Index A Bicipital tendinitis , 21 Acute synovitis , 3 Bipartite patella , 103–104 Alar pad , 102–103 Ankle arthrodesis , 147 C fusion , 147 Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) peroneal tendons disturbances clinical presentation , 36 dislocation of , 148 diagnostic procedures , 37 leprosy foot drop , 148 entrapment neuropathy , 35 peroneal palsy, hematoma , 147 etiology , 35–36, 39 tenosynovitis , 148 frequency , 36 treatment , 149 imaging studies , 37 plantaris tendon rupture , 146 invasive/nonoperative sprains of , 143–144 technique , 40 tendocalcaneus rupture , 144–146 medical therapy , 38 traumatic arthritis , 144 pathophysiology , 36 Arm provocative tests , 37 bicipital tendinitis , 21 surgical therapy , 38–39 shoulder region, muscular strains Cavus foot biceps , 20 clinical features , 137–138 deltoid , 19 deformity development , 136–137 lateral rotators , 20 etiology , 136 medial rotators , 20 treatment , 138–139 supraspinatus , 19 Congenital radio-ulnar synostosis , Avascular necrosis (AVN) 31–33 causes , 77–78 Congenital talipes equinovarus clinical features , 78, 79 clinical features , 140–141 Ficat and Arlet classi fi cation , 78, 79 diagnosis , 141 investigations , 78–80 etiology , 139 staging , 78 pathological anatomy , 140 treatment , 80 prognosis , 142 treatment , 142–143 CTS . See Carpal tunnel B syndrome (CTS) Barlow’s test , 65 Cubitus valgus , 25 Biceps brachii dislocation , 21 Cubitus varus , 24, 25 K.M. Iyer (ed.), Orthopedics of the Upper and Lower Limb, 169 DOI 10.1007/978-1-4471-4447-2, © Springer-Verlag London 2013 170 Index D diagnosis , 130 DeQuervain’s tenosynovitis , 40–41 etiology , 128 Developmental dysplasia examination , 130 Barlow’s test , 65 pathology , 128–129 clinical features , 64 peroneal/spasmodic , 131–132 congenital dislocation , 63 predisposing factors , 128 newborn child affects , 63, 64 symptoms , 129 Ortolani’s test , 65 treatment , 130–131 pathological anatomy , 64 vertical talus deformity , 127–128 treatment , 67–68 weak feet types , 129 ultrasound scan , 65 functions , 125–126 X-rays , 65–67 mechanics and movements , 126 Discoid lateral cartilage , painful heel conditions 100–101 pathological disturbances , Dropped shoulder , 16 134, 135 Dupuytren’s contracture , 42–44 traumatic disturbances , 132–134 plantar fascia fi bromatosis , 135–136 Forearm E congenital absence, radius , 29–30 Elbow congenital radio-ulnar synostosis , bursitis , 26 31–33 cubitus valgus , 25 dislocated head of radius , 34 cubitus varus , 24, 25 Madelung’s deformity , 33–34 fl ail , 27 post-axial ulnar hemimelia , 30 Golfer’s elbow , 26 Freiberg’s infraction , 162–163 Javelin thrower’s elbow , 26 loose body , 27 osteoarthritis , 26 G post-traumatic stiffness , 27–28 Genu valgum , 107–108 tennis , 23–24 Genu varum , 108–111 tuberculosis , 26 Golfer’s elbow , 26 ulnar neuritis , 26 Gun-stock deformity , 24, 25 F H Felon , 50, 51 Hallux fl exus , 158–159 Ficat and Arlet classi fi cation , 78, 79 Hallux rigidus , 157–158 Flail elbow , 27 Hallux valgus Foot clinical features , 153–154 arches , 125 conservative treatment , 154 cavus foot metatarsal , 153–154 clinical features , 137–138 operative treatment , 155–157 deformity development , 136–137 pathology , 153 etiology , 136 proximal phalanyx , 153 treatment , 138–139 Hammer toe , 166–167 congenital talipes equinovarus Hand and fi ngers clinical features , 140–141 Dupuytren’s contracture , 42–44 diagnosis , 141 trigger fi nger , 45–46 etiology , 139 Hand infections pathological anatomy , 140 felon , 50, 51 prognosis , 142 herpetic whitlow , 52 treatment , 142–143 human and animal bites , 52 fl at foot necrotizing fasciitis , 52–53 acquired , 128 paronychia , 49, 50 calcaneovalgus , 126–127 tendon sheath infections , 50–51 Index 171 thenar and midpalmar infections , 51–52 J tuberculous infection , 52–53 Javelin thrower’s elbow , 26 Herpetic whitlow , 52 Joint arthroplasty , 48 Hip deformity AVN causes , 77–78 K clinical Features , 78, 79 Knee joint Ficat and Arlet Classi fi cation , alar pad affections , 102–103 78, 79 anatomy investigations , 78–80 cruciate ligaments , 87 staging , 78 infrapatellar pad , 87 treatment , 80 integrity , 87–88 developmental dysplasia medial and lateral ligaments , 86 Barlow’s test , 65 menisci , 86 clinical features , 64 popliteus , 85 congenital dislocation , 63 quadriceps , 85 newborn child affects , 63, 64 tibial spine , 87 Ortolani’s test , 65 bipartite patella , 103–104 pathological anatomy , 64 bursitis , 91 treatment , 67–68 cruciate ligaments ultrasound scan , 65 anterior , 104 X-rays , 65–67 posterior , 104–105 investigations treatment , 105–106 arthrography , 62 discoid lateral cartilage , 100–101 bloods , 61 fl exion contracture , 92 bone scan , 63 genu valgum , 107–108 CT scan , 64 genu varum , 108–111 MRI scan , 64 loose bodies ultrasound scan , 62 atypical symptoms , 118 X-rays , 61–62 cartilaginous , 113 meralgia paraesthetica , 74 clinical features , 118 osteoarthritis (OA) , 75–77 fi brinous/necrotic synovium , 113 pelvic and spinal movement , 57 fi brous , 113 Perthes’ disease osteo-cartilaginous , 113–116 avascular necrosis , 78, 79 pathological osteo-cartilaginous , 116 clinical features , 80 posterior compartments , 118–119 treatment , 81–83 synovial chondromata , 117 X-rays , 81, 82 treatment , 118 septic arthritis , 72–73 medial and lateral ligaments , 106 slipped capital femoral epiphysis , 69–71 patella symptoms chondromalacia , 88–89 ASIS , 60 habitual/recurrent dislocation , 89–91 deformity , 58 pellegrini-stieda’s disease , 111 discharging sinuses/puckered scars , 59 rotary instability , 107 feeling anatomical landmarks , 59–60 semilunar cartilages fl exion deformity , 60 clinical features , 95–96, 100 Galleazzi test , 60, 61 cysts , 101–102 hip pain , 57–58 differential diagnosis , 97–98 limp , 58 examination , 96–97 muscle wasting , 59 mechanism of displacement , 94–95 signs , 59 pathology of , 95 stiffness , 58–59 symptoms , 96 swelling , 58 technique of operation , 99–100 trochanteric bursitis , 75 treatment , 98–99 tuberculosis , 73–74 stiff knee , 92–94 172 Index L cysts , 101–102 Leg differential diagnosis , 97–98 congenital pseudoarthrosis, tibia , 121–122 examination , 96–97 osteochondritis dissecans, ankle , 122–123 mechanism of displacement , 94–95 peroneus tertius rupture , 123–124 pathology of , 95 symptoms , 96 technique of operation , 99–100 M treatment , 98–99 Madelung’s deformity , 33–34 Shoulder joint Meralgia paraesthetica , 74 acute synovitis , 3 Metatarsus anterior dislocations , 10–11 atavicus/brevis , 152 dropped shoulder , 16 clinical effect frozen shoulder/adhesive capsulitis , 9 hallux fl exus , 158–159 neuralgic amyotrophy , 15–16 hallux rigidus , 157–158 posterior dislocation , 11 hallux valgus ( see Hallux valgus) snapping scapula , 12–13 forefoot, normal form , 151 snapping shoulder , 12 hypermobilicus , 152 spontaneous axillary vein thrombosis , 17 metatarsalgia , 159–161 sprain , 3–4 primus varus , 151, 152 subcoracoid bursitis , 5 subdeltoid/subacromial bursitis , 4, 5 supraspinatus tendon N calci fi cation of , 6–7 Necrotizing fasciitis , 52–53 deltoid and acromion process , 5 Neuralgic amyotrophy , 15–16 etiology , 6 incomplete rupture , 7–8 rupture, rotator cuff , 8–9 O tendinitis of , 5 Onychogryphosis , 165 winged scapula , 13–15 Ortolani’s test , 65 Snapping scapula , 12–13 Osteoarthritis (OA) Snapping shoulder , 12 avascular necrosis , 77 Spontaneous axillary vein thrombosis , 17 femoral head , 75 Sports elbows , 26 hallux rigidus , 157 Subcoracoid bursitis , 5 thumb , 48 Subdeltoid/subacromial bursitis , 4, 5 Subungual exostosis , 165 Subungual hematoma , 164 P Supraspinatus tendon Paronychia , 49, 50 calci fi cation of , 6–7 Pediatric trigger thumb , 47 deltoid and the acromion process , 5 Pellegrini-stieda’s disease , 111 etiology , 6 Perthes’ disease incomplete rupture , 7–8 avascular necrosis , 78, 79 rupture, rotator cuff , 8–9 clinical features , 80 tendinitis of , 5 treatment , 81–83 X-rays , 81, 82 Plantar fascia fi bromatosis , 135–136 T Plantaris tendon rupture , 146 Tendocalcaneus rupture , 144–146 Post-traumatic stiffness , 27–28 Tendon sheath infections , 50–51 Tennis elbow , 23–24 Thenar and midpalmar infections , 51–52 S Thumb Scapulo-humeral peri-arthritis , 4 joint arthroplasty , 48 Semilunar cartilages osteoarthritis , 48 clinical features , 95–96, 100 pediatric trigger , 47 Index 173 Toe W fi fth toe overlapping , 166 Winged scapula , 13–15 freiberg’s infraction , 162–163 Wrist joint hammer toe , 166–167 CTS ingrowing toe nail , 163–164 clinical presentation , 36 Kohler’s disease, tarsal navicular , diagnostic procedures , 37 167–168 enrapment neuropathy , 35 march foot/fracture , 161–162 etiology , 35–36, 39 metatarsus ( see Metatarsus) frequency , 36 onychogryphosis , 165 imaging studies , 37 sesamoid bones , 165–166 invasive or nonoperative technique , 40 subungual exostosis , 165 medical therapy , 38 subungual hematoma , 164 pathophysiology , 36 Traumatic arthritis , 144 provocative tests , 37 Trigger fi nger , 45–46 surgical therapy , 38–39 Tuberculous infection, hand , 52–53 DeQuervain’s tenosynovitis , 40–41 .
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