~ - 21:1~ ,Cadets b. .. Vt Fair "'" ATII. MEATH, II ••' I.or red da.mp. AI tI" ••• b III I Ige ot ttc:bni. ..... Ihr ....1a Oel. 31; '1 Ibrol .. 1a &1 .... 1II,... 1a leges cIo !lot N ... 10: 1.1 lb,••• 1a QI , ... 1..,•• ,. D... II; al IOWA: Fair ucl mild ioday, &lor.I.1a VI,... lb ........... II. IUOAa....... r • ., !rmOr~ th '''IIl, lIS •••d lor five p ••••• " ....'Ii Deo. 11. 8B018. incnwnl' cloudiness b •• k lbr~e .I.pl... ..m ... 1. :. S ••1 • , ••••••• 11 . Ilmost 'ev e, ailol,. THE" DAILY IOWAN tonll'~t. ,)'Sically :: Iowa City's Morning Newspaper ---------.. :'IVE CENTS TBI A880CI.\'I'ID PUBS IOWA CITY. IOWA SUNDAY, OCTOBER 28,1945 .... ASSOCIATED palRli VOLUME xxn NUMBER 30 ========================-~,========~====~~======~========================~==========~======~====~~=============-~===='============~=====-. resl• ent rges orl _ooperatipn , . .es . HEADS ATOM CONTROL l Notre 'Dame Humiliates Iowa, 56~O Truman Siaies ~emerhber ~ Foreign Policy ur varied .10 $US' ARGENTINE POLICE DISPERSE PERON RALLY """ $Z.) Jinx Fails -General Motors Asks (10 In Navy Talk ~ g mater_ U. S. Advised to Use lmes, To Stop Irish . To Join i~ 45 Hour Demand t 10 , .... Its Military Strength To Keep World Peace Opponents Use Five 8 , THE ASSO&':lATID pallss would also increase overtime com- General Motors corporations, pensation, since overtime would be note ~ ln NEW YORK (AP)-President Teams to Maul Hawks whose workers last week voted paid for at time and a hOlI! based Truman told lhe world yesterday names of Before 52,000 Fans more than 5 to 1 in favor of a on the new rates. $2 .... the highest hope ot the American strike, yesterday suggested that the Strike Favored people was the perfection of By GUS SCHRADER 010 Automobile Workers union LOlst week CIO- UA W members world cooperation to a point where Dally Iowan Sports EcUtor join the corporation In asking that at General Motors and Chrysler e season'. "atomic methods of destruction SOUTH BEND, Ind.-It took congre. s make the postwar stand­ plants throughout the nation voted md colon can be delinitely and effectively Noire Dame's first team just 11 ard work week 45 hours In tead of in favor or a strike, in on effort n.' outlawed forever." minutes here yesterday afternoon 40. to gain a 30 percent industry-wide to prove that Iowa's piUfully out­ wage increase, Making hJs first overall state­ C. E. Wilson, General Motors Shortly 1hereafter, the CIO SENATOR BRIEN McMahon (D., classed Hawkeyes needed some­ president. wrote union olCicials ment of foreign policy in a navy thing besides a traditional jinx United Steel workers announced Conn,), freshman member of the that with such a change in the they planned 10 conduct induslry­ day speech before a million per­ leathen over their mighty Irish rivals to work week the company would United States senate, has bee n sons in Central park, the chief win a big time football game. wide strike votes because of com­ sual de­ grant on approximate six percent pany rejection of their demand tor named chairman ot the new 11- executive declared: Notre Dame's second, third, wage increase to all workers "so tyUl\qin fourth and even fifth stringers wage increases. man special commitlee to handle "We seek to use our military , colora. that men working 45 hours at the However, the nation's total of all legislation on control and use look up the massacre alter that new straight Ume rates will make strength solely to preserve the and Iowa was mauled with a total as much money as they do now workers idle because of labor dis- of atomic energy. to 51 ... of eight touchdowns and a safety putes declined slightly during the __________ peace of the world. For we now for 45 hours work." last 24 hours to a total of 235,000, know that that is the only sure to $5 ...• to suffer its worst loss of the sea­ The proposal, Wilson said, would r sad, 56-0, before 52,500 fans. and the Federal Conciliation serv­ way to make our freedom secure. increase the earnings of persons ice in Washington predicted that That is the basis of the foreign Iowa's puny efforts against the working less than 45 hours and Chinese Make Effort nation's second best eleven didn't "near normal conditions" may be policy of the people of the United even dent the midfield stripe un til reached by mid-November. States." Ilopq de­ the last quarter was half over.j MOUNTED POllei; DISPERSE a demonstration demanding the! release ot Juan Domingo Peron from jail Philip Murray. president of both To Prevent War· lZ-Poln& Pollcy the CIO and its alliliated United The president, outlining a 12- ~. SPark. Then, after gaining and losing on Oct. 16. as Buenos Aires was virtually brougnt Lo a standstill by parading Peroneslu. ACCotdln, Van Mook Ordered :de',:K1:*Y across the 50-yard line three to reports the tactics by the pollee .were merely ge.alUres and demonstrations went on unchecked until Steel workers, said he hoped to Status Quo Remains point policy, asserted that the na­ ·times, the Hawks finally got used ",c (0 !lowing da.y when Peron Yfu released and restore! to full pOwer.. (lnlerutionIJ) have strike vote petitions in the tion regards possession of the Istic·'.<md to the idea that the Irish were giv­ To Begin Negotiations hands of the National Labor Rela­ If Communists Stop atomic bomb "a saored trust." He Ing them the most top· heavy de- tions board (which would conduct Railway Obstruction added; I ~ · $i~" feat In recent Old Gold history. With Nationalists the balloting), War Labor board, The atomic bomb does not alter No Disgrace and secretary of labor "no later th~ basic foreign policy of the UNIVERSITY CONCERT CHUNGKING (AP)-A: fresh :OME It was no disgrace to lose to such University students may ,se- (on·scription Favored in Poll than Monday." United States. It makes the de­ a mighty array of power as Notre cure free tickets to the concert THE HAGUE (AP)-The Dutch The strike vote was planned government effort to break the velopment and application of our Dame fielded yesterday afternoon. by William Primrose, violist, government yesterday ordered after major steel companies re- current deadlock in negotiations policy more urgent than we could Fifty-six men dressed for the Wednesday, Oct. 31, by pre­ WASHINGTON (AP) - Sup- among those who said they would Hubertus Van Mook, acting gov­ jected a union demand for a $2 a with the Communists and prevent have dreamed six months ago. It porters outnumber opponents but ernor general of the Netherlands day wage increase. The .ballots means that we must be prepared to Irish; all but one inj\lred guard senting their student identifica­ vote for compulsion. would aUed 600,000 workers in China from drHting into civil war tool( part in the rout. Undoubtedly tion cards at the ticket des)<. in a pecisive segment of the senate East Indies, to begin negotiations approach international problems Coach Hugh Devore regretted not the lobby of Iowa Union begin­ has not made up its mind about Senator Russell (D., Ga.) said immediately with the Indonesian 7611 steel, aluminum and iron ore was disclosed yesterday by Mini- with greater speed, with greater dressing more and poorer material, ning tomorrow, compulSory military training in he will not vote to take young­ nationalists seekin, independence. plants. ster of Information K. C. Wu. determination, and with greater The cabinet or President Soek­ !\landate because he made no attempt to run Reserved seat tickets will be peacetime, an Associated Press sters out o~ school for II year. But Wu said the centJ:a1.government ingenultr in order to meet a situ­ sma, who head the WU'880gnlud The steel workers' announce­ up the score after the first quarter. available to non-students. pOll showed yesteraay. ~ he will support the compulsory proposed that if the Communists ation for '\\Ihlch there is no prece­ Coach Clem Crowe. who cer­ "Indonesian republic," held a ment followed a statement by the dent." Eighty-lour senators were asked principle It the training is spread lengthy session yesterday morn­ CIO United Automobile workers refrained from obstructing rail­ tAinly didn't enjoy his "homecom­ the questlon: way communications the status Truman said the United States ing" to the Notre Dame stadium out over lour years and emphasis ing, but issued no announcement that results 01 a strike vote con­ soon would begin discussions of "Do you favor compe1l!ng phy­ other than to soy the meeting ducted at General Motors and quo could be maintained outside where he earned fame 20 years W H t sically-able young men to take laid on the Nalional Guard and the railway zones. (This implied the atomic bomb with Great Brit­ ago, started a surprise lineup for would be resumed today. Chrysler plants constituted a ain and Canada and later with oman ur military, 01' other wal', training?" ROTC. Fighting broke out Friday be­ "mandate" to the union to stand that central government forces Iowa's game of the year. He placed Twenty-five, including 18 Dem­ Senator Huffman (D., Ohio) said would keep hands off the Com­ olher notions, but he reiterated two new tackles Leon George, con- tween Japanese and Indoneslan firm in its demand {Or an indus­ that those talks would not be con­ ocrats and seven Republicans, he sees the necessity of some kind troops neal' Garut, southeast of try-wide 30 percent wage increase. munists in areas away from the verted guard. and Bob Knowlton, said they are for some form of of oompulsory training, but is railway lines, providing they did cerned with the "processes of new candidate who joined the In, (ar' Crash Bandoeng, the Dutch news agency The CIO-UAW said General manufacturing the atomIc bomb or compulsory training.
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