, I .., . 9.15 a.m.-NoLuliaby for, lise. ,.{."Awtd&~' . 10.30 a.m.-Adopted Son. , PRESENTS 7.00 p.m.- The Woman In THE 'DAILY NEWS LUCIA 01 LAMMERMOOR His life. AnUable at Charles Hutton & Sons , ' 'vol. 63. No.6,: ST. JOHN'S,' NEWFOUNDLAND,. MONDAY, JANUARY 9, 1956 (Price 5 ~enls) IIN NEW BRUNSWICK I reakish 'Weather Cause. , Of " . ." iii .' eavy, Damage In Maritimes ISeven Children' Floods Drive Hundreds' From Homes Killed In Fires \ HALIFAX (CP)-Floods weather. hydro plant workers marooned by A Halifax fish 'trawler r.n on:')1 Six Die In One Bed When Chl'ist!nas Illillclrccls of Nova A Bermuda storm centre stali~d lI()()dwatcrs for 15 hours In an rocks and sank at the mouth u[ I In Ihe Atlantic 500 miles ~oUlh o[ abandoned house at Liscomb Falls Halifax harbor In the fog Frlda~·. Tl'ee Burns from their hcmes Halifax caused all. the trouble, Inc N. S., 15 miles west of Sherbrookt,. Twenty crew members reach~:J and Sunday. weather office said. It was sll.1 Sixty families were Isolated for land through the surf afler tnc STE. ANNE DE MADA'NASKA, The Pclletiers lived on the tor more were 'maroon· there Sunday, kicking up a 45·mlle a time at Upper Onslow, nea,r mate swam ashore with a lifeline. N. B. (CP)-T\\'o weekend lires in floor o[ a large, lwo·storey \roodel. gale oVer the ocean south of No\·.l Truro, where the North and SJI· Thousands of weekend moloris'~ northwestern New B4IJnswick vII· bull ding, The ground floor con, Cl:i h('r\\'~' rnin and melt­ Scotia. mon rivers burst their banl:s. R,-· were stranded. NOVa Scotia's main lages near Edmundston took th~ tained the store of Alphle Sirob. ,110\\' from a January .ing water drove out six families In hishways were cut by floods aral lives of seven children. FLEE RISL'IG WATER the town itself. washouls in every direction. Icc Six were burned to death after ;(';): a dozen'river: At Sherbrooke, N. S., 125 miles VILLAGE SURROUNDED conted many roads in Prince Ed· a Christmas tree broke into f1am~s o\'er theil' banks· enst of lIalifax, t()() persor,s fl~d The 2()() resldenls 01 Eldcrbank, Ward Island. Snow and slush clog· in this community 20 mile. south· Canadians, USSR,. their homes along the flooding 8:. 40 mlies northeast of Halifax, were ged them in New Brunswick. east o[ Edmundston. Ail wele chil· Th~u;:t~ds in No I' a Scotin, I Mary's' river. One-thlrd of the surrc{)nded by water when the ris· Rail travellers waited long houts dren of 1I1r. and !llrs. Regina;1 Czechs Seeded Ed'nr;1 Island and souta· town, IncludIng t he main street, Ing Musquodobolt river fJood~d In trains and depots. Trains were I Pelletier: In . ;\l'OI' nr\ln~lVlck \'Iefe witli· Was under waler. roads leading out of the viUage. slalled by \\'a~houts, flooded trael:. The other fire, at Green River. :IC .. t, ::: III or tele!Jhone aftdr In 'northeastern NOVa SeoUa the At.1east two families had to leave nnd 'telegraph failure. CNH main I 1() miles from Ste. Anne de lila.]· Olympic Hockey : rmir;l d'\\'n pJwer and com· turbUlent Antigolsh river ov'l~· their homes· for higher ground. Une trains moved al snail's pa:~ awaska, caused the death of thre~· "nrol',""'" linr;, !lowed four blocks In the ekst end Fog "thick as tar," as OI.e cap· between Moncton and Truro on or· year:old Gis71e S~U~y. ' ~!lL.O\N. Italy (Reulers) _ Th,' . :\:',1 nr.lII.l':i,k~rs floundered In of Antigonish town. driving out 1(' taln put It, smothered the Non ders passed by amaleur radio Ol" : ,The Pelletier victims were R~'I International Icc Hockev, A!soci~ 10 l~ j'l::lCi of snow and slush persons. Scotia co a st. A boiling· sllrf era tors. Regular railway comm~· gma. 8 months; Gerald and Gcr· , • h- lile sallie freaklsn A navy helicopter rescued two pounded headlands and bedches. nlcalions were cut by sleet. (!'iEA Newsmap) aldine, two.year.old ;s ~·wnJcit lion anno.unced Sund.ay that th': FORMER PREmER VOTES-Pierre Mendes·France, former Premier que line, 3; Rheal,4 , and Lucien. 5 10 cou.ntne~ entered In. the ";Drl" " nl-es 'R' ep' ort R ot France, casts his banot at LOllviers" Francc, as the .nation voted in Theirone bed,bodies were found huddled champIonshippezza will be atdivided Cortma into ctthrc' Am utler De omance ill one of its most crucial elec!ions since World Wa~ II. PARENTS AWAY groups for the elimination round 11' The father was at a barber sh~il ' e'n On Wa'y Out Aga,-n For AntI· -West R·t·o·ts the~~~e~:s~~~~~~a~il~~p~~~;y~t\\~:~ fire started about 9,30 p. m, re~:e~~~~ddl~i~n~~na~er.Waterloo Dutchmen. b;h~~~~~;Russia ant flat Ed Saturday. '. Czecholslol'akia are seeded 1. 2 . A 12.year.old baby sitter s~ld hr! and 3 and are placed in separate 1.U:\1J(l~ ll'P )-Specul,ttlon .Ir, "I;e &lnday Times, Conservatll'c April, ,and that the ~peeifjc critic· . Prl-nCeSS .' I n' saw sparks fly from the Christmas pJitic:.1 ! .Jturc (If Sir I'.nthonl' says the rumor was "put about ill Ism seems relatively minor. FI are . n . J ord a tree. She ran from Ibe ~ouse, and groups. Ira' ,:iar!lcned Sunday by R Lundon" Saturday Ihat Eden wOIII<l The rlghl:wlng Sunday Express, I when the alarm spread It was too The two top team! in ead, th~t he plans to retire lai retire In a feW months to be sue. for Instance, . publishes I four.col. LONDON (AP) -Nob~dy ha3 I late 10 save the children. group will enter the fin~l rounr!. 1I11ni;t,., The suggestion ceeded by Butler. Other newspa)J- umn feature art I c1 e headed dared whisper romance, but Prin· AlvI1!AN, Jordan (AP)-One person was kiHed ?nd' • The draw for th~ pools: . and cmphatleatl)' ers Indlcale the London report may "Hands oU Eden" In which it lam· cdea·srsk c~o[maprgaanrlocnt'stheesoendstaaynst I'." aLofterfd' three inJ'ured in a renewal of disturbances Sunday agamst FtVe Yea)' 0 III Pool A: Canada, italy, Au~tri", have arisen from a dls!latclI I~ th() bastes the premier's critics and de· k 0 Germany. n, ,~, BIIlI~r. Edcn's right·hand German ne\\'~paper Die Weit. fends his record. In the past The Plun et-a handsome young bach· the Baghdad pact. , . .' G. ·l D' Aft· ~nd IN!der or the House 01 Die Wclt said there are "h Express papers Idolized Churchl:! clor. Reports [rom Jerusalem said in· demonstra\lons mto riots, and 711 leS. eJ Pool B: Czechoslovakia, United ,"' \lh" was mentluned ill creaslngly slrong rumors that the but IVere not particularly warm to· He's a 32.;'ear.ol~ guar?Sma!1 tcrmittent ri[le fire was bcard in ma,ny o[ those arre~ted were de· C .' . l 4 It I States, Poland. ~~P,),t; u; his likdy success~r, prime mlnisler's resignation Is to wards Eden. who possesses an amtocratlc title the Jordan side o[ Ihe Holy City SCl'lbed as CommuDlsts. .~ 1lllUna - SS(lll, PIC' Russia Sweden Switz. hi; loyalty to Ihe prlml! be reckoned with In the coming The Observers, Independenl, de. Ihat goes back 129 years He's during demonslrations both morn, The demonslrati~ns started wh.nn LONDON, Onl. (CP)-An all o~. , , ;lnd declared there is summer." votes Its chief editorial tr whht been ~targaret's steady escort slncc in and afternoon But the firinlll the caretaker cabmet of Preml~r lopsy report on the body of a erlaD . I ~ iI) the rumors. DEFESDS RECORD some call the "drama of Downing the, showdown last Oclober in tnc a;p;rently was . mostly to warn Ibrehin; Has?em re5igned, Satur.· five.rcar-old girl found carly Sat. The schedule for the el1mlnat on Cut!er, ,p~akln~ at Londun Ail'· A . spokesman at.10 Downln~ street." A new prime 'Vlnlster romance of the princess and Group crowds to disper'e and calm 1\"15 day. HIS regime had promised lu urday has confirmed she 11'15 matches: b~ftlir bving for a holiday slreet commented; "The rtport Is should be giVen a chance to prol'~ Capt. Peter Town~end. reported Sunday-night. A curleW hold ,e leclions in fOUr month:. "cri.mina\1y assaulted," At' C t:1C '\"I:lh of France, said: false and without nny foundation himself, It says, and criticism "It may be an association born there lifted briefly, was restored. These 111 e!fe~t wou!d, ~ave cons!!:' Signed. by Dr. F. W. L.uney. the Jan. Z6: Italy \'S. us ria, an' '·)1), determination is to Sllppolt whatever." Eden spent the week· 'should berespon5lble. of her rebound from the Townsend ' uted a plebiSCite on JOIning the ant:· pathologIst's report. said Susan ada \'5. Germany: minister in nil his dl[. end at Chequers, country home 01 affair," .sald one Londoner who Steel.helmeted troops pdtro!1eu Communist Baghdad defence pact CadieuK died. ~f e~posure but Jan. 27: Czechoslovakia V!. Un _liCunc', , , , I ha\'e 31\1'0)'5 SU,). British prime ministers. HARD AT WORK . knows the princess :usd Plunkel, the streets in Amman and spott~r o[ Britain. Iran, Iraq, ~Ilrkey. a~t1 there was dc[mlle eVidence of as- ited States, Canada V5.
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