Biology ^ AUG 3 2005 590.5 Fl N.S. no. 104(2005) HI ^[yr\ Zoology NEW SERIES, NO. 104 Systematic Review of Japanese Macaques, Macaca fuscata (Gray, 1870) Jack Fooden Mitsuru Aimi March 14, 2005 Publication 1533 PUBLISHED BY FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAT HISTORY Information for Contributors to Fieldiana Fieldianu ... .. ... ,.....s .... ..... ... .,....., ^ ..,^...^..... published b} publishes the research of staff members and our research associates. The page charge currently is S65 per page. This figure is subject to change. All authors are encouraged to provide fundin cn.^n,^rt \h.- ^,^ '-"'xluction of tHclr works. Submission procedures: A submission procedures document is available from the scientific -ditor of the journal and on the Museum's web site (by 2004). Manuscripts submitted for re\ ic should be prepared using standard electronic software and submitted to the scientific editor in three photocopies. 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UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN BIOLOGY FIELDIANA Zoology NEW SERIES, NO. 104 Systematic Review of Japanese Macaques, Macaca fuscata (Gray, 1870) Jack Fooden 2005 Field Museum of Natural History ISSN 0015-0754 PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Table of Contents Natural History 50 Habitats 50 Terrestriality/Arboreality 51 Abstract 1 Group Size and Composition 51 Introduction 1 Home Range Area and Group Density ... 52 Geographic Distribution, Total Popula- Diet 52 tion Estimate 3 Predators 54 External Characters 5 Intergroup Dispersal 54 Pelage 5 Reproduction 54 General Characterization 5 Seasonality 54 Early Development 5 Sexual Maturation 57 Seasonal Variation 5 Sexual Skin 57 Geographic Variation 6 Menstrual Cycle 58 Albinism 8 Estrus 58 External Measurements and Proportions .. 8 Consortship 59 Linear Measurements of Body Size .... 8 Copulatory Behavior 60 Tail Length 11 Dominance Rank and Reproductive Suc- Hind Foot Length 12 cess 60 Body Weight 13 Inbreeding 61 Summary 13 Hybridization 61 Dermatoglyphics 15 Nonreproductive Sexual Behavior 62 Congenital Malformation of Limbs 15 Gestation 63 Cranial Characters 17 Parturition 64 Effect of Provisioning 17 Neonatal Sex Ratio; Birth Weight 65 Sex and Age Variation 17 Twinning 66 Geographic Variation 19 Birthrate 66 Interspecific Comparisons 21 Infant Mortality 68 Molecular Biology and Genetics 22 Nursing; Weaning 68 DNA: Intraspecific Studies 22 Longevity; Reproductive Senescence 71 Mitochondrial DNA 22 Population Growth Rate 72 Minisatellite DNA and Microsatellite Fossils 72 DNA 33 Systematics 72 DNA: Interspecific Studies 33 Geographic Variation and Subspecific Mitochondrial DNA 33 Recognition 72 Nuclear DNA: Noncoding Intron 33 Pelage Color 75 Nuclear DNA: Y-Chromosome 35 Body Size 75 Nuclear DNA: Random Amplified Poly- Cranial Morphology 75 morphism 35 Mitochondrial DNA; Blood Proteins ... 75 Mitochondrial DNA-Nuclear DNA: Key to External Characters of Recog- Multiple Loci 35 nized Subspecies 77 Blood Proteins 37 Japanese Vernacular Names Applied to Hemoglobin Amino-Acid Sequence 42 Macaca fuscata 77 Antibodies to Cedar Pollen Antigens 43 Subspecies Accounts: Karyology 45 Macaca fuscata fuscata (Gray, 1870) 77 Parasites 46 Synonymy 77 Protistans 46 Type Series 79 Trematodes 47 Type Locality 80 Cestodes 47 Distribution 81 Nematodes 47 Diagnosis 81 Mite 49 Remarks 81 Lice 49 Specimens Examined 82 Tick 49 Macaca fuscata yakui Kuroda, 1 940 82 Q Fever Bacterium 49 Synonymy 82 Viruses 49 Type Series 82 ui and infant at Type Locality 83 male, photographed Distribution 83 Takasakiyama, Oita Prefecture, Diagnosis 83 Kyushu 6 Specimens Examined 83 4. Latitudinal variation in head and body Evolution and Dispersal 83 length in Honshu and Shikoku samples Acknowledgments 86 of Macaca fuscata aduhs, 10 Literature Cited 86 5. Latitudinal variation in sitting height in Appendix L Specimens Examined 105 Macaca fuscata adults 12 Appendix 2: Macaca fuscata Localities 6. Latitudinal variation in anterior trunk Reported in Postal Survey' Conduct- length in Macaca fuscata adults 14 ed BY K. Hasebe in 1923 108 7. Latitudinal variation in tail length in Appendix 3. Locality Records (Specimens Macaca fuscata adults 16 Examined and Literature Records) 8. Tail length vs. head and body length in OF Macaca fuscata 113 Macaca immatures and adults fuscata' Appendix 4: Gazetteer of Macaca fuscata 18 Collection and Observation Locali- 9. Latitudinal variation in hind foot length ties 119 m Macaca fuscata aduXis 20 Appendix 5: Local Variation in Sitting 10. Latitudinal variation in body weight in Height in Macaca fuscata Adults on Macaca fuscata adults 22 Honshu 191 1 1 . Skull of adult female Macaca fuscata Appendix 6: Local Variation in Anterior fuscata 26 Trunk Length in Macaca fuscata 12. Skull of adult female Macaca fuscata Adults on Honshu 192 yakui 27 Appendix 7: Local Variation in Tail 13. Skull of adult male Macaca fuscata Length and Tail Length/Anterior fuscata 28 Trunk Length ratio in Macaca fusca- 14. Skull of adult male Macaca fuscata ta Adults on Honshu 194 yakui 29 Appendix 8: Local Variation in Hind 15. Latitudinal variation in Foot Length and Hind Foot/Anteri- greatest length of skull in Macaca adults 32 or Trunk Length Ratio in Macaca fuscata 16. Greatest of vs. fuscata Adults on Honshu 196 length skull estimated in Honshu and Yakushima Appendix 9: Local Variation in Body age speci- Weight in Macaca fuscata Adults on mens of Macaca fuscata 34 Honshu 197 17. Orbital height vs. orbital breadth in in- Appendix 10: Local Variation in Great- sular samples of Macaca fuscata adults est Length of Skull in Macaca fus- 36 cata Adults on Honshu 198 18. Geographic variation in mtDNA se- Index 199 quence haplotypes in Macaca fuscata Note Added in Proof 200 (Hayasaka et al., 1991) 38 19. Geographic variation in mtDNA se- quence haplotypes in Macaca fuscata (Kawamoto, 2002) 41 List of Illustrations 20. Geographic distribution and genetic in- terrelationships of blood-protein groups in Macaca 43 1. Macaca fuscata depicted in first scroll fuscata 21. Distribution oi Macaca (detail) of four-scroll Choju-jinbutsu- fuscata troops giga set 2 in Japan for which birth seasonality data are available 55 2. Survey reports of geographic distribu- tion of Macaca fuscata 22. Latitudinal variation in birth seasonali- A. Survey conducted in 1923 by K. ty in in-situ troops of Macaca fuscata Hasebe 4 56 B. Survey conducted in 1992 by Envi- 23. Age-specific birthrates in two nonpro- ronmental Agency of Japan 4 visioned troops and two provisioned 3. Macaca fuscata adult male, adult fe- troops of Macaca fuscata 70 IV 24. Distribution of fossil macaque locali- genital limb malformations in Macaca ties in Japan 76 fuscata neonates 24 25. Bathymetric map of Yakushima-Sakha- 16. Greatest length of skull in sample of lin island-chain area, illustrating proba- provisioned Macaca fuscata population ble land bridges exposed by sea-level collected at Takagoyama, Chiba Prefec- depression of 140 m 84 ture, Honshu, compared with that in sample of nonprovisioned populations collected elsewhere in Chiba Prefecture 30 List of Tables 17. Cranial measurements and proportions in age/sex classes of nonprovisioned wild-collected Macaca /Micara 30 1 . Estimates of total extant population of 18. Dental emergence chronology in Maca- Macaca fuscata 5 ca fuscata 31 2. Geographic variation in mean paleness 19. Insular variation in greatest length of index values of pelage on dorsal sur- skull (mm) in wild-collected Macaca face of trunk, dorsal surface of hands, fuscata 31 and dorsal surface of feet in Macaca 20. Insular variation in head length (great- fuscata 7 est midsagittal length from glabella to 3. Months during which molting was ob- occiput) in living Macaca fuscata 33 served in nine Macaca fuscata captives 21. Insular variation in orbital measure- maintained outdoors at the Japan Mon- ments and orbital height/breadth index key Centre, Inuyama, Aichi Prefecture, in adult wild-collected Macaca fuscata Honshu 7 35 4. Dorsal hair density in infant and adult 22. Greatest length of skull and rostral- Macaca fuscata 8 postrostral ratio \n fascicularis-gxoxyp 5. Prefectural variation in head and body species 37 length and related external measure- 23. Local variation in mtDNA sequence ments in Macaca fuscata 9 haplotypes in Macaca fuscata (Hayasa- 6. Insular variation in sitting height in kaet al., 1991) 39 Macaca fuscata adults 11 24. Mitochondrial DNA haplotypes detect- 7. Insular variation in anterior trunk ed in Macaca fuscata at localities sam- length in Macaca fuscata adults 13 pled by Kawamoto (2002) 40 8. Insular variation in tail length and tail 25. Mean mtDNA divergence estimates re- length/anterior trunk length ratio in ported between Macaca fuscata and M. Macaca fuscata adults 15 mulatta, M. cyclopis, and M. fascicu- 9. External measurements in seven Maca- laris 42 ca fuscata adults with unusually short 26. Sister-group relationships of Macaca tails 17 fuscata indicated by sequencing of pa- 10.
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