: Third district. 2'3ii, 252. 00 Fourth district. 129, 243. 84 365) 49G. 44 'I'enucssee: Second district. 140, 035. 28 Fifth district. 80,'3, 284. HB 1, 009, 320. 10, RECEIPTS AND DIHI3L'kHE)d ENTS. 1 '!l l, Refldipfd —Couti t»(r. &1. B&tates and districts. Total by districts. Total by st;rtcs. Gross receipts.
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